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Posts posted by Shad282



    Dear shad


    If you don't spend time in Ying, you will not go through the stage.


    The stage of opening heart need many years.


    What you do is only practice Yang, no Ying.


    Every time you practice, Yang come first and Ying come after Yang.


    If you don't let yourself go inside Ying.


    It's impossible to pass the biggest stuck, you can not open the tunnel of Kundalini中脈.


    I was wondering if there is a practice other than sleeping that would help in ying? because if i oversleep (or sleep less), i wake up very tired. I m used to sleep 8 hours a day, been years like that.
    Also, I do practice vipassana or going through the body with focus/intention on each part to feel the sensations there, it is when i feel pains on some places of the body like the area around the heart, but i thought vipassana or such techniques are ying? since they are more passive?
    is qigong ying or yang? and is there a way to identify whether a practice is ying or yang ?
    I do have some deep inside big anger that comes out when triggered sometimes, i think it is yang...
    Thank you very much for your information and help :) 

  2. You use too much fire, 武火.


    When you get to the point -the fire is enough, you need to turn down the fire.


    It means you need more relax, even fall asleep.


    I had this state about three years.


    Every time I practiced , I fell asleep in seconds.


    After I slept for almost 3 years, my heart was opened and I saw many beautiful inner views, snow fly, mandala, full moon, red sun, even yang Shen.


    So what you have to do is lie down, don't sit , when you practice.


    And relax until fall asleep.


    Maybe you will sleep for 12 hours a day and last for 3 years.


    But it worth.


    If you pass the stage, you will know why.

    you are right, but not sure if able to find time to stay asleep all that time. a lot of things must be done... 


    My sex drive has been in serious park for some time for health reasons, with rare exceptions, but prior to that (and I assume again at some point now that I'm sorta fixed) I did a lot of experimenting with masturbation. If done right, if you can hold the attention just as it is nearing climax, just before you start the end-run cycle, if you switch your attention to whatever it is you had wanted to give that energy to, and then give it as a gift, it works amazingly well. By which I mean, you know it works because the energy disappears. One instant you're all oh! oh! like a pxrn star and the next it's TOTALLY GONE like you could have been doing a spreadsheet or writing code. It's not like you come down, it's like it's utterly gone like it never existed at all. You can direct it to some part of your body. I have sometimes directed it to my Aeons but usually it's just directed up the spine to all the chakras instead of 'vented out.'


    I find that if I'm working on being close to a given Aeon (aspect of self, sort of...), archetype or anything else, that if I do the process with them in mind as imagination but make a very big point to NOT finish -- to simply pull the energy up into my solar plexus instead, and let it go -- then like, in the evening of that day, if I sit down to meditate with that identity/energy, my rapport tends to be very powerful.


    Someday I will find the guy I've been having dreams and visions about for years, and get to experiment with all the things I never got to do earlier in life LOL. I hope. Meanwhile it's just "quality time with myself" as my best friend (a man) and I refer to it. At this point, after years of trying to do something useful with the energy, I actually feel guilty if I don't. Like I have kind of wasted something important for a moment of more selfish intensity.



    i have been trying the technique you described up there and yeah i was able to reach orgasm but not ejaculate and so able to orgasm 10 times and more ... even tho i tried to direct the energy but didn't feel anything serious going on, dunno if my sensitivity is low.

    but i did notice that it is quiet addictive since you can orgasm many times and quiet develop addiction to dopamine secretion in the mind after doing that., since it relaxes thoughts and help you escape stuff... also i felt my heart really tired and exhausted if i masturbate with or without ejaculating and fogginess in the mind is experienced, so not sure if i m doing something wrong..


    now i m stopping masturbation been a week or more... but anger is arising and such not sure it is the right way... since i m forcing myself to stop... so i m trying to find the deep reason why i m seeking that release to heal it rather than dealing with the symptom.


    Thank you! :)

    • Like 1

  4. In another thread, you said you wanted to cultivate jing, chi, and shen. How does talking about porn help you cultivate? Your awareness keeps returning to the subject matter at hand.



    Talk more about penguins. Seriously. :)



    hahaahha I LOVE !! penguins ! 


    But I stopped masturbating and watching porn in order to cultivate the jing... so it is part of cultivation by discussing my observations and what i read with other people concerning this topic that is related to cultivation of jing :P

    I think now the puzzle is clear. :)


    I am having a hard time with the use of the word victim in this instance. How can we call ourselves a victim if we are continually and or consciously returning to something for gratification? Is it someone else's fault that we as humans do not have self-control in a given set of circumstances? Is it the porn star's, web developer's or your ISP's fault that you made your way to some website, or is it your own that you typed and clicked your way there and made the choice to view the material? There is a power button on every electronic device.


    That being said, a good amount of self-determination is in order to move past habits or addictions to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. We cannot blame others for our actions, habits or addictions especially if we have the cognition to identify that it is a problem.


    Yes we do have a choice to stop, but it really depends on our level of consciousness and awareness. because it is everywhere, from internet to social media to media tv...., sexual stuff are used to get your attention.


    I m not sure the solution is:

    - turn off the internet, block all pages,

    - turn off the TV

    - don't look at billboards

    - don't look on ads that are in magazines, newspaper and those in buses or metro stations.

    - ....etc


    you can't just close everything and live disconnect from your environments because every space that exist, ads are there.


    and this happens from since we were born... maybe you were not born in a time where ads and media is everywhere and has a wide range.. but nowadays kids are born in a society full of ads, media, values that socialize them in this way and affect their beliefs and not all kids have parents or have good parents. 


    so yes they are Victims, for being socialized in a world where media uses sexual contents to market products, idea, services...etc.


    in my post i m trying to understand what are the common reasons to people go weak toward porn and masturbation, and the reasons that causes them to become addicted to it or make sex as a very crucial thing to have. and discussing its effect on energy level, consciousness, awareness.... 

  5. This is in the same sense that an alcoholic is a victim of alcohol addiction. Sure, they could theoretically physically avoid alcohol with supreme will power that lasts forever...but it's easier to suggest to do that, than it is to be in their shoes and try that strategy.


    This being said...never be a victim about anything in life.


    How to strive toward freedom...


    It's easier to control what we pay attention to, than it is to control our lust and desire for release. We can choose to not pay attention to images that stir up our lust.


    If lust does get stirred up, we know from experience that repression, guilt and shame, feeling like a failure for not succeeding in celibacy, etc, are not helpful things to cultivate.


    It really must be continually cut off at the distracting attention away from things that stir up lust.


    While it's easy to say this, and easy to implement for a while...the trick is continuing on this path over time.


    Celibacy is no joke, for a normally functioning male. Attempting it will give you precious insight into all of the ways in which we sabotage will fail all the time.


    Something else to consider - sex in a healthy relationship is good.


    I m not sure distracting our attention away from pornography is the way to solve it... rather it is better to dig down and try to find the causes for making us want to watch porn and more deeply the category and type of porn reflect different deep issues. it is not about controlling but more of understanding the internal reasons. 


    Also, you are describing it as it is impossible to go into celibacy as you said "you will fail all the time", i would like to ask why?


    and it is not easy to know whether the relationship you are having is healthy, because there are many details should be considered in order to know whether it is healthy or not. and also, you should know whether you or your partner's perception of sex is healthy and no obsession and other details too...


    but seems a lot of people fear celibacy or view it as something hard and rough, could be due to society over encouraging pair-love and finding the other half and that special person and it is the mainstream and it was encouraged in religions, making celibacy as something outsider wrong, lonely, negative or maybe strange.


    I don't think you should get hung up on anything. If you forbid something and moralise over it, you create an obsession with it. Take everything very lightly. Cultivate kindness and a peaceful mind and these things work themselves out. Don't go to any extremes. When something goes to an extreme it reverses.


    True I'm not going extreme, but it shouldn't be something encouraged and marketed masturbation and porn. I m not sure if it is logically to say to someone, a schedule to watch porn and masturbate. what if this person watches  porn that is violent and aggressive, hurtful and objectifying. 

  6. True.  Anything that hits the brain reward centers so directly has a chance to get addictive.  I think the middle ground is best, neither 'it's evil and you'll go blind' or 'do it all the time'.   Some sort of middle ground or perhaps a little more on the disciplined side.  At best it can add spice to a relationship, at worst it becomes a substitute for one, even a barrier. 


    We are the middle of a new age, ie in that it is so easy to get, in every computer and smart phone.  In the 70's and 80's magazines were .. coveted.  Even earlier there forbidden nature made them desirable, there were many publishers.  With such easy access to porn, absolutely free, its.. boring..?  I've always found adult films, boring, redundant, I know how they end.


    Maybe the problem is modern isolation.  Less courtship.. 

    not how it is a good idea to balance in watching something that is not that useful and had a lot of negative side effects. 

    because it is hard to use porn consciously and mindfully and if you did, it will result of not turning you on at all, and kinda useless... at least for me. porn is created to communicate with your subconscious rather than your consciousness. 

    • Like 1

  7. Circle walking is one.


    Another great neigong practice is living the rhinocero's life: wandering around mindfully attached to nothing. This is the toughest gong fu version but works like a charm on the naughty mind. :)


    "Laying aside all violence, respecting all beings,

    never harming even one of them,

    one should not wish for a son,

    nor neither for any companion.

    One should wander solitary as a rhinoceros horn.

    ...The considerations which exists for sons and wives is like

    a spreading bamboo entangled, a solid web of bars,

    Like a single young bamboo shoot up free, not caught up with others

    One should wander solitary as a rhinoceros horn."



    A modified version would be: walking meditation for 15 h a day from time to time. You might end up levitating if you develop a really strong shen. ;)


    Walking meditation in the Thai Forest Tradition

    oh thank you, but isn't that quote, too lonely?? :P ... so while walking i start to fly ?? :o :O :P :P

  8. Two things that are true about our culture...


    (1) We are very sex-negative.  (Also sensuality-negative, body-negative, earth-negative, woman-negative -- one big mess of interrelated negativity.)


    (2) We watch a lot of porn.


    Weird, right?  You`d think that we`d have to be really sex-positive to watch as much porn as we do, but that`s not the case.  And here`s why: it`s negative attitudes about sex (and embodiment generally) that drive porn use.  We don`t watch porn because we love sex so much, however much it might look like that; we watch porn because we are disconnected from our true sexual desires, disconnected from our bodies, and mostly because we are so deeply ashamed of ourselves.  


    So, porn is a little bit like quicksand in that the more you fight against it the deeper in you get.  The answer isn`t to become vehemenently anti-porn.  That attitude, while understandable, easily morphs into the sexual shame that only leads to more porn use.  So what does work?  Compassion towards self and others.  Mindfulness.  Gentleness.  


    I agree with you, because if we see the rate of views and likes on porn videos... we notice that videos with aggressive, pain, domination, rough.. that contains violent actions or  tricking has the highest rate and most viewed rank.

    But at the same time, in porn videos, they show you that this pain, aggressiveness, domination, feels very good and it is something great and that the other/same sex really likes to experience it. making you believe that other people like to feel pain even if they deny it.


    I'm not sure people watch porn because they feel disconnected from their sexual desires. because you see people that  keeps watching porn even after being in a relationship, and sometimes prefer porn and masturbation over having sex with a partner. and in many cases, porn addiction or mastubation addiction turns into sexual addiction... in other words, even if the person is comfortable with his own body and sex and having a lot of sex, orgies and making his fantasies come true... once he is not able to have sex, the person revert back to porn and/or masturbation.


    so, it is the same issues that exist but different escape tools. so it is a matter of an escape from something an issue maybe or so that is not necessarily related to sexuality/body.

  9. I'm reading some of this incredulously...  where are the stats that show the great "WE" are watching a lot of porn...   At first, I thought this thread was more a confessional... which is ok too...   but I'm more surprised a staff person moved it from off-topic to General.... now reading the responses, it seems most folks are taking this serious in a sense.     Nice :)

    the stats are available all over the internets, many reports i went through and many psychology articles that provide review of porn and its effect on society. i'm not making this up, you want proofs or annual statistics reports, google is your friend. 


    No, this thread is not confessional, it represents an observation and analyses of what is going on. I requested the staff to move the thread into this category because i posted it by mistake in off topic.. 


    It is not related to off topic, because i m relating porn industry on how it is affecting the energy, practices from meditation to other forms. 


    I don't see why people won't take serious, since it is something that most of people have experienced (porn and masturbation). 

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  10. Hm... victims of porn thread. We should have a victims of marihuana thread, victims of religion thread, victims of meditation thread, victims of chocolate thread and so on. They all have something in common and this something is the dopamine in your own brain. So basically whatever you do, you are victim of your own dopamine in your own brain.


    The only thing that keeps dopamine in check is the serotonin, so if you keep serotonin and dopamine high, everything is good.

    true there are many stuff that could affects us in increasing dopamine.. but porn... interfere more in the social life beyond all religions and addictions.. it affects the way we see a partner or the other/same sex and objectifying and makes us loose energy and motivation in day to day life and could lead to erectile dysfunction, so yeah.


    I m not saying other addictions are not bad, at the end it is an addiction, but it is the most popular but it is related to some kind of basic need, need for love.


    OH and it is FREE.

  11. how to accept and allow someone you care to, friends or family, to hurt themselves and do stuff that might lead to get them hurt themselves one day, because they are not listening?


    for me, it makes me angry and agitated, and i try to explain with facts and logic that what the person is doing or going to do will result in hurting themselves and regret later on, but people don't listen and go for what they want to do. and it kinda frustrates me seeing someone i care to going to hurt themselves.


    I wonder sometimes, how am i going to handle having kids and accepting their choices that might really bad. :P


  12. Overview


    I've been thinking lately about how much the porn industry and media impact our life.

    Just taking a look about the most used websites in different countries, the porn websites holds the top 5 most visited websites. which means that a lot of people use the internet to access porn and sexual  contents. The majority of porn users are men and youth according to some statistics.


    in other words, the porn industry have a very big impact on our daily life and affects the way we feel, we see ourselves, the opposite or same sex and sexualize our social life.

    Of course, with porn comes masturbation, and it is the addiction of the century, it is the technique used by the mind in order to escape feelings and emotions that arises, ending up with a need to release the dopamine and not deal with these deep issues.


    Masturbation makes you blind.


    Most of us, when we were young, we laughed at when we were told that masturbation will get you blind, because we thought that blindness meant to describe the inability to see with our eyes, and it was proved that none of the people who mastubate became blind because of masturbating.

    but blindness, is not referring to the eyes vision, it is more of consciousness and awareness of our own selves, our own emotions that point us to the deep traumas and issues registered in our subconscious and body. and that masturbation is an escapism due to the dopamine that is pumped in our brain due to orgasm make us avoid dealing with our internal issues.


    Energy and cultivation


    According to my observations, i did notice that porn affect a lot emotions in terms of making us objectify other people and enhance separation and decrease the ability to understand the person beyond the physicality. Also, masturbation does render the focus/intent very loose, it can be noticed if someone practices vipassana meditation, (where you scan the body and feel it with your focus) focusing and sensing of the body parts becomes very hard and superficial.


    Also, in masturbation Jing gets depleted and it is known that it is one of the 3 treasures of Traditional chinese medicine. 


    all of my male friends, watch porn a lot and have developed fetiches and want to get into a relationship to experience all of those positions and fetishes that are extreme and have gained a lot of weird sex beliefs and seems like how the majority of people think and believe.


    Also, i have noticed that the body by itself doesn't get turned on sexually, a person becomes horny due to thoughts that were activated due to stimulus: porn, media, pictures, imagination or a dream. 


    Also, Porn industry has added a lot of exotic values like "you must lose virginity before a certain age" "you should experience this fetish, that kind of person, size, height...." "jerking off is a must and healthy" "sex is very important" "size matters" .....etc of other values and ideas.


    What do you think about what is going on in our society and how the people are being programmed into a society that is primarily motivated by sex through the encouragement of mastubation and porn? how is it affecting our love life, spiritual life and our ability to think clearly, focus and make progress in our life.

  13. What's your goal?

    - Increase my body energy in terms of being more active and motivated.


    - Increase my awareness and consciousness.


    - Enhance my sensitivity to the chi and energy in order to use it in healing myself and others around me.


    - The jing energy my help to push out blockages in its way rising up, which allow me to be aware of them and able to focus on healing them. (blockages that result in anxiety or low confidence and such) since i can see the results but not the causes.


    - Ability to transmute the jing energy and use it, rather than finding other kind of releases (for example, such as addictions to food, substances, porn...etc).


    => Enjoy life more. :)

    • Like 2

  14. Hello, 


    I was just reading about jing, qi and shen and there are a lot really, but for now i want to practice and try to cultivate the jing after reading its benefits.


    I was wondering if anyone knows some good videos on youtube or something that you recommend that teach how to cultivate it or maybe a website? or if it is possible to explain here, if you know any?


    and If you are advanced in such cultivation, can you tell me about your experience and how your journey was, and what impact did it have on your social, love and sexual life.. and other aspects of your life?


    Also, I do practice vipassana, is there a link between vipassana and cultivation the jing energy?


    Thank you.



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  15. Aaron Black(from Project Veritas) Spotted at Anti-Trump Protests! The Bird-dogging Continues!



    Russia is trying to do the same USA did with some arab countries and how it ripped the countries with controlling and adding fake arab spring protesters who manipulated the protests to get their control over the resources. 

    the protesters exist, but they are being funded and motivated more and more.


    Russia loves Trump, just because he is going to ruin USA. :P

  16. yeah seems a big fight going between democrats and republicans, and democrats seems have paid a lot of money and investments on hillary and such. and since trump is stupid, they are using it against him. seems like trying to do something more of american spring :P to change him. but who knows. seems like the other parties have big plans.

  17. hey, Hope my words and point of view don't sound mean, but it is out of curiosity with a little doubt.


    I m someone who is more into traditional/core oriented teaching, that does not involve anything but observing the body, and thoughts and allowing things to be as they are and nothing more.

    and also, i do come with a scientific background in terms of psychology with focus on how the mind work.


    Doing my researches in how the mind works and observing the mind on a daily basis and such. We can say that the mind is a very powerful tool and has a lot of depth that we still yet didn't discover and is able to trick our consciousness.


    The technique that you are preaching about in this thread, on facebook and such, involves spirits, channeling, projections and many other stuffs as i have read so far. Also, i have checked testimonials. it is quite interesting and i would like to try it one day.


    But my issue with it, is that it involves spirit, deity and such sort of stuff which actually contradicts my understanding of mind, meditation and the traditional school of buddha and tao. 

    The thing is, how much aware do you need to be in order to see, feel, project and do those sort things?. because of my understanding of the mind, it is a very powerful tool.


    I m sure you went through times when meditating, you find yourself in a place that is totally real, or in the middle of an action and then you wake up on yourself dreaming while meditating, or your teacher wakes you up. it happens to all of us. and that is a simple thing of what the mind can do during intense focus and it is a result of mind escaping the present, the now. 


    my point is, how are you able to verify what you're describing as spirit, projection, channeled spirits, are not some sort of mind escapism but on another level, based on your own belief. knowing that the mind is able to project many stuff, like angels, beings, and make you see stuff that are not real, just to escape what is, as it has been described by the buddha " mind monkey". in other words, how much is your ability to verify that the mind is not interfering with what you are seeing/feeling/sensing and that what you r seeing is not a mind made theming/ illusion to interrupt your awareness and your present moment ?


    I would like, to use the Virtual reality machines used nowadays, and have been used in many science tests, on how your consciousness no matter how much are aware, can be tricked into believing that what you are seeing is real, and you instantly react to what you see physically, emotionally. example: a person playing a horror game, even tho he is consciously aware that it is not real, he still reacts.


    which reflects that even tho we acknowledge that it is not real, the mind still believes it is real and so the body (knowing that is not real). So what if we acknowledge something is real and we feel it in my mind and body and does that make it real? in other words, is there an objective way for an outsider to verify it is real, without having to believe consciously and unconsciously?


    Other, example the placebo pill that is given to someone who think he is sick, or sometimes is sick, and the person heals just because he believes that what he took heals him.... can't it be similar to someone believing light is healing him or a spirit or someone sending healing?


    Thank you for your time :)

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  18. Btw, you call a woman "racist"? Then you must be "misogynic"! :lol:

    LOL... yes she is racist... i know a lot of french people, and been there.. and i know, what they think and what the majority think about her and her ideas and her plans and her islamophobia and ....etc.