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Everything posted by Shad282

  1. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    what do you mean ? I m dying ! my pains are materializing physically! Goodbye current world! see you soon !
  2. Energy Feeling and Pain Around the Heart.

    An update to the thread: Those pains i used to feel around the heart/ on chest, actually after a long focus and scanning, became red itchy patches and acting like eczema. It seems that pain is materializing as a skin issue? (i do have eczema but on face) yesterday, a pain arose on the area at the bottom area of the heart, low area and it was painful, and later on the skin became itchy and red. that pain was linked to the stomach (sacral chakra i guess).
  3. I m questioning in order to know other people's perspective on their ability to identify whether what they are experiencing is genuine and not just another fake mind made reality. It is not really trapping myself, because at the same time, not asking and just observing, could actually be kind of escaping. I have been observing, a lot of time and such, but even my observation was trapped in a thought of thoughts. and keeping on observing would be actually ignoring that red flag that came to make me aware of what is going. I m trying to change my approach, by asking while keep scanning my body, while keep focusing on my breath and such, to anchor my awareness so i don't get swallowed by the mind.
  4. How to want to socialize?

    Because, it is the mind. The mind is a tool, that work in a certain way, and if applied on everything in your life, it is misused and may cause issue, problems, like getting hurt, sadness, ...etc. you have to know the mind, how it works, how and when to use it. It is important to recognize yourself as the awareness that uses that tool, and not the opposite.
  5. How to want to socialize?

    The solution of what you are talking about is not by the outside. an Example, someone who thinks he is a failure and stupid, may become someone rich, successful and everybody tell him that he is smart and intelligent... but once someone or something (mind thoughts) describe him as a failure and stupid, he will get triggered back into that negative thinking and back to low self. due to the internal belief about himself that he is failure and stupid deep down his subconscious. It is not about what you do in the external reality with others, it is about what you do internally with yourself. it is a past belief, that needs to be loved and recognized from its roots, so work on that. For me, i don't really give a damn, about people seeing me as sociable or not, it doesn't trigger anything really. that is why getting like on a post or photo isn't a problem to me. because i m not seeking attention or recognition from facebook users. but you do get triggered for a deep reason. Triggers are important, and what u went through (the post and feeling upset) is really important so you would understand a great teaching, "it is about internal (subconscious, beliefs) work". Trust me, A LOT, and i mean it, A LOT ! of people force themselves to be sociable, post on fb words, photos, to get attention to feel belongness to society, to be recognized, validated by the society....etc and if they post something and don't get more than 100 likes, they get upset and depressed. Be careful of the camouflage feelings and thoughts, we may feel that we are looking for a connection that is special with others and someone being joyful for what you did, while it could be some sort of seeking validation from others maybe to feel worthy ? but i can't judge that, you can. but what i mean, is that sometimes feeling/thoughts may camouflage themselves in other feelings, like i just want this and it is completely normal and a need, but actually the deep root for this is a fear, anxiety, ...etc. you spoke about equanimity, equanimity is not a way of thinking, it is a way of feeling. equanimity, means no aversion, no desire, but not on a thought level (talking to yourself, or thinking about it) it is an experience. for example: You can say to a situation , "oh i allow you to be as", but deep down, you are saying this in order to change the situation and not allow it as it is. You have to authentically, genuinely feel that you want it to be as it is and you really, authentically, genuinely have no aversion or desire toward that situation. Feelings are a good tool to test whether your thoughts are genuine. Edit: I edited a lot of things, please consider re-reading, in case things weren't clear. Sometimes, I have a lot of thoughts while typing, to the degree that i get lost in them.
  6. How to want to socialize?

    i think you should investigate more your relationship with yourself, do you really genuinely, authentically love/like yourself ? because usually, our relationship with ourselves is mirrored around us, in people and events. make sure your feelings toward yourself are authentic and not just "i love myself", and look at your past, childhood and teenage years, could be events and other people's judgements made you judge yourself and affect your relationship with yourself and so with others. As it is been said before, it is ok to not be sooo extravert and very sociable and wooohh, even tho some people may make you feel as wrong, bad and you should be moooreee sociable and love everyone.... Never mind people, you are perfectly great and right, just be, love, like yourself ! Merry Christmas !
  7. Tao Bums Dating? (possibly?)

    your soo cold.
  8. I m trying to find something of more self testing, and how we can feel or know it is authentic. I m not saying someone tell us if it is real or not or we tell others. according to what you said, how can we know if the ghost we saw was not a mind way of escape mechanism and get our focus into something else. how we can know ourselves if it is a real mind state or we dropped in a thought or dream of the mind.
  9. It is a matter of knowing whether what i m experiencing, feeling during meditation or daily life, is it authentic or not? how to be authentic with our approach to the inner and outer world?
  10. I guess, the topic is about, that certain rings have gems and rocks or metals, that contains frequency, vibration, that would help in getting enlightened or shield from negative entities and help in 3rd eye opening, and other stuff like that.
  11. Lust and the undeveloped mind

    "I can tell you I was so tempted to leave this 'miserable' material world" Really? this "world" / reality we live in, is very perfect and very far from misery and imperfection. It is just a mind judgement to what is, and in your own mind, it is negative and miserable (according to what you said). I would say, this holographic experience you had, is just a mind image that comes out from your beliefs (energy, celestial...) and as you said, lust, and I would add your perception of the world (as something negative). It is a mind sort of escapism (advanced dream thought) of what is, created to elude your focus from effective meditation. As we improve in meditating and in increasing our awareness, the mind will also improve and develop, and so its techniques that elude our awareness of what is.
  12. It is christmas, who is going to get me a big, thick ring as a present ;) ?
  13. thanks very nice videos! so it is about emptiness and awareness... but wouldn't emptiness be a little like escaping thoughts, especially negative ones? he spoke about some tricks, like when you go to see if there are any thoughts in ur mind and you find none, and it is due that you enter a thought of emptiness but not actually emptiness. what are the other mind tricks and how to test if you fell into one, in order to have a genuine experience and not a mind made? thanks.
  14. hello, I have been doing tests and read about TCM and such, and i have been diagnosed by different tcm practitioners and tests that i have yin deficiency. these links of some tests and what i have been told by some tcm practitioners: " You seem to have several symptoms of a general yin deficiency. The burning of the hands, nervousness and flushing can stem from heart yin deficiency. some of your digestive issues and some of the constant worry could be from spleen qi deficiency. Eczema is commonly caused by damp heat and is probably made worse by your yin deficiency as well. As for your tongue, the deep centerline crack reflects yin deficiency. The soft, somewhat flaccid texture of the tongue reflects chronic spleen weakness. the bumps of the tongue reflect chronic heat accumulation, which in your case is probably a result of the chronic yin deficiency. it is a little hard to tell but it does look like the front of the tongue is a little brighter red than the rest, which is another sign of heat which has accumulated in the upper." tests: Can someone explain me the yin energy and how it is absorbed (ground or cosmos..or...) and what food or lifestyle is yin, and techniques and such that may help me in balancing, since i don't have much knowledge in tcm. thanks
  15. been doing it, also went on retreat and learned how to. thanks
  16. Even tho it is a little bit not too related to the main question of thread. First, saying Islam terrorism ... yes you are racist, by logic, ethics, philosophy, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity... Life is made out of contrast... if there is no opposite of the thing you are experiencing, you wouldn't be able to experience it. A fish swimming always in water, wouldn't know that water exist and won't be aware of it, because it didn't experience its non-existence. Negativity does not exist, it is a situation we/mind judge it as negative, so by default and according to buddhism it is just a judgement and it does not exist. So if you want to speak about buddhism and taoism, you have to drop the judgement on all stuff, from religions, up to situations and energy, = terrorism, wrong, negative (bad) ....etc. In my thread here, I'm using the word "negativity" to describe a certain type of situation, that we JUDGE as bad because of how we/the mind react to it, but in reality, it is just a situation, energy, as is. Thank you and I agree on this : "Escapism" is not related to things you do but how or with what feeling, idea you doing that.
  17. Thank you Karen for your deep thoughts and information and explanations. I did try to think and question my emotions and such, i did collect a lot of info, i know the memories and how they are getting triggered, what they mean but i know them and i keep getting triggered by them and i don't know how to approach them to heal them, i have them, i see them, i feel them, but how to stop being triggered and heal them? I do acknowledge that i have sometimes, love to some negative emotions and that i try to recall the memories to make myself sad and depressed. thus, i 'm trying to find the approach to heal the pain and allow it to be without becoming attached and have a pleasure from pain. it is kinda tricky.
  18. Grounding sexual energy

    wait... what?? f_cking ? that would make porn stars spiritual gurus with no blockage.
  19. Energy and Superpowers!

    Was wondering, How far can we really go with meditation, qigong...etc of practices? would we be able to teleport and move through space and time? would we be able to create Qi energy weapons, real physical energy shields? telepathy? get out of body anytime we want to move inside the reality realm? Ability to freeze time? since it is an illusion?
  20. TCM and yin deficiency ?

    how to use it, where to buy it what powers it would give me ? kdg you know.. not possible to find these stuff in my country, they are considered illegal to sell
  21. Yes, and is this shift permanent? is this shift just another state of mind escapism, so when you shift back to the state you were in (lets call it lower), all these pains and anxieties, that you ignored by the internal shift you had, will come back and haunt you back ? It is like when there is a zit on your face, and you add powder to hide it... when you don't see it, you are all happy and having great feeling.. but if waters touch it, the powder is gone, the zit is back and so you are sad again. (non-waterproof powder ) Also, as you can see below, Andrei, explained all what qigong and other traditions refer to as energy, are science and chemistry. so it could be that we should rely on psychology and biology (medicine) to heal anxiety (blockages, as they are body fluids) rather than meditation and healing? so it could be that.. all energy, elements, and healing, light over distance was just another way to express the psychology, medicine, biology sciences through symbols and other terms. VS so, you are saying that, energy/elements/meditation and such are symbolism of east medicine to what western science discovering but stated in different words, psychology, biology and chemistry? and increasing serotonin while relatively balancing it with dopamine, and other body fluids/hormones and such, would help to get the person in a state of calmness and contentment and he lives a normal life... but won't this person get triggered by events into anxiety? isn't anxiety is a result of memory/thought that is in the mind that is triggered when certain factors exist in the environment ? in other words, having a body balanced in terms of fluids and biology, would make us (mind) forget, not care or get triggered by that memory or past we went through? and when, for a day, we do not balance the body for example: food that raises serotonin or sun or whatever not there to maintain the balance, the anxiety will strike us back? I do recognize that food and body fluids are important but not a permanent healing for anxiety. Thank you both for your knowledge and information!
  22. yes, but there is always a trick that you should achieve a deep down true feeling of let go and allowing, but usually we end up with that space of "we want to get healed because this thing is painful or bad" and we end up, trying to let go out of space of a aversion and resistance to what is. so how to achieve that genuine feeling of allowing and letting go what is ...? Sorry OP if it is out of the topic? please do tell. thanks.
  23. Grounding sexual energy

    yes, true, we did, and still not working.
  24. A Lot of people do use qigong or meditation... to heal themselves during it... and usually after meditation the person feels quiet and at ease and peaceful... never caused for problems to arise. and most of the time it is used as a temporary escapism of problem or mind, acting as a pill and not actually healing anything.