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Everything posted by Shad282

  1. Healing, how long does it last?

    so i guess, u are saying that the healing is not permanent, it is always there, in the subconscious... but with healing u become aware of it and so it ceases to affect you... and it only affects u if you become unconscious and dwell into ur subconscious. I guess it is similar to psychology, where they consider and alcoholic or other issues are always there and never get healed permanently because they consider that the patient is likely to go back to this behavior or issue if the environment was encouraging from stimulus, not being aware and subconscious take over or element of shock... etc. so I guess, It is more about maintaining consciousness and awareness as much as we can so we can be aware of the subconscious behavior, issue and problems. because when we dwell in subconscious and we are not aware they will take us in? Also regarding the resistance it is true.. but the idea of not resisting comes from the space of wanting it to change that is why we are not resisting. same as allowing things to be.. because deep down there is a reason why u are allowing. for example, now reading it.. then i ll use allowing and non resistance path so allow the suffering because it will heal it (other way of saying it.. it is to get rid of it)... so i guess something is missing.. something must be done or so? Do you mean that watching the sensation, such is in vipassana and watching the itching pain, heat...etc with equanimity and allowing.. will heal the issues and mind stuff ? it is like the mind is using the body as a tool to register traumas and such ... like a phantom body of the physical body? Thank you all for your answers !
  2. Going Vipassana

    months ago i attended a 10 days vipassana retreat by goenka... it is pure sensational experience physical.. no visualization or anything just body focus and concentration... try to follow the instruction carefully and don't add anything up to the technique and such... try to enjoy it.. i enjoyed it. It is not good to know what to expect because the idea of the retreat is people to stay silent and not share experience.. because some may induce an expected told feeling about what they should feel ..etc. Go there with no expectations or anything.. and follow instruction clearly.. the food may be tough and u might feel hungry.. just make sure not to OVER eat.. thinking you might reduce ur hunger but it will make it worse. and keep on meditating and never stop. Good luck! What are the other techniques of vipassana ?
  3. I have attended a 10 days vipassana retreat by S. N. Goenka.. it was very nice amazing and taught me alot... even tho i came from a background about qi gong and energy information from reiki and other different sources.. at the end of the course... i had a lot of questions coming to mind. 1- Goenka in one of his discussion he says that someone practicing vipassana should not practice any other thing.. since reiki masters who practiced the technique went mad at the end... and that is why vipassana center do not allow those who practice any other technique especially reiki to apply for more than 10 days courses.. and i was wondering what is the real reason behind it? also he said that reiki does work but it works with artificial energy. 2- vipassana is about feeling the body from within with a sharp awareness and observing sensations.. and according it helps to teach you to be balanced no matter what the sensation is good or bad.. and thus get the mind out of its habit.. and increase the overall body awareness.... But goenka or the buddha.. never taught anything about QI energy or a way of controlling it or anything related.. just observing. they only cared about insight, awareness and mindfulness that eventually lead to raise kundalini. but if a person is sick or something you do not use external energy or something.. u call a doctor... which is according to my belief doesn't always have to be the case.. The thing is i m trying to udnerstand the link between Vipassana meditation, buddha, and taoism in terms of qi gong and energy control and manipulation... a passive approach vs an active approach... when each one to be used and what are the objective of each approach? Thank you veryyyy much !!! <3333 metta !
  4. Vipassana, Taoism and Reiki.

    1) Well i just knew a few days ago about the 2 paths .. of doing and non-doing and actually was looking for more info about it. In my journey in life i always was led to observe, watch, allow it to be, let go, and accept it as it is and forgiveness.. i guess those practices are kind of non doing. and now i was wondering what are the doing ? does it require visualization and imagination? i mean it is a bit for me hard to "accept" these tools as it is kinda the opposite of mindfulness no thoughts state and feeling. Do you have any idea of a practice compatible with mindfulness and related to to the doing ? 2) also i was wondering about (in your earlier post), the patterns you saw when you were practicing it all day long. you said you observed out of your body.. how is that? were you having your eyes open? 3) I do feel sometimes pains during vipassana.. like on chest and around the heart area.. they feel like physical and nerve thing and i observe allow them to be and they go. But the thing about my throat it is around the adams apple, all around and behind it and sometimes goes up... i noticed that when i try to focus at it in vipassana it increases or stay the same or may calm a bit ... and when asked someone to heal it (over distance) it kinda worsened, i did blood test and such, the doctor said it is just tension and stress of the nerves in the neck. This pain usually come and go often.. and when an emotional something arises on tv or something it starts being painful. 4) I did the test you told me about and i got the following results as in the following picture: The highest seems the earth element. when i had to choose the element i most identify with.. according to the personality, what they wrote about each element, i was closer to the water.. and it is more between earth and water. but after checking the the water: foods and common complaints.. they are soo not related.... so i checked other elements. i found that i m more between earth and wood... and most of the complaints of wood elements are related to mine (physically) and the food of the wood element is close to earth element which to what i already eat and love. so I guess i m Earth with dominant wood. and i m not sure how accurate the personality characteristics of each elements.. but i matched the most with wood, food and common health complaints and food i already eat (food is similar to earth) Thank you for your reply, help and suggested link Very helpful!
  5. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    It is rare in my country to find someone from different culture... unless i travel.. so i guess no hehe. I m not limiting myself but having my options open.
  6. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    I m talkative and like to know more info and people's experience and their stuff
  7. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    no no no don't worry! i was just adding my opinion, my perspective and nothing more hehe <3
  8. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    well my personality is not like that.. it is not about venting or anything similar. but i do like to share my life experience and situation with the one that i m sharing my home, my love, my life with. because we can't deny the fact that we influence each others. Even tho. you don't share (your vent) with vocal conversation, you are sharing on energy level. That is why it is better to share on all levels just in case there is a problem, it can be fixed by seeing it from a different angle (perspective) making the overall energy is more harmonious and comfortable/healing.
  9. Healing vs Medicine.

    I was wondering lately about when to use healing through energy and when to go and take meds and such. Many views on healing claiming that everything from sickness and different kind of symptoms is related to energy stagnation happening due to a karmic or psychological/past issue. and that can be healed through working with energy and healing those stagnations and such. and not healing the wounds on energetic levels means that they will appear in another way in form of sickness or other materialization in the physical reality. Other views sees limitations to the healings in terms that stuff can be healed and other can't, and it is left to the medicine. Also, i m asking this question because lately i was having this throat/adam's apple uncomfortable sensation of like there is a stagnation with a little pain sometimes and some hardness in swallowing in my throat/adam's apple. and these sensation increase if i focus (during meditation/vipassana) and when an emotional / drama scene appear on tv or in real life. sometimes when i scan the body and find a pain or an energy sensation on a body part, with a lot of focus of allowing, letting go, accepting it as it is, the pain disappears... but this one is growing and links up sometimes to ear and eyes. So currently not sure if it is root is malfunctioning of an organ maybe the thyroid or other physical thing, or an energetical problem, or an energy issue (related to something of past/psycho) causing the malfunctioning of an organ or something ? and i don't want to treat it through med without solving the actual issue if accepting the view that all is energy related. So how to know whether it can be solved through energy or medicine (taking meds)? Thanks.
  10. The Now and the Sub-nows ?

    A thought you haven't created and was just created by the subconscious due to a bad habit of continuous thoughts stream is a way of the mind to take you out of the present moment, out of the awareness of this moment to escape to a story of past or future or a fantasy that is able to drag you more out of this moment and the state of no thought and stillness.
  11. The Now and the Sub-nows ?

    The mind. imagination, visualize. you never know what the mind is capable of. The now is not a time thing... it is about presence, awareness of what is, what is in where you are and nothing more or less. without leaving what is to follow thoughts and imaginations.
  12. Vipassana, Taoism and Reiki.

    I have sent you detailed explanation of the whole practice and the instruction given and everything i could remember about the technique, if you have any question, please don't hesitate to ask! hmmm, since you have knowledge in HT and vipassana.. i was having some kinda of pain and uncomfortable sensation in the throat at the adam's apple and it kinda arises and become strong when i focus on it during vipassana and give it awareness of allowing and accepting it as it is and such... and sometimes it grows.. not sure if it is some sensitivity arising to some food or energy stagnation. Do you have any way on how to look into it?
  13. The Now and the Sub-nows ?

    Yes of course, The reason, the real intention behind it, but how far can it be the path for the truth ? You can have the healthy intention, a good reason, but that won't justify the rightness of the path to seek the truth. the mind is the most advanced tech/tool/organ that exists on this planet and we have seen only a little from how far it can elude us from the reality.
  14. In the last week, things were going wrong or at least not going in the way that the people desire. Stuff happening to me and to others i know, in a weird way. I usually see the relationship of cause and effect among things and can notice what my mind or the other person's mind was thinking or focusing on, that lead to an event to happen. but seems like these sudden events and situations are just appearing out of nowhere sometimes. even tho. i tried to look for the resistance, aversion or craving that lead to such events to happen, was kinda hard to see. maybe it is my mind state that is cluttered or something. letting go of looking for the reason, i was wondering how to solve the events or issues that appeared suddenly into my journey? I m trying not to resist and go with the flow and allow things to be and just be still and optimistic. even tho I did notice a change in the flow and change in the outcome of the events but it seems it is fluctuating and not maintain the desired outcome or less undesired outcome to stay. It is kind of a crucial and critical event that is happening and that is why i m asking for help. Thank you ! <3
  15. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    yeah, you are right but seems kinda hard to find.
  16. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    I m not saying that it is better to find a copy of myself in order to get along. All i m talking about is the way of seeing life... your partner can have any hobby, interests from art to whatever faculty that make that person reach a healthy state of mind. In other words, it is nice to have someone supportive, encouraging, and able to understand your mind and ready to ride the flow with you... the person doesn't have to do meditation or experience energy and spirituality the same you do.. but he can be supportive and love you for the things you believe in and motivate you to grow. Rather than someone who keeps doubting your believes and make you doubt them and ridicule them and argue with you or just give a "careless" attitude toward them. I guess the answer is the "middle way" between non-spiritual and spiritual partner.
  17. hey! my story short, is that when i was young up to my teenage years, i used to be cold emotionally, having shield around myself and heart in order not to get hurt by others. and with time i became careless about what others would say and wouldn't affect me (At least what i noticed). which lead other to see me as a cold person and distant and such. about 2 years from now, i started learning how to feel my emotions back and be sensitive to feel them since i was kinda numb of them, and started working on my heart chakra because i used to feel a heavy block of energy around my chest etc.. Now after practicing vipassana, i could feel strings or dots of pain around my heart and on my chest and i watch them and they get healed and go away and later on others appear... and working on it. The thing is i m becoming a lot sensitive. sensitive to criticism to other or me, when someone act mean to others or when i see a poor kid on streets begging or seeing emotionally broken person on tv or movie... when such things happen usually my throat start feeling uncomfortable, tight and more sensations of pain appear on chest when i scan the body. Yesterday, i saw, a poor kid on the street crying and alone in the dark... it made me feel sooo bad and made me think about humanity and the pain and suffering all around the world. from being cold and emotionless to becoming an empath and being overwhelmed by the environment, how to find the middle way (balance)? Thank you! <3
  18. The way out of Empathy ?

    I guess you are right.. but the way i focus and heal is using vipassana... through sensations i feel on parts of my body... a lot like pain on my chest and also a big one on throat... still not feeling the lower ones like sacral or root enough to judge.. but i will try thank you very enlightening and you are right.
  19. The way out of Empathy ?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you made me laugh soo much !
  20. The way out of Empathy ?

    wise use of comparison and metaphor, I loved it! very wise! but how to solve these issues?... would shielding every animal and the ecosystem from python in miami would be the answer? because that would keep the pythons to increase and won't solve the issue but make it worse. or maybe metaphorically speaking, shielding the ocean so the oil don't get into it ? that won't stop the pollutants from being thrown into the ocean and won't solve the problem and people will be careless since the ocean is shielded and attract more pollutants. If you get what i mean. (seems like i m not that good in metaphors haha) maybe the solution is in "understanding" the situation. and similar to the chi and your own ecosystem... building shields against different attacks coming from different sources doesn't seem to be helping, and also can be see as building a thought of a shield against other thoughts that come from outside. Rather than holding a shield for the whole of your life, maybe allowing them or facing them would help more? I m just questioning and thinking... hehehe
  21. The way out of Empathy ?

    According to my retreat, by S.N. Goenka, we practice anapana before vipassana, and i always do it, it helps in mindfulness and emptying the mind from thoughts. but feeling the pain/sensations on the body is normal and part of the process in Vipassana to improve equanimity against aversion or craving. so, I guess your suggestion is to do anapana in situation when empathy arises to empty the mind of thoughts and so emotionally i remain stable... Thanks.
  22. The way out of Empathy ?

    hmmmm... I m still looking into this.. if toxic/bad energy exist.. i guess it is all just chi energy flowing and it is as is .. not bad or good. it is just judging it based on our feelings or mind and how we perceive the result good or bad..
  23. The way out of Empathy ?

    isn't shielding, would mean that you are against or resisting something and so you shield yourself from it? there are a lot of perspectives concerning the shielding. some people say that by shielding you are acknowledging the existence of the thing as threatening, wrong/bad, creating a resistance/aversion and thus you attract it and give it attention, chi, to exist into your reality. and they say that it is better to allow it and try to be vulnerable and not resist it and so your reaction to it will decrease and so it will cease to affect you. but, maybe it depends on the intention behind the shield?
  24. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    hahahaha i loved your comparison ! and it is true! by Spiritual, i mean a way of seeing life, the perspective through which you see life. My question is not related to being spiritual, but in whether having same perspective of life vs different perspective of life in a relationship and which is better. My case, My perspective is spirituality, in terms of looking at life through emotions, mindfulness and awareness of the present moment. Trying to find joy in everything and learning from life. When a subject about life arises and I speak about how i see life through a mind state of mindfulness and joy and the values i hold from being kind to people, forgiving and allowing the moment and such, a lot of times such perspective and these values are ridiculed and seen as weak or just mumbo jumbo religious values that are just nonsense. I don't mind if the person was a friend or a family member, i wouldn't take it personally.. but when it comes to someone i m going to share my life with, a partner, it is not easy to overcome such disagreement since it is going to arise many times since it is a perspective of how you see life.
  25. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    it is not about looking for happiness or joy from a relationship... it is more of sharing an experience of happiness and joy, someone that would join you in your journey, a companion. plus, the law of oneness, we are all one so what is outside yourself is yourself too and as inside so outside, your outer world affect your inner and vice versa. so neglecting the outer world and just focusing inside is not the best idea. Also, the love or joy received from "god" (even tho there is no god according to my beliefs) is a lot different from that received from a human being. they exist on different levels and through different means. Plus i m not sure that we came into this earth, this body, dimension in order to reject what is here and see to go back as spirits, energy being...