Earl Grey

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Posts posted by Earl Grey

  1. 10 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

     For anyone interested in him or his system, he did a fairly wide ranging interview with Guru Viking.


    Personally I made it about ten minutes into it. Something about how he intuited Advaita Vedanta as a teenager or how his IQ was sky high, just made me feel like I was listening to Donald Trump.


    Anyway, he has an impressive resume. So worth a listen for some.



    (Bold emphasis mine)


    Your characterization of him is an understatement and Guru Viking could seek better interviewees than this bully and charlatan.

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  2. 2 hours ago, searcher7977 said:


    I don't have access to nutritionists, but I have quite a lot of books. I have 5 books on my shelf, whose authors are doctors with active practices, that would agree with me: Dr. Steven Gundry, Dr. William Yi, Dr. Michael Ruscio, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Terry Wahls, all renowned in their field. All have quite a lot of sources backing them up.


    Additionally, there is William Bodri and Vasant Lad, also well-regarded. 


    I don't quite know why you think I listen to witch doctors on youtube, I didn't mean to offend.


    You do you. Best of luck with the practice you're creating for yourself.

  3. 8 hours ago, searcher7977 said:


    Juicing dates? I thought the consensus was pretty clear that at least vegetable juices were incredibly healthy, at least properly made fresh ones. Is this no longer the case? Unless of course you have diabetes, in which case the evidence is mixed. 

    Go talk to actual nutritionists instead of YouTube witch doctors.

  4. 3 hours ago, Takingcharge said:

    Its interesting that youd say that.


    i heard the origin of reiki is a tengu spirits / demon  From the mauntain.  And that that it also siphons small amounts of energy from you. Its not universal energy according to what i was told


    theres a pretty big group of people that have had dark experiences with reiki, i was a bit surprised about that originally


    1 hour ago, EFreethought said:


    Something about reiki always seemed off to me. I can't say what it is. It's just a feeling. I can't really put my finger on it.


    Reiki may offer some healing, but often I find people practicing it become egomaniacs to the point that I knew one woman who has an entire cult around her healing abilities that some magicians identified as her already inviting demonic entities, whereas another woman used it to sexually prey on her clients and students and threaten them when they no longer submitted to her. She was Amber Heard and Evan Rachel Wood before they started their hoaxes (yes, both are hoaxes; look it up) and added the element of spiritual healing.


    Those symbols are basically cattle brands that attract entity influence, while those who scoff at it have either never learned real faqi or too caught up in power delusions.

  5. 0

    3 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    A practice that allows masturbation and weed smoking and rewards me with sex from every woman? Sign me up!


    Does it make money, too? Make me an officer then!

    • Haha 2

  6. So whether someone is able to manipulate weather or not, I once heard this story from one teacher talking to a Daoist master in the 1980s who was asked by the Chinese PLA why he couldn't just control the weather all the time to put out forest fires or deal with droughts like the heat wave now in China.


    The master simply said "It goes against nature and there will be consequences doing it often."


    Said heat wave and drought in China now plus a typhoon greater than the one I experienced last December is now striking the northern part of the country I'm in: if where I was ended up being a threat signal 4 out of 5, the incoming one now is a signal 5.


    I think it's best for people not to piss off nature, nature spirits, or assert their will, whether through magic or otherwise, as those beings are already expressing their anger with us very clearly now.



  7. 1 hour ago, Cheshire Cat said:


    It's not really about relaxation as I can relax deep enough to sleep on the ground if I want to... but not between 3 am and 5 am.

    Thank you 


    You don't seem to understand that this is a cheaper and easier, accessible form for sleep and complement to sleeping qigong.


    I guess some people don't want to get good advice, so best of luck to you.

  8. On 9/20/2022 at 3:02 AM, EFreethought said:

    I have a question for Sifu Dunn:


    Where/when do you teach Tao Tan Pai? I do not see any reference to it on your site.


    TTP is taught directly as it is not on the DVDs. 

    You may attend the group streaming classes or do one-on-ones with him.

    • Like 1



    The Flying Phoenix Chi Kung for Health DVDs are now getting their first ever price increase since 2011. They will also now only be available to purchase as DVDs (for the time being) rather than digital copies being distributed.


    Chi Kung For Health, Volume One:    $39.95
    Chi Kung For Health, Volume Twk:    $39.95
    Chi Kung For Health, Volume Three:   $49.95
    Chi Kung For Health, Volume Four:     $49.95
    Chi Kung For Health, Volume Five:     $49.95
    Chi Kung For Health, Volume Seven:   $49.95
    – SPECIAL OFFER –CHI KUNG FOR HEALTH 5-PAK:       $190.00  (save $40


    Other DVDs will also have the following price changes:


    • TAI CHI RULER DVD:   $55.95
    • T'AI CHI SWORD & BROADSWORD:    $49.95


    Shipping and handling will also be affected:


    1 DVD = $22.00
    2 DVDs =  $25.00
    3 DVDs = $ 28.00
    4 DVDs = $ 33.00
    5 DVDs = $37


    • Like 3

  10. 6 minutes ago, stirling said:

    What is your intention? What do you want from such a course?


    These things:


    • 100 days meditation challenge
    • One Powerful Exercise
    • Train your mental body daily like in a Gym
    • Boost concentration and effectiveness
    • Develop mental clarity


    ...can be accomplished by anyone with the discipline to meditate in open awareness daily for a month, let alone 100 days. There are teachers everywhere that would guide you in such an endeavor for free. There IS no "secret".


    Dharma is everywhere, has never been hidden, and costs nothing. What is actually fundamentally important is utterly simple, though few will have the discipline or trust to try it. 





    I think the best people to make that assessment are those who’ve taken the course or are assigning it like @Aeordimm.

  11. 1 hour ago, Kojiro said:

    Further reflexions on my practice: sensations are often misleading, you can not always believe them. @Earl Greysays that sensations don't indicate progress, and one thing I have learnt in my fastings is that the sensation of hunger is very often misleading. You feel hungry, or you think you feel hungry, but it may be a phony sensation, not real hunger. Morbid hunger that doesn't indicate actual bodily needs for food. How can we differentiate accurate sensations from misleading ones? real hunger from morbid appetite? it is difficult, only experience and a close watchfullness of yourself can tell.


    Know thyself! as the ancients used to say. Because some sensations are helpful, so there is a need to learn to differentiate them from the phony ones, and this takes time  and commitment. Also some talent and a big deal of will power. In summary, it is probably better to rely on something more objective than mere sensations, specially if they are easily perverted, like hunger. Something which can be more or less gauged objectivily, so the opportunity for error is lessened. And then with time and effort it will be easier to properly understand your sensations, what they mean and even correct them.


    Nietzsche said "The body has more wisdom within it than any dogma or science" in Also Sprach Zarathustra.


    We've unfortunately been taught to not only ignore our bodies, but have difficulty comprehending what our bodies are trying to tell us.


    New Age platitudes make it worse because they only emphasize what feels "good" and what feels "bad" and snorting coke feels pretty good to some people, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you.


    Bitter melon may taste nasty, but it's "good" for you and your health.

    • Like 1

  12. 11 hours ago, TaoNow said:

    Hi Sifu,


    Immense gratitude to you for for your care and diligence in spreading FPCK! 

    I am 1/4 through the thread so far and it’s some of the best reading on the internet. Thanks to all who have contributed and big thanks to Sifu Terry, of course. 

    I am currently 2 months into volumes 1 and 2  and am having huge gains. My body is restructuring and dead or frozen zones are coming back to life.

    I notice that my nasal breathing is restricted due to tensions in my torso and specifically my jaw and neck. The subtle tightening of the neck and to ‘control’ life and the breath has been a life long survival response which is slowly undoing (big help from FPCK). 

     My question relates to this and breathing. I have been taught to never breath through the mouth but recently I have learned to do rhythmic open mouth breathing where I  can relax my jaw and I notice that doing this allows my torso to move more free and the breath to actually become full. Nasal breathing results in a rigid torso, neck and face and the breath is not going to the lower belly as much. After the breathing sequences i just started to do a small inner smile with my mouth slightly open and I breath deeply thru my mouth allowing my neck, chest and and belly to open up. This is huge because I can raise my arms now from my LDT.  When I breath with my nose and the tongue on the roof of my mouth I tend to lock up and hold tension in my face head and neck so I try to maintain the open breath passageways after doing a few open mouthed, relaxed jaw breathes. I then put my tongue up on the roof of my mouth from this relaxed place and try to maintain it with nose breathing. 

    Many years of practicing qigong and putting the tongue up had locked in a rigid posture which I am learning to stop doing. I notice swallowing is almost painful or at least not smooth and efficient when I play around with my jaw, neck and face tension. 

    is this OK to do? Do you have any advice for unlocking my neck, throat, face, eyes and head?I sense that my head and skull muscles may be important here. Are our teeth supposed to be lightly touching or slightly apart? 

    I recognize the connection with the sacrum and lower Dan tien as a being connected to these areas and  important in getting to optimal posture. I trust continuing to practice daily will eventually clear this up but wanted to ask you as I haven’t seen this question yet (sorry if was asked)  Perhaps a specific exercise from Flying Phoenix would help?  I do MGAM daily and basic seated 1 and 2 and msw 1 and 2  I am going to order volumes 3 and 4 next. I feel and ready for 3. 

    any advice would be appreciated. 

    I welcome any member to also respond. 





    Austin, I think you may want to book a one-on-one for your specific issue with the rigid body since Sifu Terry has also taught the L.A. Lakers before and knows special stretches.


    For a truncated version of the thread, you can see it on Alchemical Garden.

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