Earl Grey

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Posts posted by Earl Grey

  1. You must have a different definition of misogyny and threshold than I do. And no, I owe you no explanation because none of that "incredibly misogynistic bs" was present or intended in anything I said.


    Let it go, or don't. I did!


    Have a nice day!


    EDIT: for your consideration, I shall leave you with one of my most favorite references in a site I regularly frequent, which may surprise you: https://everydayfeminism.com/2015/09/social-justice-less-elitist/


    Calling people out (e.g. your words of demanding I explain "incredibly misogynistic bs") is a great way to not get what you want whether it's change or dialogue. Calling people in is the way to go if you really want dialogue. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Maybe said:

    Apologies if my questions are too frequent, but here's another one :)

    After the breath control sequence, should breathing be regulated in any specific way during the movements?

    In Bending the Bows, should I only inhale as I raise my arms and exhale as I lower them, or does that not matter in this system as much? (This is how I've been doing it, with resting breaths between as needed, as mentioned in the DVD)

    In the other static exercises, it seems clear that breathing in any specific way (other than deeply and relaxed and through the nose following the breath control sequence) is unnecessary.



    Nope, breathe normally. Sifu Terry often says it takes 20 breaths to move from side to side each side for Wind Above the Clouds for one. For BtB just breathe normally and go slowly, as slow as a shifting sand dune. Have fun!

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  3. I sure don’t know where you make your conclusions, but I was once told by a lad by way of Louisville that they had a way to explain what made people who were so sure about what they’re saying: they were having their first beer and making their first bet at the Kentucky Derby.


    Disparaging remarks? Contempt? You’re certainly having fun thinking about me and thinking about what I think about you (and pretty inaccurate) and the following image describes what I think about you:










  4. Nope didn’t feel attacked. I just thought there was no need to conceal it when the topic was right there in the recent thread.


    I also have no idea where you base your conclusions about me or my path, but knock yourself out, lady. I’m sure comparing my flow in the Tao against yours ranks up there with the usual list of fruitful endeavors such as clipping your toenails in public and saying that your cuticles are prettier than everyone else because you’re letting us see something we would never have questioned until you made it public knowledge and still failed to enrich our lives with those facts about you.


    Have a nice Sunday.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Bruce Qi said:

    believe me , he has done much more research and went out of his way to find the truth regarding the whole doo wai body of work than many of us would ever do so no need for that tone , especially from some one who is new here.


    I didn’t see anything wrong with Maybe’s tone. He sounded like he was just trying to get clarification and IronMarshall already said to Sifu Terry as well that he has his respect. Let’s all be a little more vigilant and ask what someone means before presuming or assuming anything uncivil, especially as Internet forums are full of individuals with different communication styles and cultural backgrounds.

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  6. I actually never had a problem with him, I just found it odd that in our first interaction on the Flying Phoenix thread that he thought I was insulting him and I gave him an honest confused response because that wasn't even what I was saying, nor was I referring to him or talking to him. In recent times, I only highlighted what I saw was serious disrespect to Sifu Terry, and in turn he began calling me arrogant and insulting me among other things. As it escalated, I stated my piece because he had crossed a line for the manner of disrespect he showed Sifu Terry, and I left it at that and he has retreated into his own other thread where he unfortunately made some statements that were very much in violation of some forum rules that I will not say here, but one with careful reading can find two four-letter words directed at another member. 


    I don't doubt he's a pleasant individual outside this forum, because long before our interaction on the FP thread he messaged me privately about Fragrant Qigong. But my first interaction with him on the Flying Phoenix thread was making accusations and putting words in my mouth instead of taking my word for it that I wasn't even interacting with him or referring to him in a post he took offense to, which later on led to him accusing me of insulting him and I in turn responded in kind because insulting me directly by calling me names isn't something I am particularly fond of in most circumstances.

  7. Unfortunately, this is not a democracy or a public place with the respective rights and privileges, this is a privately-owned and managed forum. You do not get the same rights and privileges in a public park as you would a guest of a private individual in their home. Those who would call someone's rules tyrannical and totalitarian are often like this lovely young American gentleman here:





    You are, however, allowed to voice your viewpoint and concern as a guest in this fine forum. 




    EDIT: I am amused at how the moment I pressed the submit form that I posted exactly the moment Kar3n made her post with roughly the same remark on our non-democratic forum here. 

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  8. I would like to point out that in line with these recent revelations, we are dealing with three retrogrades in astrology: Neptune, Mars, and Mercury. If you know how these work, it basically means that there are going to be issues in communication, conflict, and not being able to see beyond our own asses because of being emotionally inundated. It is unfortunately also a time when a lot of issues that have been hidden for years are going to be unearthed--so you will find this in your personal individual lives, in world politics, and everywhere around us. We are all just puppets on a string in the universe, and when you have the right practice, you can see your own strings.


    Moving this back to Flying Phoenix while tying this to what Sifu Terry has said, I would like to remind everyone that doing three MSW meditations upon waking helps us align with the flow as Sifu Terry said in roughly similar words during Mercury Retrograde alone. As I do many of those practices on the DVD and from his private instruction, it is one of the only forms that is publicly and easily accessible through DVDs that is comparable to some of the indoor techniques I know from my other Sifus. It is hands-down the healing system to practice and I have done quite a lot over the years, and even my other Sifus have much respect for Sifu Terry and the work he does and for the lineage of GMDW and Flying Phoenix. They give their vocal and sincere support for him while also knowing and recognizing many of these ridiculous issues coming to light. They are offering Sifu Terry their empathy for the level of stress these revelations would cause, so it a hell of a gift we have criminally low-priced DVDs with high production quality to use these practices.


    This is a doorway to the beginnings of transformation we deserve. Even if some people can say things that get themselves in trouble for talking about things they don't know in spite of doing the practice, it's a practice that makes you hungry for something better, something we all have in common whether or not we agree with what we can get out of Doo Wai family arts, such as believing Sifu Terry (which you should) or doubting his claims (which you are free to do even if facts don't align). 


    Practicing Flying Phoenix will help put us all in a flow that gets us through these retrogrades and helps us emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually shift. No doubt about that. Where we choose to shift, however, is entirely in our hands. 

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    • Thanks 2

  9. 1 hour ago, Maybe said:

    Quick question:

    Does anyone else get hungry immediately following Flying Phoenix?

    I find that I get fairly ravenous after my practice.


    I find that it tends to help us lose weight because it curbs the hunger pangs. It may be when you practice and how your schedule of meals is and what you're eating in relation to the times you practice. 

  10. On 7/10/2018 at 11:33 PM, DSCB57 said:

    This will be my last contribution to this thread, I have no intention of opening myself up to further ridicule or attacks on my persona and will not allow the type of character assassination that other members such as Silum (go back to the 2012 posts to see evidence of this) have suffered as a result of having challenged anything Terry Dunn has said or taught here.

    My only reason for posting now is to make absolutely sure that someone here points out the degree of despotism which is now manifesting even within the forum admin. There is no place for this to take place on a public forum, nor do I see any reason why Terry Dunn - who did not even start this thread in the first place - should be given the right and authority to edit out and remove anyone else's contributions, whether he agrees with the content or not. I have never ever witnessed this sort of abuse take place on any other public forum, and quite frankly the moderators should be bloody well ashamed of themselves for showing such obvious bias. This behaviour is undemocratic to say the least. I cannot believe the venom in Terry Dunn's reaction to my last post, is this the mark of a supposedly enlightened teacher? Well, I'll leave that up to you to decide. Catch this post before it is removed, just like Ausar's video... Good luck to all of you.


    The more you talk, the more you should be quiet.


    Nobody has insulted you over the duration of time you have been posting in this thread. However, your level of disrespect and accusations and insistence that you are insufferable is why most people have ignored you until the insults erupted from your mouth, which include both calling me arrogant and insisting that Sifu Terry was obfuscating the truth, even though he has already posted a video from GMDW confirming who is authorized to teach Bok Fu Pai and who is not.


    Ausar and all associated accounts have drawn the ire of the mods here as a direct result of others who have been wrongfully cheated out of a significant sum of money. It appears that the charm and glamour from Ausar's shoddy web site and video that had been ornamented by faux oriental mystique music have enchanted you so deeply that you are thus prevented from recognizing the smoke and mirrors that deceive you. If we observe the parallel intrigue of individuals that include Count Victor Lustig and Bernie Madoff or Violet Charlesworth and Ryley Cruz, we find the apocryphal saying often misattributed to P.T. Barnum best characterizes you and Ausar's more vocal supporters: "There's a sucker born every minute". 


    Let us also mention how earlier you thought I was insulting you in our first interaction here when I was neither talking to you or referring to you, nor had I any interest in you whatsoever. I was quite content to remain indifferent to any of the morbid drivel you spouted until you raised accusations against Sifu Terry's statement in defense of Ausar while trying to assert yourself from a position of a moral high ground. Unfortunately, you never held that moral high ground due to another thread here, where you have alleged that it was a mistake for GMDW to appoint the individuals he did to represent him in Europe and Australia. Not only were you bemoaning the difficulty of having instruction or reaching out to certain individuals, but you were seeking validation for your disappointment from other members while at the same time demanding those instructors' attention be dedicated to you. That level of entitlement speaks volumes. 


    If you are trying to present yourself as whistleblower and truth seeker, you have not only failed miserably in doing so by the above text summarizing your behavior, you have instead given us a compelling spectacle that is far more characteristic of a tempestuous child becoming far more desperate and violent in demanding attention. By trying to be the sensible man and a voice of reason while completely lacking in self-awareness, you have instead succeeded in making yourself appear completely pathetic. 


    Is it not time that you let go of this and accept the veracity of the facts provided by Sifu Terry and GM Doo Wai? Is it not enough that you have embarrassed yourself already by acting as petulant and self-righteous as you have? 


    A wise man once said never to prolong arguments with fools as you try to out them for their foolishness--they will prove themselves to you and everyone else much better, much sooner, and much more compellingly on their own. 


    I hope you will find enjoyment with Ausar, for the rest of us would love to return to our discussion on Flying Phoenix and for you to be truly happy with the individual you have chosen to align yourself with due to your own stated desire to depart from this discussion. 

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  11. From what it appears, it's editing done badly by Ausar. If he were indeed in a conversation with GMDW, my guess is that he didn't record it live, he had the clip playing that he saved as a file and timed the clip to GMDW saying yes as though he were responding to him.


    Ausar's form is also not good--he moves very much like someone who has done a modicum of training before but passes himself off as a highly skilled master--he is most certainly not. 


    I shall quote Tibetan Yoga and The Secret Doctrines, Carlos Castaneda, and the I-Ching--all sources posted by Sifu Terry himself as reminders for everyone and good for newcomers to read for those who wish to have the wisdom to match the skill of a Flying Phoenix student. These are most appropriate for the situation here. 


    "The superior man confronts his (subconscious) problems; therefore he does not experience them (manifested)." - Carlos Castaneda, The Journey to Ixtlan

      Wind and thunder: the image of INCREASE.
    	Thus the superior man:
    	If he sees good, he imitates it;
    	If he has faults, he rids himself of them.

    The I-Ching, Wilhelm-Baynes translation


    Walter Evans-Wentz's Tibetan Yoga and the Secret Doctrines:




    (1) Weakness of faith combined with strength of intellect are apt to lead to the error of talkativeness.


    (2) Strength of faith combined with weakness of intellect are apt to lead to the error of narrow-minded dogmatism.


    (3) Great zeal without adequate religious instruction is apt to lead to the error of going to erroneous extremes {or follow- ing misleading paths].


    (4) Meditation without sufficient preparation through having heard and pondered the Doctrine is apt to lead to the error of losing oneself in the darkness of unconsiousness. This refers to that mental chaos or delusion which is the antithesis of the mental discipline acquired by right practice of yoga under a wise guru's guidance.


    (5) Without practical and adequate understanding of the Doctrine, one is apt to lead to the error of religious self-conceit.


    (6) Unless the mind be trained to selflessness and infinite compassion, one is apt to lead to the error of seeking liberation for self alone.


    (7) Unless the mind be disciplined by knowledge of its own immaterial nature, one is apt to lead to the error of diverting all activities along the path of worldliness.


    (8) Unless all worldly ambitions be eradicated, one is apt to fall into the error of allowing oneself to be dominated by worldly motives.


    (9) By permitting credulous and vulgar admirers to congregate about thee, there is liability of falling into the error of becoming puffed up with worldly pride.


    (10) By boasting of one's occult learning and powers, one is liable to fall into the error of proudly exhibiting proficiency in worldly rites. No true master of the occult sciences ever allows himself to boast or make public exhibition of his yogic powers. It is only in secret initiations of disciples, as was the case with Marpa, that they are shown, if at all.  


    These are The Ten Errors.




    (1) To have but little pride and envy is the sign of a superior man.


    (2) To have but few desires and satisfaction with simple things is the sign of a superior man.


    (3) To be lacking in hypocrisy and deceit is the sign of a superior man.


    (4) To regulate one's conduct in accordance with the law of cause and effect as carefully as one guardeth the pupils of one's eyes is the sign of a superior man.


    (5) To be faithful to one's engagements and obligations is the sign of a superior man.


    (6) To be able to keep alive friendships while one [at the same time] regardeth all beings with impartiality is the sign of a superior man.


    (7) To look with pity and without anger upon those who live evilly is the sign of a superior man.


    (8) To allow unto others the victory, taking unto oneself the defeat, is the sign of a superior man.


    (9) To differ from the multitude in every thought and action is the sign of a superior man.


    (10) To observe faithfully and without pride one's vows of chastity and piety is the sign of a superior man.


    These are The Ten Signs Of A Superior Man.


    Their opposites are The Ten Signs Of An Inferior Man.

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  12. You arvin' a larf, mate :D  


    I never said I was offended.


    It seems as though you are seeking to aggrandize yourself by attempting to portray me as some sort of bully for whatever slight you have perceived has come from me that has offended your ego-fear complex.


    Sadly this is not the case, as it only serves to make you appear to be throwing a temper tantrum.


    It was merely pointed out that the level of disrespect in your post was baffling as was the audacity to post it. 


    You may choose to continue your tirade, but I and everyone else will enjoy the fruits of our practice, and in the words of Sifu Terry, understand points A and B that you may read in his last post on sowing confusion and bewilderment. 


    Keep talking--hopefully you will one day hear what you are saying and read what you are writing. 


    Shall the rest of us go back to the discussion of Flying Phoenix, please? 



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  13. 14 minutes ago, DSCB57 said:

    It is intensely baffling to me that you choose to be so closed minded and further more have the temerity - and not for the first time - to insult me personally on this thread. Read my post again. I am merely trying to provide perspective to what has been up to now a decidedly one sided argument in order to establish the truth. I am not concerned with whether or not you or anyone else here feels threatened by this, nor whether you feel that this photograph seems like that of GM Doo Wai or not. That fact is that on the website it is presented as such. That being the case, there seems to be an onus to either prove or disprove whether or not it is in fact a photograph of Ausar with GM Doo Wai, and the onus does not rest on my shoulders, as to my eyes it appears to be very much the likeness of the Grand Master. You are the doubting Thomas here...

    One needs to ask whether it would make sense for anyone to post a photograph online claiming that it showed themselves with someone as important as the Grand Master if it were not in fact a genuine photograph? 

    But if indeed it is genuine, does this not then appeal to some part of your intelligence to question whether there is any truth to the rest of the content of Ausar's website? I would hope that at least some members would have the intelligence to come to this conclusion for themselves. 

    I have witnessed far too much backstabbing going on in this thread since the earlier days, and it is time someone here had the balls to redress that. I sincerely doubt that Ausnar needs any defending, but I took it upon myself to defend him because people deserve the benefit of the doubt, and no-one here other than me seems prepared to even investigate whether there is any truth to the information appearing in Ausar's website.  

    So, by all means call me out...one of these days your hard heart and lack of compassion will become apparent to all here. 


    I have never insulted you on this thread or any interaction we have had. 


    I have no desire to engage with you because you seem to seek conflict with me, and when you can't find it, you create it. 


    Carry on as you will--I am here as a student of Sifu Terry and a practitioner of Flying Phoenix, and whatever you think of me for ill or good will not affect my practice or my peace of mind, as I will rest soundly because I do not care about you or what you think. 


    This thread is for Flying Phoenix and for Sifu Terry's communication with us on related matters. I intend to stick to the spirit of this thread. 

    • Thanks 3

  14. It is exceptionally baffling to have this level of audacity in that post right after Sifu Terry himself has already spoken about how GM Doo Wai clearly stated that there has been no Ausar as GM Doo Wai's student.


    I would like to point out that that is not GM Doo Wai in the photograph. It doesn't even look like him.  Confirmed by Sifu Terry that it is a photo of GM Doo Wai.


    There is an intense disrespect (and likely both unknowing and unaware) in how this message has been conveyed here to challenge Sifu Terry's statement. In the meanwhile, I won't add any more fuel to the fire, I'm just going to say that I will leave Sifu Terry to respond as necessary, if he feels the need to do so. 

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    • Confused 1

  15. Returning to my IDM, electronica, and experimental music roots from high school and college with this song. It gave me a lot of hope in my suicidal moments in life. Not for everyone, but it's for me. :) Hopefully if you enjoy it you'll get a glimpse into the mind of Earl Grey. With love from an electronik muziq lubber, I present ROM=PARI and the song The Most Beautiful Ending. 




    • Thanks 1

  16. Lovely names, I second that opinion. Welcome to our proud little corner of the world, we are happy to have you here and hope you enjoy your future discussions here. With love and blessings from the syncretic path!

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  17. Welcome, very fascinating to meet another psychopomp. I've had a few encounters with different individuals and I am an adept of several lineages in the Taoist, Vedic, Atlantean, Shinto, and Akashic. Looking forward to future encounters and discussions.

  18. 43 minutes ago, tao stillness said:

    Well said Sifu Terry!

    What you have shared does sum up our situation. During these times of entropy that occurs before a phase transition in Nature that takes us to a more organized state, I find myself spontaneously going back in a nostalgic mood to my memories of childhood during the 1950's when even to a young child it did feel like America was great. My master, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, taught that the mind always spontaneously goes to a field of greater charm. He also taught that the current head of state of a nation reflects the collective consciousness of the governed. That is especially sad for this nation. That this great country has so many citizens with such low consciousness. 

    Fortunately, at least 2 percent of the population has chi kung and meditation to hold onto as a life preserver during these strange times as the eroding cabal tries to hold onto to the old power while Nature is bringing in the real power. Darkness vanishes in the Light. 



    I agree with Sifu Terry and you here. 


    It is a time for unity rather than division. A glance at the Off-Grid forum here shows many people however may use their level of spiritual practice to reinforce their political views no matter how odd they may appear to be. I do not hold people’s opinions or political views sacred, but I believe what is important besides a good system is a good teacher, good community, and good students—unsurprisingly criteria spelled out by Sifu Terry himself! With all these we rise and do not fall to the level of consciousness that we believe erroneously is our elevation of consciousness.


    Happy 4th of July everyone!

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