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Posts posted by Earl Grey
There is no golden body, it’s an exaggeration from a mistranslation.
Anybody claiming to teach it is a huckster.
The OP has publicly made disingenuous and dishonest posts pretending that his demanding and disrespectful PMs to various people never happened. Also, he has been extremely hostile towards the few who offered help to him out of generosity, which he also pretends never happened.
Anyone who insults yet demands help for free in the same message is not a newbie, and deserves neither guidance nor coddling, no matter how well one appears to be a victim to those who know no context.
5 minutes ago, searcher7977 said:How is it you can represent such a legit system as Flying Phoenix Chi Kung, and yet so ruthlessly mock people, particularly newbies posting on here looking for help? I've seen your reddit posts too.
You make your lineage look bad.
k -
Unless you’re a master with understanding of qi and TCM, making up your own qigong set is only going to either waste your time and achieve nothing, or harm you.
Let the people who make up their own qigong sets from watching YouTube be your evidence by looking at what lack of development they have, no matter how New Age they may appear.
1 hour ago, BluePhoenix133 said:
Please create a separate thread about purchasing a Kuan Yin statue so people can focus on Flying Phoenix.-
1 hour ago, centertime said:How would he know what a good teacher is and where he can find them?
Look at the students of anyone claiming to be a teacher and judge by the fruits of their teachings.
Whoever you were then, that's not who you are now. Welcome.
A late message, but just posting to say thank you to the mods for granting my request to restrict my access here for my voluntary exile. The clarity and peace of mind after working on several life projects has been immensely helpful.
3 hours ago, Chang dao ling said:My goal is to learn. Do you know any neidan teacher living in India?
No. Good luck.
3 hours ago, Chang dao ling said:Hi, how jing is converted into qi and how it is formed as a golden core? If someone achieved gold core stage this person won't age? Can we call him human immortal? What are the properties of golden core?
If your goal is to learn, find a teacher. If your goal is to discuss, prepare for many contradictory answers from different people here.-
Look at Osho's students and see their development.
Look at Osho's crimes and see if you want him as a model to follow.
Look at people teaching from Osho's drivel and see how their development is.
This is all you need to know about if you're seeking to develop the third eye from what you've read in Osho's work.
15 minutes ago, Trunk said:The powdered collagen I find very convenient. (I bought mine at Trader Joe's; I've not tried the super-duper one at Amazon).
I started out with 1/2 the rec. dosage and have moved to much less than that, lol. ... but I get to micro-dose regularly, super convenient.
The one thing I was concerned with
is that it feels that it draws in deeply into some dense tissue ... some things need to percolate *out* (especially if health situation is complicated).
I found that a couple of amino acid products produce really good circulation and (by my feel) complement the powdered collagen nicely. (After some experimentation separately, I now take them all together).
- Trunk
Ah, I can't buy powdered collagen easily here, and so I just throw an entire chicken, bones and all, plus any other chicken bones, into an instant pot to pressure cook for three hours with a pinch of salt and tbsp of apple cider vinegar. The gelatin and collagen that comes out is still pretty good.
Drink it in the morning when you wake up and after dinner--you'll quickly find your health improve.
I make mostly chicken bone broth for both me and my dogs. Good for gut health and metabolism too. The best thing besides helping my joints is that my dogs farting don’t stink up the room anymore.
4 hours ago, EFreethought said:Is that decision permanent?
You'll have to ask him as he had temporarily made them available digitally very briefly, but then decided upon consultation of the I-Ching that it was not in his best interests...so he stuck with DVDs for now.
On 1/27/2023 at 4:24 AM, a5a5a9 said:Is there a downloadable version of the FP DVD? I do not live in the U.S .
On 1/27/2023 at 4:40 AM, ChiDragon said:
You can watch it here.No. There was an announcement a while back that the series will not be available digitally as decided by Sifu Terry.
This video is not the DVD. It's just a demonstration of the long form, and does not include the breath control sequence.
Hi admin,
Please deactivate my account from the time of posting this message until at least March 15, with the option to extend as requested. I was originally going to ask to have this until November, but I will see how things are by March.
Need a break to handle some important things. Anyone who needs to get ahold of me can go to AG (also taking a pause, but keeping account active for emergencies) or contact the user pak_satrio.
Any FP-related stuff, I trust him to answer questions in my absence or tell me if it's really important.
Happy holidays.
9 hours ago, Chang dao ling said:In mo pai there are 72 levels. My doubt is these levels are exclusive to mo pai or they apply to all daoist traditions.
Replace "Mo Pai" with "India", levels with "languages" and "Daoist traditions" with "Asian people".
This is the same strange reasoning.
Stick to your own practice and avoid Mo Pai (not India, actual Mo Pai).
1 hour ago, Chang dao ling said:Can you explain please explain what are the steps
Learn from a qualified teacher.
1 hour ago, Chang dao ling said:Step 1 is meditation on lower dantian meditation step 2 SHO and 3 is project
On 12/20/2022 at 1:57 PM, Chang dao ling said:I read in a book
No wonder.
2 hours ago, NoOne said:I would think there should be basic fundamentals that one can learn even from books.
Nothing helpful, nothing worth the price being asked.
2 hours ago, Chang dao ling said:When you add Om to the god or goddess name it will become mantra. A mantra cannot be learn without the master. This is very important rule. In the Mahabharata lord Narayana himself created this rule. Which is followed by all Hindus today.
“Your lineage”.-
18 minutes ago, Chang dao ling said:Yes it is the mantra. But what i gave his is the nama ( means name) nama can chant without initiation but for the mantra we need intiation
Not true according to Thomas Ashley-Farrand and what I and a few others in that practice have accomplished, but you do you.
3 hours ago, Chang dao ling said:Chant this mantra "Sri Rama Rama Rama" you will become powerful. There is another mantra " Sri Rama Jai Rama Jai Jai Rama" if you chant this mantra 13 crore times you will get boon from God. If you have any questions ask me
Isn't it "Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama" though?
I’ll let you know soon how long I need this voluntary leave. Will also leave my contact info to the few people asking. So that they don’t wonder how to find me.
Dao Bums (here i am)
in The Rabbit Hole
I saw this thread a while ago and I am posting here in the forum one last time to say goodbye because I am done discussing, arguing, and being taken advantage of by people who have sought me out to learn only to demonstrate undesirable behavior (e.g. lying about what they could afford and cheating me because I'm "unknown"--just like many hidden masters in the East; or arguing about another teacher or video they saw instead of following the process.
Yes: I don't come here or publicly discuss cultivation anymore because it is no longer my thing. But: I did make some friends here and can say that just under 7 years of being here did contribute to some of my own learning.
So this is goodbye with a video of me doing fajin and another video of me rooting on my YouTube channel, which is not martial or cultivation focused, but highlights parts of me. I am also linking to my ko-fi page to show that I am doing art--visual, musical, and literary art, alongside my vlogging.
I'm not re-enabling my inbox here to be contacted by anyone, but if you really want to get a hold of me, you can do so through ko-fi or YouTube. I accept there will be trolls and people mischaracterizing me or calling me all sorts of insults (including one member whom I thought was a friend who somehow keeps creating new dummy accounts all the time). But at this point in time, I'm at peace with being me, and whatever you feel is your responsibility, not mine. I'm only in charge of what I say, do, feel, and think, and that's already a huge task for anyone to manage.
Here's my ko-fi page too: https://ko-fi.com/waterpoint. If you want to commission short fiction, poetry, an illustration, or even a session for Akashic/psychic/cultivaton stuff, drop me a line.
I'm currently on pilgrimage in nature in the Philippines, supported entirely by donations since December, and hope to raise a little more (to the tune of $400 or more) to make it to the final mountains in April through May.
And to all admins and people I've had conflicts with before, I apologize for any hurt or harm I have caused both deliberately or unknowingly, and I leave you with peace and love in my heart.
Don't quote or reply to this post--I am logging out forever unless admin demands to talk with me for one reason or another.
Peace to all of you, and farewell.