Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. No more right-wing bullshit.

    If someone could actually take time to run an informal class, and people were open to it, it might work. A lot of people come here unfortunately to find power or reinforce the idea they have it independently, compare notes on systems, and demonstrate selective understanding and interpretations of the texts, especially devoid of cultural nuance.
  2. Climate Change

    Yes, that was true in the villages for my friends when they were assigned there, including the squat toilets. One of the sad things about the Peace Corps is that while ideally, people seek to improve the lives of those living in abject poverty, there comes a point where we ask how much of their way of life is being traded for "modernization and sustainability" and how much should really be touched when we ask them to move on the path towards living like homogenized urbanites and the McWorld? Mother Jones had an article a little over ten years ago saying that the entire population of China can't sustain the Super-Size It philosophy of America. Nowadays, it seems even just the urban population and all that pollution is doing quite a lot of damage itself.
  3. No more right-wing bullshit.

    It would also need a lot of education on Taoism because people have various interpretations and understanding of it. At times the forum feels more like it's New Age rather than Taoist with some practices of people being self-taught and sounding more like someone from a strip mall yoga studio doing Reiki 1 and 2 on a weekend.
  4. Climate Change

    I'll see what I can find as most of my info was from my Peace Corps network back in the day (my assigned country was Tanzania, but we had PC volunteers from China we ran into during travels and Chinese in East Africa mentioned PC volunteers to us in their relatives' villages).
  5. Climate Change

    In some regards, yes, but there are also smaller communities from the grass level who are interested in it as urban migration can't sustain the country's population. I don't agree with how a lot of their politics go, especially towards the West Philippine Sea and their BRI debt diplomacy, but they at least know they can't let their consumer demands continue without some sort of eye on sustainability for their environment. How they affect other countries and their environment though, such as Cambodia and the Philippines and access to natural resources, is another story...
  6. No more right-wing bullshit.

    In the interest of this thread, I will accept this. Shake. I do not agree and have many reasons not to agree with you and dispute what you say with my own lineages. But I will recognize your good intentions even if I do not agree. Good luck to you too. Shake. Back to topic and third message limit reached.
  7. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/carolineodonovan/how-ubers-hard-charging-corporate-culture-left-employees#.rualmvNx2
  8. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Quit posting on this matter here, as I already stopped in my last message (and wanted to say only one message until s1va kept bringing it up trying to have the final word). STAY ON TOPIC. You are imagining insults I never said for calling a duck a duck. I didn't once call you any names, as I only pointed out the unethical practice of what your'e doing. As I said, I don't have time to waste or go beyond my three-message limit for arguing with people, this is my second reply to your second message. I posted one message and s1va escalated it and posted multiple responses, including one that undid his apology right after the apology. https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/chiinnaturecom/select-stateprovince/chiinnaturecom-mak-jo-si-aka-herman-mak-victim-of-fraud-fake-talisman-does-not-work-mar-1112052 http://www.scamion.com/chi-in-nature-91 In honor of Flowing Hands, here's scam information which interestingly enough, includes contact info in the forms of address and phone number of Mak Jo Si. May the new admin not allow this and not protect known scammers in the name of "free speech and diversity", or in other words, protecting business interests rather than the safety and well-being of members. DROP YOUR ENGAGEMENT WITH ME NOW, THIS THREAD IS ABOUT FAR-RIGHT BULLSHIT AND THE OLD ADMIN WHO GAVE SILENT CONSENT AT BEST BY SAYING NOTHING, OR CONTRIBUTED TO IT AS WELL THROUGH THEIR OWN HYPOCRISY, IGNORANCE, AND BIGOTRY, WHICH YOU BENEFITED FROM BY THEM VIEWING YOUR UNETHICAL POST AS FREE SPEECH.
  9. I have loads of research on this that my partners and I worked on and every time, SV techies and Right-Wingers seem to dismiss facts and resort to ad hominem attacks or criticizing the source of information, and then straw man arguments or side-stepping to misdirect. The biggest fact they overlook is that other people are unhealthy, unhappy, and unequal—and to the SV techies and Right, it’s okay because it remains convenient for them.
  10. No more right-wing bullshit.

    I peer edited your post.
  11. Among other things, but they also are doing this sadly: https://www.top10vpn.com/news/censorship/in-china-apple-is-not-the-privacy-advocate-it-claims-to-be/ A reminder that caring about labor rights means having a wider scope of understanding as this is already contributing to worse things such as systematic oppression in the name of profit and access to a market.
  12. And Moonie still has the audacity to say that those companies support the Left? =D
  13. You are expecting too much of others already by asking them to think. Most people who don’t see the problems are trying to defend their values and worship of their techie tribe, the Right-Wing, etc. Like Nietzsche said, “Man created God in his own image” and people who idolize Silicon Valley and its feudalistic oppression of others don’t see reality, they change their interpretations of reality to fit into their narrative and ideals. Fact: the system is unfair because it’s paying people less than they’re worth. Fact: they are side-stepping labor laws and the health and well-being of laborers. Fact: they don’t care.
  14. You obviously did not read the links I posted with actual research versus your platitudes, and you have a bizarre personal interpretation of economics and ethics.
  15. Pro-Left with abominable treatment of laborers for Amazon and gig economy contractors with Uber and others? With that kind of view you have of what is Left in name only with those companies, you probably are so Right-Wing that you believe Genghis Khan was a Liberal. You still haven’t answered the part about economics. Strike two. Will Mighty Casey hit a home run or embody the maxim of how pride cometh before the fall?
  16. Your statement is a misdirection. There is no question that they are technologically advanced. But that’s not answering the point about the economic unfairness and lack of regulation. Try again.
  17. Under the current market's hyper capitalism, let's look at Silicon Valley. Unregulated and unscrutinized until recently, a huge monopoly that had a business model with Amazon, Facebook, and others buying other companies to eliminate competition and free choice. Does this really sound like an acceptable situation without some modicum of regulation? If even a little regulation is socialist, then unfortunately, I'm all for it because it harms people, especially those who have become slaves to the gig economy, where firms such as PostMates garnish tips and pay far less than they are supposedly promised. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/21/nyregion/doordash-ubereats-food-app-delivery-bike.html https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/21/reader-center/insider-reporter-food-deliveryman.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article
  18. Climate Change

    Interesting to note is that the biggest proponents of educating people about and preventing climate change are insurance companies. There are hundreds of companies in China that invest the most in sustainability knowing that we are contributing to a dangerous world and are aware their population can't live without some degree of sustainability.
  19. No more right-wing bullshit.

    As below, so above, as above, so below. Some people say that they are not the same in real life as they are online behind anonymous avatars free of consequences (as far as they see or know). Who you are in the dark and who you are when the spotlights are on you reveal a lot about who you are. If all of those are consistent...then I can't say much about those who denied climate change, supported Trump and Duterte and populism, and yet called themselves cultivators of practices from Taoism to Buddhism. By the fruits, ye shall be known. And this forum had seeds that grew into a poison tree. I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow. And I water'd it in fears, Night & morning with my tears: And I sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night. Till it bore an apple bright. And my foe beheld it shine, And he knew that it was mine. And into my garden stole, When the night had veil'd the pole; In the morning glad I see; My foe outstretched beneath the tree. - William Blake
  20. No more right-wing bullshit.

    The topic of the thread is No More Right-Wing Bullshit. The focus in my initial post was on the mods I addressed is their interpretation of free speech allowed abusive language and posting of unethical things like you did, which you and others benefited from more than others. The focus of addressing them was one-off and to leave it at that, but as you see, the mod who was your guardian angel, escalated it. Now stop because I have already exhausted my three message limit on the matter as stated above and don't want to derail this thread! IN KEEPING WITH THE TOPIC: the Right-Wing bullshit on this forum was based on a very loose and terrible interpretation of free speech and fake diversity at the expense of ethics and a lot of people making up their own version of the Tao, which seems very odd for them to support Trump or to spontaneously (no pun intended) come up with their own enlightenment or rules and make up their own self-serving logic and ethics. Such self-serving logic and self-serving ethics allowed a lot of decidedly non-Taoist practices and more New Age dichotomies to flourish here. Those New Age dichotomies may use quotes from the TTC and somehow supercede the common practices, ethics, and understanding of Taoism, but they are not Taoism. "If you can talk about it, it ain't the Tao. If it has a name, it's just another thing. Tao doesn't have a name. Names are for ordinary things." - Ron Hogan translation of Tao Te Ching, Modern Tao Te Ching. As stated above, some people benefited more from the old admin than others, and others less so, in particular, actual Taoists who were forced off the forum like flowing hands. Flowing Hands' sin was protecting us from a potential scam and that same mod team decided he was violating forum roles for "making a personal attack on a member [albeit inactive]". The logic the mod team used was in their words meant to "promote diversity of views and voices on the forum" and as you can see with Flowing Hands and my grievance, everyone, exactly who is being protected? What kind of fake diversity are they promoting when the loudest voices are the ones who are most questionable, from the Right-Wing to the unethical? Looking forward to a better admin hopefully.
  21. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Wow, it's like you want people to know you know nothing about integrity of a lineage or safety of practitioners, especially for those with mental health issues who would be most adversely affected by it without guidance. Like a scammer says, "If you read the fine print, I am not liable." No, I don't want to buy a bridge you or he are selling and it's not my fault for falling for it. No, more like you can't give up the fact the work you did was garbage. This is the same as saying others have a problem with Trump and he has done no harm, absolving yourself of anything you've done irresponsibly and placing it on others for not appreciating you. The only accurate thing you have ever said! Yeah, right. It seems you're more likely to respond each time you've been rebutted. Those who are most certain of themselves are the ones who do everything to deny facts presented before them. Principles even you failed to uphold and as the thread proved, you know absolutely nothing about Taoist principles and lineage integrity. Why not return to a place with values more in line with your views at Living Unbound with the rest of the Far Right who have been booted? Allowing this crap to go on just as you allowed the bullying and abuse here in the name of free speech is a joke, and calling what we did scare tactics when we have no financial stake whatsoever but the safety of others. Perhaps Sean won't eliminate that thread, but I hope to be more open to his reasoning than yours if he decides to retain it. My three message limit for garbage exchanges with people like you have expired, and I won't say anymore about that thread because res ipsa loquitur--the thing speaks for itself.
  22. No more right-wing bullshit.

    So much for reconciling by going back to your original stance. My stance also stays because of my integrity of lineage and you can practice your own views from living unbound, which last I checked, had contradictory views to Taoist and lineage integrity, not to mention safety. Humiliate me as you did on the spontaneous thread by ignoring my report on the thread and then publicly posting what is a CONFIDENTIAL report, focus on allowing a controversial thread to continue discussion that was not even going on, making ME the bad guy for saying the emperor has no clothes. Now continue to stand by that and it undoes your apology above. I have spoken my piece and you have undone your reconciliation. Whatever. Garbage in, garbage out.
  23. The pleasure is all mine, especially knowing you found momentary joy. We may not have communicated before, but I have followed your journey and your more challenging moments in life where you sought support here, and want you to know I'm one of the people who is glad you are here, glad you are still here, and glad you are okay as things get better. I never knew the forum would have this abrupt shift, but hey, it could happen in Washington, D.C. too, just like it did in Greece. Aashaa monetoo.
  24. What are you listening to?

    The clash of cacophony and harmony--perfect for the changes here.