Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Haiku Chain

    Their unborn faces stir Our expectations as They are Our Future
  2. Climate Change

    How crass! He thinks he surpasses science’s top brass when in truth he has no class so let’s all just take a hard pass! It’s as clear as glass that one look at the grass and we already know that the earth has reached critical mass! Come what may let us not delay our combined efforts to allay the inevitable disaster that is already happening today based on what Miss Thurnberg has to say!
  3. Climate Change

    He’s a messiah for the planetary masses who sasses that it’s all gasses coming out of our asses but he’s just thick as molasses with how he harasses!
  4. Daoist Dieta

    it is the kind of tea and many brands like Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf and Starbucks also sell it so it’s quite accessible but the right brand is the issue to focus on here.
  5. Daoist Dieta

    Twinnings has its own issues with the tea estates in Sri Lanka but is slightly better than Lipton. As for the teabag you have, this is dragon well green tea.
  6. Climate Change

    What is fantastic is that you spoke to the spirit of the OP rather than the debate this thread devolved into!
  7. Mo Pai and unwellness

    “About that counter though, is it feasible as a programming soultion? 😉” I don’t understand this part.
  8. Mo Pai and unwellness

    or perhaps more appropriately Mo Pai and Drew, two forces that come together and give everyone a headache. Although it’s more Drew than Mo Pai at this point...
  9. The problem with the psychic frequency, besides the fact that it is more frequently accessed than other spheres like the Akashic, is that oftentimes “psychics” let ego get in the way to filter their interpretations. There is also suggestion of the reader and to the reader, potential intrusions by entities, and the tendency to get caught up in a client’s narrative.
  10. Mo Pai and unwellness

    Because you're on topic there. Finally you're back to topic, but that doesn't mean I'm going to read another wall of nonsense. This clip pretty much sums up how everyone feels about you here: "Enough you idiot! Shorten the stupid story to 20 words or less!"
  11. Mo Pai and unwellness

    “Real contributions” you say when you spam a thread and force your own agenda that so far at this point is more about imposing your research rather than the topic of MO PAI AND UNWELLNESS. Another thread, another incursion by Drew.
  12. Mo Pai and unwellness

    From Mo Pai to Drew and his book and research, this thread has one common theme: someone is always going to come and claim to be a f***ing expert and authority on health, especially internal arts and their effects on health to immortality. Yet so far, no immortals have given us their opinions on the matter. Any Highlanders here?
  13. New practioner

    Access here. https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/12639-flying-phoenix-chi-kung
  14. The hero's journey

    “Hero with a Thousand Faces” by Joseph Campbell. VERY important reading in the humanities field and historically relevant. I believe that his work is less known by people now for the 21st century, at least in west. It was often cited even in the 1990s and early 2000s by many fiction authors.
  15. The hero's journey

    Have you read the book this came from or did you just find the image alone? The book it originates from is quite clear.
  16. Mo Pai and unwellness

    No, what you’re alleging and inferring is not what I meant to say or imply, but once again, thank you for reminding us of your qualifications, Drew.
  17. Daoist Dieta

    Lipton is one of the worst brands out there as it is full of pesticides. As you are also in the Philippines if you are in Manila there is an organic group called Shumei selling moringa and mulberry tea for prices less than what you claim are beyond your price range. If you’re here I will personally show you myself because it is ridiculous to let income determine one’s Taoist commitment. Paying for things is one form of demonstrating commitment as I mentioned in your other thread.
  18. Mo Pai and unwellness

    “When done improperly”, Drew.
  19. which version of 8 brocades?

    There is a saying in Chinese that essentially translates to “small idea, big head” meaning that all the variations are generally good. I know three variations and one from Xin Yi is for developing power via rewiring nerves while the one from Taijiquan is for developing Tai Chi skill. I no longer practice the third variation as the above two are already fantastic for martial and health application. So depending on what you want you will get a baseline of benefits but each variation can potentially offer something unique.
  20. Mo Pai and unwellness

    Celibacy itself when done improperly does irritate the prostate, not just MP but across practices. This is why ejaculating depending on age can affect your risk. https://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/news/20090127/masturbation-and-prostate-cancer-risk
  21. Training, Accumulation, and Retention

    Yep, Welkin came here to make passive-aggressive comments, leveled strange accusations, said his message was to let go yet continued escalating, then leaves when his bubble was burst and apologizes to the OP, having contributed nothing but an initial passive-aggressive comment aimed at me and derailment of the thread. Reminds me of the drunk who comes into a store while people are having a nice conversation, says all sorts of weird things before leaving as abruptly as he came, while everyone looks on flabbergasted.
  22. Training, Accumulation, and Retention

    Yeah, I remember what happened to John Lennon too when he didn’t pay attention to the fan who gunned him down for not knowing who the hell he was or caring one bit for all that the fan was ranting about. Still the same story with you following me around, but no autograph for you. Actually, that one Eminem song “Stan” is appropriate for you!
  23. Training, Accumulation, and Retention

    Keep entertaining us, mate. Your posts here and reasoning behind them both make no sense, for I simply wasn’t interested in the nonsense you were trying to sell me before, and now you’ve made it a personal crusade against me while saying that I have an ego issue (as if it’s unique). You remind me of an incel who is bitter he was rejected and pointing at others making up all sorts of reasons that the problem is anyone else but himself. But at least I have skill and knowledge to back it up versus making things up based off of misinformation and spiritual ponzi scams promising power that people mix and match from posts here, YouTube, and bad pirated PDFs before declaring they’re awakened masters.
  24. Climate Change

    The three people above tend to derail often but thankfully in this case Drew is very on topic and has significant contributions as climate change relates to his interest and research.