Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. I read a lot of his work. The difference? He isn’t a wacko perv and he is actually interesting.
  2. Twenty words or less. Not reading anything past that because you’re not even willing to consider what everyone’s already said.
  3. Rationalization is the refuge of the reprobates. ENOUGH ALREADY YOU IDIOT! Shorten your answers to twenty words or less!
  4. FALSE COMPARISON LOGICAL FALLACY, Drew. And in case you don’t know: Even energetic healing must be done with consent!
  5. One problem: the original person who started the FP thread is no longer active here but gave their blessings to Terry and the previous administration to make it his PPJ to preserve continuity.
  6. In the world of illusions, I'd like to believe that this is all some silly daydream of the butterfly and that Drew being Drew is one of the many oddities out there. In the atheistic world, it is a make-believe world he lives in, but it is still abhorrent that Drew is boasting about his orgasms at a distance for people, which, back in our day, would be a lot worse than just "undressing someone with your eye". In the cultivators world and karmic world, there are serious ethical issues for the nonconsensual acts of orgasm at a distance, and no amount of rationalization for it can change the fact that nobody asked to have their etheric bodies penetrated by Drew or anyone else. The end result is, I hope none of it is real, because even if it is, it's disgusting.
  7. It's a common issue, but on our end, Sifu Terry sends out instructions to new students via his personal e-mail on how to join and find the forum, while assigning me to find people like this to get them over to the main thread until that's resolved. This was an issue addressed by the previous admin to get rid of the scammers and spammers, but it was never a permanent solution due to the fact that it is in the PPJ, it can't be found in public web searches the way that the old thread once was.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    On that note: has anyone attempted to learn these? I figured I would eventually learn them from Sifu Terry himself as breaking the movements down helps my understanding better than just following the movements. I'm sure I could learn from these videos if I dedicated the time, but nuances are something that are better discovered from formal instruction, especially as they can be missed just watching videos...even Sifu Terry's videos no matter how elaborate and thorough they are! I will also add that even if I thought I had the forms down pat, Sifu Terry showed me many more nuances and subtleties that I would never have known about in my own body movements mirroring his video that I had completely missed. Let this be a reminder that those who really want to benefit from Flying Phoenix really should get private lessons with Sifu Terry!
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    define “mixing up”. Are you just doing different exercises than your normal routine? That’s fine. But if you’re changing breathing sequences or movements, no.
  10. What would be your superpower?

    You're thinking of Justice Lords (Justice League animated series) for lobotomies or Miracle Man and his totalitarian utopia that killed democracy and led to Thatcher and the rest of the jerks going through group therapy to recover from their loss of power. I'm thinking of Promethea, old chap. Promethea: highly recommended reading for people who like magic as Armageddon was used to bring in utopia (the entire series by esteemed author Alan Moore actually was also a metafictional working that was meant to affect our layer of reality too, by the by). I take it you enjoy making clay pots as well?
  11. What would be your superpower?

    The superpower I want is the ability to solve all the problems in the multiverse from poverty to illness to conflict without anyone getting hurt or anything getting sacrificed or lost as the solutions create balance and joy for all sentient beings.
  12. I will share a story about something that happened a few years ago in Manila that parallels this. I had already been off social media for a couple years, so to hear of this drama was particularly baffling and seeing the parallels here between Mr. Orgasm at a Distance and outing another pervert. There was a lad whom I will simply call "Koko" who became involved in two threads on the subjects of cat calling and harassment of women, which is quite common in a city that increasingly looking like a suburb of Los Angeles in terms of mindset from social movements to rampant consumerism and shock capitalism. "Koko" kicked out the original two founders of one Facebook advocacy group and continued to take advantage of the unique situation in the current regime's special privilege for bloggers, awarding them press passes. "Blogging" in the Philippines means even running a Facebook page, no matter how ridiculous that sounds. In the other page, he was characterized as making the causes about himself rather than the actual advocacy, posting constantly about how he was awarded for his "activism" and invited to events. It was later revealed with screenshots that Koko's behavior was no different than the people he was calling out for their behavior--the screen captures of his text messages, e-mails, and private messages on Facebook showed at times that he was worse, including trading his girlfriend for an Xbox 360 that her new boyfriend offered in exchange for him to get her to break up with him, which he agreed to enthusiastically saying that women were like consoles: outdated very quickly when newer, sexier ones are always coming with better and improved "features" (referring to tits and ass). At the time of this writing, Koko has had several accounts banned on social media and is a person non grata amongst multiple groups and business establishments for his hypocritical behavior, including when it was eventually revealed how he had stolen the pages from the original founders and set back the movements greatly. Now, while it may be amusing to look at Drew and Elitom here as a kettle and teapot situation, the parallel I am drawing is that on the one hand, some people may not even realize that their behavior is actually as bad as--if not worse than--the people they are outing. Drew might not realize it, and that's one thing, but if he is cherrypicking what is appropriate or not, well, I have no other comment to say besides throwing my hands up in the air and sighing, rolling my eyes, and walking off because there's nothing else to be said, res ipsa loquitur, "the thing speaks for itself".
  13. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    "You are not victims and you are not weak! You've got serious power because you can bleed through your vagina and hold a job down, chair a PTA committee meeting, and can handle more than me, who can't even handle being flicked in the balls! Women are warriors! You're not weak! You're not victims! Is that not what feminism used to be about? Can we agree that women are also a bit better by a country mile?"
  14. It was moved to the PPJ section to allow better personal control over moderation of the thread due to trolls and spammers who came in saying inane things like breath sequences are a waste of time and derailing the thread, along with scammers trying to lure students out. Thread here in ppj section for zenbear. https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/12639-flying-phoenix-chi-kung/
  15. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    If he has an instructor, then it will be helpful to ask (some of us start with books before going to a teacher), but if not l, it’s hard to really give an accurate answer without intuiting because of overlap in systems. The overlap can help, but accuracy is still not necessarily precise.
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This is a post that was made elsewhere and not to the main thread, so I am quoting it here for Sifu Terry or others to give their own answers. My personal answers are that we have @ridingtheox who began with volume 4 before doing the earlier volumes. There is no set order mandated, but for beginners usually volumes 1 and 2 are recommended, and I personally would make that 1, 2, and 5 actually to have access to the flash meditations for busy people. You WILL gain benefit from doing ANY ONE FORM.
  17. What are all the benifits of wall squats ?

    The benefits of wall squats for physical health can not be understated as static holds help focus the muscle area and build endurance. Applying that to Zhan Zhuang, it is good for eventually preparing you for low stances and sinking. As for allergies and your qigong system, I can not comment on that because I do not practice it, so it is best you ask your instructor.
  18. Yep, back in the day when it was just phone calls, SMS, and snake, loud voices were and still are annoying contrary to what TV news anchors and YouTube videos may convey.
  19. I notice that over the past few years how annoying it has become when people on a bus, in a restaurant, a ride share, on a plane, ANYWHERE really, don't want to use headphones or earphones and prefer to let people listen to their videos or bad music on their phones. They don't really seem to care about common courtesy in public, and most of the time, I've heard people refuse to lower the volume even if everyone else wants it off or are too shy or scared to ask someone to remember good manners. Even the person who shouts into their phone and the whole room can hear is really annoying. I am not sure if I hate smart phone technology more and more or if people will ever realize that air pollution is not just cigarette smoke, but man, I miss the 80s and 90s when we had phone booths still and prefer people smoking in restaurants than this noise and radiation everywhere. I don't want them ever smoking on an airplane though, so I'm glad that's gone.
  20. Probably wouldn’t donate, haha, but another thing to note is that mobile phones are a lifeline for low income people since it is their answering machine, email, computer, and office, especially in the United States with a spike towards inner city low income African Americans according to a piece in the New York Times this year, one that notes how some use it as well as corresponding apps when they don’t have access to credit cards. A big sign of the problems with the capitalist system and mobile technology that creates disparities and dependence based on income and sadly classist and racist issues are more pronounced.

    right on there. I understand the logic behind the part where teachers in general are coy, but the mentality of finding out for oneself is as much a means of encouraging students to be active on their own and also being asked the same question that to accomplished adepts is the same as asking “What does it feel like to orgasm?” Or “What does the sensation of the sun beneath your feet feel like?” Because they’re not very easy to convey.

    I am probably more Beetle Bailey while you come across as Joker from Full Metal Jacket in that regard, which is kind of funny given your avatar (and meant as a compliment). Actually, a lot of internal masters are weird, there’s no getting around that and it’s not just the western mind, it’s that level of skill that makes them live on a totally different level of reality that almost feels like drinking some electric kool-aid acid test. The key is seeing how much you’re willing to put up with and if that teacher actually has the skill you want to learn or is just another scammer!

    You are a lot better than me, but maybe because I’m an optimist or just that stubborn! Ha! Like the X-Files’ Moulder, “I want to believe!”

    He is hard to reach in general and I have yet to connect with him, but Terry Dunn regularly communicates with him. I find it’s common for a lot of internal teachers to give more effort to long time and indoor students, and how you characterize him sounds like a couple of my teachers who apparently did that to test students in the beginning. It’s annoying as hell, but when I discovered the reason, it made sense, though I don’t agree with it.

    I'm sorry I did not see this earlier, but if you want to get in touch with him, his website is www.warriorbodybuddhamind.com