Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Perhaps you missed every single message I posted here pointing out why you perceive me as "beating you into the ground". Apparently you either don't read messages, or reject feedback because it doesn't suit your personal narrative, or you just don't comprehend well. I did comment on the actual content of the thread. It makes no sense like everything else you've posted. You haven't been thrown into the trash for being a broken record, you've been shown you're a broken record. Which is perhaps why I referenced Sisyphus?
  2. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    it is an example of how we recognize these spasms are there or discover them and if you didn’t pick up, how to rid yourself of them. Seems like you’re not getting the point still and I think I’ll just leave you be after attempting to reach out across multiple threads and apparently failing to communicate that. Good luck.
  3. Mantras

    Read Thomas Ashley Farrand. the best books on mantra come from him. Healing Mantras, Shakti Mantras, and Chakra Mantras. All three books are essential.
  4. You only fail if you quit. Keep on trucking.
  5. Ha, just be open, ask questions, and be careful about the disinformation and misinformation out there, even in this forum.
  6. Trying to get that motivation has been the Sisyphian task for all of us so far!
  7. As stated earlier, misinformation, misrepresentation, self-initiation and self-aggrandization while refusing to have dialogue and being defensive is not a signal that he is open to communication, in addition to that misinformation being dangerous to others looking to understand what he refers to using terms associated with that but not actually understanding it at all. In an earlier thread, he was receptive to a sycophantic fan of his who went on to attack me and others in that thread. So it's not like we haven't tried before.
  8. Ah, so you're appropriating terminology and concepts from other systems and practices to make them your own! Too bad your appropriation still doesn't follow any logic or rationale other than a self-serving one.
  9. Do you know the difference between responding and reacting? There you go again taking it as a power play! I'm suggesting or recommending for your own good that your processing and ranting doesn't sound like it is inviting dialogue at all, on top of spreading misinformation. You're already confused as it is, but confusing others further is dangerous for their sake, not yours. I did ask you the very first time, and then the cycle began from that point! You've been dismissive since the very first time when I didn't mind you at all to when you suddenly became defensive! I even pointed out Nungali wasn't attacking you, he was educated and qualified to point out that you have no understanding of Crowley or the sources you cite, yet you're arguing that your self-initiation and your opinion is sacred. In other words, if you rant on and on, someone might just feel the same way about processing aloud and saying things that are completely incorrect about the sources you criticize and claim to derive your understanding from here. I've seen others use it and I tried using it in high school. If it works for you, I don't know how effective it is given that you don't demonstrate an adequate understanding of the material. (do you see a pattern by the way with what I am repeating?) Speak for yourself! Aha! So you really don't want dialogue or to be scrutinized and challenged! I have had others challenge me when I didn't know anything and when I did know something, and can back it up with skill and application. What you are doing is showing that you want to voice your uninformed opinions ad nauseam. In the literal sense, I have lived in many lawless countries where people declared themselves the authority on it and those are known as failed states. In the esoteric sense, you are basically avoiding certification or qualification by giving yourself authority and credibility. This is the same as a guy who takes the time to found his own institution for the sole purpose of accrediting himself when he can't get into any credible place due to his rejection of the ideals he bizarrely believes he knows more about. True story: Beurin "University" is not an accredited body, but the founder accredited himself by creating his own organization to offer accreditation for institutions because his pseudoscience courses only show how much of a sham they are, on the level of Trump University. Supposed to be read. You're elevating your own authority here! Gee, and I thought college kids were know-it-alls on the first day of class before reading a syllabus. My crap isn't dangerous, and it's only contrary to the harmful shit that's coming from your end (no pun intended!).
  10. Qualifications and authority are why. Who would want to learn from a guy who says he understands law (in the legal sense) or metaphysical Law (esoteric sense) but his interpretations sound nothing like what is taught by those with formal understanding to preserve without distortion of the teachings?
  11. If you paid attention earlier, I said your behavior has not changed based on our observations, not just mine. You say your behavior has changed, but your rants here are showing that it's the same if not similar. We even recommended a PPJ because you aren't really responding to anything being said, so at this point, how can dialogue occur if all you do is say incoherent things and don't seem to understand the material or subjects you're citing? This thread didn't come across as a conversation, but a guy talking to himself and wanting people to pat him on the shoulder and clap their hands for what may be insights and Eureeka! moments, but again: they really sound more like you're processing and should be in a PPJ.
  12. That would be Avalokiteshvara, who also gave the universe "Om Mani Padme Hum"!
  13. You haven't answered a single question, nor have you actually taken time to consider your certainties, on top of construing everything as an attack. At this point, it's more productive to see you get set off than it is to actually engage in you since you avoid dialogue and prefer to frame things from conflict and "woe is me".
  14. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    Either you weren't paying attention to the first response I made or you missed the point: they won't go away by force, they will go away gradually after doing proper meditation to relieve tension and trauma.
  15. C.G.Jung’s “The Red Book”

    I’d say Facebook for any group work is really a bad idea. But I’ll leave those reasons for another time and just wish you well because jungian work is fantastic.
  16. Where'd they come from? Well, I think I know who these people are. People who frequent New Age stores and buy crystals, take yoga classes, do Reiki initiation on Skype, Google a few quotes from Crowley and possibly Gurdjieff, and borrow from the library a few books to skim a few chapters and remember what suits their beliefs, then go on TDB to ask questions, then respond to those questions by dismissing them and suddenly elevating themselves to be "masters" while rejecting any old tradition, including those who formally studied those traditions and actually know what the hell they are talking about. Where they come from? From all sorts of backgrounds lacking nuance and depth, where even traveling becomes a confirmation bias that treats cultures as the Great Other as Eat Pray Love was a glaring example of someone who had no understanding of the cultures in the places she went to while focusing totally on herself and her "feel good about feeling bad" narrative and changing her social media feed and profile picture forever; those who find or create conspiracy theories everywhere from alien colonialism to Jesus-Elvis clones and deep states; and likely with all sorts of idiosyncratic characteristics that belie some sort of cognitive issues though not necessarily neuroses. They are often suburban denizens who look for comfort and confirmation of themselves rather than growth or change that is found from exploration and discovery, those who won't go anywhere without a Yelp review or TripAdvisor recommendation, and if it looks good on social media, nor will they read something unless they can get it for free as a download or if it's on sale on Amazon. This is what I believe who these people are, where they come from, and how they are like.
  17. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    Spasms in meditation are actually not uncommon. In the beginning, I, my peers, and some students all felt involuntary movements. Energy is being moved and it will eventually find stillness. Based on what you say, your emotional and mental trauma is expressing itself in a psychosomatic manner. With proper practice, it will eventually end. Keep at it and eventually as you physically shake trauma out it will lead to some stillness. In our school, we accelerate the process through both proper golden flower seated meditation and Zhan Zhuang in embracing position for example, but beyond that, it is best you consult with your teacher or those with seniority in the system of meditation you practice to help.
  18. considering that the title is GREATings as opposed to greetings, and he tends to ramble on and make no sense... lettuce hope that he gets it one day.
  19. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Does anyone else notice that these are all subtle references to actual superheroes, like the lamp referring to Green Lantern or fruit communication for Swamp Thing? Also, these powers actually wouldn't be out of place with Doom Patrol with Grant Morrison, if the Brotherhood of Dada are any indication... Examples: Alias the Blur Ilse Krauss, an actress, falls in love with her own reflection. As she gets older, the reflection changes, and Ilse's madness drives her to believe that her reflective lover had been kidnapped and replaced; in retaliation, she scars the mirror with battery acid, before shooting herself. Ilse is left in a coma on life support in a Bremen hospital. The dead, destroyed mirror ends up in a junkyard before eventually it is awoken by the dream-vibrations of Mister Nobody; Alias the Blur awakens, a fractured monster-ghost with the ability to speed up the aging process of whoever looks in its mirror. Alias the Blur follows Mister Nobody on the campaign trail to win the presidency before the battle with John Dandy, when it was freed of its tortured existence and Ilse finally died. Sleepwalk Holly McKenzie was a British girl who had tremendous strength, but only when she was asleep. To avoid waking, she took sleeping pills and wore headphones that played Barry Manilow. She had the outlines of two faces painted around her eyes. This is similar to the Supergirl character in the superhero genre of film, comics and fantasy subgenre magical girl. Number None Number None, also known as the Secret Identity, is neither a specific person or thing. Number None is anything or anyone that can get in your way. As Mister Nobody put it, "Everybody and everything, at some time or another, is Number None." It first appears as a door that Agent ! walks into, signaling its joining of the New New New Brotherhood of Dada. It is never officially killed, because it is unclear if it can be.
  20. That was what started the exchange the past couple months with him. He misquoted Crowley, he was told that he missed the point by Nungali, then when I asked him what he meant and told him that even I didn't read Crowley in such a manner as he interpreted, he acted defensive and then started making straw man arguments with us for things we never said. No openness to feedback. No willingness to back up what was said by him. No appreciation for people who have studied formally pointing out that he is making things up and not understanding what was said.
  21. Qigong techniques for better, longer, deeper sleep?

    I'll message you privately about this. Shoot me any questions privately first so I know what you're interested in learning about specifically with shuigong.
  22. Oh, MY actions? This is like saying that because someone disagrees with you, you aren’t able to do anything. If you were a 21st century teen then I’d see why you can’t function if someone disagrees or points out your foolishness, but you’re in your late 40s, sir. Grow a spine or some Will that you quote yet have a dubious interpretation of, lad! I didn’t hold you back, you are using us as a convenient scapegoat to justify your unwillingness to recognize you’re still in the same pattern. I don't "pollute your growth" by my comments, I'm just witnessing what's going on, which is that you're posting nonsense that is hard to follow and when questioned by others or how it's pointed out that you're best off in a PPJ, you shrink away into a corner as though my opinion of what you write invalidates it. What I'm saying is that you're posting nonsense and not engaging in dialogue or taking feedback, so you might as well have a PPJ instead. I am not "smearing you based on old observations and arguments", I'm responding to the fact that you're still spewing the same nonsense. So you might think you've stopped making mistakes, but in the eyes of us, it's no different today than it was a couple months ago. Your responses to three of us here show you're just not interested in getting your head out of the ground.
  23. Same behavior, same rationalization, and I am not responsible for another man's evolution (or lack thereof). "History shall remember me greatly because I write it" said Winston Churchill. WORLD WILL LIVE. WORLDS WILL DIE. NOTHING WILL REMAIN THE SAME. CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS!
  24. And you are as thin-skinned to feedback and unwilling to recognize the consequences of your actions. Cause and effect, not eye for an eye, old chap.