Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Do What Thou Wilt

    He hasn't played enough Monkey Island. He really should have gone with the, "First you'd better stop waving it around like a feather duster" insult instead.
  2. INFERNO !

    Makes you wonder why none of this is being referenced when there are media features on Extinction Rebellion protesters and PM Morrison talking about how they’re going out of line. With conditions like this and people still thinking that it’s not a priority, it really seems necessary to get people to drop everything and pay attention. Unfortunately, the false dichotomy that is created now makes climate change and action become associated with being “un-Australian” since a lot of coal money is still also tied to old ideas of Australian identity and leads to a dubious understanding that thinks all those fires and climate issues are made up or exaggerated in a conspiracy to eliminate coal. Stay safe, old friend.
  3. internal anger

    Since you posted the exact same thing elsewhere I will repost this here and add something else. Anger at its base is an expression of frustration, often from pain and unmet needs according to primal therapy. It is also a form of feeling unfairness or injustice as Brenee Brown discusses in one of her lectures. Anger is not power but it’s a fire behind the engine. Anger when it’s righteous like Martin Luther King fighting for civil rights is different when it’s anger from white incel boys complaining about interracial relationships like Elliot Rodger. You decide what to do with your anger rather than letting your anger control you. A voice, an opinion, like all other emotions in your mind. Not an authority or a master.
  4. My interpretation of Tao

    Seems like you haven’t read much of Laozi or Mengzi because this sounds like New Age hokum.
  5. Do What Thou Wilt

    from a guy who talks about white brothers and being a god, you’re making strange bedfellows like with this lad, Saint Germaine.
  6. Do What Thou Wilt

    Ubu Roi perhaps? King Ralph? Or King of Kong?
  7. Do What Thou Wilt

    Hey, Bell gave me this deck too.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Quoted here for Sifu Terry @zen-bear to answer. These exercises are not on the CKFH volumes.
  9. New member

    Please ask those questions on the thread, as Sifu Terry will not see this here. I will quote this there for just this once, but no Flying Phoenix questions are answered off the thread if we don't see them there.
  10. What are you listening to?

    English and Japanese versions back to back for comparison for "Lifelight". Colours weave into a spire of flame, Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed, Bear this torch against the cold of the night, Search your soul and reawaken the undying light. On that day when the sky fell away, Our world came to an end. In our eyes did a fading sun rise in the dark glimmering shadows. Silence grows in the spaces between, Stretching out beyond time. Rising up as a chorus of souls find a voice flickering through the void. These little sparks cling on to life, Everyone caught in the struggle. And then the storms of change, they fan the flames scattering ashes to the wind. Every soul contains a whisper of light, Gleaming faintly as it dwindles from sight. No escape, no greater fate to be made, In the end the chains of time will not break. Colours weave into a spire of flame, Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed, Bear this torch against the cold of the night, Search your soul and reawaken the undying light. As fate spins a thread without end, New life draws its first breath. Blossoming in a soil reclaimed from the past, Where destiny holds fast. Here where we stand hand clenched in hand, Everyone caught in the struggle, This is the day we finally find our way stepping into our tomorrow. Every soul contains a whisper of light, Growing louder as it calls to unite. From the distance sings a chorus of souls, Rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals. Colours weave into a spire of flame, Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed, Bear this torch against the cold of the night, Light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight. Every soul contains a whisper of light, Growing louder as it calls to unite. From the distance sings a chorus of souls, Rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals. Colours weave into a spire of flame, Distant sparks call to a past still unnamed, Bear this torch against the cold of the night, Light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight.
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    ”Even Margaret Thatcher is fucking left of Hilary Clinton!” Funny rant for some, but hard to laugh at a lot of Pie’s works because they sound like the rants of the last sane man at times.
  12. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Coincidance arrived in a suitcase last month after sitting in my sister's apartment for months waiting to be brought here for me to finally read. Love it.
  13. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    As you enjoyed those, look up his essays. "Shooting an Elephant in Burma" is one such piece that to me speaks more about the 21st century than 1984 because it talks about how groupthink and mob mentality affect our reality, which is why populism is so prevalent today when people rely on others to think for them, whether it's their mobile devices and apps, Yelp reviews, or a larger body. Another theme that is more grotesque and in the vein of the New Weird genre is Clive Barker's "In the Hills, The Cities" short story from Books of Blood.
  14. Qiqong exercise for increased focus?

    I don't know if it's the same, but Chen Tuan as I know went to Hua Shan where Liuhebafa came from, and Hua Shan is also where our system of Sleeping Qigong came from. From what I read on Liuhebafa, the form came to him in dreams as well. Either way, it has made my Xin Yi Liu He Quan much better because it's a perfect match.
  15. Qiqong exercise for increased focus?

    If she’s talking about the same sleeping qigong i know, it’s here at www.qigongchinesehealth.com, but I think she knows a different variation than the one Dolic teaches.
  16. What is your favourite exercise?

    Swimming, especially in long, Olympic-size pools like I used in university or the ocean because the former is not commonly available for us civilians. Seeing girls in bikinis at the pool as well is extra motivation... "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
  17. If you want one, you would have probably been best off going to ask for tech support and at this thread.
  18. Haiku Chain

    Shake your head smiling: Jolly Roger’s sailing while Tinkerbell’s sparkling
  19. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    No need to self-deprecate, mate. Dwai’s friend and Dolic both can at least recommend people who might be suited for you in terms of distance. Enjoy!
  20. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    I would not say more popular means more competent teachers, as many of them don’t actually have skill, but know park Tai Chi for elders. It is a specialized practice that with the best teachers is a martial, medical, and meditative practice that can kill, heal greatly and even help significantly with issues like Parkinson’s, and bring you to a unique meditative state of awareness. More popular doesn’t mean more quality, lest we say that applies to McDonald’s and the perfection of the cheeseburger... Look up Jake Mace to see what popular art and terrible quality teaching means. You can’t go wrong with dwai and his recommendations though, so likely he saved you time finding a good Tai Chi teacher in your area.
  21. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    A lot of this is true, but this is not the default for teachers. Real and great teachers are rare, but unfortunately, they do command a premium in value, which either you see or you don't, and their teachings are priceless or beyond what anyone can truly give to reflect that value. My five teachers are like that and their attitudes are "Either you commit fully or you don't" because even if you do have the finances as one millionaire trust fund child did, he wasn't committed, so his money was returned as he was more of a chore to deal with than it was worth. As someone who has also lived in multiple countries (13), I can appreciate your 30 countries perspective, but that soft skill really is tested when learning due to the culture of lineage. I recommended Dolic because he is in Sydney and is a wonderful human being besides being a teacher who teaches more than qigong and doesn't charge for what aren't qigong techniques or martial training. He does Tai Chi and Bagua on top of Shaolin Long Fist, and can recommend people as well if you're really interested in something he doesn't teach. My other teachers are not in Australia, but happily teach online provided you understand the limitations of learning online and have their own recommended reading. I can't give you recommended readings on techniques because a lot of books out there are incomplete or inadequate. Consult a TCM doctor or Ayurveda doctor. For you, I actually would recommend Eric Isen at www.ayurvedicintuitive.com who can actually diagnose which is a good system to practice, whether it is Flying Phoenix or Bagua or Spontaneous Five Animals. Reminds me of a Haruki Murakami quote from Norwegian Wood: "Don't feel sorry for yourself--only assholes feel sorry for themselves." Oversimplification risks becoming trivialization, sadly it's common when communicating online as there are nuances you can't pick up from words on a screen.
  22. I can agree with the ocean part when doing Yi Quan practices in the water... and how that made me stronger against humans after.
  23. Energy rich guy seeking advice on choosing a method

    In my experience, ego is there with skill, but healthy ego is key to cultivating, rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater as some westerners believe when they’re writing absurd titles like “Ego is the Enemy” and not understanding absence of ego entirely is as bad as excessive ego and excessive negative ego. I also add that when you have really powerful teachings, they can humble you like crazy when you realize that some things are not meant for everyone, contrary to what Internet libertarians citing egalitarianism may believe. ADDENDUM: Some who claim they have a particular skill don’t actually have any of those skills, but it doesn’t mean that those skills don’t exist. One guy said he had fajin but he didn’t when I met him offline. Another guy said he had an LDT and faqi because he did group meditation and balanced his yin and yang. Another guy said he isn’t interested in learning to fight, but that’s because he can’t fight at all and revealed very quickly how he would love to learn how to fight if someone were willing to teach him, yet he’s unwilling to pay for a teacher and assumes all teachers are fakes but is always looking for the next mail order course. So some critics who argue that if some bigmouths say they have skill but don’t actually have it means that it is proof that such skills don’t exist, they are throwing the baby out with the bath water. Those skills DO exist, but they are very rare and hard to achieve, not something a pirated book or a YouTube video can teach, or some westerner who went to Bali and came home not just as an author, but suddenly an expert in spiritual pilgrimages and cultural appropriation.