Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Knowledge is very simple

    How he is treated by others is not his destiny, how he reacts to it IF it happens is another story, and neither are destiny! I take it you don’t know many blind people?
  2. Do What Thou Wilt

    What is baffling is that his exposure is only the quotes in my signature. A lot of inferred rationalizing, zero context. I could quote a line out of context referencing the AMA summoning a demon in the Illuminatus trilogy and someone might use that to justify their belief RAW was a demon summoning Satanist.
  3. Knowledge is very simple

    It's an ongoing pattern with him: misdirect, misinterpret, and misuse.
  4. Knowledge is very simple

    This is more appropriate for you.
  5. Knowledge is very simple

    At this point, anything he answers is a non-explanation, best characterized as a rant against necessary scrutiny of his dubious ideas.
  6. How lazy are you?

    My college roommate bought an iPod nano because he didn’t want to change the songs on his regular iPod.
  7. Do What Thou Wilt

    No, but unlike you, I can quote RAW in context and with appreciation because I’ve read his work and you have not, yet you’re acting like you know it intimately. Such a grumpy lad. Perhaps you need a good night kiss from someone who shares your disdain for others: Leona Helmsley.
  8. Do What Thou Wilt

    More conjecture, yet again, as I predicted earlier that you would cite a source you neither know nothing about or have no understanding of whatsoever, for the sake of supporting your views, whether it’s RAW or Crowley. It’s the same patent absurdity analogous to what it would look like if Eisenhower quoted Marx as a means to criticize Rockefeller.
  9. Do What Thou Wilt

    Just like everyone who wants to post in 4chan and 8chan free from scrutiny.
  10. Do What Thou Wilt

    Kindness isn’t how I’d characterize it. Perhaps archetypal “nice guy” who thinks just because he’s “nice” that he’s entitled to better treatment than others, especially in getting respect or a chance to sleep with someone, is actually a resentful and self-rationalizing ticking time bomb full of anger. Again, read Dostoevsky.
  11. Do What Thou Wilt

    You ought to read Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky. You’re starting to sound a lot like the unreliable narrator and his rampage against western philosophy.
  12. Do What Thou Wilt

    This level of victimhood and whining is on par with American suburban white incels.
  13. Do What Thou Wilt

    Oh we have all offered tools and critiques for others all over the forum, including for you. You just aren’t listening.
  14. Do What Thou Wilt

    “We love Big Brother. War is Peace. Freedom is slavery. We Love Big Brother.“
  15. Do What Thou Wilt

    First thing is, you’re so certain of how he’d react based on a few quotes in my signature and already are revealing you’ve never read his work. Second, RAW is the kind of guy who would question your beliefs if you aren’t questioning your own—anyone who reads Coincidance, Prometheus Rising, or The New Inquisition can show you he’s quite the literal thought provoker. Last, be very careful as you’re now citing an author you have never read or know anything about to me and at least three other people posting in this thread who often reference and read a lot of RAW mention all over the forum. This is a caution to stop painting yourself into a corner because you’re sounding a lot more foolish now.
  16. Do What Thou Wilt

    I should also add that RAW read a lot of Crowley and cited not just his works in his own writing, but made Crowley a character too.
  17. Do What Thou Wilt

    Aside from the fact that he wouldn’t hate me because he was quoted as saying that he was agnostic about everything, you also seem to have missed the part in my signature that quotes him as saying “Everyone has a Belief System, or BS; the trick is to not take YOUR OWN BS too seriously.”
  18. Do What Thou Wilt

    Just for the record and to stop YOUR whining, here’s a little analogy to consider: a disenchanted loony can write as many absurd letters as he wants to a magazine, and an editor can decide to print it or not for others to see, but that doesn’t mean questions of his sanity or his self-serving logic are answered for and resolved. If anything, being published is a reminder that people with “unique” personalities and “idiosyncratic” views exist, whether it is Billy Graham or the Marquis de Sade, or Toni Morrison and Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, all of whom have had their works available at your nearest bookstore and questions of taste and good art not deciding factors in what allows them to see print.
  19. Do What Thou Wilt

    And dangerous too considering that it makes the suckfish on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley feel like they're the victims for having power and wealth that others resent them for, bizarrely.
  20. Do What Thou Wilt

    You've obviously never read Atlas Shrugged. Some of us thought we'd make you more comfortable with what you're most familiar with. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Dalai Lama would all beg to differ if that was the kind of definition used for the power they have.
  21. MCO doesnt work

    Correct, but sadly many people either think it’s something they should do immediately thanks to both Mantak Chia and others like Michael Winn, or they have a watered-down version that is unhealthy for you and quite dangerous.
  22. MCO doesnt work

    We don’t do MCO for eight hours as it’s only 10-15 minutes for daytime practice as an optional but supplemental practice to strengthen Shuigong. You are quite correct in everything mentioned here though.
  23. Do What Thou Wilt

    Now if you really want to be a better poet with rhyme, look up John Ciardi’s English translation of the Divine Comedy, William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, Rudyard Kipling and Lewis Carrol’s works.
  24. Do What Thou Wilt

    Bad poetry and trying to sound profound—back in my day, girls would say that that’s such a pretentious way to impress one of them in the hopes of sleeping with them, and guys would say that the really profound and artistic would know how to profit off of it since the crappy stuff is free and all over LiveJournal where all the pseudo goths and fans of the old ‘90s film The Craft dumped their bad writing. All the good boys and girls might agree that you probably should just buy a Moleskine journal or wait until you get your PPJ activated here.
  25. MCO doesnt work

    I would add from our school that focusing on the LDT and MCO in the beginning is not recommended for beginners. In our Bagua, we only do LDT focus meditation after Zhan Zhuang for a few minutes. In Shuigong, we do the MCO only after having an outlet for flow of qi through our primary forms. Most of the time we find that doing our martial forms and Zhan Zhuang, the latter intrinsically can active the MCO and the former is necessary to have a place for the qi to understand its purpose and direction on top of its flow in the body.