Earl Grey

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Do What Thou Wilt

    Oh, so you’re okay with letting people know that you’re a pussy?
  2. Do What Thou Wilt

    And something tells me that nothing you speak with is anything else but your ass.
  3. Do What Thou Wilt

    The literacy of the OP and the dust speck screaming for significance in his block of text reminds me of this old In Living Color skit now that you mention SNL. I was always more partial to ILC more than SNL growing up. This too:
  4. Well, you will always find “anal” being the first part of analyzing. He goes on about having balls in his mouth and yet he doesn’t like analyzing based on his dubious understanding of everything he references.
  5. Do What Thou Wilt

    Yeah? You think six million lives means wealth? Do the nearly 2 million in Cambodia in Year Zero under Pol Pot mean that there weren’t enough sacrifices, you little shit? The millions under Stalin? Idi Amin? Do you think that any wealth is going to be distributed evenly too like how Marcos or Suharto and others hoarded for themselves? You seem to subscribe to the same reasoning some authoritarian apologists use, stating that if we build infrastructure, then the price is totalitarianism, which by the way is a recent argument summarizing the populists and their horse shit belief that assholes bring prosperity. Here’s a fact check: they don’t. They pilfer and they create more damage than any new goddamned bridges or highways will do to create wealth—and they used Hitler as an example of how he bankrupted the goddamned country. You are seriously going beyond bullshit into outright elephant shit with the chicken shit reasoning you’ve got there. And as Nungali said, you are just trolling now. But at this junction, you are just hopelessly pathetic.
  6. Truly! The ramblings were already annoying enough, but now this is outright cognitive dissonance and cacophony. He and his fanboy Integrated are now officially in my eyes Coprophiliacs for all this bullshit they enjoy and cry about us criticizing.
  7. He is racist. He already said that the world should worship Hitler’s anus in the other thread (“Do What Thou Wilt”)—look for yourself.
  8. What are you listening to?

    “No one can stop the charms of a Mario.” Haters gonna hate—loved that movie as a kid.
  9. Do What Thou Wilt

    And if his sole defender Integrated comes here to back him up, he will look like an even bigger moron for thinking the rest of us to be trolls and childish for pointing out the holes in this schmuck’s logic (or lack thereof). Seriously: the disclaimer still reads that right-wing bullshit ain’t welcome here.
  10. Correct use of Tarot

    Topless and bottomless—what is this, a nude beach?
  11. Do What Thou Wilt

    Wow, asshole, you come here first saying you study Kabbalah and I figured you might have either been Jewish or someone with passing interest, but it appears you are portraying yourself as an ignorant white American Incel. ”The world should be worshipping his [Hitler’s] anus?” Sorry man, but seriously? Fuck off. That kind of talk is white supremacist logic. You are a real asshole, and I don’t care if this is a personal insult at this point because first, only assholes feel sorry for themselves, which is what you do when we’ve pointed out every little flawed argument and inability to support them. And you really need to get the hell off this forum because there’s no place for this rhetoric or this worshipping of aryan anuses, because the site owner himself doesn’t want this right wing bullshit. Or better yet, get some professional help because it’s now abundantly clear that you are insane in the membrane.
  12. What are you listening to?

    Dance with Mario, @Nintendao?
  13. Correct use of Tarot

    Okay, M.C. Escher.
  14. Haiku Chain

    those fucking magnets draw us to one another groove is in the heart
  15. Correct use of Tarot

    Man, you need to read Rachel Pollack and Benebell Wen before commenting about tarot.
  16. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    I do—far, far away; as far as possible, in fact!
  17. Haiku Chain

    pure biophotons fancy science or magic of reality?
  18. Impunity Watch

    Right, the boycott approach actually isn’t as effective because of Indian and Chinese consumers who far outweigh the effects of conscious consumption as one example, but again, the balance isn’t really the issue here since that’s a personal practice that we are able to tweak with awareness. The awareness for this thread is one that seeks a just and fair world by sharing with each other what the insidious machinations of the ogres at the top are using to control us. So yes, work on yourself like we all do, but also know that sometimes working on the world through seeing the maggots and cockroaches screwing us over, so cleaning up their garbage by recognizing it’s garbage that none of us deserve to have dumped on us for their benefit is right. Whether it’s Bolsonaro burning the Amazon with China for soybeans or Orban taking money away from hospitals to redirect it towards the Hungarian football team, we see their crimes and refuse to accept it. In the words of Howard Beale from Network, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore.” I am not calling us to take to the streets like in Hong Kong, what I am doing is letting all of us use this thread as a means to bring in issues worth noticing that nobody has mentioned yet, which is of interest to me because I follow a lot of world events that are not often talked about, whether it is Sam Rainsy of the Cambodian opposition being barred from entry to the illegal mercury mining in Indonesia affecting health and the environment, and highlighting the individuals involved with said issues.
  19. Impunity Watch

    To assure you, this isn’t about individuals shame about micro levels of existence, but about the assholes of the universe whether it’s Bolsonaro or Duterte, Xi or Putin, Zuckerberg or Orban, Kalanick and of course Trump and Modi. Besides being a false comparison of your individual choices to the level of impact those named, you’re a good man and shouldn’t feel punished for eating meat or riding Uber. This is about awareness of how we are in a world where we aren’t given agency over ourselves because if how policies and economics cross technology, which in turn not only greatly aggravate existing societal and environmental issues, but create new ones as well. In other words, you’re not the kind of person who we’re watching out for, you’re the kind of person who is one of us: caught in a world that should be better and one of the many voices who is not only already picking up the mess of the suits. And though we’ve all been forced by these circumstances, you are also a pair of hands who can join in and grab these assholes by the collar to force them to look outside of their bank accounts at the world they’re destroying that they are sheltered from experiencing while in their ivory towers.
  20. simplify

  21. Knowledge is very simple

    Also the figures like Robespierre who believed that the masses were too stupid to decide what was best for them but he was most fit to decide. Sadly, many populist leaders fit this mold. A lot of other examples besides royalty work. These include being born with birth defects that can affect one for life, whether cerebral palsy or even children born of parents with HIV, and then of course children from extramarital affairs whose parents don’t want them or can’t take them.
  22. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    The good news is that I know of two members who studied with him, the bad news is that they are sadly no longer active here.
  23. Knowledge is very simple

    Man, you honestly don’t know how privilege and trauma, as well as power structures, not only affect the choices people have, but control and limit their understanding of what’s available. If I tell you to choose between Coke and Pepsi, then that’s not really a choice because I don’t tell you that you can say no to both or ask for water, and even then the end result is you’re still paying me for the refreshments and I’m still gathering data for consumer choices. If you say the sulfur workers in Java have a choice, you really don’t know the limits of people in less-privileged or favorable circumstances when poverty and geography make life difficult for people. As a matter of fact, my old professor once said “geography is destiny” because you either have favorable circumstances or you don’t and thus you migrate or in the past you colonized or were colonized. Or hell, even former convicts trying to live a “normal” life when the system actively denies them the chance to redeem themselves because criminal records close too many doors for employment and housing. And even if you said we won’t know all our options, you really don’t understand what role trauma and the power structures play—look at how former brothel workers or child soldiers struggle to even know that there are programs in some countries for them. Seriously: get outside of your head and away from suburban privilege, get into the books and a class or two, and get into the habit of being open to feedback and considering that your brain farts and ramblings aren’t conclusive.