Earl Grey

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Do What Thou Wilt

    Nah, when Ralis and Nungali come back, we'll be back on track. I'm still waiting for a response to my message from that brief moment that we were actually on topic...
  2. Do What Thou Wilt

    Psychoses is plural.
  3. Do What Thou Wilt

    And he still thinks he's not a stalker.
  4. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    I have been blessed by the hOlY mAn! Sha-la, head-sha-la....
  5. Do What Thou Wilt

    Entertaining in that not only does he keep derailing this thread, but he comes in and posts nonsense, apologizes, then comes and goes right back to the same nonsense again a day later. The signs of psychoses or drug abuse, whichever it is, it's very juvenile, and most certainly NOT helpful. There's not much else to say besides res ipsa loquitur: "the thing speaks for itself" as I have nothing else to add or explain further on it, or perhaps more appropriately for him, reductio ad absurdum. Nothing else can be said because there's nothing rational or reasonable in what Welkin says that keeps interrupting our discussion on will.
  6. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    He's probably going to do some mumbo jumbo curse and we're probably supposed to take him seriously because he's a hOlY mAn.
  7. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    Glad you're acknowledging who you really are. Holy Man? More like Holy Shit. By the way: everyone has seen just who you really are in this thread, which, at this point, is all about you and your lineage, NOT JAJ. And you still haven't shown how I'm supporting a scammer like you said in your filthy lie above in your posts.
  8. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    If you were like me, you would be thanking the immortals, because not being like you is a huge improvement already. You began the accusations, bub. Not me. I pointed out your behavior and don't recognize your pope, cleric, rabbi, or master as mine. If I were a Muslim who said I don't recognize the authority of the Catholic pope, is that an insult? Nope, it's just my belief--he's your authority, not mine. When you continued putting words in my mouth, then I called a horse a horse, which is what you are, Mr. Ed. I get the feeling that you don't speak Mandarin. By the way: I speak Mandarin. Not to me. To your lineage, yes, but he does not speak for everyone, and you are beginning to sound like the very fundamentalist Christians that you abhor with this absolute authority you're claiming. It has substance. I just don't find it is universal. Oh, now you're making assumptions about what I would do. Do you not find it absurd that someone who isn't a convert to your sect to be insulting to you? If that's the case, 99% of this forum would be insulting you. But in truth, they would insult you because you're just acting holier-than-thou now, no other reason. Spare me the passive-aggression, flowing hands, and act your age--unless your age is 4 years-old. Oh my lord: you do love using the "I know you are, but what am I?" response. Besides the fact you've used it twice here now, it sure ain't original.
  9. Do What Thou Wilt

    Dear old lady: you’re not an idiot. You are welcome and wanted. Ask away. Signed, your family at the dao bums. XO
  10. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    Where did I insult your master? All I did was say “so-called” because YOUR BEHAVIOR was condescending and judgmental, and you made a false conclusion by putting words in my mouth to suit your victim narrative. I even said I respect you and your lineage, IN CASE YOU DID NOT EVEN READ THE BLOODY POST. Go back and see for yourself! Right here: NO INSULT TO YOUR MASTER. YOU ARE MAKING UP COMPLETE NONSENSE. And who the hell are you talking about as a scammer that you’re now alleging that I’m supporting? You really are a sanctimonious turd and have no ability to listen, and now it’s abundantly clear you’re no holy man because you’ve made no effort to understand but instead to judge and throw your fists in the air like the puerile cur that you’re revealing yourself to be now. Better stop posting because now you’re just forcing your agenda here and derailing the thread, while offering nothing of use to the OP or any of us.
  11. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    So you are the one, the true, the only way? You are also projecting and again putting words in my mouth and derailing this thread. Any respect I once had for you is 100% gone now, as you sound no different from a fundamentalist with your "I am fucking holier-than-thou" attitude. I never made any judgments here, all I did was say that you were acting in an unbecoming way of your status as a "holy man" for making such an absolute judgment against Jesus, and I'm not even Christian, as well as rejecting any other Taoist whose thinking does not align with your absolutes. The first and final chapters of the TTC both talk about how the Tao can't be named, yet that which we call the Tao isn't the Tao. And true words aren't beautiful, nor are beautiful words true. In this case, neither truth nor beauty is found in your words, but you sure love to say what is and isn't Tao as though the buck stops there. Why don't you quit trashing this thread because this is about JAJ, not your stagnant myopia and sanctimonious excrement?
  12. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    Strawman argument. Stop putting words in my mouth, there were no insults--you made a sweeping generalization and made no attempts to give clear references, and now you're directly insulting me by bringing my engagement in this forum outside of this--also a way to initiate the most common form of character assassination. If we're going to bring up the past instead of focusing on what you're doing here and now, let's talk about how I defended you during the Mak Jo Si thread and even sent you messages of support then, of which I am now questioning if it was a good decision with how you're justifying your belligerent comments now, first towards a non-Taoist philosophy, and now towards me and another user. A holy man will not focus on how high and mighty he is but seek to bring others up, and you, good sir, need to ask yourself what you're doing this moment besides derailing this thread.
  13. Climate Change

    Nintendo is teaching kids about climate change in Pokémon: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/11/pokemon_sword_and_shields_pokedex_contains_a_dire_warning_about_climate_change
  14. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    Authorization wouldn’t mean jack shit, honestly, as abhorrent behavior would never be justified by the fallacy of training under good teachers. Look at Carl Totton: biggest jerk who ruined many lives for example.
  15. Do What Thou Wilt

    Weber is one of the three foundational philosophers of sociology, along with Marx and Durkheim--had to read a bit of those three in uni, so we went through Das Kapital and the professor revealed to us how in the context of sociological sciences, Marx was an optimist and Weber posited a lot more cynicism about capitalism. Another translation would be "inner loneliness" and referenced the primarily Calvinist view that man was longing for God and serving with purpose, but as seen in the Wiki article: As for Campbell, this article from the Huffington Post is one of the more recent summaries in popular times: Campbell is often quoted by Millennials and Edgers pursuing passion projects and work in order to, well, avoid work, which is actually only part of what Campbell meant for following one's bliss. In relation to Crowley and Will, what is the practical difference then based on what I'm quoting here (however brief and hopefully not inaccurate)?
  16. What are you listening to?

    This is also referenced from the Japanese Ring series: the cursed VHS tape can't be played anymore, so someone has to go to a junk shop to buy the player, then someone copies it to a CD-ROM, and then someone uploads it to the Internet! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TechnologyMarchesOn
  17. What are you listening to?

    I love sharing music with friends from abroad digitally and finding what is out of print, but I was the guy who would burn music onto CDs because I could lose all that, and I did once when someone stole my hard drive! ...I'm not sure how I feel about cassettes coming back though...
  18. Do What Thou Wilt

    Can this be interpreted as parallel to Joseph Campbell's "follow your bliss" or the derivatives of it today that the current Y and Z generations talk about with doing the work that fulfills their passion? Also, is there the influence of an element of Max Weber's "inner calling" that he writes about in The Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?
  19. What are you listening to?

    I love how the rearranged track order of this album based off of Fibonacci's sequence enhanced the theme of the spiral in the album, and makes the flow of the album even better. Ah, the days of concept albums and CDs before we became a singles-oriented digital download market...but hey, I heard CDs are coming back along with vinyl because people are sick of how they don't "own" the music anymore with how Amazon and Apple delete songs remotely (just like e-books)!
  20. The Chinese Communist Revolution

    See, back in the day, we made our presence known through Amnesty International--we helped free Rebiyah Kadeer (spelling?) through a vigorous letter-writing campaign, and at the time, it worked because the pressure of the world knowing seemed to be enough. Nowadays, with the surveillance state, naming any individual as you said is a death sentence for them and their loved ones. A kind of world like this makes me go between the hopeless despair of Creed's "What's this life for?" and the righteous anger of "One". Let us know how and if we can help you in any way.
  21. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    Wow, who says I made claims about being authoritative or judging you? All I’m doing is pointing out where you’re being judgmental, and this is a weak “I know you are, but what am I?” kind of response that I would expect to NOT come from an adult or a so-called holy man as you.
  22. Haiku Chain

    A long time ago in a galaxy, far, far away...STAR WARS!!!! ....yes...
  23. Impunity Watch

    A couple articles I find actually complement one another, about how Israel's Netanyahu is the big inspiration for many populist demagogues and the lies of the false narrative of tech that equates it as evolution. https://codastory.com/disinformation/israel-populism-trump/ https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/10/1/20887003/tech-technology-evolution-natural-inevitable-ethics And a nice piece on how data doesn't mean change for fighting deforestation. https://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/magazine/entry/data-change
  24. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson

    ANYWAY, I hope we stay on topic because this is about JAJ--not the false dichotomies between Taoism, Buddhism, and Christianity!