Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. All the more amusing that the philosophy is based on Baudrillard but the concept is based on the Grant Morrison graphic novel series, “The Invisibles” which is unsubtle about chaos magic!
  2. Impunity Watch

    https://www.motherjones.com/food/2019/11/just-a-platform-instacart-workers-strike-at-the-gig-economys-favorite-lie/ Disrupting the economy? Yes. Better income opportunities? Nah.
  3. Impunity Watch

    And now this is less of a warning but a prediction, and soon possibly a prophecy... https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/sri-lanka-muslims-reason-fear-rajapaksa-era-191121085426396.html
  4. Impunity Watch

    https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/investigative/245290-marcos-networked-propaganda-social-media The Marcos's are at it again, and social media is making it easier to deceive others through the false narrative. And yes: Russian and Chinese trolls are working with paid PR firms to make this happen. Party like it's 1984 instead of 1986 in Manila!
  5. So let me get this straight: welkin goes on about all these experiences, has a seizure, then asks about smoking weed. And when asked about it by ralis, it's seen as "shutting people's opinions down". A doctor could tell a patient that drinking paint thinner is a dumb idea, and that's both common sense and his professional opinion--but he's most certainly not shutting down another person's point of view, no matter how idiotic it is, because the moron can continue doing what he will. With intelligence like that, it may be better to encourage the patient to drink the paint thinner by saying, "I see why you think that's a great idea! Why don't you go try it for us?" I wonder if welkin is related to hancock, another know-it-all former member who ranted on and on about how he knew more than everyone else and was better than his teachers, yet seemed to want to get free help all the time and divert and bother people in multiple threads. Now rant aside, responding to the original post here and its intent: you seem to be very suggestible or you don't have very strong understanding to back up the things you say aside from appeal to authority, which in this case, is appointing yourself the authority. Egalitarianism doesn't mean all opinions are equal, it means that people can say what they believe, but having an informed or professional opinion weighs a lot more when basing criteria for validity on facts. However, as we have found, people ignore facts if it does not suit their pre-existing biases, especially if the bias is the tiny voice that screams, "I'm relevant!" Unfortunately, the Backfire Effect in psychology proves that no matter how wrong a person is about facts (look at climate change critics or WMDs in Iraq), they will become more stubborn in their erroneous beliefs and both omit facts and invent new ones to rationalize how they are right.
  6. Climate Change

    For one reason, coal is still preferred in some developing countries as they don't have all the infrastructure to have widespread sustainable energy or technology. Second, they are "catching up" because they are underdeveloped. Third, the cost of that technology or for it to be provided often comes with strings attached, such as from China. Last, the coal industry, especially in American mining communities and throughout Australia, still have interest groups pushing for their use. Also, Cambodia has a kind of sustainable charcoal that some social entrepreneurs in Phnom Penh have been promoting, believe it or not, but it is too small scale to really be of use countrywide.
  7. When I was still listening to Healing Tao lectures, Michael Winn mentioned gut bacteria being made of the same matter as our brain cells when we were a fetus in the womb. Nice to know that as you said, new old discovery, catching up with the ancients.
  8. Mantra/tantra for sex

    For the two years he's been coming here begging for techniques and ignoring advice on what is proper as he answers only to get the techniques, he probably has a serious problem. All the reprimanding and guidance is sadly only enough at this moment to be there for when he faces the consequences of his actions to realize he should have listened.
  9. Nei Kung is Bullshit

    I recommend reading Bukowski's Postal and some of his poetry then, including the one adapted here. You'll need to click on the image and then on the image again to go directly to the link and once more a third time to see the full size though. Postal was his first novel and written in 21 days when his publisher of his poetry offered him a large sum to write a book, confident that Bukowski could turn his talent into fiction writing. At the age of 58 give or take is when he finally found financial success because the ham-fisted fiction he wrote was seen as pure sleaze by some because of the frankness of topics such as being an alcoholic, violent, or misogynistic, but was also seen as subversive in a manner for fiction that Hunter S. Thompson was for journalism, going against the societal mores and exposing a mindset that people liked to pretend did not exist. In the post MeToo era, he is still beloved, and is flaunted to the easily-offended to show indifference to someone's sensitivity that has become the kind of false egalitarian narrative that stifles creativity and growth while also diluting quality of work. A kind of parallel to the fake Neigong and Qigong programs that are mass marketed rather than the few dying or rare arts out there with few qualified who understand it and fewer qualified to teach and transmit, with still fewer qualified to learn it too.
  10. Mantra/tantra for sex

    Whatever criteria your base it on is not my concern, especially as you have no idea what I do practice (as I don’t publish everything here) or what I can do from the siddhis I do have for fuck's sake, and I could list what I earned from mantra alone, which I learned dozens of and mastered from a teacher whom I've already mentioned multiple times in this forum, but I don't need to get into a pissing contest with you over this crap. From a guy who doesn’t know squat about Zhan Zhuang where you once said ten minutes was enough especially to me, a Yi Quan practitioner, this is a joke. What's disturbing is you saying that the power lightseeker linked won't work on those who aren't weaker than him, when the fact of the matter is, he's attempting to assert will over others. There is karmic repercussions for it just like attempted bribery and murder will result in any judge throwing the book at you. Also, nobody needs siddhi to understand that what he’s doing or attempting to do is karmically wrong, so piss off, wanker.
  11. Mantra/tantra for sex

    Just so it is abundantly clear, don’t use what lightseeker posted for sex/“love” because it goes against the free will of another individual, the target, and is the equivalent of giving someone a date rape drug. Only a sick and disgusting individual would do this and deserves the consequences they bring upon themselves for it. Get your house in order, @Lightseeker. Or pay the price over multiple lifetimes of suffering for playing with the magic and power you seek.
  12. Mantra/tantra for sex

    Even people in their 70s here are emotional 12 year-olds in that regard because power or a way to eliminate gray hairs, fat, and wrinkles are far more appealing than challenging themselves to outgrow what actually isn’t helpful for them as human beings and spiritual beings. Some call themselves holy men but act petulant. Some claim to have martial power but are full of insecurity. Some think finding ways to have sex through mantras and yantras is perfectly acceptable and without consequences. Some want to write and say a lot of nothing while thinking themselves to be profound. Not enough think that they can be better in simple ways that require nothing more than humility, openness, consideration and understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, and listening.
  13. Nei Kung is Bullshit

    Yes, I like being able to see your face compared to SoTG because at least for me, the mask is not inviting, but it works for him and his students at least. The lighting gives it a natural feel, so if it’s also a way of inviting students to your retreat, it gives an honest picture of the environment. As for audio, I am not sure why, but Vimeo in general with my own work tends to have lower volumes by default. My only guess is that or you heard from the raw video file. Last feedback is that your videos make you appear to be a different person from how you write, and i am not referring to the colorful exchanges, I am not sure what exactly, but at the very least, you come across as a Clint Eastwood type in videos, whereas when you write, you resemble Charles Bukowski (I like Hank, so this is not an insult). A regular vlog may actually be good for you on top of your books and not just for generating interest in your hermitage and book.
  14. Mantra/tantra for sex

    As usual, lightseeker wants power and for others to think and do research for him, and all of it for free. Do some personal work and stay away from the esoteric work until you develop the character to not need the powers you seek—then you can study what you want free of ego desire and ego fear.
  15. Nei Kung is Bullshit

    I don't always agree with what you say, but I don't always disagree with what you say either. The first few things you say at the start of this video are quite brutal and necessary for people to hear though in this age of people trying to get free stuff from pirating books and DVDs that are themselves watered down from the source, naming no names because we have identified a lot of the shills and shams here on the forum already. Couple technical things for the video: audio and lighting are a bit hard on a shoestring, but maybe record a bit louder because I had to raise the volume to hear you and still needed to lean in to my speakers. The lighting is understandable considering the background you seem to want. I would probably let the text in the video linger for a few seconds more for people to read since it goes a bit fast without pausing.
  16. Welcome Section, New Here, Take 2

    I'm showing my age, but I have little interest in music in the 21st century past 2006, as I grew up a rocker and a typical Gen-X slacker who dabbled in IDM electronica and some old school rap. Video game and film soundtracks still appeal to me, but feeling the music take me away is how I define what is a spiritual experience--which in turn seems to be what the origin of music was, since music was part of a lot of the religious ceremonies of the antediluvian times and across cultures.
  17. Full Lotus is a state of being.

    I've struggled to enjoy doing full lotus for several years now, and really can only do half lotus in my own system of practice for Flying Phoenix, which still leaves me needing to prop up my legs with the assistance of my hands to "lock them" and then spend about 5 minutes after the meditation to "wake up" my legs as the lack of circulation is extremely painful. I would love to be able to sit in full lotus for 4 hours a day or more if I could to have a better opinion on this.
  18. Do What Thou Wilt

    My professor of Greek history in university said he liked it because it made no attempt to try to be historically accurate, and encouraged us to ask our Persian history teacher what his opinions were too!
  19. Do What Thou Wilt

    And the constant need for attention reminds me specifically of Ephialtes.
  20. Welcome Section, New Here, Take 2

    This is a philosophical and spiritual forum, but I have to say that music is my religion.
  21. Do What Thou Wilt

    They are not but a few, and agreeing on established facts isn't a debate but a consensus, unless you wish to be iconoclastic much like the Flat Earth movement, people whose suspension of disbelief is egregiously absurd. Some of their most amusing arguments to maintain their collective denial of scientific consensus and facts allege that the country of Australia does not exist, and that whenever someone flies there, the population is comprised of Hollywood actors in an undisclosed location. No amount of Will can change the shape of the earth into something flat. Your gambling habit of making bets and predictions have yet to demonstrate that it is a fruitful endeavor for you. But perhaps another village where the other members migrated to in a mass exodus seeking what they feel is the original dao in their minds may be more receptive to you. Or not. We suspect that you will find your way back here when that alchemical romance of your multiple neuroses and cannabis habit are further complicated by your piss-poor attempts at energetic and metaphysical work that you declare yourself to have more power and authority through your so-called "listening" skill--a skill you have yet to demonstrate you actually use based on your juvenile posts and lack of actual response to anything posited to you. Good riddance.
  22. Do What Thou Wilt

    I suspected that Weber would be less inclined to be tied to it, but the reason I cite him is that he talks about will within the context of him saying capitalism is a natural phenomenon, compared to us who see it as merely a system and indoctrination. Absent capitalism, purpose and calling is there, but I agree that it doesn't mean that you will seek the job. As for Campbell, individual fulfillment is great, though referring to consequences of True Will (as far as I understand), when we have the Will of a populist like Erdogan, Trump, Xi, Duterte, or Putin, and they have their supporters, whose will is it really? Collective will? The will of the demagogue? The will of the people reflected by the demagogue? Or the shared will? And what about the Randian capitalist who does not care about the well-being of his workers if his will to profit is stronger?
  23. Do What Thou Wilt

    subject to this - what is "this" you refer to? Gangsters - throwing out terms and using them in a way that probably don't mean what you think they mean. You apparently missed the memo that this isn't a public place, a democracy, or about "free speech": it is analogous to being a guest in someone's living room and being asked to leave if you're unwelcome. Those who were asked to leave were unpleasant, not just because of their opinions coming from the Alt-Right, but because they were genuine assholes who were a lot like you: saying a lot of nothing and enjoying the sound of your own voice while contributing absolutely zero value as you divert attention away from the discussion. Some were banned, some were asked to leave, some didn't like the fact that they were being asked to behave once and for all. And you are a joke.
  24. Do What Thou Wilt

    For someone complaining about a previous point not being addressed, you sure do a poor job of answering ralis’ question earlier about how you believe you were helping others here. No need to be psychic to predict that all that will come from you is verbal diarrhea in the form of absolutely atrocious grammar, mis-spellings, punctuation and capitalization errors, and nonsensical statements full of logical fallacies that do nothing than demonstrate the completely infantile behavior of a self-important lad who feels the need to belittle others as a means of seemingly self-aggrandizing yourself but sadly only proves that you are pathetic. From insulting ilumairen Okay go find Illumination, enlightenment, Mu, Shambhalla, truth... With your question mark..... Your remark alone is why you'lll never find it. Scary i know. who has done nothing but demonstrate compassion and patience to declaring that you know more than formally-educated scholars like nungali and ralis, you are not a participant, but a pest. It seems like once again we are subject to your ramblings, and at no point do you demonstrate any amount of intelligence or assertion of will (in keeping with the topic of this thread), unless your will is to remind us that the tax dollars of the American people simply aren’t enough to address and pay for the mental health problems that you not only have, but are demonstrating that you have new psychoses that have yet to be discovered by scientists. I shall take this moment to suggest a name for your psychosis, or perhaps more appropriately, a taxonomy for the unique species you are: homo asinalis, the stupid little man.
  25. Students of Jerry Alan Johnson