Earl Grey

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. During some of my more melancholy moments, I admired Jim and once dreamed of him while he was alive meeting me in the event that I were to die without having achieved everything I wished I could in life, that he would let me know the same as what Ben says to Peter above (image from Death of Spider-Man). After his passing, I regret not being here because I had left during the time the forum and admin had essentially become a right-wing mouthpiece and there were serious signs of hypocrisy and unethical practice throughout here, from unethical posting of instructions of a system that is also dangerous to the rudeness of people whom I wonder how the hell they became admin. Had I known he would leave us, I'd have made more effort to speak with him, because he was a friend to all. I dreamt as well about seeing him and leaving something for his two sons, and asked before an admin removed my post about his two sons and a message for them, but I suppose whatever came through was what was meant to be shared and what I remember or get out of it. Jim is still sorely missed, and he was a friend to all, even those we find difficulty being friends with, for even his own opinions never weighed more than his humanity, his personality, and character.
  2. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    Not to mention that suicide threats 99% of the time are calls for attention. The people who actually want to commit suicide don't show it or seek help or attention. With this whole You don't sound like you're interested in helping yourself, you're basically holding yourself hostage for people to beg you to not kill yourself. Doesn't work that way. You want change? Man up and go get some professional help, including from Isen. Don't go poking around the Internet for free help; you're just going to depress yourself and annoy or confuse others. Seriously: get off your butt, quit buying stupid shit, quit wasting time, and get professional help. Consider that the money you use to pay off the ransom money for your life. Otherwise, I and a few others here will just relegate you to the category of "whiny teenager who wants attention from random strangers on the Internet and won't do anything to get the help he actually needs" and not take you seriously. This is a freaking forum for discussion, not a place to diagnose or treat your symptoms, pal. GO. GET. HELP. LOG OFF. GO. Oh, and before you go, here are two resources, FREE. www.yellowribbon.org -- if you are an American, this is a free suicide prevention hotline. Or, call this number instead for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1 800-273-8255. www.rainn.org you can call or even VOLUNTEER for them for people with SERIOUS issues like rape and incest, violence and abuse! Wow! People who REALLY need help! "The mark of an immature man is seeking a meaningful death; the mark of a mature man is seeking a meaningful life." - J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye YOU decide if you are a mature or immature man.
  3. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    What are you expecting, man? You’re asking for advice and free advice too, but you’re unwilling to listen or pay for actual professional help you need that was suggested. I dealt with suicidal thoughts personally and with patients before, and right now, this is a temper tantrum for attention. Would love to help, but right now, you sound like a teenager who got rejected by someone and couldn’t get a prom date. Your best bet is consulting Eric Isen who is a medical and energetic doctor. If you give the whole “I don’t have money” excuse, borrow money or tell him your situation and he may be compassionate. Until then, you’re not going to win any pity or further attention, because you’re doing a fantastic job of ignoring and dismissing any of the help that’s been spelled out clearly for you multiple times across many threads.
  4. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    Hey, I remember this game. Underrated, really. Loved it. Even had the guidebook.
  5. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    Intending suicide because you don’t get the results immediately is childish because you sound like, “I didn’t get what I wanted, so I’ll kill myself.” Find a good therapist, because after multiple threads with an outpouring of support for you, you’re still on this self-pity party. Honestly, you appear to relish the attention from online forums and don’t seem to want to address the root of your issues. Don’t go online for help, seek professional help. Very little can be done energetically with internal power to address your situation and you really shouldn’t at this point as your mind and emotions are too unstable to direct any qi or meditative techniques to heal what you want. It seems you also don’t want to pay someone who can help like a TCM doctor or consult Eric Isen. You get what you pay for and what you indicate by refusing to pay is that you don’t value your life as much as your money, let alone do you actually value the wisdom and professional skill that is needed to help you.
  6. You didn’t answer what your system of practice is, as you were asked here and in other threads. You also show your understanding of qi is limited because Flying Phoenix will improve your qi as it is a healing form. Healing is not mutually exclusive from qi accumulation. It also appears you are after power. Without understanding of qi, you won’t gain it at all. It is already in several threads you’ve posted in and have been asked many times, “What style or system are you practicing” and have failed or refused to answer the question. Without this crucial information, it is difficult for people to give you answers you seek and you’re wasting everyone’s time.
  7. You're going to have to list the practice you actually do, and also understand that if you are fairly new, even under a year, focusing on sensations is ridiculous. It won't happen fast. IF you're after healing though, Flying Phoenix is good, although what may be best is you consult with Eric Isen at www.ayurvedicintuitive.com to figure out if you have blockages or not and what is a good system or herbs for you.
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    This is what I think of facial recognition technology.
  9. Dog pee

    I have to clean up dog pee daily with my two dogters, so while I have many opportunities to experiment should I ever feel so compelled to do so, I will still take a hard pass, but if anyone needs me to donate some material, I'll be happy to provide it if they pay for shipping and packaging (I assume no responsibility for any medical issues that may inevitably arise, including therapy).
  10. Dog pee

    It’s male urine only for jellyfish stings, I recall.
  11. Haiku Chain

    only two by fours were the measurement of a master builder’s work
  12. Haiku Chain

    I did stump you all oh look! someone left a note: Pampas grass in the vase
  13. Haiku Chain

    “away star wars yes?!” I didn’t break the chain but I did stump you all!
  14. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    If this is sarcasm, it's not funny. If this is serious, Free Will of course, but you sound quite childish throwing a tantrum rather than someone who is willing to put in the work without expecting immediate results since it's a lifelong process.
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    This needs to be printed and hung in every office. And every cafe corkboard.
  16. INFERNO !

  17. Nei Kung is Bullshit

    New Age philosophy is not the same as the new astrological age. The new astrological age was scheduled in multiple astrology systems, so it's not really new per se, and New Age is what essentially boils down to a syncretic approach of combining multiple traditions while weeding out what isn't appealing into what feels good to the individual, using a lot of esoteric concepts in a watered-down manner. Some may say that's like Bruce Lee and weeding things out for what is useful and what is not, which is part of it, but it also weeds out depth of understanding. There are indeed New Age fundamentalists like suburban yogis or armchair martial artists who have a fundamental misconception of yoga or neigong based on things like leaked Mo Pai instructions or 30 Days of Yoga, for example--no depth and no real understanding beyond that if that's their primary exposure, and then making it about transmuting it all into love and other platitudes. I didn't say all YouTube or pirated PDFs are bad, but a good majority of it out there is garbage, and a lot of that garbage involves material from a well-known individual here whose courses and retreats in Thailand are commonly discussed among members here. Good PDFs I know are the LKC book (even though it's incomplete in the final analysis) and good YouTube videos are obviously Fragrant qigong, except for when the practitioners have terrible form like two of the uploaders from Germany.
  18. Dog pee

    I know a few methods and people who teach them, but they won’t yield quick results and may take years on average to get, and are most definitely not cheap unfortunately.
  19. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    I can forgive someone for being an asshole, but that doesn't mean he isn't an asshole, it means that I no longer let him affect me for being an asshole. Unfortunately, Drew is not apologizing for what he did and what he did wasn't towards me, but towards others. When he's ready to apologize, I'll be there with the guys and gals giving him props for it, but until then, he's who he is, and that is not the kind of person I'd want in my living room or near anyone I know and care for at all.
  20. Theory by Bruce Lee

  21. Theory by Bruce Lee

    "By the fruits ye shall be known" and what you have shown is that what you study is as important as how much you study, in addition to how well you understand. You sure seem to show it in a lot of your other posts such as over in this thread. Your truth, not mine, or reality itself. Doesn't seem like you understand what you've read at all, given how much you go by the reduction to absurdity fallacy. You can read books and have your own interpretation, but your interpretation must have reasoning that does not betray the meaning of the text or what is being said, especially if you represent it as what is being said when it is not what is said. Look at the arguments for gun ownership and control in the United States now and how they both look at the language of the constitution but interpret the context their own way. Look at why we pay lawyers to read the law books and interpret for us... No, you invaded a lot of threads and spread misinformation while passing yourself off as an authority and rejecting others and their experience when we had enough to back it up, which we didn't need to because the more you posted, the more you revealed how little you actually understand. Good, now read some more and understand more with the other translations. Don't forget Zhuangzi and the canon from other teachers who learned from calligraphy, martial arts, poetry, and even in related philosophies of China such as Confucianism (but NOT Neo-Confucianism, it is utter garbage) or Liezi and others. The OP was about heart of Tao. Yours was not about Tao but conjecture. Look in your old posts in case you have amnesia. Hmm you seem to forget that you were the one who did that but a couple days ago...and it wasn't the only time. I've only responded to what you did say. That none of what you said is Tao but you're insisting that it is Tao, which it isn't because it's your own conjecture. Say less and think more. Ah, grouping together me and others who seem to agree that you are a pest, but otherwise are not part of the same nakama because we are separate individuals with shared interests and manage to provide both informed and educated opinions while staying on topic and flow whereas you like to jump in and demand attention. The man can speak for himself just like I can speak for myself, so let him speak for himself if he wants to take it up with me. Normally, I'd say "Are you lonely? Are you looking for friends? Google is your friend." But apparently, you've been too friendly with Google with all the absurdities you like to use to fuel your non-sequitur statements.
  22. The scandal of me sitting in full lotus padmasana

    YES YES YES. I wish the rest of the world would follow this instead of dredging up youthful folly of people in the 1980s or old Twitter posts. It's as though forgiveness has become out of vogue as condemnation is in fashion.
  23. Theory by Bruce Lee

    You've got a choice: actually seek to learn and understand, or keep making things up as you go along. You will then see what you will be able to do or how far you can get with whichever decision you decide to commit yourself to then. Until then, none of what you say has much merit to it both as an argument itself and as a demonstration of skill and understanding, especially when you are essentially declaring yourself to be proud of not having studied what you talk about (let alone read the TTC and understood it) and telling those who have studied and have their own understanding of it that they don't know anything.
  24. Opinions on Ron Hogan's "Tao Pamphlet"?

    I don't treat this as a primary way of reading to understand the TTC, but I found it quite enjoyable and funny, and a nice little way of comparing with other translations. It's also a nice "soft landing" for others intimidated by some of the more nuanced translations in English.