Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Someone will always be offended!

    This strip was from 1981. Everyone who misses the 1980s seems to forget that it was also a time of weird political correctness too, and that part has come back a lot more hardcore in the 2010s. People who miss the 90s also seem to think of the time before Attorney General Janet Reno when we could see T and A on television, especially cable, but after her, not even a nipple could fly for paying customers of premium cable services. It was a lot more raunchy in the early part of the decade, then had a lot of political correctness and sensitivity in the latter part. Game of Thrones now? That's tame compared to what they used to show--you could see how excited people would get before looking at TV Guide and whenever it was listed as having BN or N--Brief Nudity and Nudity, and I had a friend who would circle whatever had that and watch it just for those scenes when we were teenagers, regardless of genre or station. He was so happy when someone helped him pirate cable and Adam and Even and Spice were freely accessible to him.
  2. Connection between tao and christianity

    Careful! He's possessed by an immortal spirit! He thinks Boomers are children comparatively! More appropriate would be something of the Cretaceous period. "Okay Raptor Jesus!" should suffice.
  3. In the vein of Ignatius J. Reilly, he has harmed all that is in good taste and sophistication. In the spirit of Mary Poppins, he has harmed the minds of good boys and girls with his patronization. In the spirit of Strunk and White, he has harmed the ghost of the English language with his atrocious grammar, punctuation, rhetoric, and spelling.
  4. Having left academia and finding it to often be a group of smug and entitled individuals whose value and self-worth are defined only by the initials after their name, I can say it's basically penis comparison. "You have a BA? I have an MA! You have an MBA? I have a PhD! My school is ranked higher than yours! My department is more world renown! My school has produced more individuals who have done more for the world! My school has more Nobel Prize winners!" and so on. I once rode the train from Queens to Manhattan and a woman refused to stand up for a visibly disabled guy, and when asked by an officer of the law, she said she had more entitlement to sit down because she had a master's degree. I'm serious. Take away someone's Harvard degree, and if they don't have anything else to show, then this is what titles, degrees, and all that amount to: a license to be smug and rub it in someone's face like a post-pubescent adolescent wants everyone to see, forcing it down their throats as though it makes a difference and hoping they'll swallow it. While I do respect people who have institutional accomplishments, there is a distinct marker of prestige that is not shown in the initials after their name and their alma matter, but in what they do with it and what they use with what's been given to them--often in spite of their institution. Does this mean I support people going against the flow like those nuts who include Sitchin and the Silicon Valley feudal barons? No, it means that there are actual intellectuals who adopt the Platonic ideal of remembering knowledge is power and understanding it means restraint--none of this "I know this truth and you are too blind to see" tomfoolery, who serve to challenge and question by living, not by arguing, because the smugness of certificates and initials after someone's name or a full CV only intimidates and separates the common man from being part of the Great Dialogue of Learning. And the people who should be talking about it aren't just those with the privilege of affording a higher learning, it should be everyone, lest we remain ignorant and content, which is why plumbers and mechanics can all engage in reading and engaging in dialogue through something like The Great Conversation, and include even some Eastern texts as the original syllabus is almost all western. So if a guy keeps flaunting his credentials but demonstrates no skill, what do those initials mean, anyway? And if someone has amazing intellect, reasoning, and capability, but lacks initials, who is to say who has the superior heuristics? Some of my college classmates who had better grades can't talk about anything but NetFlix, but when the topic turns to the great philosophers, they are as lost as someone who has never read them--and disinterested. In other words--people spend too much time flaunting their degrees and their prestige but never actually applying what they've learned--if they've even learned it as opposed to just chasing a title and initials after their name.
  5. Let's consider this a Mr. Rogers thread, Take 2. Restarting it here so that the other thread that ignores the spirit of the OP can continue as they are and we try again. The original intent and spirit from the post of that thread by @Walker: Mr. Rogers to me was an example of what it was like to imagine the kind of father figure I wanted growing up when growing up in an abusive and dysfunctional home. I ended up meeting individuals just like him, and I would describe some of my own internal arts teachers as being very much like him, including my own teacher who lives in Pittsburgh, where Mr. Rogers was a resident. Become the change that you seek in this world is not the quote I would use to describe what attracted me to Mr. Rogers and individuals like him, but rather, you become what you wish to change. I hated the dysfunction and abuse, and saw that there was someone who could be a decent man, even on TV, and wishing for him as a child after all the beatings and verbal indignities I endured, I found through my friends individuals who are capable of unconditional love, who are sincere, who do care about you and encouraging and inspiring without any force or imposition. Granted, I'm still a tsundere with a hair-trigger temper and have plenty of shortcomings, but when I'm around them or the memory of them, they remind me that good people see the best in us and remind us that it’s there even if we don’t see it.
  6. Seriously, sometimes people forget that saying hello is often all that is needed to get the ball rolling, because the chemistry, if it isn’t there, guard up or not, is what determines a lot of things. Anyone who tries to woo someone who isn’t initially interested may find that without chemistry, it’s a lot harder to maintain something that they try to pursue and force. Case in point: I was rejected by a gorgeous gal in college, but we had chemistry. Took it in stride, still hung out, she knew I was into her and I just let her do what she did, laughed at a couple guys whom she thought were handsome, and we would study together. A few months later, while I’m already at the point of indifference, she springs herself on me because my sincerity and lack of desperation or arrogance was what made me appealing—she was testing me the whole time. The guys she liked were just complete tools who had more love for their gym time and their cars. Score one for being yourself. Score with more people for being yourself, not your car, your abs, your pickup lines, your measurements, your income, your job title, or your online profile. On top of being yourself, if you aren’t happy about not getting laid and fixate so much on it, imagine how you look to the opposite sex. Be someone you’re happy to be, and the others will see that and like you for that too. I am happy being a slacker with a temper, intellectual, a gamer and nerd, and rocker, and being not tall. And if nobody likes that, sucks for them, I’m cool with myself and somehow still find girls attracted to me anyway. So if someone is bitching and getting trigger happy? The issue isn’t about sex, the issue is self-worth, most of the time. Find a hobby!
  7. I know plenty of people with the same issues of experiencing abuse (if not more, and quite a lot more too), but they also have enough self-awareness to know how not to be a pompous and self-important oblivious jerk, because they have something called empathy, which Jimmy here lacks. It is the Bible Band-Aid, not actual empathy and service. All the credential fronting reminds me of this:
  8. Haiku Chain

    A white winter beach, A lone bed: snow falls on it— A scene from a dream
  9. Gee, you're right! I'm old enough to have Jesus in my yearbook! I still have his beeper number! And I'm old enough to remember when DC Talk were rappers, not rockers. You relate me to the hooded one? And you are the hideous child? With voluptuous vixens like this, who would blame him? Guilt-tripping only works on those who feel guilt. Above example demonstrates this. "He was then them"? Your marks for English were likely "A" for "Atrocious"! Nope, I started the thread to accommodate myself and the people interested in the topic of Mr. Rogers--something you don't want to talk about. No, I said I am a tsundere, because I own my anger and quirks, you cheeky bastard. And for someone who praises Trump, it's a bit odd that you see a guy who uses anger as power but poo-poos my own anger, then misses the point that I don't see anger as power. Go watch the movie Inside Out with Bill Hader and Mindy Khaling, but for your age, probably Lewis Black and Phyllis Smith would be more appropriate draws for your attention span. I own this too. Taking it away is like taking away the river from Huckleberry Finn and still saying it's the same story, message, and person for him and Jim (see what I did there?). Yes, keep telling yourself that you know my place of residence and age given that everyone else here can infer where I am from both from context and a wonderful little detail called the sidebar profile. ...Everyone knows that I'm from Mars, hockey hoser. Them there varmints ain't got nothin' but eyebrows-a-raisin as they piddle in their drawers seeing how Mr. Grey has a nice little abode that has a nicer commode than your own domestic load. Doggum it, it's a fire in here! Quick! Someone run to Walgreens and buy me a bottle of Canoe! I need the spray so that the air is sweeter than candy on a stick! But we are forcing you to stay on topic or go start your own discussion elsewhere, which you have disrespected continuously after multiple requests. No one forces you to flush the toilet, either, but it's just decorum, crikey. I have enough Y-chromosomes for myself and don't need yours, Jim. But if you were actually one of these lovely ladies here, then please: take my number! Were you able to let go your need to dominate this thread with your agenda and throw away the OP? You admit that you can't let go of something that's not yours?! The best service you could have done is create a new thread instead of colonizing this one, Jimmy. And I do a lot of service work too--something that has been mentioned a number of times, ho-hum... Based on the alarming amount of your assessments of others being laughably wrong (not just for me and to me, mind you), I think the way you think Mr. Rogers would look at me is quite different from how I would imagine he were to look at me. You remind me of the parents who think that their daughter is a little angel with all her good grades and focus on college and were so certain of themselves that they had no idea what we did on their kitchen table when they were out for the weekend, at her own suggestion, mind you. They were Christian, too, and some of the words that came out of her mouth made us laugh as we said that the best thing about being one with Christ is knowing that you don't need to ask for forgiveness! ...That's not mayonnaise on the table, by the way... You didn't even bother to correct your laundry list of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors here, so I am not even going to reply. https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2019/11/prison-libraries-book-bans-california-sacramento-reading-rehabilitation/ Two things: 1) you leaving, 2) staying on topic! No, no, no, señor! No es 'adios' es 'hijo de puta'! Your authoritah? No, Walker seems to have been off-put by your dogmatic invasion of this thread and derailment. And the authoritah invested in you to have the right to do so. Give me the courage to deal with Jimmy, the strength to stomp on his feet, and the hope that he will get the point and leave. You forgot that you're an asshole. A professional one, too, because you're so good at it that it's a surprise no one has recognized you as "Employee Asshole of the Week". Shall I remind you of hornets and your Trump thread? Let's go here then: Again: this topic was on the spirituality of Mr. Rogers, your allegation should be another topic, on the conspiracies about Mr. Rogers. Or, perhaps this is more appropriate to draw parallel to your hijinks at 02:29: Rev: "Ah, you're here for coping with senility?" Jasper: "No! I'm here for microwave cookery!" :beat: Jasper: "No, wait--coping with senility." Jim D. XYZPDQ, PB4UGO2BED, LMAO, DOA, DUI
  10. And you fail spectacularly, Mr. D. I don't know what this means, and your dubious ability to communicate in the English language makes it even harder to understand what you're writing. Your thoughts aren't so much as interesting as they are loud and obnoxious like a guy who barges into a conversation and talks over everyone, making it hard to do anything but notice what you've said. I could have said the same to you on your Trump thread when you got "reminded of bullying" when discussing politics but then didn't want to discuss politics. The problem with you is that you're disrupting the conversation and not sticking to the flow, or ignoring the rules as pointed out in the haiku thread--something you failed to acknowledge, old chap. Kettle to teapot, much? I am quite comfortable with my light and darkness. It's called balance, you senile old coot. Probably not the same thing you're thinking he would say that I'm thinking based on your agenda and your assessment of him. Here's a recommendation for you: go read Geert Hofstede's Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind and see how forcing a model onto someone without cultural nuances or human-centered design doesn't work because it focuses on preserving the model than actually working with the person--which is what you are doing now too as you try to fit reality into your paradigm. It is the same as trying to shove a cinder block up your ass--it won't fit, but you sure love to keep trying and showing people how you love making things that don't fit look like they should be there so that they hopefully do something as ridiculous as you. My body is not a cathedral, it's a temple, and one dedicated to pagan fertility gods and goddesses who declare chastity to be a sin. My patron saint is Glycon, the roman snake god who resembles a penis as a hand puppet. My god is bigger than your god! You think I care about what the community thinks of me--first mistake. You think that they're even thinking about me--second mistake. You think you know what we care about or how I look--third mistake. My inner child is Damien from The Omen, yours appears to be Alfalfa from Little Rascals. Actually, I hope you would just shut up and stop pushing your agenda and self-proclaimed authority everywhere and stay on topic, then quit playing a victim when someone points out your logical fallacies, your lack of credentials, and your consistent contradictions. I don't worry about you--I don't even think about you. How does someone with such a pathetic ability to communicate even basic writing skills taught in grammar school end up in prison teaching? Oh right: those who can, do; those who can't, teach.
  11. Jim, you seem to push your agenda and completely disregard what’s on topic or decorum. First you derail this with your “authority” here. Later, you create a Trump thread even though the rules say not to, you bitch on the Trump thread about bullying and cry about emotions overtaking intellect even though your entire argument WAS based on emotions and all lack of logic was pointed out to you. And then let’s not forget you can’t even read the bloody rules on the haiku chain thread—it is no surprise to anyone that you’re getting along with the other agenda-pushing and thread-invading/derailing suspects in the forum. Whether your medication needs a different dosage or your wife isn’t giving you enough attention, you’ve demonstrated that you have the attention span of Daffy Duck and the eloquence of Elmer Fudd, because you’re ultimately a complete loony who is repeating the same tune again and again everywhere. This topic at first appears to have been murdered by you and Gendumb and Von Krackhead, and upon further inspection, it is actually more analogous to parasitic worms looking for something fresh and tasty to satiate their needs, much like chestbursters from the classic movie Alien or the tongue parasites in fish. So you need something good and sweet like this thread and Mr. Rogers because you can’t seem to find a way to get it in your own deprived and depraved hollow existence. And thus we are left with the rotting corpse that once upon a time had the potential to be something sweet and inspiring, and you three have all devoured it and shat upon it. In return, it has been handed to you to do whatever you want. Whether you’re a necrophage or necrophiliac, this thread was thrown to you in frustration as it no longer has any of the life it was meant to have before you bled it dry. Good night, Jim. May the bedbugs be safe from your own biting and sucking, because word on the street is that Jim D. sucks, and based on this thread, you really do suck.
  12. people and works that have been banned

    Let's not forget J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye.
  13. Yes, whether Everything or Drew spam walls of text or Gendao keeps posting this idiotic agenda from pictures, it's all spam, yet Gendao can't answer: what languages does he speak, what countries has he visited and done any work or research in, where does he get his sources, why he thinks memes are primary sources (even thinking Newsweek is a primary source, when periodicals aren't necessarily primary sources, and Newsweek is clickbait now). Instead, we get at worst ad hominem attacks and poisoning the well to discredit everything else, memes, and a lot of the same garbage about how he and his Sitchin delusion are inevitable and explain everything, ad nauseam...
  14. MegaMind, formerly known as MildMouse23: Here you are derailing a thread and in both posts here, you are omitting plenty of details about what you've done that was an issue. It's been repeated and pointed out to you by every member, but you and your cabal have a habit of ignoring details, then omitting them when recalling them, and playing victim. Once again: 1) you went off topic, 2) you started a new topic, 3) you specifically called my name out in that thread, 4) I was amicable and friendly, talking about a general idea, 5) you kept on bringing up your system and how people have used the same logic for attacking your system, 6) I said "DO NOT BRING IT UP! DO NOT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!" and you continued to do so and talk about it, 7) you acted with complete impunity and refused to do anything but go back to your victimhood. NOW, you are derailing THIS thread, and not only that, for someone who talks about being rational and logical, you've used several logical fallacies: false analogy, false conclusion, repetition, missing the point, slippery slope, straw man, and distracting with irrelevance.
  15. This is common actually when people with existing conditions or suggestability (often both) do not get professional help for mental health or professional training from experienced teachers (not scamgong artists or strip mall yoga and YouTube masters). The spiritual paradigm becomes a bandaid for everything and they see everyone else as asleep or toxic, and they the new most perceptive and awakened messiahs. Reminder: this is an Internet message board, not a place for diagnosis. Please get professional help and qualified instruction...
  16. We actually did this on another thread and used it as an oracle. Sounded exactly like him.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

  18. Impunity Watch

    https://www.rappler.com/views/newsletters/246448-did-malacanang-say-press-is-free "When a giant network is taken down, the smaller ones would be helpless targets. When a state-sponsored threat is carried out on one media entity that otherwise had the resources to put up a fight, the weaker ones can cower and cave in or just fold up. When the fourth estate is silenced, the ordinary citizens are next."
  19. I have been hotter and more Yang, interestingly enough. I actually have both Yang excess and Yin deficiency now, and have had this imbalance for the past three months.
  20. I wonder if this thread, based on current trends, will eventually address all spammers who push idiotic agendas, from New Age mental masturbation to posting the entire contents of their e-book, those who redirect the conversation to be proof of their assumed victimhood of their cabal, or posting about colonialism from aliens...because two of those idiots have already invaded this thread when talking about the titular idiot. This thread is flypaper, and the flies are hovering around it now...