Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. .

    I'd add as well that a lot of students I've had went through fitness training and found that feeling happy, confidence, and peace was there just from being healthy and fit and didn't even want to do Zhan Zhuang anymore because pushups and squats were their favorite training. Some good readings from people like Baltasar Gracian and Ovid were also great for building the mind with the body.
  2. Anand, This comes off as passive-aggressive and coercive, and is one more appropriate for private exchange, and as such, I am disinclined to respond to this, let alone acknowledge it given the nature of posting this publicly.
  3. Introduction

    Your words are true insofar as you are concerned, and I am not offering you my guidance, for I do not give guidance without tuition and I am not interested in teaching you either. I do not take your words for true either, especially when one claims to be self-realized. I am only advising caution because of the harm that many have suffered from self-initiation and self-assessment, and that "stagnated teachings" is a characterization usually made by people whose understanding of information they have is both poor and often from sources that are rarely with complete and correct information. I mean no offense either, as I'm only giving an informed opinion, which, like any opinion, is one people ignore or consider. Enjoy your time here.
  4. Introduction

    Having studied under several lineages and also having a thread here specifically on qi deviations, especially as beginners, who do not have the proper mind/body development, can burn themselves. But you are not filling your dantian with qi by sitting and focusing on it at this early stage of practice. At best you achieve nothing, at worst you harm yourself for future practice if you ever do have the ability to learn and practice properly. On what basis do you make this assessment? Have you any background in TCM or internal arts? It's not a spiritual practice or wishful thinking, it's a methodology and very technical when you have the right instruction and guidance. You're literally learning to breathe, move, talk with the vocabulary for the neigong, and think in not just a paradigm with elements that appear esoteric, but one that has professional and technical semantics that characterize the how rather than the why.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Nice knowing you. Back to Flying Phoenix, everyone. Don't be this guy here if you want to participate in this thread or be a member of this forum.
  6. Yes, along with Charlize Theron, Neil Blomkampf, and Rooibos tea!
  7. Oh no! You have exposed me for being a naughty boy! Am I getting the paddle or the belt today?! Charity or humanitarian work? What is work? Never heard of it, because idle hands are the devil's tool and my hands are controlled by the devil that compels me to post inane things about leftists in capitalist countries know nothing while citing examples that miss the point and hasty generalizations about my own country and displaying my white privilege in a gated community shitting on people in shanty towns! Oh no!
  8. .

    Hey, that's a nice concept. Makes sense considering you once mentioned the super power you think is best is physical projection backwards in time.
  9. .

  10. Introduction

    It's not a good idea to do LDT as a beginner and measure your progress by conjecture, for health reasons and for development. At best, you'll get nothing, at worst, you can seriously harm yourself without the guidance of a qualified teacher from an established system.
  11. Hmmm I already see the usual names to run away from if saying something stupid and having the audacity to piss them off (which the boor is doing)... so even if I was tagged and quoted by the boor, and my own experience and references that I have can provide some good rebuttals for what the boor said about living abroad and having leftist views... I think I’ll sit back and wait before saying anything else, mostly because it is Sunday.
  12. Some more advice needed on practice

    They ARE qi deviations according to JAJ—her teacher, and she also studies TCM besides JAJ’s qigong practice and whole JAJ course too. Also, while you’re talking about forcing and overusing energy, this is only part of the issue that leads to health issues as you’re using some very limited data there. Let me give you an example with Fragrant qigong: you cannot do anything that requires you to do abnormal breathing, meditate or do anything that requires strong mental effort like visualization, or do heavy kicking and shaking. So this means spontaneous, sleeping, relaxation, or MCO practices are out because of heavy visualization, and Flying Phoenix is out because of its breath control sequence. If you do mix any of those with fragrant, you will find at best no effects from fragrant but later on it leads to headaches, then other things detailed by the link from qicat, which are common symptoms across practices, and then unique qi deviations as well since you’re basically telling the qi contradicting instructions. The worst anyone can do among systems I know is Flying Phoenix simultaneously with Fragrant as the qi is intelligent in both systems, and that’s like telling two groups of people to tie a knot and untie a knot at the same time. Then MCO and Fragrant are super bad combinations as well. Now some people on the forum may have mixed currents with Fragrant, and what they report now isn’t consistent with what its grandmaster and its teachers, including mine who is also a TCM doctor, report because it’s either immediate or slow burn. It can mix with Baduanjin for example, but Baduanjin can be done with anything else. He also does Bagua and Shaolin Long Fist, so he does shake off some qi from kicking, but as he only does kicks for warmups, he doesn’t suffer as much. As for your statement that it’s all karmic regression—no, a bit oversimplified. You’re also giving a why when qi deviations are a how by using that explanation.
  13. Some more advice needed on practice

    While I've enjoyed playing the heel for this thread, yes, most of the issues and individuals he will face are most definitely not going to be forward about their motives. Unscrupulous characters who appear to be polite and respectful are often "masters" who are secretly sexual predators or conmen, and I've already dealt both online and offline with people whose reputations precede them, only for the house of cards to come tumbling down and reveal who they are and what they've done. What I do hope he eventually realizes is I've not spoken with malice, but with jocular bemusement after initial flabbergast, and despite that, from page one, still speaking from a genuine concern for safety of people who have embarked upon this self-initiation and syncretic approach--made all the more dangerous that he said he was still a novice even in his western occultism and cited people whom he knows as being "perfectly fine" for what he intends to do, but that's hardly ever a good metric to use.
  14. Some more advice needed on practice

    So speaks an expert in the field of being one himself.
  15. Haiku Unchained

    Here I sit same as ever took a dump pulled the lever the toilet clogged it overflowed look out world it’s a mother load Here I sit broken-hearted paid a dime only farted
  16. Eric Isen consultation

    just the name.
  17. Haiku Unchained

    That was cool, huh huh When we killed that frog huh huh It won't croak again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI133jdZG4A
  18. Some more advice needed on practice

    Thanks mate, you’re right gold there. Whether they see my intentions to help or respect me isn’t a concern for me these days—I was laughing when watching a show the other week and having a discussion on mythology with some of the performers who are also friends of mine. If we all have archetypes, one I embody is the oracle-like individual who issues a warning and gets overlooked or dismissed because either my appearance or my words themselves are not to the taste of the ill-fated brothers but are heeded by the protagonist who develops power like in local Philippine folklore the Adarna, and such messengers are universal whether it is the weird sisters in Macbeth or old man in Adarna, Jeremiah in the Bible, or the dead boy in Pet Sematary. In other words, people hate and kill the messenger, like me once warning people a guy was bad news and still dating him or taking his “healing class”, then finding out he was a known rapist and rake; or that signing up for network marketing workshops and time shares aren’t going to make them the wealth that they think they’re going to get. Then in Taoist practice, people love to blame you for their issues while you’re holding the mirror, and so I go from messenger to magnificent bastard and have fun with it, because for fuck’s sake, everyone thinks they’re a prodigy and a dragon until you have them sit or stand a couple hours and tell them to do that for a few years. Love the avatar you use— the character himself will be back in a sequel next year. Cheers.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You wouldn’t be banned for your beliefs, but your behavior, which is how a few members who hold such beliefs remain here by restraint of their tendency to say things like you just said. Keep in mind that this forum belongs to Sean and this thread belongs to Sifu Terry, but they’re also open and it is Christmas time, so give yourself a chance to edit your above post as we are here to discuss Flying Phoenix and what is related to it, not hear your rant. In this case, the above exchange with Sean and Sifu Terry was because of multiple scams and trolls who infiltrated his thread, which is why it is now his PPJ to allow more control over it and filter nonsense out. Stick to the subject of Flying Phoenix and if you have an issue with the above, post where it is appropriate or talk with Sean himself, not here. This is Flying Phoenix, not your platform for disapproval. And just so we are clear: if you intend to retort with, "Then why did he post that political statement above?!" it is his thread and he posts what he wants, and in the interest of this thread, Sifu Terry determines that Sean's actions to ban alt-right members is because they are one in the same to him as the scammers and weirdoes who are disrupting this thread, just like they did with the rest of the forum.
  20. Wouldn't work because unless you send it via DHL, the post office either steals your packages or they get lazy and refuse to deliver, depending on the employee and his or her mood for the day. I also don't really do e-books, hence preferring paperbacks and anything physical, but I'll recommend it to friends who do. The thought is appreciated, but I'll send a PM this weekend anyway to say hello.
  21. I don't live in the US at the moment, so I wouldn't be able to commit to this even though I'd do it in a heartbeat for ya, pal. But yeah, when I secure a copy for myself, I'll review it for you and you can use it.
  22. Some more advice needed on practice

    Not really, at this point it’s more amusing to see your reaction and certainty of yourself, then calling Welkin’s praise of ignorance a thing of similar ground with you. Confirmation bias at its finest. Look up Diogenes the Dog if you’re so fond of praising ignorance that he directly said in his own post and your stubborn insistence on making your own system that disregards the dangers warned of already. Diogenes is also one reason that all the dog insults aren’t terribly offensive to me either (aside from the fact you’ll never achieve any of the goals you aim for).
  23. Offer signed copies for some of us, please!
  24. Some more advice needed on practice

    Hey, if I really wanted to be mean, I could tell him to go check out the guys who do Mo Pai and Lone Man Pai. The former would not even acknowledge him, the latter might interest him because they do mix chaos magick with neigong and are pretty accessible, but whether he's got enough understanding of magick is irrelevant since it's their own way of using magick. And of course, Starjumper himself is a guy who has a lot to say about wizards, especially the weather wizard on page one of this thread. While I'm at it, the actual Crowley student Nungali would have a lot more to say about self-initiates. Oh, and who could forget Mr. Orgasm at a Distance and his ffffrrrreeee PDF on Taoist Alchemy?
  25. .

    Because this will likely attract a lot of views, you're going to also get a lot of comments and hostility there too from supporters, whether they are part of his group or not, particularly fans looking for JC. Will you turn off comments or are you planning to let them talk amongst themselves and say nothing? Or will you be responding to more comments in the comments? I've seen videos where it's enough hostility in the comments that one could make videos responding to comments, so you may end up with at least two videos under this title just responding to comments.