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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Bill Maher is right- The wet markets plus the Wuhan lab

    This coworker did not appear racist, or have the underlying thoughts they are now experiencing (and finding troubling enough to discus with me) until recently. It is a manufactured racism created and fed by things such as what you presented in the OP.
  2. Bill Maher is right- The wet markets plus the Wuhan lab

    It's actually not complete nonsense, given my recent conversation with a coworker who is a Trump supporter, and presently dealing with an underlying (and irrational by their own admission) current of anger towards any Asian person they see - owing in large part to how the limited information available has been disseminated in the sources they follow. And I'd suggest looking into the misnomer of "Spanish Flu" before citing it as grounds for the case you wish to make.
  3. Bill Maher is right- The wet markets plus the Wuhan lab

    Slow down please. The :in either case" referred to the ideas of the pandemic originating in a wet market or a lab. I then added "or any [other]" to include other possibilities.. And what I presented reflects a recent conversation I had with a coworker who was experiencing what they admitted was unreasonable anger towards Chinese people. I'll leave you to whatever this is now. Take care.
  4. Bill Maher is right- The wet markets plus the Wuhan lab

    Well, what option is going to change the present reality of life in the time of covid? Do you believe blame makes it better somehow? Is there benefit in finger pointing in your opinion? And what is it you're actually arguing? Did you misunderstand my intent? Would you like me to clarify, or would you prefer to continue your present trajectory?
  5. Bill Maher is right- The wet markets plus the Wuhan lab

    These aren't my only two options.
  6. Bill Maher is right- The wet markets plus the Wuhan lab

    What difference would it make in either, or any, case? Covid is presently one of those facts of life that pointing fingers and placing blame isn't going to change. So how are you guys presently faring in whatever circumstances you currently find yourselves in?
  7. Perception is not Reality

    I once had experience with a bolt of lightning from a clear sky which coincided with the realization, "It isn't about them, it was never about them. It's about me." Which certainly will fail to convey the startling nature of both the physical and mental lightning strikes. Whether odd coincidence or something more, the experience left an impression.
  8. Haiku Chain

    life's a pirouette while a squirrel happily eats and a bluejay squawks
  9. Dao Bums Trolls akin to a Virus

    My ignore list has been basically rendered obsolete..
  10. Hello

    This isn't the part I was responding to. But I'll take some responsibility for this, and try to remember to break up anything from you into smaller quotes before responding. To clarify, the following odd argument placed in the mouth of cleansox is what I was referring to: It isn't what he wanted to say, but your odd extrapolation and interpretation of what he did say. Or just answer his simple question. :shrug:
  11. Hello

    You crafted a weak argument painting a member here as racist, with no indication of any actual racism being presented. This is what was being addressed in my post. I would recommend not swinging a sword about these parts, until you've learned to effectively parry.
  12. Hello

    If this was actually true, you would not be. "You" have an investment which leads to a vigilant and defensive stake in this particular game. Nothing wrong with this imo, but "you" are certainly here by choice, and this choice indicates a "want" of some type to be here.
  13. (Western) MoPai Censorship - for Sean

    There are individuals who feel your position is as denigrating to their practice, as you find their position regarding yours. And no, I'm not going to engage in a lengthy discussion of this, mostly because I honestly don't care very much, if at all, about this particular merry go 'round. Take the time to actually consider what I've presented, without the habitual response, and you may better understand. Or keep spinning in circles with the other members here. Your choice.
  14. Hello

    Only if it is a duplicate account, measures have not been taken to reroute the IP addy, and our sole admin has the time (and inclination) to check the available info. Unless it is a duplicate and they out themselves - which seems to happen often enough. For the time being, I'm going with this simply being someone who is curious about the subject.
  15. Hello

    Apparently Trunk had some time to open the door recently, and this is indeed the welcome thread of a new member.
  16. Hello

    And please don't become one of those members who makes spurious and unfounded arguments on behalf of others and then summarily defeats the argument which exists only in their own minds.
  17. Hello

    This is rather poor argumentation. While @ralis may be tired of the endless dead end arguments this forum has seen regarding mopai, he isn't racist, and is most likely the most active voice we have here speaking against racism. If you are curious what this is about use the search feature, look up mopai, and understand the more heated threads ended up in what we call "the pit" - which we presently don't have access to.
  18. Newbie starting with Flying Phoenix

    Welcome to the bums.
  19. Sorry for being AWOL lately ...

    Hence my post reads "in a general sense."
  20. Sorry for being AWOL lately ...

    You don't have to be.
  21. Divine Truths from Master

    I have yet to see anything presented by Walker or Freeform which I've found myself in disagreement with, and hold both in high regard. But yes, there most certainly may be differences in what we, as individuals, file under the heading "cultivation."
  22. Divine Truths from Master

    For some..
  23. Sorry for being AWOL lately ...

    I like this "troll," and believe he has a valid point in a general sense regarding the manner in which the word we is often used by individuals who do not know if they have the consensus of the group they have presumed to speak for. This being said, I welcome our new admin, and wish sean much luck with his present job situation and healing in regard to the recent upheavals he's experienced.
  24. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Ok, so to present the idea China may have lied regarding number of initial cases and their severity is (insert word of choice indicating how wrong it is, I'm going to go with) egregious, and now it's time to consider the US and England as potentially having lied and diminished in a manner serving their ends instead?
  25. Divine Truths from Master

    No eternal respect needed. It was a nice little distraction.