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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Thanks for clarifying. I'm glad to see you've made further posts since this one, and decided to stick it out a bit. I'm going to oversimplify this pursuant to the reasons for your inquiry (and hopefully sidestep the theoretical discussion, which imo always seems to miss something). As you've mentioned Buddhist boards here, I'll continue with the idea of buddha nature. This buddha nature is within you. It is the source of what is referred to as happiness here. And if this is where your interest lies, and you are looking to increase and deepen your personal practice, I would suggest something which serves to connect you with this buddha nature. Then you will find the taste of "happiness" which is non-dependent on external circumstances for yourself, and have a "place to rest" when more unpleasant circumstances arise.
  2. Perhaps the individual felt a bit like you were talking about them instead of with them. And this (and the contextual assessment of them) was what was found to be bs - not just a simple chatting with another about something as banal as say the weather?
  3. Hi waterdrop, Given the interaction here, I would suggest you don't seem 100% happy and accepting to present moment. And I wonder if this (100% happy and accepting) is some ideal you've picked up somewhere. What would this actually look like to you? And what value do you see in this as a position instead of just the outward manifestation of something deeper? Are you looking for how to find the something deeper? Or looking for confirmation of your present belief and understanding?
  4. Deleted topic.

    I found (the beginning of) what you had written interesting and creative, and was waiting to comment until I had read it in it's entirely. Sorry to see your contribution gone, and hope you've at least saved it elsewhere.
  5. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    I suspect quarantine is being conflated with social distancing and the various stay at home orders - which while somewhat understandable seems to muddy things a bit. I'm also having a difficult time understanding why comment was made about lack of exercise, as if moving one's body a bit was dependent on being able to go somewhere.
  6. Exploring the many meanings of ego in nonduality

    Did you watch the video? And what were your thoughts on it?
  7. Exploring the many meanings of ego in nonduality

    Your ruminations were enjoyable, personable, and very open imo. It is indeed an interesting subject with multiple understandings, implications and even negations. And, imo, the bit at the end regarding denial was golden. Thank you for sharing these ruminations and explorations here. If I may make a suggestion: close at least a portion of the curtain so your camera isn't struggling with the light differential, and can more easily focus on (and more adequately light) you. Or not, if this was intentional. And again, thank you. _/\_
  8. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    I would suggest not attributing emotion to others; it doesn't seem to do anything to improve discourse imo, and you've honestly no idea what, if anything, the person you've dismissively applied emotion to is actually feeling in their own experience. In short, you are decrying fairy tales while creating one for yourself.
  9. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    2 days after reading this I'm still struck by (what I find to be) the absurdity of the statement. You are smart enough to realize heart disease is not contagious, yes? Yes "they are soo dumb" they (or at least I) find your above analogy a fail. Oh they don't impose social distancing for the deadly heart disease, so why would this mysterious and all powerful "they" do so with coronavirus? Easy peasy lemon squeezy.. one is communicable, and the other isn't.
  10. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    What are your thoughts regarding the country you live in having a higher mortality rate related to confirmed cases?
  11. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    @Toni where do you live, and what is the present situation there?
  12. I've actually been utilizing it (as occasion arises) as a pith instruction for life (although it was certainly presented in the context of practice. It seems to support arising response (instead of habituated reaction). Interesting my language choices (which were meant to express what you more accurately describe as finding nothing in particular) still carry a habituated tendency towards nihilism. Thanks for pointing towards this in your gentle manner. _/\_ After having posted, I went through the process of signing up, and was pleasantly surprised when all the practices and teachings populated on my screen.
  13. And this is where, "leave it be, and return" becomes fruitful instruction? May I ask if "what is unborn and undying" escapes this pitfall of eternalism owing only to it's non- existence? And how easily can certain understandings of this "unborn and undying essence" land one in said pitfall? I suppose this is what the teachings addressed, and as I've asked this same question of others, I should find and listen to the teachings you've mentioned.
  14. Welcome to the Buddhist sub-forum, and thank you for your contribution.
  15. Would this be similar to appearance not negating emptiness, and emptiness not negating appearance? And as it relates to what you posted earlier, "oneness" can become a "position" held - kinda like putting an eyepatch over one of the "two eyes of valid cognition"? Along with the mentioned potential pitfall of eternalism?
  16. Would you share what you've been listening to?
  17. Perhaps. However the general idea of my posting was for you to explore the dynamic which leads to tension in your upper jaw for yourself.
  18. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    I see however this is managed or mismanaged or addressed crisis of one form or another will play out. Do these proclamations of yours make you feel better regarding the situation?
  19. Are there words and emotions you are "biting down," and refusing to express or perhaps even acknowledge?
  20. Are the different types of kundalini?

    The difference in arising qualities, is this only noted after experience in an attempt to share, or is there a differentiation somehow expressed/manifested during experience? As expressed, why wouldn't this fit with a human penchant to name and control? And could this "process of activation" actually fit within the parameter expressed as a human penchant to name and control?
  21. Sure you can - if you knock one or two out of the chain. Which is easier said than done, when what would need be knocked out are things humans have determined are precious, and what (a general) we have come to expect and depend upon.
  22. Sex with Dakini

    Do you remember the tale wells used to share?
  23. Sex with Dakini

  24. Sex with Dakini

    Well this is a bit premature...
  25. Sex with Dakini

    My dear young man, the comment was in reference to what I perceive of you, and your quests you've asked for assistance in here.