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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. The psychology of conspiracy theories

    Personally, I trust those with power to generally act in what they perceive as their own best interests (interests which typically begin and end with the maintenance of said power - regardless of harm (to the extent they can get away with it without harming themselves and what they value) to “others” (be it emotional, psychological or physical harm.) I also believe this has been so woven into the fabric of societal structure that much of it can blatantly occur. I do believe in the “deep state” as a paradigm of ever changing faces, and to use a phrase TM presented cannot force myself into the dissonance which would allow me to believe otherwise.
  2. Mosquitoes, ants?

    If there are big and small ones those aren’t sugar ants. As you don’t see anything outside, and suspect they’re under the house, carpenter ants would be a possibility: The question of whether or not structural damage is occurring may supply an answer to your to kill or not to kill question.
  3. Mosquitoes, ants?

    Are they the little sugar ants? We get those on occasion. But they aren’t an issue for me, and find other food sources when whatever got shmutzed is cleaned up.
  4. Mosquitoes, ants?

    Perhaps you could trace where the ants are entering, and block the path? Mosquitoes seem to have an aversion to citrus - particularly lemon as I understand it. So maybe utilizing lemon oil, or something similar would help. I had a co-worker who swore by garlic, but he ate so much he perpetually smelled of it (to the point humans also avoided proximity.) And more humorously (depending upon how one views historical accounts of mosquitoes avoiding Irish immigrants) they also seem to have an aversion to whiskey (and gin) drinkers, although I wouldn’t recommend becoming an alcoholic simply to avoid mosquitoes.
  5. You experienced tinnitus too, didn’t you? I recently noticed my experience of tinnitus has cleared, and couldn’t actually say precisely when - only that it seems to have correlated with taking up dream yoga practice (which does have a third eye correlation.) (Of course I have no real answer for you - just some random personal thoughts and observations.) This I would tend to agree with, struggling against what “seems intent” on being expressed and experienced seems a sure route to further suffering to me. (Speaking from personal experience, silence, stillness and space were the only way “through” for me.. and drinking lots of water.)
  6. The psychology of conspiracy theories

    A scholarly article presenting a case for the ddj not being the “revealed teachings” of a singular author, but a historically contextualuzed creation of a number of individuals (perhaps spanning generations) with a rather interesting purpose of influencing the ruler, in a way which is deceptive, towards his own deceptive manipulation of the population (rather fitting in a “conspiracy theory” thread imo):
  7. The psychology of conspiracy theories

    Coming back to this, to me it seems to be a bit of a misrepresentation, possibly based on misunderstanding. Regarding the ideas of abortion, atheism, and homosexuality, I don’t believe it is a plausible generality that individuals with certain political views want everyone to be any one, or all, of these things. I believe “the establishment” has long been viewed as controlling individuals in regard to these things, and “lefties” want individuals to have the ability to choose and express for themselves.
  8. The psychology of conspiracy theories

    For some reason my thoughts continue to turn to the Roman Empire, and the idea “factual relativism“ has existed for a very long time..
  9. The psychology of conspiracy theories

    There is also the use of facts to inspire emotional response. Anyone looking to most any outlet is often presented guidance in the form of selective use of language, and even selective presentation of facts, to inspire the desired response of the presenter - I.e. narrative weaver. (Showing us what to look at, how to understand it, and even how to feel about it..) Are we (in a general sense) intentionally kept in a perpetual emotionally inspired wobble, where we have little option but to look to the very people creating the wobble for some sense of guidance and security?
  10. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    “There are other fish in the sea,” and apparently she is wasting no time..
  11. Haiku Chain

    “when fooling itself,” as if it cared enough to this your dream, not it’s
  12. Upper back/lower neck problems

    A thought: In researching this for someone else, I saw some simple “stretch” which involved little more than laying with a rolled and properly placed towel. However at one point I experienced a pinched nerve in my neck owing to my posture while driving a forklift - which I attempted to self treat for months before finally going to a doctor who easily diagnosed the issue. Have you seen a doctor?
  13. Upper back/lower neck problems

    Hi Toni, Have you looked into your diet? Sleeping position? Are you staying well hydrated? What is your posture like when you aren’t exercising? Have you experienced past trauma in the region? Personally, I have found Tsa Lung, a modified whole 30 based diet, and proper hydration therapeutic, but your own affinities and issues may be different. If you are interested in Tsa Lung, 5 excercises are included in the last section of part one in this free course on starting a meditation practice: And the Whole30 elimination diet (which helps determine what is personally best for you to avoid) can be found here:
  14. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    And without being able to see the twinkle in someone’s eye, this sometimes (oftentimes) flies right over my head. It was something my father took great delight in toying with me over - saying increasingly odder things, until I’d look at him, and say, “you little shit; you’re doing it again” and he burst out in joyful laughter. You have given me more to work with and allow to unravel, and I thank you for the exchange, you clever silly kitty. (Not having the same relationship with you that I have enjoyed with my father, I will refrain from lovingly calling you a little shit, but please do understand there is affection in the words.)
  15. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    Thank you for your willingness to clarify your intent. I appreciate that. I am just sharing my thoughts too..And once again, I am reminded of how different online communication is compared to say, sipping tea with a friend where all the non-verbal cues are available.
  16. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    Oh my stars! There is a reason I left room for correction regarding the idea of you simply sharing your thoughts - namely because I don’t possess the special powers of which you speak. You could have simply said, “you’re correct,” instead of the more “brooding” (I like the word, thanks for the suggestion) seeming reply of “view it how you like” - creating what I envisioned as further clouds of miscommunication, instead of lending to any clarity (which you have, with this reply I quoted, finally gotten to). My intent was, once again, sincere, and as I have, in the past, expressly given you direct permission to educate me on what I was unaware of seemed a reasonable consideration. Apologies if I have unintentionally hurt your feelings. BTW Rain is inextricably linked to my six lokas practice for me, and not indicative of some malign storm of intent; just as clouds are typically understood for me in a Buddhist type fashion, and also not some strange slur on your character - which I rather like.
  17. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    Then slightly overcast with a chance of rain, it is.
  18. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    I am going to view this as a simple sharing of your own thoughts, and not as an effort to educate me. If this view is in error, please feel free to let me know, and I will respond accordingly. This, imo, is a simplification which doesn’t account for what I have read regarding an economic downturn (in Sweden) in things such as restaurants, beauty salons, and other local businesses, although it is certainly one part of the larger picture. Personally, I suspect, with or without lockdown, this pandemic will have an economic effect of a rather widespread variety.
  19. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    This actually falls under we still don’t know, and there are some indications this notion of “only a few” experiencing organ damage may be wishful thinking on our part - enabled largely by a predominate focus on the most acute cases. From the linked article:
  20. Haiku Chain

    nature is boundless and ecosystems “boundried” naturally distinct
  21. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    Owing to something presented by another member here regarding distasteful views only being challenged when they are expressed (which I am still leaning towards not completely believing, although that may be a different conversation), I am finding myself less self silencing than I once was. Edit to add: Although I do respect and understand your position. peace.
  22. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    Hi Apech, A couple thoughts: As it is becoming apparent the antibodies are not long lasting, and re-infection apparently can and does occur, I have found myself in a position where I am (at this time) completely unable to hold onto the once much touted hope of “herd immunity.” And I read a more recent article on the (lack of) measures taken by Sweden, and how it was financially impacted in a way which was rather equivalent to it’s neighbors, but with a higher mortality rate. It seems economic consequences are part and parcel of this pandemic, and are rather unavoidable.
  23. The taboo of enlightenment

    Please expound on what you intend to convey with this statement..
  24. Do you still believe in coronavirus?

    While you continue to ask people to think for themselves, you keep repeating the same lines without time for thought or consideration for what others present to you.. Does the ordinary flu cause long term organ damage to the extent being seen in Covid cases?
  25. Haiku Chain

    like waves on water incessantly, rhythmically pummeling the shore