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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. The necessity of thought.

    What if the shared understanding you refer to when applied to internal processes can still be understood as a way of working on a situation - not through “structuring,” but through integration?
  2. The necessity of thought.

    What if we call thoughts a communicative process instead of a constructive process? Would this change the question in any meaningful way?
  3. The necessity of thought.

    Because the intention (to empty) only reinforces the constructed sense it (mind) and anything arising within it (visions - i.e. thoughts) are not already empty?
  4. Some member's signatures unignorable

    The thread was posted in the general area, and moved to the pit; we are still in review process and will update the forum when a determination is reached.
  5. Transpersonal Witness Meditation

    Looks to be an interesting and informative read (and may serve to highlight the error of my initial post in this thread.) Thanks.
  6. Transpersonal Witness Meditation

    An interesting (critical) overview of Wilber:
  7. Transpersonal Witness Meditation

    I would suggest this is one means of connecting to, and eventually resting in, what TWR refers to as the inner refuge.
  8. Was Lao Zi A Real Historic Human Being?

    The Hua Hu Ching is the other text, preserved through oral transmission after it was banned, and all copies of it were ordered to be burned (according to the introductory material in the Complete Works of Lao Tzu by Hua-Ching Ni).
  9. The necessity of thought.

    Those are a lot of thoughts on not thinking.
  10. The necessity of thought.

    Actually rather astute, as it is the thinking process which reifies the sense of self, and can limit it imo.
  11. In Bön it is called the kunzhe namshe, with kunzhe being the base/ground of being.
  12. The necessity of thought.

    Learning to not get so lost in our waking dreams? Interesting topic, thanks for presenting it,
  13. Practice with Music - spontaneous / ZiFaGong

    To me it sounds more like dancing, and finding the music you resonate with for expressive purpose. And as such, this may better be answered in the general discussion area.
  14. Yi Gong/Kunlun/Spontaneous Qigong Questions

    A report was received on this post. It is one of seven verbatim posts made over a period of 15 minutes spanning seven different threads. It is presently under review.
  15. steve, some time ago now, actually very gently and with very heart felt and carefully composed words helped guide me out of my own tendency towards nihilism.. and the “answer” was actually going deeper into emptiness where warmth naturally arises.. He is pretty awesome like that..
  16. What was knit together over a lifetime creating a sense of self, unravels, and can bring .. well just about anything from a feeling of freedom to abject horror I suppose. I look forward to reading @steve’s response.
  17. Here as an article on the young woman I believe he was referring to (which may provide some of what you are looking for):
  18. Was Lao Zi A Real Historic Human Being?

    :laughs, leans in and whispers in a conspiratorial tone: I think you just did...
  19. Kundalini discovery
  20. Kundalini discovery

    I believe one of the biggest delusions occurs when an individual feels an energetic component to healing of past traumas, and instead of recognizing it as the healing of trauma in a “body keeps the score” kind of way, searches for explanations and settles on naming the experience kundalini. Edit to add: Which I believe is a contributing factor to what you have expressed as the issue of people believing it is their kundalini.
  21. Canna Bums

    Can I just hang out and listen to your tales?
  22. As I was giving this a bit of space for contemplation to see what would arise, a great crack of thunder resounded a moment after lightning split the sky. A moment of startled pristine clarity, and then the mind creating correlation and meaning.
  23. Mosquitoes, ants?

    So, it will seasonally rectify itself? Without the need for angsty deliberations on your part? And the actions you have taken have already lessened the “invasion”? I recall seeing a video of a question/answer session with TWR regarding the idea of generating compassion for all living beings, and swatting flies. (If I could recall where to find it for you I would, but it was only of passing interest to me, and my mind didn’t create a further pathway for recovery, apologies.) What he was asked was very similar to what you are asking, and his reply encompassed two points. The first was regarding the generation of karmic traces and creation of pain identities. It seems the more narrative we weave around something like swatting a fly, the more difficulty we may create for ourselves. The second was to humorously suggest that, of course, we don’t swat a fly landing on our arm while we are sitting on our cushions generating compassion for all living things - for rather obvious reasons. They’re just hungry, and doing what ants do - completely indifferent to the suffering you are creating for yourself on their behalf.
  24. Was Lao Zi A Real Historic Human Being?

    I recently posted this link in the conspiracy theory thread. It speaks a bit towards what you mention here.