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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    It has been happening for years.
  2. Mona Lisa mark under lip

    Because it was hidden by the OP (owing to nearing the limit of nasty), there is now no reason for it to show up in the moderating section.
  3. simplify

  4. simplify

  5. Emotions are the path

    Or do vibrations and reverberations occur, and then thought - to explain, share, reify whatnot?
  6. A message to the moderators

    Thank you for sharing pertinent information @virtue. Thank you for sharing the pertinent thread @Earl Grey. I saw the following in the thread: And now, after being characterized as grasping at straws (not sure how much time you guys believe I have free in a day, or how much of that time you believe I should spend tracking down the lengthy complaints EG has about things which occurred before I was a mod, but it certainly isn’t as much as presumed), I am done. If present concerns arise, please bring them to my attention. Otherwise, I am sorry for all the myriad ways individuals felt wronged before I became a mod, but I cannot do a damn thing about any of it. Be good to each other; don’t be good to each other - whatever. Just follow the rules.
  7. A message to the moderators

    Would you prefer I also recuse myself regarding moderation which concerns you?
  8. A message to the moderators

    @Earl Grey, why would you present things, if you did not want me to consider and discus them? ***** Nobody said anything about violence; you are presenting an inaccurate narrative. Here is the post: Rene’s general point was something I felt could be used as a touchstone here, and I do see validity in it. BTW Of course the mentioned apology is not related to the mentioned PM; they were two separate things - presented as two separate paragraphs.
  9. A message to the moderators

    I am actually glad you brought this thread up. Although, I must say what you present above isn’t quite what I read there. Here is a link to the short thread, if anyone is interested in reading it, and not just going by the presented highlights and play by play: I believe the point rene was making was as valid then as it is now, and actually rather pertinent to this discussion: Also of note, names once again were not used.. ***** My question towards you was indeed rather pointed, but still very much a question which left you an out with the phrase “comes across as.” An out you did not take, instead opting with, “Let it go, or don't. I did!” (Which clearly you did not.) And I still have no idea why you typed lady in the manner you did, or mentioned toenails and pretty cuticles. And I honestly don’t really care at this point. To my mind, you were being defensive where there was little need.. and offended. Which brings us to these lists of offenses. I am sorry, really I am, for all the suffering and offense you have endured here, but I can’t give you what you want because quite frankly I do not actually understand what it is you want. And every time I have tried, it gets all turned around, with these great narratives which may make perfect sense to you, but don’t always align with what I see. What is it that you actually want here? Please take some time to consider this, and then speak plainly and directly - hopefully with a little less narrative about others and more heart from yourself. If this refers to your apology to me, I will consider your apology to have been issued under personally manifested duress, and therefore null and void. And while we are here, nobody else has the power to poison my perception of you, and in spite of a pm I suspect you should remember sending, I have advocated for you to the extent I am honestly able - without tripping some personal dissonance for myself. Isn’t this similar to what you presented to the last mod team?
  10. Haiku Chain

    push them over it unable or unwilling to just walk around
  11. A message to the moderators

    @Earl Grey Thank you for taking the time to compose such a meaty (and well thought out and presented) reply. Here is the post you were looking for (it’s still available): At the moment, I don’t have the time to address your concerns and points in a manner such sincerity deserves, but will return to them. Again thank you for your willingness to engage in dialogue, and place your concerns on the table.
  12. Haiku Chain

    rivers to the sea with great bridges overhead easily traversed
  13. Haiku Chain

    Never thought there would be a mod warning in the haiku chain, but here we are. This post and two others, in two other threads, Involving the same members are now under mod review. Thank you to the member who reported the issue in another thread which I am presently choosing not to interrupt the flow of with a mod notice.
  14. What can go wrong with this..? (A short article about Asian beetle infestations.)
  15. Mo Pai Nei Kung - New Here From Chicago

    Hi ChicagoMike, welcome to the bums. Regarding finding a (legitimate) teacher, this may be nigh on impossible for a Westerner. The following post contains pertinent info (although it is in one of the more contentious threads to be found on this site): Regarding information on the (very limited) practices which have been promoted as “mopai” the initial posts of the above linked thread may hold (some of) what you are looking for (at least what is available of it):
  16. Northern daoism vs Southern daoism

    If you wish your wisdom to be valued, perhaps start valuing the wisdom of others. If you make your interactions here more reciprocal, you may find yourself having a very different (and perhaps more enjoyable) experience. My primary practice at this time is dream yoga, and what you describe in your question reflects the dawning of lucidity. This is a means by which the individual recognizes the personally created aspect of their experience - which correlates to what I have seen you post elsewhere. (Which is only pertinent to a Daoist discussion in so far as you have highlighted Buddhist influence.)
  17. Northern daoism vs Southern daoism

    The post immediately preceding yours asks a question pertinent to answering your question: Which renders the remaining (and apparently ego driven) passive aggressiveness rather unnecessary (and telling imo). Dark energy is a scientific way of saying, “we see something happening (counter to what we had expected to see happening), but we don’t know what’s driving it.” It is an indication (and admittance) of ignorance.
  18. Northern daoism vs Southern daoism

    What is it you are actually looking for?
  19. Haiku Chain

    his head will roll too becoming a skullcap cup in skydancer’s hand
  20. Haiku Chain

    to the wilderness rolling hills and flowing streams where they feel free (skip this one, I missed the “turned page”)
  21. Q's...ONLY Teachers may Answer.

    Your post seems to indicate your own offense at being “talked down to by people who are obviously struggling […]” - while simultaneously talking down to whoever it was you felt had taken offense.. As this thread is for asking members who teach questions, my question is then, how would you (any of the actual teachers here) address/resolve/work with this conflict/obscuration/whatnot?
  22. Pronunciation Classical Chinese?

    Here is a related article: academic study Chinese translation&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DPinyin%2Bacademic%2Bstudy%2BChinese%2Btranslation&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A685a140734fafe75567188cab469c81e I am unsure if any such threads exist, and would have to use the search feature to see what comes up (which you seem to have already utilized). If it has not already been presented to you there is a link around here somewhere to a site called Original Dao, and if you find nobody here to explore this topic with, perhaps some of the members there could provide the comradery in this field of exploration you seek.
  23. A message to the moderators

    The tendrils have also, clearly imo, influenced your own actions and behaviors, or this conversation would not be occurring. Neither would be my dichotomy if not for the role of moderator, and my attempts to listen to the membership - yourself included. So to make this as simple as possible, either people here can voice concerns and criticisms directly related to others here without naming them, and this is ok, or it isn’t. It cannot be “not ok” when one individual is being referred to, and “perfectly fine” and “not against the rules” when another is. First let me say, I did find pertinent discussion related to this, and shared a link to one of joeblast’s post in the moderation area so my fellow mods could get a better feel for what you are referring to. Second, there have been individuals here who have viewed you in much the same manner you view joeblast. And as @Apech so eloquently put it we (as in the mod team) can end up hoisting ourselves by our own petard. Would the membership here actually want to place that much trust in my “wisdom”? Would you? Edit to add (and this is only written for personal consideration regarding the idea of wisdom and discernment): Do you believe it is possible this idea of wisdom and discernment played a role in what you referenced regarding doxing, and are you able to see how easily this as a model could fall into perceived favoritism?
  24. A message to the moderators

    As it relates to the idea of Steve attacking you (which this quote was in response to), the only post he made in that thread was in response to a tiny snippet of a post made by silent thunder regarding inner revelation, on his thoughts of how difficult it is to share the harsh lessons learned through inner revelation and vulnerabilities in front of critical strangers. BTW You have filled my plate with things to consider and in some cases research, and this may take me quite awhile.
  25. A message to the moderators

    Regarding the lessening of the original suspension, I brought it into discussion (unsure if we had any authority to do this), and Steve picked it up and suggested the reduction to 30 days. And honestly, the whole team was then on board - even the ones who voiced agreement with some action being taken in the whole mess of bans thread. I agree this is an issue. If it is about addressing issues with the board, then I would prefer such be shared in a place where the individuals being referred to are welcome to respond if they choose, and not in a place where they are known to be unwelcome.