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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. What is Fear?

    I have read it (first as a grade-school aged child, and used to carry a small copy with me when traveling), and I am simply feeling conversational today. Dwai has been conversing with me for some years now, and has generally been quite open (and rather welcoming) to whatever queries I make, and this is most appreciated on my part.
  2. What is Fear?

    Thank you for the reply. I would like it if you shared more regarding the quote I bolded, and explained how this is somehow different than a fundamentalist/extremist view.
  3. Haiku Chain

    A Master Baffler! A wealthy illusionist.. trickery pays well
  4. What is Fear?

    What are your thoughts regarding tales of killing which leaves no karmic trace?
  5. Haiku Chain

    This way or that way... Piece clutched in grasping hands or, Open handed peace
  6. Haiku Chain

    Coke in the desert Have you ever drank hot coke? It’s not refreshing.
  7. Haiku Chain

    Que sera sera.... Whatever will be will be How’s that for cheesy?
  8. What is Fear?

    I have had a few of those, “what was I thinking?” moments.. One of which involved me drinking too much and crashing at a male friend’s house, only to have his ex girlfriend (with her child in her arms) show up and start kicking the door at O’ holy hang over a.m. I actually heard the door crack from the force of the kicks before he finally answered it, and I briefly went back to sleep - only to be awoken by her saying something about cutting his heart out. I mumbled a resigned “aww shit” to myself as I got up, and wandered into the kitchen where she had her infant (which wasn’t his) on her hip, and a butcher knife in her other hand. What did I do? I said, “not in front of the baby,” and held my hands out to take her.. the baby leaned towards me, mom handed her over, and we went into the living room.. leaving angry/crazy ex with the knife and him to work out whatever the hell madness they were working on. Eventually they wandered together into the living room where me and the kid were chilling on the couch, and she had a long chat with me about all the things that were bothering her. Yeah, he wasn’t real happy with me leaving her with the knife and all.. but it worked out. Regarding situations like this, I used to tell people I wasn’t smart enough to be afraid.. much easier than trying to explain..
  9. What is Fear?

    Yeah, sometimes it gets what I would call “stuck.” Which brings us back to the book Liminal mentioned, and “repressed old feelings brought out by current triggers..” mentioned by TM. When we were children, our house was hit by a tornado. We had all been in the living room watching the purple lightning dancing across an oddly green tinted sky. The winds were strong, and the trees were bending. Then everything went still. I went still too, as we heard what sounded like a hundred ghost trains barreling towards us. And then the most terrifying thing in my young life happened - my dad said, “run!” The basement door wouldn’t open due to back pressure until the dining room wall blew out - debris flying everywhere. And as I sat on the top stair leading the rest of the way to what would have been considered safety if the threat hadn’t already roared past us, I let out one of those blood curdling screams normally reserved for horror movies. I sat there shaking rather violently for what could have been a rather long time, only nodding my head yes or no in response to my father’s questions, until our grandmother arrived to bring us to her house for the night. Having read the book Liminal suggested, I must say my father was rather brilliant in allowing my shakes to play out, and in providing the openness for me to find my own way through the terror and fear. My next younger sister, for whatever reasons, did not go through the same process of expression and feeling and continued to experience very strong fear reactions to even reports of storms moving into the area. Even when we were adults I would receive phone calls at work, and feel compelled to leave to simply go sit with her, and provide the reassurance of “other” she ended up feeling dependent on. Even though I looked the more traumatized sitting on that step, she was the one who ended up carrying the unexpressed trauma for years. We’re in our 40’s now, and she eventually found her way through what got “stuck” that night.
  10. What is Fear?

    Perhaps it becomes more curiosity. A very long time ago I experienced something similar to anshino. In my story it involved a very large man on a Harley who pulled out in front of my car, and then proceeded to ride parallel to me a block up from the road I had turned on to go home. I stopped. He caught up, and proceeded to “let me have it” - while I sat there gazing at him. Eventually he stopped, and I said something along the lines of, “you should probably stop pulling out in front of moving vehicles if you don’t want to get hit by one.” And added something about how he was just lucky I was paying attention and could avoid hitting him. At first he looked a bit flabbergasted and more pissed. Then he shook his head, laughed, and rode away. BTW This body certainly can be hurt, and sometimes in lasting ways. Some of those pains can push one into finding what is sometimes referred to as the inner refuge - the “place” within that can’t be harmed. And this naturally “changes things.”
  11. Haiku Chain

    fast water, still night, midnight dreams of soothing dark gently embracing
  12. You Can Only Manifest Whats Meant For You

    Thinking on this, it seems to me “manifestation” is perpetually occurring, and “karma” seems more the means through which this manifestation arises than some currency which enables it. (Which is more than a play on semantics, if what I am attempting to express is understood... although your analogy seems somewhat fitting on a certain level.)
  13. Haiku Chain

    tectonic forces! Inexorably grinding until “phat!” - release
  14. Mantra Recitation Dream

    Even if “greater forces” would be something difficult to accept or alien to you, you could accept it as your subconscious (or “internal guru” if you prefer) guiding you - manifesting what is useful/beneficial/needed at this point in time. This would mean intuitively you know what is better for yourself - when the mind becomes quiet enough and the more intellectualized thoughts of what is better/best aren’t getting in the way...
  15. What are emotions

    And as you have now returned from your short suspension, not only to continue, but to escalate you can now have a longer one. Keep it up upon returning and your use of the word “banned” may prove prophetic.
  16. There are two key components I noticed weren’t mentioned in your post - hydration and activity levels. To what degree do you maintain these? I would not recommend upping your magnesium citrate intake, as your body could develop a dependency.
  17. What are emotions

    Hi Cleansox, once upon a time such argumentation puzzled me. Then I came to understand there are people who really believe in an inherent badness which can only be circumvented through religious dogma. For whatever reason they are unable to see what your posts point towards, and will invariably fall back on what you’ve just responded to.
  18. desire in Taoism

    Waysun Liao would have a wealth of information pertinent to the topic of this thread, and dwai was kind enough to find a specific video directly related to the topic. That there appears to be a desire for free information (and by default a devaluing of the decades this master has put into study, practice, and teaching) does not change these two simple (on topic) facts, and I would at this point, after receiving member reports regarding the derailment of this thread, suggest if one wishes to engage in a discussion regarding masters being paid or consumerism in general that they start another topic where this side tangent would be more germane.
  19. What are emotions

    Actually, I would suggest the emotion of longing to see that certain someone arose prior to the recognition of the similarities between the two, and the sadness was already present - although likely unrecognized initially.
  20. Dao Bums gender divide

    Here is an old thread which illustrates this a bit:
  21. Dao Bums gender divide

    The most simple answer: that which you cite as being dominantly presented by females don’t tend to have the same scripture which can be understood and quoted in a manner denigrating to females.
  22. How to bridge the two realities?

    The small town paper from where I hail from avoided claims of lies or truth, and simply reported a second suit has been set forth in Wisconsin regarding the elections - which is honestly how I feel it should be, a sharing of information and available facts. If the press (whichever direction it leans) would stop telling people what to think and how they should see things, and return to “printing” only verifiable facts I believe it would go a long ways towards “bridging the gap” (that to my way of thinking seems deliberately created and maintained).
  23. Mopai Neigong

    Regarding mopai:
  24. Story of Atlantis Part 2 - Conquest of America

    A report was received, and moderation action and discussions are occurring. In the meantime, we ask members to please stay on topic, avoiding any further derailment of this thread, and refrain from any personal insults or baiting.