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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. What is courage?

    Nope, not for everyone. I made peace with this self not existing as a child.. ”If the dreamer (a divine being not myself) awakes, all of this (the entirety of the world I knew, including this self) will cease to be..” Which settled easily and quite comfortably into, “it honestly wouldn’t matter to the then non-existent “me” anyway.” Hence - non-existence isn’t something to feel any angst about at all. As a child I was much more afraid of “eternity.” I still don’t like the idea of it, and actually find it rather a yucky proposition. From your perspective...
  2. What is courage?

    If you don’t want others in your mind space (what I think you’re referring to), then stop carrying them around in your mind space.
  3. What is courage?

    And I am suggesting that your definition regarding the utter and complete transcendence of fear renders the generally accepted definition and understanding of courage completely and utterly meaningless and moot. it (imo) simply does not apply to what you are pointing towards and referring to (speaking from my own understanding and experience of course).
  4. Haiku Chain

    Words that go AWOL Stunning moment of silence So enjoyable
  5. What is courage?

    You faced off against The Mountain, and didn’t meet the same fate of the emotionally charged and overly confident Oberyn Martell. Apologies for the GoT geek-out moment...
  6. What is courage?

    But.... The final either/or scenario of the quoted post is actually a false dichotomy which (imo) actually negates any possibility of courage.. cowering is not courageous, and a complete lack of fear is not fertile soil for “the growth’ of courage either.
  7. Haiku Chain

    Circuitry problem A synaptic overload? No frame of reference?
  8. What is Fear?

    To bring it back to the topic of fear: Seems to me both the avoidance and enjoyment of conflict can have the same result of continuing/escalating/inviting said conflict, and that this can be useful (I.e. beneficial) or detrimental on the path (dependent in part on awareness of dynamic, and habituation).
  9. What is courage?

    Why would courage have any reason to arise in the absence of fear? To me, courage is something along the lines of knowing you may just get your tushie handed to you, and standing your ground anyway.
  10. What is Fear?

    Yeah, part of why I mentioned the “quiet still voice”... you gotta connect with this quiet and stillness first, “make friends with it,” develop trust in it, and then “simply” (which isn’t necessarily to say easily) move with “it’s guidance” - which is neither habituated reaction (what I would label what you’ve described) or overly intellectualized (what I described). Thanks for bringing up the other extreme, and nice to “see” you.
  11. What is Fear?

    This rather relates to second guessing inner guidance, intuition, or whatever one wants to call it.. maybe an example of paralysis by analysis.. How many times have things “gone awry” owing predominantly to thinking too much, and it is later realized if one hadn’t “drown out” the “quiet still voice” with analysis and the narrative of self doubt things may have gone quite differently?
  12. What is Fear?

    This is what I am referring to: Are you referring to the Council of Nicaea?
  13. What is Fear?

    I thought he converted after a battle was won under the banner of this “new god.”
  14. What is Fear?

    An oddity from my own childhood: My mother while we attended mass used to whisper to me about the “hand of God” and how this giant thumb was going to descend through the large skylight above the alter and crush me for being bad. Never mind the fact I had yet to work out how I was so bad, I waited and watched week after week for this giant thumb to come and crush my little bug like in the face of his enormity self - which of course never happened. The out take however was not the destruction of me, but that of any fear of God, or whatever b.s. people wanted to tell me about him..
  15. Haiku Chain

    A hairdresser’s dream! She called, and told me of it. ”Yes, I dreamt it too.”
  16. What is Fear?

    You seem to be referring to what is sometimes called an “emotional hijacking,” and fear which triggers reaction fueled by our “reptilian brain.”
  17. What is Fear?

    I typically enjoy reading your thoughts, so thanks for joining this interesting conversation. This being said, I am not certain I agree with the above theory. There are “stuck fears” which have everything to do with what has already been experienced and quite familiar and habituated modes of action.
  18. What is Fear?

    As TM pointed out earlier (in different words) there are what I would refer to as “valid fears” - an attacker with a weapon one may not be trained to handle, heights, and “the sea” can all be valid threats to one’s continued existence. And as such, unless taken to extremes, a fear (when presented with such) would indicate a healthy functioning human experience. At which point, for me, the focus would then shift from theoretical ideas of fearlessness and transcendence to fully experiencing what arises without a forced or faked form of bypassing - which is (imo) a pale shadow to what “true masters” refer to. (And has also been mentioned in this thread as something of a “danger zone” for cultivators.)
  19. What is Fear?

    If you ever are looking for a response please feel welcome to let me know..
  20. What is Fear?

    Well then take care, and please do forgive me if I simply ignore your one-sided non-conversational pronouncements in the future.
  21. What is Fear?

    Over the years I have found it interesting how easily the fears of a parent can be placed upon a child - becoming a hereditary sort of karma the child then eventually has to work through (or not) hopefully healing both themselves and the parent in the process.
  22. What is Fear?

    I would like if some of your comments were further explained or elucidated upon in some manner - otherwise they simply seem dismissive or proclaimational without being in much of any way at all conversational. Which then rather unfortunately equates to pointless to respond to for me personally (and perhaps other members as well, although I have noticed some continue to try to engage with you, and can only surmise they are nicer, or perhaps friendlier than myself).
  23. Haiku Chain

    For whom the bell tolls? Time marches on and on and.. You get the idea.
  24. What is Fear?

    I think perhaps there may be a misunderstanding here. As a Christian, you have Christ, teachings (the words of Christ, the Bible, the clergy and their teachings (of whatever denomination/variety)), and the Church you attend. This is then (as I understood it) being equated as, Taking refuge in: One who has transcended, I.e. the Buddha and Christ. The teachings of these transcended beings i.e. (a) dharma. And the supportive societal structure of like-minded followers/believers/adherents/practioners i.e. (a) sangha (And if you were Catholic or some other variation which believes in Saints, they would be included in the idea of sangha (like the boddhisattvas), and also a source of refuge/petition/contemplation/prayer.) So what is it that “works against” you?
  25. What is Fear?

    I was precocious, and my father allowed me to read (almost) anything I wanted out of the library he maintained in our home.