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Everything posted by ilumairen

  1. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    Because very recently (as in yesterday) a couple of us moderators here made comment regarding the member you quoted’s unsolicited energy reading of another new member of this site - coupled with his offers of assistance for payment regarding the issues he claimed to assess in the unsolicited energy reading. He appears to believe that skirting the edge will prevent him from crashing through the thin ice he is now skating on (with me) regarding his suspect and questionable behavior. @RiverSnake You can consider this an official warning, and a step up from my more conversational interaction with you regarding the previous new comer you offered your “assistance” to. I feel strongly enough about this issue that it comes down to either you cease this behavior of your own accord, or I will assist you in the ceasing of this behavior. Easy or hard is up to you, but it will stop.
  2. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    This member actually seems pretty well grounded, and as they have two decades of dealing with the energetic aspects I personally wouldn’t recommend anti psychotics.
  3. What am I supposed to do with this energy??

    Hi Eggsistentialist, Welcome to the bums. You will likely find yourself in good company here. We excel at “weird,” and there are a number of members who’ve experienced various awakenings and have varying degrees of what I will call energetic sensitivities. You are, of course, welcome to lurk if that is your preference. You are also welcome to use the search feature to find (and revive if you wish) old threads, or start new ones. warm regards, ilu P.S. You will find three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  4. Back with new name - "VonKrankenhaus2"

    Now I want to know the name... you can pm it..
  5. Greetings all

    Steve is nicer than I am. What I will say is you are now on my personal watch list for what I see in this thread, and if it were solely up to me, you’d get a weeks suspension for your unsolicited energy reading, claims of issues related to the unsolicited energy reading, and requests for payment to “fix” the issues you claim related to said unsolicited energy reading. Personally, I find such behavior questionable at best.
  6. Greetings all

    And I don’t recommend allowing random people you’ve just met on the internet “forcing” anything - energetically or otherwise.
  7. First Time

    Hello full hole, Personally I am not so good at existential angst, but perhaps you will find others here who are willing to explore these ideas and topics with you. Your membership is approved. Welcome to the bums. You will find three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  8. Greetings all

    Hi MysticNinjaSage, Your membership is approved. Welcome to the bums. The difference between (passing) experiences of awakening and enlightenment have been mentioned more than a few times here, and should be easy enough to find using the search function of the site. You are also welcome to start new threads. I find myself personally curious how you are using the word purgatory, and wonder if it is similar to what is sometimes referred to as “dark night of the soul.” warm regards, ilu P.S. There are three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  9. Greetings from an New Flying Phoenix Qigong Student

    Hello Achuma, You’ve sure packed a lot into your “not much to say.” And I suspect you will likely feel rather comfortable here. Your membership is approved. The search feature can assist in finding older threads which may interest you, and you’re welcome to start new ones. Here is a link to the Flying Phoenix thread: There are three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  10. What is lust

    Of course there is.
  11. What is lust

    Opening welcome... invitation.. surrender... You’ve got the idea.
  12. Hi

    Hello Ursus mellifera, Welcome to the bums. This forum is rather eclectic, and respectful discussions of many paths are welcome here. You can use the search function of the site to locate older topics which interest you, and are certainly welcome to start new threads. There are three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  13. What is lust

    I am going to respond to your curiosity with a question. Does berating someone sound yin to you? That sounds more imbalanced “protector” to me, with the (inner) protector being the spot of yang within yin. When in balance clear and reasonable boundaries are created, and the more dominantly yang partner can more readily express the receptive yin within their yang.
  14. Hi!

    Hi mas, Your membership is approved. Welcome to the bums. You will find a wealth of information here which can be discovered by using the search feature of the site or simply browsing to find what captures your interest. You are also welcome to start new threads. There are three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  15. What is lust

    The man had similar evolutionary/survival reasons.. As a history major (if I am remembering correctly) were you presented with the information that much of the diet was typically supplied by the gatherers?
  16. What is lust

    I wouldn’t know; I am neither Asian nor of Asian descent. Although while I was married to a man born in the Philippines and of Filipino descent, daily was the norm, and as I understood it also the norm among his parents and aunts and uncles.. which is certainly not enough of a sampling for me to make any broad generalized statement regarding the sexual nuances and choices of Filipino couples, or white midwesterners of European descent for that matter.
  17. What is lust

    My grandparents were married for over 50 years, and never dropped in their daily frequency until grandpa ended up in the hospital just before his death. There is a “pair bonding” aspect to physical intimacy that I feel is often overlooked.
  18. What is lust

    And desire, in its various forms, is the impetus which enables the continuation of life..
  19. What is lust

    This “need to possess” is the overly yang aspect of lust, lacking in it’s complimentary yin component imo.. You fellows (in the posts I’ve read - having only gotten so far before my fingers started itching to type), seem to be missing something deeper, “lust” is one of the powers of connection and creation. And honestly this woman is just in a mood while contemplating the many ways women have been bridled and domesticated and taught to behave in order to avoid causing the arising of the “need to possess” variety of lust so many seem to focus on.
  20. The Perils of Meditation

    In my understanding, it is simply the karmic storehouse, and I have yet to meet an individual without one, or an empty one - only people with less attachment to what arises from it. I hope you don’t mind me presently not answering your question as I watch the conversation unfold in its interesting and organic manner. Perhaps later..
  21. Greetings

    Hello beginner, Your account is approved. Welcome to the bums. You can use the search feature to find old threads, and you’re welcome to start new ones. warm regards, ilu P.S. There are three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  22. Looking for my own way

    Hello Nash, Your account is approved; welcome to what we affectionately call the bums. You will find a wealth of information and opinions here. The search feature can be used to find old threads, or you are welcome to start new ones. Warm regards, and best of luck in finding what bests suits you, ilu P.S. There are three topics pinned at the top in this sub forum regarding expectations and rules here, please make sure you are familiar with them.
  23. The Perils of Meditation

    Another question which falls under honestly none of my business, but is there any sense of old (perhaps no longer so very useful) paradigms falling away or being “rewritten”? And could the sleep be “useful” (or perhaps “restorative”) to these ends? Are you able to take short naps during the day to see what your subconscious presents to you in dreams?
  24. The Perils of Meditation

    Kind of like your focus has remained “dispersed,” and you haven’t yet returned to a more “contracted” focus?