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About Synchronic

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  1. on Bigu and Ketosis as jing: 12 pounds lost in 6 days

    Nice, I definitely think that intermittent fasting, abandonment of simple carbohydrates/grains (essentially a paleo/ketogenic diet) followed by periods of longer fasts is the best way to live, both in terms of physical health/longevity, but also spiritual development/consciousness and improvement of mental clarity/intellect. I feel that there should be a gradual progression towards permanent "Bigu"/not ingesting foods whatsoever, as while a diet of say meat and vegetables and herbs is very nourishing for the body, and can be used to replenish jing and the like, there is still a crudeness to the act of killing and eating physical living beings, and a descending level of "karmic" damage from say eating an animal, to eating a plant, but that plant still wants to live and provide seed. Fruits seem to be the only living beings that "want" to be eaten, but have their seeds spared and planted. The lifestyle and diet of the average person in the West is geared towards creating docile, and intellectually malformed robots who have just enough energy and concentration to get them through a 9-5 shift 5 days a week, then have no energy left over to fulfill their true reasons for being incarnated in this life on this planet, or confront the true issues of this society. Your allusions to music theory are always fascinating to me, likely why Pythagoras spent so much time on it, as with many things, it is a microcosmic model of the grander designs of the universe, which in my opinion, is based on a fractal system whereby the most infinitely minute shares the same structure as the most in-comprehensively grand structures in the known Universe and beyond. As Above, So Below, as has been said. I look forward to checking out your new blog, I've always thought you are the most switched on and knowledgeable person here on the forum, and a fellow Professor Yan Xin enthusiast no-less haha! Have you read the "Yan Xin Qigong and the Contemporary Sciences" document available on the CIA Freedom of Information Act Library? Some truly groundbreaking and fascinating stuff in there. Hope you are well mate, and keep up the great stuff! Cheers!
  2. CIA's proof of telepathy

    The CIA definitely had an interest (and belief) in psychic or "supernatural" abilities. Even the book by Dr Yan Xin "Yan Xin Qigong and the Contemporary Sciences" was classified by the CIA from the years of 1993 - 2001, I managed to get print outs of the book from the CIA's Freedom of Information Act Library by making a request... great stuff in that book, and shows that the CIA took it seriously enough to classify it for nearly 10 years. Heres a link to the document/book I photographed the pages of... there are many incredible things in here, including descriptions and graphs from some of the studies Dr Yan Xin was performing on external qi, manipulating matter including radioactive isotopes (changing their half-lifes which is considered impossible by any means other than this), crystalising proteins suspended in water, and many other things. In order to read it in order you must "sort" it by name, whether you download it all or view it in the browser.
  3. Replenishing Yuanqi

    You have a really bad attitude, I hope you can find some peace in your life and calm the hell down, I'm not here to convince you. And I am not even a proponent on yuanqi being filled up untill puberty ages etc... I just saw this post mentioning that, and it seemed to logically connect with the calcification of the pineal gland, in that the age range, and range of effects are very similar. I'd say it sounds plausible but I am neither here nor there on the subject.
  4. Replenishing Yuanqi

    A lot of arrogance and assumptions but no creative or critical thinking? Thie age of 13-17 is also the time when the pineal gland begins to calcify, as well as the time that childrens personalities change radically (not in a hormone way, but in a free-spirited, inquisitive way). There could be purely metaphysical reasons behind this, or it could be connected to some of these physical processes, most notably the pineal glands calcification, which affects spiritual attitudes and abilities, the pineal gland being responsible for the creation of the most powerful psychedelic compound known, D.M.T, considered by many to allow the transitioning to other planes of existence, considering the experiences many have had on it, and the fact that the largest doses of it are released both on the 49th day of gestation in the womb (the same day the sex is decided, and the same day the Tibetan Book of the Death states the soul enters the body), and also at the moment of death.
  5. Raw garlic

    Garlic is good for the body, but not so good for the mind. It contains some sort of bacteria that affects your brain somewhat, and decreases reaction times. For instance pilots are forbidden from consuming garlic before flying commercially or in the military.
  6. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    No problem! Apologies again for the delay, I hope this book benefits people , very curious that this book was classified by the CIA from 1993-2001. Shows that Dr Yan Xin's feats are 100% legit in my opinion.
  7. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    Very sorry for the insanely long delay in photographing and uploading the Yan Xin Qigong and the Contemporary Sciences book I received a scanned copy of from the CIA Freedom of Information Act service. I've yet to go through reading it all myself but it is very interesting and informative from what I've checked out so far, it also includes the full "9 Step Longevity Method" which I have seen in full once before on another site. Here is a link to a folder containing images, make sure you "sort by name" either in the google drive browser or in their own folder if you download them all, as they are in order of number.
  8. What became of Qigong Master Yan Xin?

    Very sorry for the insanely long delay in photographing and uploading the Yan Xin Qigong and the Contemporary Sciences book I received a scanned copy of from the CIA Freedom of Information Act service. I've yet to go through reading it all myself but it is very interesting and informative from what I've checked out so far, it also includes the full "9 Step Longevity Method" which I have seen in full once before on another site. Here is a link to a folder containing images, make sure you "sort by name" either in the google drive browser or in their own folder if you download them all, as they are in order of number.
  9. Jiang Feng died very recently unfortunately, apparently during the healing of a patient. Possibly doing all these demonstrations of his "electric qi" took a toll on his body and caused damage...
  10. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    I just received 2 documents from the C.I.A's Freedom of Information Act, delivered all the way to my house in the UK for free, which is nice... There is a short 2 page journal called "On Yan Xin, Qigong Master" by Journal of the American Psychical Research And a large book/document of just under 200 pages - Yan Xin Qigong and the Contemporary Sciences by the International Yan Xin Qigong Association. I will photograph and upload them to this thread in the coming week or so!
  11. What became of Qigong Master Yan Xin?

    That's a shame that the need was felt to remove all the information from the internet, would but such a pity for all that knowledge and info to be lost and forgotten in the future. Fortunately I just received 2 documents from the C.I.A's Freedom of Information Act, delivered all the way to my house in the UK for free, which is nice... There is a short 2 page journal called "On Yan Xin, Qigong Master" by Journal of the American Psychical Research And a large book/document of just under 200 pages - Yan Xin Qigong and the Contemporary Sciences by the International Yan Xin Qigong Association. I will photograph and upload them to this thread in the coming week or so!
  12. What became of Qigong Master Yan Xin?

    Here is another English overdub of the 9 Step Inner Child Longevity practise, this time spoken by an American in a very clear and slow manner, the descriptions seem a bit more indepth and precise also, well worth having a listen I think! Uploaded it here -
  13. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    I think for now the Inner Child Longevity instructions are probably very useful for basic foundational training, as well as what Drew explained in the first post here, with the hands>lower dantien positioning... Soon I will be translating and sharing many more documents that appear to have more techniques and practises that they may from more advanced levels... Can't wait to see what is in some of this stuff!
  14. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    Link to the replacement blog of "conspirachi.blogspot"
  15. Getting Started

    I've heard good stuff about Wang Liping, so without reading it myself I would say yes. Also here is a free copy of a book written by someone I would consider the great living Qigong master known to the public. Dr Yan Xin, who has performed in many studies published in the West, wherein he has been able to use his external qi to change the decay rate of radioactive particles, influence DNA/RNA, among other miraculous achievements... he even healed George Bush Senior (when he was President of the USA, and Bill Clinton).