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Everything posted by Artzilla1

  1. New Here

    I suppose this is where I introduce myself. I am 61 years old. Disabled Vietnam Vet. Musician/Drummer at my age this is very physically taxing. I have C.O.P.D. I am a Christian but I don't personally find Tai Chi or any of the Eastern Martial Arts in any way in opposition to my Spiritual beliefs. In fact in enhances it. I happened to stumble on this Forum many years ago, and I had practiced Set 1 and 2 religiously, if you'll excuse the expression. LOL This was when there were 2 sets that were complete and free. The second set was near water and he was wearing a white uniform. I found these two to be extremely beneficial in all areas of life, but due to circumstances beyond my control lost the use of a computer and had been away from it for such a time as to begin again. I did have the two complete sets in my saved files but now for some reason they won't play. Does anyone have the complete 2nd set?
  2. New Here

    It's not the original but it's the same forms. It'll do.