blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. strange sound in the head while meditating

    I read the original post when it fell in my mailbox. I see you edited your post to soften the message. Took me some time to digest, first because your choice of words is difficult to me, I'm no native english speaker. When it became clearer to me what you mean it did, initially, hurt. But I can see truth in it You have a sound intuition. thank you
  2. Living proof that qigong works!

    Hello spiraltao, thanks for posting your story, I'm happy for you and it gives me much hope. The condition of my liver is not as bad as yours was but still.... Friends and family tell me I'm crazy for thinking medical qigong can be of any use to me. But I can feel it's working and your post gives me strength, to go on and do what I can feel that my body needs. wish you a long and healthy life, BES
  3. If you thought being a sheep was bad...

    fot Marblehead blue eyed snake, on 19 Jan 2015 - 13:38, said: Then i could say: My path is creating itself as interaction between me and the Tao, with as corollary, that the path doesn't stretch before me, because it appears ( and disappears) the moment that I'm treading it. Yes, that's good. Now forget the path and don't even think about a destination. Now, what do we have left? Life and living. Thank you, I will go on living, enjoying rainbows, butterflies and beautiful women in bikini, at the same time enduring the inevitable pain and dreariness. BES
  4. Why chest pleasure/pain during meditation?

    this is a very interesting conversation between chidragon and Song Yongdao, thanks! BES
  5. strange sound in the head while meditating

    thanks all three of you, Chang writes basically, it is an energy related thing, and probably will go away after some time. By the way, it is not enjoyable, but it doesn't bother me either, just curious what it could be and if people recognize it. A&P gives a like comment, that he's been looking for a potentially explanation of the ringing in his ears and found that it is probably related to energyblokkages. Same curiousness as mine, also a juniorbum That ringing sounds not like tinnitus to me, I have experience with that. your experience is somewhat like to mine though. I found grounding exercises and while meditating closing the MCO helpful. Everything you can do to bring that energy down. The sound I hear is not in the ears, but in the middle of my head...It's sharp and wet and ends in a vibrating thing, at the same time very short, a second or so. Has the effect of a school-bell at the moment you were so nicely daydreaming about something definitely not related to school Nestentrie says to me, why should it matter, just let it be...if I understand it correctly. Sound advise, that time will probably come, but for now I'm looking for people with whom I can share a little of what I'm feeling/experiencing. BES ___________________________________________ There is only one truth, but it has many manifestations
  6. If you thought being a sheep was bad...

    Hi there, I was trying to combine two statements and, foreseeable, ended up with rubbish so I give it another try, for this year the last one.... bear in mind that I'm new to these kinds of things, until a year ago i never even thought that there might be more to me ( there we go again ) than body and mind. if I define " I " as the entity that consists of body, mind , energy and spirit. and I define " the way" as eh...universal mind, God (?) Tao, emptiness/vastness whatever, you get the idea. Then i could say: My path is creating itself as interaction between me and the Tao, with as corollary, that the path doesn't stretch before me, because it appears ( and disappears) the moment that I'm treading it. have fun with it. BES ___________________________________________ There is only one truth, but it has many manifestations
  7. Foxes---everywhere! ?

    hi Edward, i felt reluctant sharing but came to the conclusion there is no reason not to share. To understand it I must tell you that, until say 3 or 4 years ago I was a very analytically kind of woman, always thinking and scared of feeling. Meditation, chinese healing, yoga i thought of as, strange things some people do, there are probably delusional or something like that. Then I found the word silence, the sentence go into the silence, find the silence cropping up in my life. It was everywhere, whether a fresh date ( from a datingsite, never seen the man before) who told me to find the silence, sitting in the metro, a magazine with text, it kept cropping up. Almost daily. At the same time I began to experience eh...involuntarily meditation, when I was in nature I became the trees, the water, the clouds, scared the hell out of me. I mean, I didn't start meditating, meditating started me... This things have been happening for a bit over a year, then there came a day that I sat down, closed my eyes and tried to find that silence. Since that day I wasn't bothered anymore. so, quite different from your experience, but I can tell you, when it happened I didn't know what to make of it. rereading your text though, It's like the initial foxes have tot do with changes. Smoking a joint- not smoking anymore the millenniumnight strong experiences, and a promise that you broke and in your answer to my first post you write " I felt maybe it was a sign of dishonesty on my part. " ( see. there is the analytical mind again...) that you're dreaming of them doesn't surprise me, you're seem to be concerned abou the whole thing. Suggestions ( but no more than that!) were you dishonest? and if yes why. And to whom, to yourself? or to somebody else , or both. What, if any has this broken promise to do with the foxes. and what change is lying before your feet? but to find an answer, don't use your rational mind as I do now... For me, promises are difficult things, I try not to make them anymore,. They can turn out nasty, whether you keep them or break them. peace be with you _________________________________________ there is only one truth, but it has many maifestations
  8. If you thought being a sheep was bad...

    " I may be occasionally following 'the signs'. But I have the sense that I am forging a path, not following one. The Path and The Traveler, together make The Way." and "No one follows a path, as there is no person and no path. Or, one might say we are all follwers of causality" both interest me. I mean, granted that the 'I' is an illusion, still, to me it feels that that same 'I' tries to enter the silence ( for want of a better word) thereby aiming that ' I' less important, less influential. But that 'I' is still needed to do whatever is needed to loose it. I find that a baffling thing. for me, now, it feels as if the path is creating itself in interaction with me, something like that. Hence, what is happening is, indeed, neither path nor person but the interaction between two nonexistent, this stuff is just not fit to put in words, but it keeps intriguing me.
  9. A Path To Enlightenment

    for Dawg, interesting, among a lot of other things you write: " but the Hindu tradition considers raising the Kundalini using any method, as reaching enlightenment… in Buddhism raising the Kundalini is called a “Brahmin Awakening”, because it temporarily pushes aside your delusion and gives you a taste of awakening, but then the delusion reasserts itself, and returns and the awakening fades away… and you are right back where you started… but with the Buddhist awakening, you destroy the delusion, so it is permanently gone… " Yes, it does indeed temporarily push aside the worldview/illusions you had before that time. But I would venture to say that it does change something permanently. I'll never forget it and since that time I feel I'm more open in meditation. Also , when I come really ensnared in the illusion there comes a moment that I realize that it is an illusion, just me, making problems for myself. And that is a feeling, not a cognition, feels like an improvement in dealing with daily shit. anyway, thanks for writing this, clears something up for me.
  10. DharmaWheel, pressure between the eyebrows, bad advice

    being green to this I have no comment, except that I find this thread very interesting,
  11. greetings to you all

    found this forum last week and like it. reading here it seems to me the way is split in many different paths I started doing medical qigong about one and a half year ago. I was very sick at that time, a friend of me sent me to a chinese healer and later I started taking lessons from him. Since last summer I'm also doing taiji quan. Even though I'm still not recovered the improvement is impressive. So I'm happy and want to learn more. When I started I didn't believe such simple postures and movements could have a real effect. I know better now, not only is my health improving but I feel more relaxed and sometimes have very interesting experiences I never believed to be "real" ( whatever that may be) so I'm an absolute beginner and I hope to share Jhanne
  12. greetings to you all

    thanks, but it didn't help. Neither display name not signature is to be found in that left side menu. I suppose it is because i'm a junior bum and will wait untill i've posted more. doesn't matter that much. And, must admit that reading some of the posts I see why an eclectic atmosphere is not an easy goal, but very commendable in itself _____________________________________ There is only one truth, but it has many manifestations.
  13. Foxes---everywhere! ?

    hello Edward, eh, I've had similar experiences, though not with foxes. And have to admit I'm happy someone else is having this experience too. My first reaction was, seeing were you come from, to look into the celtic meaning of foxes. The second, just ask the fox what it is doing in your life. Maybe the answer will slowly unravel for you. But I wonder, when I read your post, i felt that you are unnerved ( is that the right word, I mean that you might feel not good about these foxes cropping up in your life) by their appearance. In that case, you might look at the reason for that feeling. I know that I felt unnerved initially, something like " what the hell is happening" . looking back, I think it scared me, I felt out of control, something like that. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is only one truth, but it has many manifestations.
  14. greetings to you all

    Thank you soaring Crane, seeing the internationality of this site we're neighbours. Can you tell me how to make a standard line under my posts? ( like the four lines you have) I'm not that good at computerthings, a little older ;-)