blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. How exactly does females drain our Jing

    from the other side, a lot less elaborate then the post above this I do not want ( or need) any jing from a person i consider to be below my expectations.
  2. Wim Hof hemorrhoids

    imho it is relevant. many people are overbreathing and in those people hyperventilating before holding breath can make that worse. I think that's what you do? first hyperventilating and then holding breath? Have done that as a youngster, before deep dives. You temporarily change something in the balance of the bloodgases. Thereby tricking the brainstem as your co2 will stay low a bit longer. It's the brainstem that gives the signal to take a breath, it gives that signal when it deems the CO2 getting too high. Not when there's a shortage of oxygen. a healthy person should be able to hold breath for about a minute, if it's much less, even after training it something is off in that balance. Another way to gauge it is how many breaths you have per minute when sitting relaxed. when you look up buteyko method you'll probably find a better explanation.When you are indeed overbreathing I would look for a way to fix that, it'll make you feel better, more relaxed. but regardless, when whatever training is causing damage to your body you should either stop or change it so that there's no risk
  3. Wim Hof hemorrhoids

    breath retention decades ago I did something else which involved holding my breath uhm, how long do you hold your breath? does it give tension on your body? and if that is so can you either hold your breath a bit shorter or find out a way to not have tension (on the underside) meaning when this is causing a worsening of hemorrhoids something goes wrong so you either have to stop or change the way you practice
  4. Authentic golden body

    thank you from making such clear words about it. You come at that point thinking it over and that, for me , is helpful as it makes words for my lived experience it seems to me that i am crawling out of the worst of my illness with a heightened awareness of that bubble, somewhere I read something like: at first you'll become aware of a nothingness inside you, and later you'll find yourself inside of a nothingness. But forgotten where that comes from. seems cognitive faculties are failing me more of late.
  5. Authentic golden body

    thank you for posting. been mulling it over. these pictures show what I call the bubble around the fleshbody. As to such a bubble appearing in a kidsmovie, a lot of young kids are able to seen those bubbles. They quickly learn not to talk about it as in this society they are met with disbelief. through my life I've sometimes seen those bubbles, they were generally whitish in color, only once did I saw one with a true golden aspect. a toddler that was @dwai wrote that the golden body is the causal body, now that's interesting, could you point me to a site which tells me a bit about it ( from the Hindu viewpoint that is, I'd rather skip the theosophics)I've looked but could not find much. But the golden body I saw was not a bubble or eggshaped, it was shaped like a human form and it shone bright as the sun.
  6. Authentic golden body

    thank you, the pictures above remind me of a "golden lightbulb" that always accompanied me until I lost it sometime in my forties . As a kid I called it the golden eggyolk, 't was visible with closed eyes. some weeks ago all of a sudden It was there again, which was quite a strange experience. Maybe I need to look at your picturebook essay Regarding the goldenbody, I do not know anything about it but the memory of one remarkable practice session where all of a sudden a golden body appeared in front of me, have been staring in openmouthed wonder. Adding to your series of pics, this is a fresco in chora church Istanbul and this one, Fra angelico 1440
  7. yes, the effects of glycine on the body can be very good.
  8. Dao Discussion

    yes, I read that, but I am not sure that's the correct Chinese name as there's a vertical channel with the same name. So I'd rather call it chest channel.
  9. Haiku Chain

    under the new snow the seeds are laying dormant waiting for the spring
  10. Filling the Dan Tien

    nice, i would make that the expression of our true nature though. As: not what we are ( which seems to me a vast emptiness/ stillness , for want of better words), but how we interact with the the world/ the ten-thousand things.
  11. Filling the Dan Tien

    yes, now I know what it was in this post. As a kid I was taught never to take anything ( especially but not exclusively in the department of morality) on someone else his word. "Always think for yourself, always try to find the behavior that is just so that you never have to regret your actions." So that's the way my mind is molded/conditioned. I was a hell of a stubborn kid in that department, blatantly calling out teachers on unjust behavior for example. Now I see how well this has served me through this life, in many ways. Also, how strange it is that I did take my teachers words seriously almost from the start
  12. Dao Discussion

    As far as I know there are several channels/ Mai encircling the body in a more or less horizontal way. One of them encircling the chest. Like on this picture, the belt channel is known as dai mai, not sure about the given name for the chestchannel though.
  13. Haiku Chain

    a raw awareness of things generally unseen the next layer falls
  14. Filling the Dan Tien

    yes, although reading a bit can be helpful it's the personal meaning that counts. When that has grown a bit the old texts ( or the words of a teacher) get another meaning too. teacher once told us:when new things/experiences happen do not (try to) give meaning, jot it down and let it rest. after about 5 years the meaning will be clear(er) to you. Methinks that encompasses what you say here. that's interesting "What does the dao look like when it is embodied in a person? It looks like de." yes, and De does not need to look like conforming to the current societal morality. It seems to have it source at the location of the heart. When younger I believed that, now I think it's not the source but err... the place were heaven and earth meet to shape our/this behavior ( De) will reread your post later.
  15. Buddhist meditations for extinguishing the self

    well, once you've seen it you cannot unsee it anymore, imho the length of that thread shows how ridiculous it is to try to explain it. Nonetheless, there are many very interesting posts in that thread, totally worth a read.
  16. Buddhist meditations for extinguishing the self

    we had a thread on it last year
  17. Filling the Dan Tien

    i struggle with the concept of de it's not virtue as we use it, it's got nothing to do with booklearning at the moment i see it as right conduct that presents itself naturally. ( writing this, that suggests that de is needed for wu-wei) looks to me that the combination of work with the body and work with the heartmind transforms/ can transform a person in such a way that she or he will grow in the amount of time/interactions that his/her conduct can be called/conforms to de
  18. Telepathy is real.

    thank you, that was a gift for that little girl.
  19. warm regards and mother bears

    uhm... in several European countries B12 deficiency is regarded as rare, because only with a clear anemia it is recognized. Other cases are regarded as : functional - somatisation - psychosomatic and the patient wants something "real" to be able to perk up again. Also "must be placebo effect" and several even less savory ideas. ( excuses to any reading medical doctors, this is the horrid truth, please, when it comes to your department take your patients serious and do some reading up) In the Netherlands and the UK its very hard to find a doctor that knows this stuff, is willing to prescribe injections and do labwork on cofactors ( folate - B2 and B6 - in that order) and keeps doing that labwork through the years. Happy circumstance is in Germany the stuff is OTC and not that expensive at all, needles and assorted things are even cheaper. My cub ( somewhat older then yours) did not want injections, it took more then a year to get him to go on the waitinglist- the waitinglist was about a year too... Meanwhile he saw I was slowly doing better and I've explained a lot of things to him Now he calls it the water of life - depression seems to be gone - the sensory nerves needed to feel with the hands are getting better, but it will be a horridly long road as he was born deficient. I do not know how the land lies in the US B12 exists in several forms. ( following is the easiest explanation but even further simplified ) the cheapest synthetic form is cyanocobalamin - also the first form to be manufactured. Over here they do not advise it. then we have hydroxy-cobalamin - that is a form that is identical to what can be found in the body. It's the form generally prescribed. In the body the hydroxy-cobalamin gets split up ( enzymes needed here) in: methyl-cobalamin - needed for nerves - brainpower and methylation...thus for about everything. adenosyl-cobalamin ( also called dibencozid) which is needed for the muscles to get power ( hello mitochondria) Methylcobalamin can often be found in lozenges and is good stuff for vegans but not for the deficient people. With a bit of searching you can also find adenosylcobalamine or combined with methylcobalamin. so...then the lozenge thing. firstly what's in it Folate - when one has a B12 deficiency folate is dangerous, it somehow masks the B12 deficiency but in the mean time ruins the sheaths around the nerves, I got poly-neuropathy from the combination of lozenges with folate and i do not want that on anybody. . It's progression has halted but the damage is done and most of it cannot be reversed. It's a wellknown effect but sadly doctors seem to be unaware. Many patients have this and it is totally preventable by getting the right treatment right away, real sad. Now how do I now this? easiest source is the prescription leaflet that comes with every box of ampules, doctors do not seem to read those things. as an example, when my son had had injections for 2 months he had to slowly build up folate. starting with 200 mg. Me thinks he's now on 3 x 400 per week, so your cub is probably overdosing with it and making himself more ill. B12 _ what form? B6 - what dosage, it can be dangerous in higher dose, neuropathy is one of the things. Often these supplements overload on the stuff and not healthy at all. ---- I wondered about your B12 status, read up on it, inform yourself and get ready to fight for treatment that will help. did your kid get breastmilk? how did he do on it? keeping it at this for now, my PC broke down and now on another device which is not easy typing for me oh, and as an afterthought. B12-deficiency thoroughly fucks up the dopaminergic ssystem, amongst other things. we need that system to kick our own asses and feel good when we've accomplished something
  20. warm regards and mother bears

    dear mama-bear please do not do any mama-bashing on yourself, it's bad enough that doctors and society at large do that. You've a sick cub, doctors do not find reason and it gets chucked into the functional bag, or in the mama has done a bad job bag. when will doctors learn to say, I do not know but I can see you're awfully sick instead of adding insult to injury by telling severely sick people their ailments are 'functional' Okay, so now that's off my heart I see you writing D3 and B12 are low. That's a big red flag to me. I do not know how low but I do know that when B12 is sufficiently too low the body somehow cannot get keep it's D3 level okay . that's well known by doctors with knowledge of B12 deficiency, go search for one , please. this is a link to the dutch B12 institute, that's were i got the knowledge and were my cub is treated, they have text in English too now that's a longish list of symptoms and not everybody has all of them, but still.. lack of appetite, (unexplained) loss of weight nausea, throwing up, bloating abdominal pain then we come to the chicken and egg question, it's pretty obvious that when the digestive system is disordered like your son's and for such a long time that deficiencies will happen. After all, we're not what we eat but what we are able to uptake from that food. So one can wonder whether that low B12 is a result of the illness or that is is the cause. But in both cases it should be treated. and do not get fobbed off by: take those lozenges, they do not cut it. The only thing that helps when one has B12 deficiency is injections plus cofactors and for a long time too. the other thing you could/should look at is Histamin intolerance (HIT) and/or Mastcell activation syndrome (MCAS) that can be the cause for this endless nausea too. would that I had known all this stuff half a century ago. much love to you and your cub
  21. Interview with Adam Mizner

    thank you for putting this so well I have not practiced very long but after a lifechanging meditation I came out with a dent on my forehead. During that meditation at one point in time it felt like thick viscous honey was dripping over my head. I had no idea what was happening and was totally unprepared for these kind of things. With one fell swoop my ego was temporarily snuffed out . Only temporarily, it has reinstalled itself so I am again a cranky selfcentered person . It has changed me though, deeply. the dent in my forehead looks and feels like the layer between the bone and the skin is gone, it's very visible. when I asked teacher about it he just smiled and told me those kind of things can happen, " just go on training" as before this I never had any inclination to anything 'spiritual' , i regarded it as poppycock. I just did chigung because my health was failing and the meditating was intended to get some relaxation. at least for this person the physical chi exercises ( for want of better words) have lead me to the spiritual path.
  22. Visualisation - any good?

    you won't, you are an inspiration though, whether you like that or not. that me reminds me, long ago strange energetic things happened to my (then still juicy) body so I went on a hunt for a teacher. One of the people I met during that search had that, the predator quality. I literally felt like i had escaped when I was out on the street again, brrr the combination of being awakened with sexual offence is quite horrid Some time after I gave up my search I was introduced to my teacher, still grateful for that.
  23. Visualisation - any good?

    yes, that's what I said sure, on the other hand, I've listened to several podcasts. At first like, wow, he knows his stuff. But small remarks here and there gave away something that does not sit well with me. Meeting him would be hard, nowadays the corner of the street is about as far as I can go. I've the age he could me my son. Neither am i inclined to do so, it's not for me to do so and when I am right he'll have had this message before and disregarded it. I did not write this because some other bum thinks like this as you seem to suggest, it's what has come to me over the last weeks due to listening to Damo's podcasts. This thread seemed like a place to share those thoughts. oh please, do not try to teach granny how to suck eggs will you
  24. Visualisation - any good?

    lately I have seen some of Damo's podcasts and quite like the way he has gone deep down the hole of what works. It taught me how changes in my body came to be. He certainly ( to me) comes over as a likable and helpful person. His unraveling of the how methods work may well be his gift to the world and i have no doubt that many people profit from it. time will tell what price he will have to pay for it. But on the other hand, when gone as far as he has with methods one should expect what Dwai calls attainment. I do not see it, compared to my teacher who exuded it with every word he said, with every step he took. It's not about likability or how much he does for other people, it is whether he has found some spiritual truth ( or something, it's really hard for me to formulate my thoughts in a language that's not my own) and made an enduring connection to it. I feel he has missed the boat there and that does not bode well, hearing whom he trained with it surprises me even more.