blue eyed snake

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Everything posted by blue eyed snake

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    not exactly a quote... but it sums it up nicely
  2. The Cool Picture Thread

    Undine Rising from the Waters (1880) by Chauncey Bradley Ives
  3. "reality" as shared perception

    I thought this post warranted its own thread, will sleep on it. Hope i did the embedding of the post right, if not its an example of my famous computer skills.
  4. "reality" as shared perception

    hm, so yes, will add the text here @Nungali said: @blue eyed snake said @silent thunder said:
  5. Mizner and Mitchell - the bromance continues

    ancient, oh my creaking old bones. I stoked the fire today as it was the first cold day. I swear the floor gets lower every year and on that specific spot gravity seems to concentrate as to get up again is getting harder too. But will persevere as it is so nice to sit beside that good old stove.
  6. Mizner and Mitchell - the bromance continues

    hm... I've thought along those lines earlier in my live but now I think, brains are just as individual as bodies, that someones brain works different from yours does not mean it is blocked or things like that. Thinking of a loved one an image pops up- i think there pops up more then just an image, a conglomerate of memories, emotions, smells etc plus, for those who can easily visualize, an image. For most people thinking of that visual, the face of your mom, is the door into the whole, encompassing all senses, memory. For a blind person maybe remembering the smell of their mom, or the specific sound of her voice could be the door into the complete memory. following that line of thought, for people who are invested in/ working with the meaning of Chenrezig ( which I have totally no idea of, following my own path) it seems reasonable that conjuring up the image of it will open the door to all that it encompasses for the meditator who is visualizing it. yes, have listened to it yesterday evening, either they are still quite young or I am ancient. yes, during standing meditation images of all kind can come up, among them awareness of the energetic "bubble" that is surrounding ( and pervading) the physical body. Part of this awareness comes as a visual signal and as such gets a place in the visual memory. When doing standing I can call up that visual memory from my brain and open the 'door' to the rest of that memory which makes entering that awareness a whole lot easier then the first times it happened. These are my current ideas, also, everything I've thought of until know turned out to be discarded later as: "oh my, that was totally beside the point" so my guess is that this is rubbish too
  7. Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

  8. Women in Eastern Tradition (taboo)

  9. The Cool Picture Thread

  10. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    yes, i am aware of that. but the way the DSM classifies these things rubs me the wrong way. ( although I am not up to date, i stopped reading that stuff when the 5th edition saw the press) first they make an arbitrary distinction between hallucination that cause fear or anxiety and those that do not second they make a distinction between hallucinations that are uhm...something like culturally fitting (or not) so, when my devout, church going neighbor has a vision of say Maria, the mother of Jesus then it is "normal" when I have that same vision, being a convinced heathen, it is "abnormal" when same neighbor has fear-inducing visions of Satan, when on his deathbed, it is "normal" but also fear inducing so in need of treatment. totally illogical and tells us nothing about what is reality, and what is delusion. I do not deem that helpful.
  11. Questions regarding Damos books

  12. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    sometimes I wonder how many people have hallucinations/see things that are not real. Meaning, the phenomenon only gets to the attention of doctors / psychopersons when it scares people I've seen thing that probably would be called hallucinations, but they never scared me and as a kid I was blissfully unaware that other people did not see them. ( and soon after I learned to keep my mouth shut about them)
  13. Questions regarding Damos books

    White moon over the mountainpeak I found decidedly worthwhile reading, Chia's book has gotten a note on the first page, nice read but keep away from the exercises. (as they do not conform to the way I was taught.) One day my son will inherited those books and I do not want to inadvertently lead him astray. But anyways, chigung/neigung is practice, practice, practice, and practicing in exactly the right way. You won't get much from reading books. But that's just my opinion. The combination of tantra with the things Damo teaches strikes me as odd.
  14. Mizner and Mitchell - the bromance continues

    't would be a big nono from my teacher too, he would say something like: the goal is to see reality, to clean that window of drama and ruminating about daily stuff so as to see through it. By using psycho-active substances like that you trick yourself into thinking that you see through that window, but you are deluding yourself. Maybe I will see that video but somehow the small part I did see does not sit well with me. I have used both LSD and psilocybin in my younger years, in small doses as it is easy to push my system over. Looking was nice but very different form the stuff i experienced later with sitting and training. The latter stuff was somehow more...err....getting me out of a groove where the former was more like having a nice holiday. But will always remember how a barren tree in autumn suddenly bloomed before my eyes and was laden with tiny pink flowers.
  15. Questions regarding Damos books

    o you sweet summerchild
  16. there have always been, and there will always be persons who had some whiff of ' truth' and gather a following, whether as misguided souls or as a conman. Thing is you have to keep your power for yourself and not letting you be bound hand and foot by someone else. When I was a misguided, weedsmoking youngster Bhagwan was the trend of the day and I was tempted but declined. No way I am gonna lay may fate in rulings of someone else. regarding Castaneda's books, they're an entertaining read and in the stories he tells, some deeper knowledge is shared, for those who have touched on that knowledge themselves. adding, that is as with any other so called spiritual book. there's a lot of shit out there and we have to discern that for ourselves, warnings are in order but people walk there own path.
  17. coffee put into concrete

    I'd rather grow some mushrooms on the leftovers first
  18. I read those as a teenager, found them in my mothers bookcase. It was a struggle to read as I was still struggling with English. Parts of the text resonated so deep, it was the first time I read about experiencing beyond the usual range and that made me feel less lonely. Some weeks ago I've cleaned out one of my bookcases and chucked out some books, not these though. Rereading one always finds deeper understanding. Thank you @Apech for posting.
  19. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    not really a quote but like it
  20. What are you listening to?

    Getting old is strange in that regard, all loved ones pass over and leave this plane, until time is ripe for us to follow. Take good care of yourself
  21. when should long time

    "The worst" Now that's quite a judgement. This is a forum, not a teaching environment.
  22. when should long time

    I do not see any reason to keep out lurkers, whether before they become talking members or after, or when they never become a talking member. There is no difference. I would not chuck out silent types out of the pub either.
  23. RIP Cheya

    may her journey be full of light she'll be sorely missed thanks for informing us
  24. Women in Eastern Tradition (taboo)

    I am not impressed with Neirong, to the point I've put him on ignore maybe you'd better look at other options Just my personal opinion ofcourse