Michael Sternbach

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Everything posted by Michael Sternbach

  1. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Moreover... Where did all the flu cases go anyway in the more recent past? Source: https://www.who.int/influenza/gisrs_laboratory/updates/summaryreport/en/
  2. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Excellent question! How many influenza cases have been diagnosed as such in the past? As compared to covid-19 cases at present? How many of the flu infected even consulted a doctor AND were given the correct diagnosis? Very interesting! Thanks.
  3. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Well, cats are said to have nine lives, so I am not overly concerned about your parents, Apech.
  4. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Please note that I was specifically referring to DNA vaccines (not to mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine), several of which are currently in the clinical testing phase for use as a prophylactic against covid-19. In the case of DNA vaccines, it indeed cannot be ruled out that the foreign DNA locally alters the genome, as numerous researchers wrote in peer reviewed journals in recent years. This could, for instance, lead to the activation of oncogenes or deactivation of anticarcinogenic sequences, causing cancer tumors to develop years later. Such local alterations are extremely hard to identify and will most likely show themselves only by the outbreak of the disease they triggered. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S222116911530366X?via%3Dihub https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17058502/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.4161/hv.28077 Very similar concerns have been raised regarding viral vector vaccines (especially DNA viruses). The Oxford-AstraSeneca vaccine belongs into that latter category, as it's based on a genetically modified chimpanzee adenovirus. That kind of vaccine comes with similar long-term risks like aforementioned DNA vaccines due to its integration into the cell nucleus before the body would start producing the desired antigens. See Patric U. B. Vogel: COVID-19 - Suche nach einem Impfstoff, Springer Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 24. Note that no less than 2.4 billion doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine had been preordered worldwide already by october 2020 (when it was still in the testing phase) and that its clinical application began about a week ago in the UK.
  5. Money

    First, you will have to find an affirmation that expresses your goal to have more money in your life. Use the present tense and phrase it using the three personal pronouns, as in: I, dmattwads, blah blah blah You, dmattwads, ... He, dmattwads, ... I could suggest one, but I prefer you create one that works for you yourself.
  6. Money

    Would you like to try an exercise involving writing that might help you identify the beliefs that keep you from getting money?
  7. Money

    Hmm... It could also be that you depreciate money because you harbour a negative belief that you can never get much of it anyway. Sour grapes, you know.
  8. Money

    Well, figuring out what you don't like about money would be an important step towards changing your attitude regarding it - hence towards attracting it more easily! Here are a few possibilities: Do you believe that wealth inevitably corrupts one's character? Do you feel that material gain would make you a less spiritual person? Or simply that it would make your life more complicated?
  9. Money

    Then it's time to take a deeper look into the various ways having money would benefit you and those you care for, I'd say.
  10. Money

    The term 'karma' simply means 'action'. It originally referred to the kind of magical ritual the brahmins were engaging in to make sure the ruler would be successful with his endeavours. Later its meaning was extended to include the "mind seeds" that one is planting in general. That implies that the causes of our success or lack thereof lie in ourselves. There is no cosmic authority that judges us and rewards or punishes us accordingly. True that each individual is born with a set of psychological traits that predispose them to creating certain situations. These have to do with the lessons we are supposed to learn in a given incarnation. The foremost lesson to unterstand is that we are creators in the flesh. Our physical experience always reflects our beliefs and expectations. There is no other rule. Even people cursing us have no power over us other than the influence we allow them to have. Again, that ties in with our beliefs. Magical charms do nothing by themselves. But they may help to keep us focussed on the results we wish to achieve. In a manner of speaking, they serve as a reminder to our inner self. But whether we employ them or not, it is the messages that we send to ourselves that make all the difference. If your dad told you that you will never have success in life and you bought that, then it is this negative belief about yourself that you first need to change. If you believe that you don't deserve much because of what you have done in this or a former life, or because it would be unfair to those who have less than you, then your circumstances will surely reflect that belief. If you long for a richer life in financial terms, yet you think that there is some kind of spiritual merit in living with no more than what you need for your bare survival, then it is again your attitude that you need to reconsider. Use visualization and affirmation to help you alter your beliefs and create new expectations on a profound level in a meditative state. More specific instructions can be provided on request. Again: Your only limitations are those that you impose upon yourself. You create your own reality. Cheers!
  11. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    No, I meant the DNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 that are currently under development. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmedt.2020.571030/full Those are the ones that could potentially alter the DNA sequence per se according to medical research. Auto-immune reactions are probably a concern with either type.
  12. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    It normally takes 8 to 12 years for any new vaccine to be approved; the shortest case ever (prior to the pandemic) having been 4.5 years. Procedures have been extremely condensed in the current instance and usual safety protocols have been invalidated. At the same time, manufacturers were freed from liability. It is simply not possible to know what side effects these vaccines may have, especially in the long run. All the more, since the very type of vaccine now widely distributed has never been approved for use in human medicine before. According to the peer reviewed medical literature, it cannot be ruled out that DNA based vaccines lead to genetic alterations. The exact ramifications of that are unforeseeable, but potentially include various severe illnesses.
  13. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    While everybody should be entitled to making their own choice regarding getting one of the new vaccines or not, I believe such choice should be based on a thorough understanding of arguments pro and con, not on ignorance thereof. Alas, there is too little public discussion of the 'con side', the mass media being instrumental to getting as many as possible into the large-scale vaccination programs. On the critical side (all too often attributed to conspiracy crackpots prone to acting irresponsibly), I found some well-referenced material in German, however, it took me some time to come up with something satisfactory in English. In the following video, Dr James Lyons-Weiler particularly emphasizes the risk of autoimmune disorders occurring in reaction to vaccine jabs. This is consistent with other material that I have reviewed. Enjoy. https://odysee.com/@SGalan:1/Dr-James-Lyons-Weiler-Discusses-Vaccines,-Testing,-and-Damage:7
  14. We have a vaccine!

    Only over my dead body. Cheers Michael
  15. We have a vaccine!

    What a bitch you got involved with... For better or worse, the choice is yours... I like you, Bindi, so I hope you will make the right choice. Wish you best, Michael
  16. We have a vaccine!

    Cheers Michael
  17. simplify

    Sigmund Freud
  18. simplify

    Nothing new under the Sun
  19. simplify

    Happy New Year
  20. Buddhism as a science...

    Hi Zorro If you wish to look at Shamanism from a scientific perspective, above all, I would recommend the books by Roger Walsh, such as The Spirit of Shamanism and The World of Shamanism. Cheers Michael
  21. Astrology?

    Interesting! Would you happen to have a link?
  22. Astrology?

    Is our own planet a hunk of rock (with at least a bit of gas alright) to you? Or is it a living organism that has a soul of its own? Astrology is based on an understanding that considers the whole cosmos to be teeming with life and consciousness. The visible planets are the bodies of the gods in the traditional view. And you were (and ever continue to be) intimately connected to them, as the macrocosm became a microcosm when you were created as an individual being.
  23. Astrology?

    Hi ShenGoku I consider astrology very real and useful. That's why I made it one of my major fields of study and practice since about 30 years. Not sure what exactly you mean by 'mainstream' though. The kind of astrology you encounter in the back newspapers and magazines? Modern Western astrology in general? There are many schools and individual approaches... Despite technical differences, most of them agree on basic elements and principles.
  24. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Naturally, for the layperson lacking specialized medical knowledge, it is rather difficult to evaluate whatever the high priests of the medical community proclaim, so most will simply follow along with the crowd. It is to be welcomed that there are at least a few courageous experts who call attention to what doesn't add up in the official pandemic narrative and moreover who do so in a way that anybody interested can follow. Dr. Tom Cowan is one of them. He presents his view on what is actually going on in numerous Youtube videos, both on his own and in discussion with other experts. The following one highlights little known facts, in particular that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, much less proven to be the actual cause of covid-19. For those of you whose gut feeling tells them something is off and who therefore like to ask for a second opinion, Dr. Cowan is the man to seek out.
  25. simplify

    Lois Lane