Michael Sternbach

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Everything posted by Michael Sternbach

  1. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Hey, I couldn't have said it better myself, man! Our genetics are also thematically reflected in our charts. The celestial bodies are indicating the flow of time, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Events that would shape the individual's psyche occur in keeping with that unfolding of time. Another possibility is that our subtle bodies are made of "astral stuff" and therefore are under the direct influence of the planets and stars. I think that both is true.
  2. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    For hopefully moving this thread forward a little... One's innate sexual counterpart (Jung's Anima and Animus, respectively) are rather unconscious, at least in spiritually less aware people. When we see them represented in another person, we react with pleasure or even falling in love. Where do our "partner search settings" originate? They can be seen in an individual's astro chart, in keeping with their placements of Moon/Venus and Sun/Mars, respectively.
  3. Pics of the effects of human over population

    I happened to think today that, perhaps, homosexuality is increasing as part of Gaia's defence mechanism against over-population. I agree with you, VKH, that the problem is not simply the masses of people, but very significantly also the way they are managed. Although I am afraid that the increase in world population will almost inevitably lead to ever more destroyed nature, as room for the additional Earthlings must be made available. Unless people start living in places like the huge swimming pyramid town that to my knowledge is under construction near Tokyo... or underwater... or in space...
  4. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Agreed. Actually, Earth was formed due to its own increasing gravity. Without gravity, matter wouldn’t have accreted to form stars and planets in the first place. Unless the dinosaurs would have floated off Earth because they didn't believe in gravity.
  5. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    They resort more and more to playing video games, I have heard.
  6. Tarot as a System of Metaphysical Philosophy

    It's probably not what you are talking about either, but I once heard from a reliable source of a lady who was making millions by stock marketing in connection with Tarot readings.
  7. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Marblehead, by choosing not to believe anything, DreamBliss is actually approaching your own attitude. The only thing still lacking for him to become a really devout non-believer would be a few decades in the Army, I guess.
  8. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    So, now you believe in not believing anything? It is indeed a philosophically interesting stand you are taking. It brings to mind the Buddhist teaching of removing all mental obstructions to the unfiltered experience of Reality. Somehow paradoxically, it also brings the mind the attitude of the Chaos Magician who temporarily adopts whatever belief system promises to be useful in a particular context. - Someone with no beliefs can choose any belief at will. Personally, I don't think I could or wanted to be entirely without beliefs, however, I believe in open-ended belief systems that allow for revisions, extensions and surprises... (All puns intended, I believe...)
  9. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Indeed. The body is constantly performing a multitude of processes without requiring our attention. In many cases, they are connected to cerebral activity that we are not aware of. Thanks God for the Unconscious!
  10. Full-length 2012 Kung-fu Drama - Wu Dang (sub.)

    Thanks CT, It's cool to watch that kind of movie every once in awhile. It made me think of another one called Wu Dang originally. Beautiful sceneries and nicely choreographed fights with two brilliant kung-fu ladies. I could only find a German version but I think the dialogues (although sometimes daoistically interesting) are not so crucial for understanding the story anyway.
  11. I Ching sequences over time

    Hi Scribe, First off I would like to ask, were all these readings on the same query and for the same querent (supposedly you)? Yes, it makes sense that, doing repeated readings, we should see a development in keeping with the inner "narrative" logic of the I Ching. Very interesting observation. I agree. I experience similar phenomena with the Tarot cards - when reading for myself, the same cards keep showing up over prolonged periods of time, far over chance. I hope that we will hear more about your research, still.
  12. Tarot Therapy

    This thread is spinning off my "Tarot as a System of Metaphysical Philosophy" thread, where I started a conversation with Mandrake that I took the liberty to transliterate here. As I was asked to go into certain specifics that might break up the original thread which is of a more general kind. That's cool with me. May I ask you why this topic particularly interests you? I shuffled the cards, then fanned them out for the querent to draw the required number by their left hand (the one that connects to the heart or, in more modern terms, to the right cerebral hemisphere) - a very common method. However, especially for therapeutic application, I think it's advantageous that the querent selects the cards by themselves, so they would identify with their message more readily. I then laid them out using whatever spread would seem most appropriate regarding the query. Ranging from the good old Celtic Cross to relationship and decision spreads. If you want me to demonstrate some of my favourite spreads, just ask... This could conceivably be a problem especially for OCD types doing Tarot on their own. It's also typical for excited beginners (at least they get to know the cards fairly quickly this way). If the readings are supervised by a sensible counsellor, this is hardly an issue. Cut to the core of a problem immediately. Much like a well interpreted dream might, but available any time on purpose. I remember that psychiatrist I was collaborating with once looking at one of my spreads, then exclaiming: "This one card here is worth a whole psychotherapy!" Furthermore, he was convinced that Tarot can outline the way for a patient to progress in a straightforward manner. Also, I would highlight that a card image or a certain symbol on it can assume a particular meaning for the querent, which they can take away from the reading and think of when the need arises. Lastly, using Tarot offers a playful approach to psychological problems that is quite in tune with the childlike nature of the unconscious mind which is very receptive to its archetypal symbolism. All the more due to the impression that a spot on revelation based on a seemingly random process leaves. You are very welcome. It's fun for me too to think back to those Golden days... <sighs>
  13. Alchemy for the Rest of Us

    I certainly agree that the MP is not really about the chakras but about other energy centers (associated with the Chakras though) which do closely resemble the Chinese Dan-tian.
  14. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Correspondingly, probably on some layer, a pill is a pill to the unconscious, thus a symbol of healing, no matter what the conscious mind says about it. Since we are conditioned to associate a pill with betterment unconsciously, backed up by plenty of experiences.
  15. Alchemy for the Rest of Us

    I would think the modern versions rather awake interest in the older versions. There are always people who want to go deeper and back to the roots. I emphasized that the Chinese system of the three Dan-tien is pretty much in agreement with the Kabbalistic MP. I only mentioned the Chakras as secondary references. I never said there is a 1:1 correspondence. At least etherically? Does a Chakra have any other than an etheric existence? Why should the Solar Plexus Chakra "etherically" be in the much lower navel? I have heard that idea mentioned somewhere else before... Sure enough, there all kinds of maverick opinions in the occult fields. There is also some confusion of the Manipura with the Spleen Chakra (which is a minor Chakra, one could say). The Dan-tian is actually a space inside the lower abdomen. It corresponds with about Conception Vessel 4 through 6 which coincide with the Svaddhistana. Nothing to do with water? Remarkably, the LDT is called chi-hai dan-tien, chi-hai meaning the "Sea of Chi". I could give you a list of pretty good correspondences between the five Chinese and the five Indian elements, but I don't think you are interested in seeing it. What you are vilifying here as "mental masturbation" is what I call comparative study. It's a scientific approach that often leads to clarification and innovation. New stuff has always been made based on old stuff, in spirituality as much as in science. That's the natural evolution of such systems, and yes, it's a kind of Alchemy.
  16. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Same in Taiji, by the way. But they are not just mental visualizations. They are performed both mentally and physically. They are only initiated by the mind (is that what you mean?). There is indeed much more to Ki than a mental visualization. It is the Vital Force of the ancient Greeks, Mercury, Prana, Orgone, the World Soul, probably even the Rainbow Dragon of the Aborigines - choose whatever name you like. Yes, he is using anatomy and mechanics, but he starts out by concentrating on a foot. I never said it would. Hilarious. Well, at least it shows that he really believed what he was teaching. Also choreographed, but impressive. Yes, you do. Most of the time, anyway.
  17. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    No, magic is at work all the time. But belief amplifies everything it touches - it is a magical force.
  18. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Or to say it more simply, the Conscious Self is a God in the making. It holds the Divine spark that can kindle the fire of its all-encompassing awareness. That is, if it removes the beliefs that hinder its clear vision. (Now I sound like Seth and Buddhism. ) In other words, if it chooses the right path (oops, and now I sound like Star Wars. ) But I'm sure you get the idea?
  19. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    I think that grounding the intent with physical objects as representatives is generally recommendable although not always necessary. And yes, there are techniques common in modern visualization which do take this into account. Not quite. What is above them is Spirit/Fire/The Ace of Wands/The Source where - unbeknownst to the Conscious Mind - the Archetypal impulses originate of which the Mind becomes aware of, then wields its Sword and makes decisions as how to deal with and express them in physical and external reality. The Conscious Mind = Tiphareth = The Sun, with a strong tie-in to Air - and Mercury who connects the upper and the lower levels and introduces the concept of duality. That's why our thoughts really matter. I don't recall saying that the mind matters most. But it surely occupies a special position from where it is capable of making decisions. But this is not to deny that there is constant interplay between all levels going on, of course. I hope that I have remedied this omission a little with this post.
  20. Alchemy for the Rest of Us

    For once I agree with you, UFA.
  21. Alchemy for the Rest of Us

    I would say it's an attempt to apply these teachings practically in a certain area of nature-philosophical enterprise.
  22. Alchemy for the Rest of Us

    Throughout South East Asia you will find that three energy centers are considered to be the primary ones. Defined and experienced by practitioners of Chinese Internal Alchemy/Qigong and other arts as "qi pools" (I can't find a better term right now) inside the body rather than Chakras or meridian points on its surface, even though they are connected with the latter. The Chinese system distinguishes The Lower Dan-tien which on the physical level is the space inside the lower abdomen reaching down to the genitals. - This is a pretty good match with Yesod in the MP, as well as with the Sacral or Sexual Chakra. The Middle Dan-tien as a space in the chest and heart region. - This corresponds with Tiphareth in the MP, and with the Solar Plexus and/or Heart Chakra (Regardie's texts are a little ambiguous in this regard.) The Upper Dan-tien inside the head. This mostly corresponds with Kether in the MP and with the Third Eye and/or Crown Chakra in the Hindu system. Hope this helps.
  23. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    The intent and thought of the Magician is what matters most in any form of Sympathetic Magic. External tools of an analogous nature only serve to focus that intent.
  24. Alchemy for the Rest of Us

    Another thing probably worth noting is that the MP covers the three Dan-tien rather nicely (even though it may not be a perfect match). Those are also assumed to be inside the body. I do look forward to Donald's book in this regard.
  25. Alchemy for the Rest of Us

    Donald, Thanks for sharing your insights. The Meta-chemistry you outline, covering both Alchemy and Chemistry, seems to have taken at least an embryonic in the research of a few Anthroposophists like Ernst Bindel and Eugen Kolisko. On the more rigorously chemical side, I recommend the books by Jan C. A. Boeyens.