Taoist Texts

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Everything posted by Taoist Texts

  1. Neidan on the rise in the west?

    I dont understand. You teach internal alchemy with knowing the answer to a pretty basic question? What about your teachers? Do they know?
  2. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    I will be a dear and eversohelpfully bump this up;)
  3. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    Finally! An honest alchemist! You are the man. Respect and sincere wishes for you to succeed.
  4. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    Great so you learned from books, thats fantastic. Any luck on making the elixir yet?
  5. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    What cosmic role? That is why there are no pictures of the masters who allegedly are not subject to these things. Because they are. (wink wink)
  6. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    黄帝受还丹至道于玄女。玄女者,天女也。黄帝合而服之,遂以登仙。玄女告黄帝日:凡欲长生,而不得神丹金液,徒自苦耳。虽呼吸导引,吐故纳新,及服草木之药,可得延年,不兔于死也 No, it is exact. 可得延年,can extend years 不兔于死也 will not escape death
  7. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    So you have seen no alchemist. Could you please tell us how your plan to become an alchemist yourself will work?
  8. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    Because people pay more for the neidan promises of the health+rejuvenation+longevity+xianhood combo. Without getting anything eventually, of course.
  9. Waidan and early neidan vs later neidan

    Yes especially the bit about the horse manure. That just have to be about neidan, what else? 天下有道,卻走馬以糞。天下無道,戎馬生於郊。禍莫大於不知足;咎莫大於欲得。故知足之足,常足矣。 When the Dao prevails in the world, they send back their swift horses to (draw) the dung- carts
  10. Neidan on the rise in the west?

    Nathan could you please clarify. Does neidan involve attaining rejuvenation and/ or physical immortality?
  11. Waidan and early neidan vs later neidan

    I think this thread is just for saying things, no stinking sources required. Waidan is the oldest! No neidan is the oldest! Waidan! Neidan! hehe;)
  12. Waidan and early neidan vs later neidan

    is that why they are a called a different name?
  13. Whatever happened in Cologne never never happened

    yep. denial is not just a river in egypt.
  14. Neidan on the rise in the west?

    Of course. At the end of times the false teachings proliferate. Its in the scriptures. This practice promises rejuvenation and physical immortality. Do you believe these things are possible?
  15. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    Have you seen some one like that? A young old alchemist?
  16. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    hehe three years of ignorance and counting;) 吾聞諸老聃曰:天子崩,國君薨,則祝取群廟之主而藏諸祖廟,禮也。卒哭成事而後,主各反其廟。君去其國,大宰取群廟之主以從,禮也。祫祭於祖,則祝迎四廟之主。主,出廟入廟必蹕;老聃云。」
  17. They got nothing. This is one solid stream of insults uninterrupted by any logical reasoning. Which is good, because it does demonstrate that these salesmen have nothing but insults to sell or otherwise.
  18. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    . Ancient histories describing the rise of states in the Korean peninsula, and the archaeology of the period—although later than state formation in China—suggest that shamanism is implicated in the organization of Korean states. For example, excavations of royal tombs reveal that the kings and queens of Old Silla (traditional dates 37 BCE to 668 CE) were interred with shamanistic crowns bearing gold antlers and stylized trees sprouting from a gold circlet as prominent symbols of royalty. Historic sources indicate that state rituals of the Goguryeo kingdom (traditional dates 57 BCE to 668 CE) did not merely tolerate shamans, but required their services to mediate disastrous events. A portrait of a woman shaman was painted on a Goguryeo tomb wall,
  19. These people are not just ignorant. It is fascinating that their opinion is always a 100%, unadulterated opposite of the truth. To any reasonable person it is obvious that stalinism is based on Russian orthodoxy since the only country in the world where these two ever existed and succeeded one other is Russia. But a neidaneer, with his unfallible instinct for the false, will pick this example as obvious. Amazing.
  20. Whatever happened in Cologne never never happened

    Shanlong you can not sway liberals. They always side with the government and since the government sponsors the rapefugies, so they side with the rapefugies, lying that 'they are not all bad'. but sometimes they do not lie. Rote Antifa posted a picture of young feminist on Thursday, holding a sign that stated she preferred rapists from Syria and North Africa over nationalists in Germany who have demanded Chancellor Angela Merkel stop taking in more refugees. “Prefer sexually active fugitive as German racists,” was featured as the pictures caption. Read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2016/01/29/german-feminist-welcomes-refugees-better-rapists-racists/#T39r3q3dVOba5qbG.99
  21. That is easy to correct. I think you will agree to the following reasoning. At the dawn of the history people held certain beliefs. Those beliefs, no matter animistic or shamanic, involved designated specialists to communicate with spirits. The most apt name for such specialists are 'shamans'. One important responsibility of shamans was maintaining a history of past divinations and controlling the propriety of rituals. According to historical evidence, those two responsibilities were included in Lao-zi's job descriptions, thus he is a shaman. Since he is the founder of Taoism, it follows that Taoism has originated from shamanism.
  22. You just used 3 undefined or non-consensual terms. Thats how.
  23. It is interesting how those who side with neidan are unwilling to come up with logical reasoning for their opinions. They just state unsupported statements. What is the point of this no-lesson? Lets say we call a specific human behavior animism now instead of shamanism. Does it make it non existent or proves that 'animism' is not a root of anything? This is both irrelevant to your opening claim, and unsubstantiated. Again, a completely unsupported opinion. Supported opinions must include a 'because'.