Taoist Texts

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  1. By the Numbers

    They would have accounted for it but the sex crimes by muslims are covered up In September 2012, investigations by The Times based on confidential police and social services documents, found that abuse had been much more widespread than acknowledged.[22][23] It uncovered systematic abuse of white girls by some Asian men (mostly of Pakistani origin)[24] in Rotherham for which people were not being prosecuted.[25][26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal while the whites are framed and prosecuted illegally Julian Assange 'rape victim' criticises UN decision over detention ... www.independent.co.uk › News › People 6 февр. 2016 г. - Julian Assange's alleged rape victim has called for him to “take responsibility”, as she criticized the UN for ruling he has been illegally detained.
  2. Going to China to learn inner alchemy

    Normally i would not say anything but you seem to be sincere. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/40543-misconceptions-of-qigong-neidan-alchemy-20/
  3. Exactly. That's the tricky thing about the language in general and about the 無 in particular. Some times it means 'no' sometimes 'non-being'. How you know which is which? You gotta understand the subject. cool:)
  4. I agree that 所 does stand for a noun, being a pronoun, i.e the grammatical role of 所 is "1) What, that which, all that, whatever (nearest thing to a Chin. relative pronoun, introducing a noun clause): " http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/ but there is no 'no' here. what ppl mistake for a 'no' 無 is in fact the Buddhist term for 'non-being' and what they mistake for 'actually' is in fact the Buddhist term for 'being' 實.
  5. No it is not. The single issue is: in a historical perspective was Spain better off under Franco or under the communists? It could have been democratically elected but shortly after turned into a communist cabal. Franco did his duty.
  6. Britain and the European Union

    A question: shall this inform the voting given the EU immigration and refugee policies?
  7. Britain and the European Union

    Obviously anybody who disagrees with the liberal propaganda must be an ignorant hick to you. But that's ok you are welcome to rationalize. however this made me curious... 560 pages is short for you? Product Details Paperback: 560 pages
  8. Britain and the European Union

    this poem was used for the commie propaganda before For Whom the Bell Tolls Novel by Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls is a novel by Ernest Hemingway published in 1940. It tells the story of Robert Jordan, a young American in the International Brigades attached to a republican guerrilla unit during the Spanish Civil War. Wikipedia as a title for a book glorifying an attempt to enslave Spain by the global Bolshevism, The brave Spaniards fought off the red plague that time, while the despicable author, who was an alco and a war criminal, blew out his own brains 21 years later. Sometimes good wins in this world.
  9. Britain and the European Union

    a fish rots from the head down. All of the intelligentsia depends on govt handouts eventually.
  10. Britain and the European Union

    That's the main point of a conspiracy. Its is difficult to see the big pic until it is too late. Anyway congrats on that. And on this http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/super-rich-swiss-village-opts-for-200000-fine-instead-of-accepting-10-refugees-a7053826.html As for the UK I would be surprised if it would not fold like a lawn chair and stay. It is probably to late to for it to save itself.
  11. Britain and the European Union

    Roman politicians passed laws in 140 B.C. to keep the votes of poorer citizens, by introducing a grain dole: giving out cheap food and entertainment, "bread and circuses", became the most effective way to rise to power. … Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses[6] [...] iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli / uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim / imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se / continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, / panem et circenses. [...] (Juvenal, Satire 10.77–81)
  12. Britain and the European Union

    Switzerland's voters reject basic income plan - BBC NewsBBC News‎ - 2 days ago Final results from Sunday's referendum showed that nearly 77% opposed the plan, with only 23% backing it this was another effort to finish up Europe by destroying its last hold-out nation-states one by one. the Swiss morals proved too strong so the globalists failed for now. next target: Britain.
  13. Yutang Lin quote

    that would be "Abiding in no forms at all, one falls into the abyss of void." so...no.
  14. Alchemical Emblems

  15. if you bite it in half, you will have two. a food for thought.
  16. "possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wavefunction. " Your tax dollars at work. But at least there is an abstract in French, which is classy.
  17. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section D

    仲尼曰:“…是必才全而德不形者也。” Confucius said:..his soul is so whole that his De does not come to the surface of his body. 哀公曰:“何谓才全?” Duke asked: what do you mean his soul is so whole? 仲尼曰:“死生存亡,穷达贫富,贤与不肖,毁誉、饥渴、寒暑,是事之变,命之行也;日夜相代乎前,而知不能规乎其始者也。故不足以滑和,不可入于灵府。使之和豫通而不失于兑,使日夜无郤而与物为春,是接而生时于心者也。是之谓才全。” Confucius said: …the circumstances change, that’s fate; you can not know where it started. But for a person whose talent is whole, the external things are not sufficient to disturb the harmony (of his nature), and are not allowed to enter into his soul. So he is ever joyful and does not lose his senses, there are no cracks in him and the things are forever as if in spring season, he comes in contact with things and reacts timely with his heart. Therefore his soul stays whole. “何谓德不形?” Duke asked: what do you mean his De does not come up to the surface of his body? 曰:“平者,水停之盛也。其可以为法也,内保之而外不荡也。德者,成和之修也。德不形者,物不能离也。” Confucius said: a calm surface of the deep water is a metaphor for this, its potential is within and there are no waves outside. Similarly, when somebody’s De is perfect, it does not come up to the surface of his body, and the external things can not disturb it. Basically the gist of this conversation is that normally a De of a person shows in his appearance making him beautiful externally, but also running a danger to be captured and led astray by the external things, because it is out in the open. Now, in exceptional cases, a De is so integral, that it stays firmly within, not making his owner beautiful, but also being safely hid under his ugly appearance, keeping his soul whole , not being led astray by the external things.
  18. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section D

    I entirely agree Yes, to me it is correct, but there is a twist to it...i will post on it in a few
  19. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section D

    Actually this 物不能離 (things do not break away) is a ZZ-unique variant of a set phrase that exists in several variants 物不能惑 物不能拘 物不能乱 meaning that if someone has de, or peaceful mind, or internal refinement, then the things can not bother, hinder, or confuse him this particular variant 物不能離 means that the things can not lead him (or his De) astray
  20. Dantian, Sanjiao and Qi Seas

    no sweat I think so http://www.goldenelixir.com/jindan/neijing_tu.html http://www.ucl.ac.uk/histmed/downloads/ma_teaching/lo/c123_6.pdf http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/8944-taoist-classics-free-download/page-4 http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/2563-nei-jing-tu/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neijing_Tu Interestingly, it is the chapter 73 in Suwen which is missing from Unshuld as you can see here https://muse.jhu.edu/book/26200 he skips 72 and 73 the sentence is ...神失守位,即神游上丹田,... ...the spirit loses its place, and travels to the upper dantian.. 《本病論》 however these 2 chapters are considered apocryphal as discussed here http://ctext.org/discuss.pl?if=en&thread=2342826&remap=gb
  21. Dantian, Sanjiao and Qi Seas

    Direct - no. The concept of DT - yes. It is first mentioned in a confucian text 《蔡中郎集 - Cai Zhong Lang Ji》 [Eastern Han] 152-192 and in 2 foundational medical texts - one occurence in each) 《黄帝内经 - Huangdi Neijing》 [Warring States - Western Han (475 BC - 9)] 《伤寒论 - Shang Han Lun》 [Eastern Han (25 - 220)] Sure lots and lots of it. E g. like on this pic
  22. Getting Started

    Excellent Yes. And even closer goals would be to escape two traps: one is the neidan trap and second is the usual tourist traps. Actually thats one and the same trap, hehe) Similar Heck if i know. Have not seen it. If it is anything like this http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/41105-recorded-sayings-of-a-true-man-ma-dan-yang/ then it is, if not - then not.
  23. What purpose does virtue and merit have in practice?

    who wants to become immortal must gain 30 points of merit. It is said that someone who gathers 3,000 points of merit becomes inimortal in a day. According to the chapter “Merits and Demerits” of the ^Jiiyan zong: Doing good lengthens life whereas doing evil shortens it. Deities metes out recompense or punishment unerringly.