Taoist Texts

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  1. Liu Huayang

    Ah, is that what is says now? You know, there are 2 english idioms 'shoot oneself in the foot' and 'shoot fish in a barrel'. Now metaphorically your both feet are like fish in a barrel and you shoot yourself in them over and over. Thats what you did when you posted this paragraph. Here Ge says that there are persons endowed with inborn knowledge of it (alchemy). From this follows that such persons do not need no teacher nor books. That makes your statement a mis-truth. Check and Mate. ...gosh, this is boring.
  2. Liu Huayang

    Ugh, i am just messing with you, kinda gets boring too. So what this passage say in one sentence?
  3. Liu Huayang

    Oooh Gehong...this is serious. Now we are talking.
  4. Liu Huayang

    Yes. Thats exactly what happened. To you. hahah)
  5. Liu Huayang

    You can copy and paste your out of context translation a million times, it still would be wrong. Give it up, i warned you nicely at the start that you and your whole school is no match for me in a debate. You should have listened:)
  6. Liu Huayang

    You do not answer question because this quote above refers to a BOOK and now you know it because i pointed out it to , so you still got your freebie lol...but at a price lol See what your check got you? A CHECK-MATE for you. Haaahaha;))))
  7. Liu Huayang

    No its what you say it sais 不可 is NOT impossible.
  8. Liu Huayang

    A minute? you practically live here, when do you practice? Sigh...look whom i am asking...
  9. Liu Huayang

    Hahhahaah;) these people always always shoot themselves in the foot.
  10. Liu Huayang

    難 nán 〈形〉 (1) (形声。从隹( zhuī)?声。从隹,与鸟有关。①本义:支翅鸟。②假借为困难) (2) 困难;艰难;不容易 [difficult;hard;troublesome] 非为织作迟,君家妇难为。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 蜀道之难,难于上青天。—— 李白《蜀道难》 (3) 又如:难句(难得的佳句);难老(难于衰老);难行(难于施行;不容易走);难治(不容易治理);难航(不易舟行);难期(难及,难于企及);难义(不易索解的辞旨);难极(不易穷尽);难疑(相互讨论不易索解,心存迷惑的要义);难乎为继(指前人做得太好,不易照样继续下去) (4) 不可;不好 [hardly possible;bad] 桓谭作论,明弱水之难航。—— 汉· 王褒《灵坛碑文》 We see, we are not blind. Hardly possible is NOT impossible. Do you want me to make the font even larger for you?
  11. Liu Huayang

    金丹大藥,古人以萬劫一傳。玉筍靈篇,學者之十迷九八,聖師口口,歷代心心,若非心傳口授,縱使三傑之才,十哲之智,百端揣度,亦終不能下手,結就聖胎矣。所謂:饒君聰慧過顏閔,不遇明師莫強猜,只為金丹無口訣,教君何處結靈胎。劉海蟾詩日:此道迥昭彰,如何亂揣量。金丹之道,若不遇真師,實難知之矣。 Wise Teachers trasmitted from mouth to mouth (verbally), for centures, from heart to heart. If you have no heart transmission and verbal teaching - then even if you are talented as 3 heroes and smart as 10 sages and know everything - you as well would not be able to start the practice, create and complete spiritual fetus. 玉筍靈篇 this is not in your translation. Why and what does it mean?
  12. Liu Huayang

    hahaha;) these guys are the funniest)
  13. Liu Huayang

    You guys play nice here, think what 玉筍靈篇 is while i go do a round of taicheee
  14. Liu Huayang

    Thank you for very helpfully highlighting what you make up and what is not in the text. hehe) 玉筍靈篇 what is this?
  15. Liu Huayang

    Yes, also this is just plain silly. Neidan or daoism is about getting yangshen. what on earth could trigrams do with it?
  16. Liu Huayang

    Some people want free lessons because their teachers have not teach them anything, despite all the money they took. So now they wander around on the internet begging for freebies.
  17. Liu Huayang

    You keep begging for freebie lessons. No go. You have to pay tuition like everybody else. Look at these fellas always trying to get away with something. No way Hosay.
  18. Liu Huayang

    You are welcome to stay away from my thread ( hint hint) Thats very good. 8 are not so bright, they need a teacher. But what true teacher will take dim students? And how can dim students be successful? But 1 is a real genius, he does not need teachers. A genius like myself. So you just proved yourself incorrect saying that learning on ones own or from a book is impossible for everybody. Good job AA. No, this is wrong 難 difficult; hard 為人父母很難。 / 为人父母很难。 ― Wéirén fùmǔ hěn nán. ― it is difficult being a parent. 這項工作非常難。 / 这项工作非常难。 ― Zhè xiàng gōngzuò fēicháng nán. ― This job is very hard. Nan is not impossible, it is hard. Can you see the difference? It is truly hard, Which is the way it should be. Hard but quite possible. So you are incorrect on two counts: translation and understanding. Have a better luck in the next life AA!
  19. Liu Huayang

    You just admitted you got nothing:)
  20. Liu Huayang

    LOL, these people have no clue;) Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and ... https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=1598842048 J. Gordon Melton, ‎Martin Baumann - 2010 - ‎Religion The Chinese Daoist Association (CDA) is the government organization that regulates Daoism in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Based in Beijing's ... China's Governance Model: Flexibility and Durability of Pragmatic ... https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=1317859529 Hongyi Lai - 2016 - ‎Political Science Coopting the established religions into official associations The five religions ... the Chinese Buddhist Association (CBA); the Chinese Daoist Association (CDA); ... The Crisis of Global Modernity - Page 44 - Google Books Result https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=1107082250 Prasenjit Duara - 2014 - ‎Business & Economics ... secular organization committed to assisting religions develop environmental programs, and the Chinese Daoist Association (CDA) (Zhongguo daojiao xiehui). Handbook of Research on Development and Religion https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=0857933574 Matthew Clarke - 2013 - ‎Religion Daoists are initiated into a tradition by a master, receiving sacred texts and ... single organizational framework, known as the Chinese Daoist Association (CDA). The Way of Complete Perfection: A Quanzhen Daoist Anthology https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=1438446519 Louis Komjathy - 2013 - ‎History A Quanzhen Daoist Anthology Louis Komjathy ... the Chinese Daoist Association (CDA/CTA), which, it should be recognized, is primarily a political organization. Introducing Daoism - Page 247 - Google Books Result https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=0980163323 Livia Kohn - 2009 - ‎Religion ... institution for Daoist research in France Chan (Zen) Buddhism — Chinese ... Six Healing Sounds Chinese Daoist Association (CDA) — Official body of Daoist ... Religion Under Socialism in China - Page xxiii - Google Books Result https://books.google.ru/books?isbn=0873326091 Zhufeng Luo - 1991 - ‎Political Science ... CBA — Chinese Buddhist Association CCP — Chinese Communist Party CCPA — Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association CDA — Chinese Daoist Association ... Daoism and Development | James Miller 苗建時 www.jamesmiller.ca/daoism-and-development/ Daoism, also spelled Taoism, is China's organized, indigenous religious system. ... organizational framework, known as the Chinese Daoist Association (CDA).You visited this page on 12/9/16. ARC - Faiths and ecology - Daoist eco-news www.arcworld.org › Faiths and Ecology › Daoism January 29, 2014, Daoist and Buddhist leaders promote eco-friendly incense for ... Master Ren Farong is the President of the China Daoist Association (CDA). https://www.google.ru/search?q=CDA&oq=CDA&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2104j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#newwindow=1&q=CDA+chinese+daoist+association&nfpr=1 Have a nice sitting in a poodle, mister, LOL
  21. Liu Huayang

    And to steal chinese heritage while claiming that. But thats what they do, thats what they come for. The horseman serves the horse, The neat-herd serves the neat, The merchant serves the purse, The eater serves his meat; 'Tis the day of the chattel, Web to weave, and corn to grind, Things are in the saddle, And ride mankind.
  22. Liu Huayang

    Oh he is just insulting myself and Awaken:) Ironically he is ignorant of the plural being ignoramuses.
  23. Liu Huayang

    I do not sure who you are addressing but your lengthy post above is just a spam. There is 2 reasons why you leave the paragraphs above untranslated , giving a false interpretation instead. A. In your ignorance you do not know how to translate properly. B. If translated fully - the falsity of your views will be obvious. It is very easy to prove What is 學者之十迷九八? What is 實難知之矣。?
  24. Liu Huayang

    Sigh. Chinese people use characters they do not use latin acronims, thus there are no official ones. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E9%81%93%E6%95%99%E5%8D%8F%E4%BC%9A as on this wikipage. Apparently you imply that your certificate was granted before falun. Well then now it is revoked and invalid then. Saying that WLP IS recognized is incorrect. Can you provide any proof that WLP was recognized before falun? Let me guess. No , you can not.
  25. Liu Huayang

    Thank you Awaken, found the article you posted before 《伍柳天仙法脉修持指要》 附录:伍柳派略考   一、伍柳二仙真承传天仙正法,并未组创伍柳派。   伍祖1593年逢师,1612年得三成全传。于1615年收朱太和为徒,1632年传衣钵全法于朱太和。 1644年元旦,明亡前为全世节而大隐。 1639年留记云:天仙之道,百劫百年一传于世。   柳师约于1760年得伍祖传天仙正法,应百年一传留记。又遇壶云老师传达摩、慧能、寂无「拈花微笑」佛宗正法。   仙佛正传,本同源同法、同修同证。本无彼此之分,仅示法各有侧重。伍祖承传天仙正法,柳师兼得仙佛正法。伍柳二真履世相距百年以上,并未组派,更非衣钵之传。   二、世称伍柳派之来源   后世修者,得伍柳二真人传世丹经之荫泽,尊称修炼二真人所传天仙正法者为伍柳派。   伍祖传世丹经有1622年着《天仙正理》,1632年着《仙佛合宗语录》,并亲示以1639年二着加注者为准。柳师传世丹经有1790年着《金仙证论》,1794年着《慧命经》,1799年增补危险说与后危险说于《金仙证论》中,重宣入手人仙功的诀旨心印。   二真人四着,本分刊度世。 1864年后世学者始将柳师二着合刻,有梁靖阳序为证。此时并无伍柳派之概念,直至1897年光绪二十三年丁酉岁,邓徽绩等合刻四着于一书。定书名为《伍柳仙宗》,此后方有伍柳派之概念。此论有邓氏(合刻伍柳真人书叙)及程德灿序文为证。邓氏书叙明言合刻之因为诚求真师。邓云求道二十余年,虽得四着,尚茫不知旨。特募资刊印,以求感恪天仙正道之真师,怜其诚笃而度之。可知首创伍柳合名于一处的邓氏,出书时,非但未得伍柳亲度,此时井未真悟四着所阐天仙大道之理法诀景旨。邓氏出书后是否得度,当视其根基因缘。可见连首创伍柳合名之邓氏,亦非伍柳派之宗祖。后世自称伍柳派者,皆仅私淑二真人之学而已。其中真得天仙正传者,为真伍柳派。不知天仙正法者,悉皆冒牌货,多欺世盗名之棍徒。 可笑后世棍徒,根基远不如邓氏,诚笃更与邓氏有霄壤之差,为求浮世虚名,欺世盗名,常以伍柳派嫡传诳人欺世;甚或诳称亲受柳师之度;以俗世姓氏宗谱惑人。   吾今郑重警醒真修实悟者,切勿上当受骗,误入歧途。伍祖留记明示:天仙之道,百劫百年一传于世。岂能轻易传人!凡得真传者,必能证天仙,证佛果。必能真证实证长生不死,此乃初成小证,何足道哉!岂后世之棍徒,以其不知真法,不得真证,不能不死,不得不死,却诳称羽化之小术哉!真修实悟者,当深研细悟二真人四着原文。四着已示三成全法全旨。今世上尚无其他真得二真人所示初成法中,第一、二两层人仙功法真传者。二真人早料及此,为防棍徒妄言贻误真修者,皆于着中明戒曰「毋劳后注」。世人何不悟之甚,还枉受欺骗! 黄元吉真人体伍柳二真人普度慈心,于传世二着《道德经注释》、《乐育堂语录》中,重点特阐初成功中第一层入手孕、调药求玄关之法,可惜世上少有知音者。 三、如何辨别真崇真得真传伍柳天仙功法? 伍祖柳师浅言直示天仙正法以来,对后世真修者影响甚大。常有不肖棍徒,借二真人之名,招摇撞骗,攫取名利,贻误真修实悟者。为防止此等祸害,特提出以下辨识真得、真修、真传伍柳天仙功法的要点。 (一)以弘扬伍柳功法为己任,认真校刊原著,遵戒不妄注妄论。 既真崇、真学、真传伍柳功法,则二真人传世之著,即为祖经。二真人皆明戒「毋劳妄注」,必当谨遵;否则名为弘伍柳,阴实扬己名,私售旁学攫取名利,乃奸诈棍徒之手段。 (二)全力辑全二真人之著,删除非二真人原著之文,订正《伍柳仙宗》或各单行本中历次刊印之误。   正文末已示,二真人之著,于首次刊印时,在功法关键处,即有因刊印之误漏。真得传者,必可校勘刊误,一一订正,以继二真人仙踪,实现二真人普度真修者之宏愿。若不能校出各版误漏,辗转照录原误,甚或更增已误,必是未得法者。又《伍柳仙宗》,既未辑全二真人传世内丹之著,又有后人妄增紫阳、潜虚、三丰、涵虚四真人之文于《慧命经》中,又不加说明,应予删去,以复原著全貌。 (《伍柳仙宗》已示三成全法,何劳再辑四真人之文。)故重刊《伍柳仙宗全辑》,当是真崇、真学、真传伍柳功法者义不容辞的责任。托名伍柳传人者,岂可不致力于此弘传祖经,普渡真修的神圣天职,而以攫取个人名利为务? (三)正法择徒只凭德行根基,不论亲疏。 仙佛正法衣钵,非财产、非世法小技、非谋生小术,可私传子孙。必择有德有根基因缘者,始能传承。故世尊传禅宗正法时,择知悟「拈花微笑」之苦行头陀迦叶为初祖,而不选尚为色尘所困之堂弟阿难。中国禅宗五祖弘忍大师不传衣钵于素得亲信之首座神秀,独传目不识丁,舂米侍者慧能大师,盖因六祖慧根深厚。 This is the part about no transmission within Wu's family 李虚庵老祖、曹还阳老祖皆有子后,始得真传,却皆传衣钵于有德有根基者。李传曹,曹传伍,皆未传承于亲子。又伍祖传衣钵于朱太和(朱先本是守虚真人之徒,根基德行可受天仙衣钵正传,故得伍祖衣钵。朱因避清朝初期搜灭亡明宗室之祸,密修密传衣钵,而不为世人所知)而并未传衣钵于堂弟太初,堂侄太一。(伍真人虽遵母命成婚,未闻有子。) 柳真人自幼为僧,更无子嗣,亦未传法于堂弟道宽,勇水庵方丈原明大和尚,却度有不少外姓弟子,柳师既无组派之念,自无衣钵之传。奉劝世之托庇姓伍姓柳者,不必以姓氏为骗人手段,欺世盗名,妄称得有祖传、单传、秘传。何必作此陷先祖于不义,坑真修于旁门的丧德劣行! (四)天仙功法悉皆静虚之功 伍柳所传天仙正功,必宗静虚总则,初成法就是筑基功,入手法就是初成法中第一层第一步的孕药炼己之功,皆以静虚为正功。绝无矫揉造作,编排各种动作之旁门小法,妄称不传秘法。