Taoist Texts

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  1. Houtian gong/post-heaven skill

    问曰:修行人首戒悭吝财物,既曰要世间财,又曰悭吝神仙不肯来,到底用财不用财乎? Question: the foremost prohibition for a practitioner is to be stingy with money and goods, it is also said that there is a requirement for the worldly wealth, also it is said that the spiritual immortals would not agree to come to the stingy ones, so, at the end of the day, should one use money or should not use money? 答曰:用而不用。夫财者,人之所爱,以财为用,易取人之欢心,易买天之真宝,而天人无不在其术中矣。倘无财而欲得真宝,是强取强求,不但天不我从,而人亦不我顺,便是少行悭吝,神仙怎得而来?此世财之所必用也。然财易足败人德行,伤人性命,一惜其财,则我为财所愚,无不听其财之使用。故必德先财后,以德为本,以财为末,此世财之所不用也。 但此世财,有世间之善财,有世间之凡财,不可不辩。 Answer: use but do not use. The money is what people love, so the money is used both to attract human hearts easily, and to easily buy the true Heavenly gem, so amongst Heaven and the people there is nothing that would not be (obtained) through this skill (of using money). If there is no money used but you still want to obtain the true gem, it will mean forcefully taking and forcefully seeking, and in this case not only Heaven will not condescend to you, but the people also will not be agreeable to you; that will be exactly a case of petty conduct and of stinginess, and how would you obtain for the spiritual immortals to come to you? So the worldly wealth must be certainly used. But with wealth it is easy to harm people’s virtuous conduct, to damage peoples’ xing-ming, so if you are miserly with wealth - then it means that you make a stupid use of wealth, and you never have heard about how the wealth should be used. Thus one must be virtuous first and use money later, make De the root, and make money the branches, and that would be “not using” the worldly wealth. However, in this worldly wealth there is a good wealth and there is a vulgar wealth, so you must differentiate those. (Liu Yi-ming)
  2. [Neidan] The Journal of a Taoist Practicioner

    You see the traditional schools besides having a sales department also had thought police team. The one that would PROHIBIT! and SEIZE!!!...and PUNISH!!!!
  3. MH you are not claiming to be the Grand Keeper of The Gate and Sole Purveyor of Neidan Authenticum Generalis...yet?
  4. Question on Secret of the Golden Flower

    Greetings and salutations Frater. To answer your question: yes and no. You are on the right track because you have found a true manual for practice, it contains all the quidance you need. That said, you are in danger of deviating from the right track barely starting on it unless you put aside your assumptions as to what the book says. There is nothing in there about the pineal gland or seat of consciousnes etc. Read the book, do not read your previous knowledge into it. Follow the book to a t, do what it says you to do. Do not do what it does not. It is as easy (or as hard) as that.
  5. Wuliupai school

    Of course he says that in so many words He is not a lier.
  6. Wuliupai school

    Excellent , excellent! Bears repeating.
  7. Yes, sir, it sure does. Perhaps this quote is a propos: 世之学人方入门户,直视神仙为至易之事,而遂骗化十方,罔知所忌。绝不思一丝一粒俱十方之血汗;一饮一啄皆众生之苦力。或有以口头禅笼人者;或有以假道法摄财者;或有以黄白术谋骗者;千方百计,不可枚数。异日欠下十分债账,不知如何消化。古人谓:“两只角或有或无,一条尾千定万定”者,必此辈欤? Nowadays, the lay students barely entering the gate of teaching, wrongly regard the spiritual sainthood as a most easy business, and proceed to fool people on all sides (to teach), without observing the proscriptions. Totally unconcerned they are, that every thread of silk and every grain of rice (collected by them as fees) on all sides, is somebody’s sweat and blood; that every bite of their food and every swallow of their drink come from the bitter toil of sentient beings. So, some of them fool people with corny clichés; some use false Dao to grab money; some scheme to cheat people with ‘art of white and yellow’ (artificial gold and silver); thousands of subterfuges and hundreds of tricks, uncountable ploys like that. But on the day when their karmic debt is due for payment in full, they would not know how to honor it. The ancients described them thusly: ‘one or two horns they may or may not have, but they do certainly have a tail behind’, is not this said exactly about this bunch?
  8. Learn a fancy word everyday with GrandmasterP!
  9. Texts for preliminary neidan study

    Excellent! Of course the texts are for learning, what else? Moreover, in all Chinese traditions texts take vast precedence over oral teaching.
  10. The sales reps have no explanations, just cue cards.
  11. very prudent of them to keep the false number 10 and the false number 19, aint it? Not all eggs in one basket, something will work out. May be. Wait, do they decry 10 and 19 as false here, but boast of them as true there? Yes, siree, thats what they do.
  12. http://thetaobums.co...chool/?p=568667
  13. Yes, never written down. In person, absolutely. Soooo, somebody explained the teachings in detail. In a text. He did it based on other texts. Then he created a school. From the texts. Then someone allegedly from that school says 'The most important points of Neidan are not writen down'. yeah, whatev.
  14. Wuliupai school

    Impostors usually have no clue about what are they trying to impost.
  15. oh come on. 5 guys from the same outfit belittling competition and pushing own wares? Thats all in the spirit of sharing and learning. Does not look like a coordinated spam campaign in the slightest.
  16. Hou Tian vs Xian Tian & Xiao Yao Pai

    Yes. A trap. Becouse that's what people with high De (like Lu) do. They lay traps for people with low De.
  17. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    陽貨: 子張問仁於孔子。孔子曰:「能行五者於天下,為仁矣。」請問之。曰:「恭、寬、信、敏、惠。恭則不侮,寬則得眾,信則人任焉,敏則有功,惠則足以使人。」 Yang Huo: Zi Zhang asked Confucius about perfect virtue. Confucius said, "To be able to practice five things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue." He begged to ask what they were, and was told, "Gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. If you are grave, you will not be treated with disrespect. If you are generous, you will win all. If you are sincere, people will repose trust in you. If you are earnest, you will accomplish much. If you are kind, this will enable you to employ the services of others." http://ctext.org/analects/yang-huo?searchu=%20sit%20&searchmode=showall#result
  18. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    http://pages.ucsd.edu/~dkjordan/chin/hbphiloterms-u.html Page Contents Terms Broadly Shared by Confucianism & Daoism Dào 道 = Way Dé 德 = Virtue, Power Lǐ 理 = Principle Yīnyáng 阴阳 = Yīn & Yáng Terms Particularly Stressed by Confucianism Yì 义 = Righteousness Rén 仁 = Benevolence Lǐ 礼 = Ritual Zhì 智 = Wisdom Xìn 信 = Sincerity Chǐ 耻 = Sense of Shame Lián 廉 = Frugality Shù 恕 = Empathy Xiào 孝 = Filial Piety Xù 序 = Precedence Zhōng 忠 = Loyalty
  19. Hello

    Hello i have some expertise in texts which might be of use to some. thanks.