Taoist Texts

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Everything posted by Taoist Texts

  1. The Laozi as a Manual of Manipulation and Control

    'feeding people' is non-action? doesnt sound non-active to me classical interpreters dont know what they r talking about
  2. The Laozi as a Manual of Manipulation and Control

    well at this point i will just repeat that you got it exactly backwards and leave at that without argumentation since that would be OT here. We can reprise it in any chapter topic if you wish.
  3. The Laozi as a Manual of Manipulation and Control

    I dont think so, for that would be doing.
  4. The Laozi as a Manual of Manipulation and Control

    whose hearts and bellies? if his subjects - then how do the wise do it?
  5. The Laozi as a Manual of Manipulation and Control

    What is Shen Dao?
  6. The Laozi as a Manual of Manipulation and Control

    The Laozi as a Manual of Manipulation and Control Yes it is and its a good thing. Jia you Dusty!
  7. Neidan vs Qigong

    The sound of Kaa-ching is The Great And Universal Divider.
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 40 of the Tao Teh Ching

    24. According to the Confucius Genealogy Compilation Committee, he has 2 million known and registered descendants, and there are an estimated 3 million in all. https://biographies.knoji.com/25-interesting-facts-about-confucius-a-great-chinese-philosopher/
  9. [TTC Study] Chapter 40 of the Tao Teh Ching

    《禮記 - Liji》 [Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] 38 曾子問: Zengzi Wen: 曾子問曰:「葬引至於堩,日有食之,則有變乎?且不乎?」 Zeng-zi asked, 'At a burial, when the bier has been drawn to the path (leading to the place), if there happen an eclipse of the sun, is any change made or not?' 孔子曰:「昔者吾從老聃助葬於巷黨,及堩,日有食之,老聃曰:『丘!止柩,就道右,止哭以聽變。』既明反而後行。曰:『禮也。』反葬,而丘問之曰:『夫柩不可以反者也,日有食之,不知其已之遲數,則豈如行哉?』老聃曰:『諸侯朝天子,見日而行,逮日而舍奠;大夫使,見日而行,逮日而舍。夫柩不早出,不暮宿。見星而行者,唯罪人與奔父母之喪者乎!日有食之,安知其不見星也?且君子行禮,不以人之親痁患。』吾聞諸老聃云。」 Confucius said, 'Formerly, along with Lao Dan, I was assisting at a burial in the village of Xiang, and when we had got to the path, the sun was eclipsed. Lao Dan said to me, "Qiu, let the bier be stopped on the left of the road; and then let us wail and wait till the eclipse pass away. When it is light again, we will proceed." He said that this was the rule. When we had returned and completed the burial, I said to him, "In the progress of a bier there should be no returning. When there is an eclipse of the sun, we do not know whether it will pass away quickly or not, would it not have been better to go on?" Lao Dan said, "When the prince of a state is going to the court of the son of Heaven, he travels while he can see the sun. At sun-down he halts, and presents his offerings (to the spirit of the way). When a Great officer is on a mission, he travels while he can see the sun, and at sun-down he halts. Now a bier does not set forth in the early morning, nor does it rest anywhere at night; but those who travel by star-light are only criminals and those who are hastening to the funeral rites of a parent. When there is an eclipse of the sun, how do we know that we shall not see the stars? And moreover, a superior man, in his performance of rites, will not expose his relatives to the risk of distress or evil." This is what I heard from Lao Dan.' (An important proof of Lao-zi to Kong-zi transmission)
  10. John 8:32 - Then you will know the truth, and the - Bible ... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
  11. als our dear friend Lao-zi choose to drop out of discussion when faced with a simple question. Seems they dont like questions much, these Neidan folk.
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 8 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think what Mencius meant was that if you regulate water according to its nature (does not matter whether we view it as destructive or nourishing) then and only then that would benefit all. And if you go counter that nature there will be no lasting benefits. I qioted him largely to show that this chapter 8 was not metaphorical but a litera discussion of water projects, just as Mencius' dialog is.
  13. what art would that be for example?
  14. a master of what exactly would do that?
  15. Neidan vs Qigong

    but ... southern people do not say that northern entrepreneurs do
  16. Chuang Tzu Chapter 3, Section A

    In this translation I do not understand the logic. " I have learned how to nourish life!" How exactly ?
  17. [TTC Study] Chapter 8 of the Tao Teh Ching

    告子下: 白圭曰:「丹之治水也愈於禹。」 Gaozi II: Bai Gui said, 'My management of the waters is superior to that of Yu.' 孟子曰:「子過矣。禹之治水,水之道也。是故禹以四海為壑,今吾子以鄰國為壑。水逆行,謂之洚水。洚水者,洪水也,仁人之所惡也。吾子過矣。」 Mencius replied, 'You are wrong, Sir. Yu's regulation of the waters was according to the laws of water. He therefore made the four seas their receptacle, while you make the neighbouring States their receptacle. Water flowing out of its channels is called an inundation. Inundating waters are a vast waste of water, and what a benevolent man detests. You are wrong, my good Sir.' 《告子下 - Gaozi II》
  18. Chuang Tzu Chapter 3, Section A

    except paying for groceries
  19. Neidan vs Qigong

    Ah, ok, i understand, thanks. Well may be this is relevant:
  20. Neidan vs Qigong

    who is that someone? what responsibility exactly?
  21. Copyright .. grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, .., with the intention of enabling the creator to receive compensation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright thats why
  22. and, its not allowed to talk about it....because?
  23. Yes we are in a territory where words do not have meanings, they blurr and overlap, conflict and negate each other. May be we will stay stuck here, may be we will get to clarity. Who knows? If it is available how is it secret? Why was it not available earlier? Is that method the whole alchemy or a part of it? If a part , then is it a method or just an exercise like a zillion others? What is it 'to replenish'? Etc. Again, lots of undefined words.
  24. Sure sure, me and my 'tude, my bad i am so very sorry. Now lets stay on subject shall we? What are those pre-Heaven ones? E.g. pre-H. Shen. How is it different from post-H Shen?