Taoist Texts

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Everything posted by Taoist Texts

  1. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    well of course. And both of Arhat and Buddha are basically the same thing which both mean the attainment of nirvana: and nirvana is of course the buddhist paradise alchemy is inherent in all the other schools. once we define what the alchemy is then we will see that it was there the whole time;)
  2. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    Yes it is absolutely. What else could be the goal? Of course there are gradations like a better rebirth on earth, a rebirth on a heaven, a final rebirth in the pure land paradise (which is the final nirvana). But they all hinge on constructing a soul, which is like a boat, can fish by the shore, can cross the Atlantic. All and every type. We (the buddhists hehe) are really closing ranks on that point;). Do you know a specific type of buddhist which has something else for an end goal? cool. if so let me bask in satisfaction of having answered it above and repeating it here: yes the goal is the same.
  3. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    i see you are not a big fan of certain words like 'how exactly" and 'because of this happens that'. great then;)
  4. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    how-to explanations are hard because they involve magic words like 'because' and logical cause-effect statements and defined terminology. E. g. "Walls are built by putting a brick on a brick" or "Two atoms of H plus one atom of O = H2O". Thats why most people dont have time for explanations....i think at least thats the reason...time...
  5. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    yes, myself and the OP, tell us how that works, we beseech you
  6. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    Sorry for an answer we really need the nitty gritty nuts and bolts of that. "It just does"sounds reassuring but doesn't explain much
  7. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    i heard the end goal of buddhism is to escape suffering of birth, aging, illness, dying; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duḥkha#Early_Buddhism how a concentration or insight on anything prevents any of that? It does not. Which means that you are mistaken or do not know what is the end goal of Daoism and Buddhism. In reality, both of them have the same goal: creation of an immortal soul which is impervious to suffering.
  8. Christianity

    oh it is par for the course. This is a simple cosmological myth whereas Horus is the god of light, sun, moon, yang and Seth is the god of storms, deserts, yin. All the mutual exchange of semen and body parts are just an interplay of energy between the yin and yang. Eventually they reconcile to rule together over Egypt. The end. The two gods are often represented in the construct known as the sma-ta-wy - in which the sedge and papyrus, symbols of the reconciled gods, are entwined and knotted about the windpipe and lungs that symbolize the united Egypt.
  9. Christianity

    whew, finally some good news!
  10. Christianity

    exactly. same as yoga totally flattered because gnosticism is the most elitist and the only feminist one of all the christianities out there sorry to bear even more disturbing tidings. but... in that day and age all women were impregnated without their consent given that the marriage was decided by the parents
  11. Christianity

  12. Christianity

    there is no other guy, it is the same guy, and IT is not even a guy. poor mortals are killing each other over the verbiage. does not matter if they would, does not matter what it means. they are mere mortals unaware of the complete reality (quanzhen), but still hearkening to the distant warble of their souls. lets not mistake what they say with what prompts them to say it. very well said there Bob! excellent. now the next step is ask yourself: who engineered the engineers?
  13. Christianity

    i am both, no conflict there;) i subscribe to a theory that Christianity is European in origin since all its tenets (as opposed to the verbiage) are European-pagan ones, nothing from Torah. the Jews just provided the technical documentation and a dealership support for that product, so to speak. of course, but a doctrine is not a reality, there are many schizo doctrines oh those congregations are essentially for joyfully getting in touch with the inner knowledge (same as religious liturgies), the actual verbiage they recite is unimportant nah, gender is just a social construct hehe;)
  14. Christianity

    no no, i totally got your point. i just disagree with it, what a surprise huh you are absolutely correct in a sense that the modern euhemerized western simulacra of those religions are exactly like that. i see what you did there. you substituted religion with "dharma". i am not sure what dharma is. but for a religious believer in buddhism=daoism the historicity and miracles are all-important. (i know because i am one of them). For us, what is the point of a religion without a savior (who by definition is a miracle-maker)? None, thats why there is no such religion.
  15. Christianity

    Because all humans are born with "a soul". A soul is a part of our mind that innately knows these things. This innate knowledge is called "a religious belief". Humans connected to their souls are called "believers". Humans disconnected from their souls are called "atheists". Humans trying to reconnect to their souls are called 'thedaobums.com forumers".
  16. Could anyone introduce me to the basics of daoism?

  17. the real yoga is an ethnic-exclusive and/or caste-exclusive religion. anything with a name yoga on it which is not that - is fake.
  18. i mean there is a western fake "yoga" and there is a real yoga. which one do you mean in your glossary above?
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amrita https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bindu_(symbol) nice effort. however that someone will have to keep in mind that these are western terms for the western fantasies about the original. There is a word for these words https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulacra_and_Simulation
  20. Daoism and Advaita Vedanta - convergence

    I always do and i will, thank you very much but in the meantime do you think you can answer the question above? what exactly is AV? Examples: Daoism is joining Dao Buddhism is relinquishing desires Christianity is believing in Christ AV is..............................................? (please fill in the blank as to what differentiates the core AV from other teachings) sorry for repeating myself. what exactly is the AV way? what do you do on that way? what do you get on that way? you guys surely must know the answer but somehow you keep ignoring the question;)
  21. Daoism and Advaita Vedanta - convergence

    i am not quite sure what are you trying to say here Sterling-sensei: is your own tradition of Buddhism quite equal to Pastafarianism? Oh i had no idea, please forgive my ignorance! But... err, what exactly is its teaching and which exact Upanishad contains it?
  22. LDT meditation without a teacher

    yes definetely before because it is so simple yet comprehensive then you can read this one of Luk which is more complicated: The Secrets of Chinese Meditation. finally this one of his which is horribly complicated and badly translated, yet very valuable: Taoist Yoga, Alchemy, and Immortality.
  23. Daoism and Advaita Vedanta - convergence

    good job. Notice how every word in Daoism comes from a historical proven source, chapter and verse. whereas '"Advaita Vedanta" language comes from nowhere;). what would that tell about "Advaita Vedanta" to a reasonable man?
  24. Where are all the martial artists at?

    well you see there are old martial artists....and there are bold martial artists...
  25. The power of Russian love

    of course. thats the only thing rank amateurs can build - cultish fiction somebody remind the russians the Titanic was superbly designed as evidenced by her sister ship sailing for 24 years just fine. The Titanic's capitan on the other hand had no formal education.