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Everything posted by nononothing

  1. My two cents since nobody appears mentioned my route. The list is great which I also followed. The rest I followed was Mantak Chia's Locking techniques and Testicle Breathing. Then have a soft and loving woman to have sex for a couple hours, refrain from ejaculation. Do it weekly or bi-weekly. Then the jing energy it builds will push through the meridian channels in the back up to brain and pop the third eye open in a few weeks. Having said so, it is not easy. The most difficult part is not refraining from ejaculation which might seem to be almost impossible for many males, it is to have no expectations during the practice. In other words if practising with the goal in mind, it will not succeed. It can only be achieved when staying at the present without thoughts. Luck for me, I had years of Taiji practising, which gave me the "at the present" thoughtless state while moving. As others suggested, relax, let it go and be open is the key. I would just add, if you have access to an understanding wonderful female, sexual or tantric approach is also good too. Add a few personal experience here. I did this originally not sold on this spiritual path yet, but seeking prolonged enjoyment of sex and benefit of health plus curiosity. Thanks to my Taiji foundation, I did the Mantak Chia practices without expectation and got effects pretty fast. My root chakra area started pulsating, sending trickle of pure energy feels like spring water running up my spine to head, pushing against third eye. My penis rises with the clock or Sun and Moon, strongest in midnight even in sleep. Having good sex without ejaculation is very helpful to focus the energy. Having a loving female who accepts and accommodates like water is even more important because it provides a baseline of tranquillity in daily life and sex. Such females are extremely hard to find. This naturally lead to self-inquiry and mainly vegetarian diet. The usual craving for sex is gone too. Overall I would suggest people to follow their instincts, in a safe way, eventually it will lead to the One path that everyone agrees upon.
  2. The Moral Problem

    I come to realize that it is not what you do but what you think. The form does not matter. For example, when a couple decides to separate, the separation will lead to different outcome depending on how they think. If they separate for selfish reasons, then they are against moral, they will suffer and their life will not go well. If they separate to give the other freedom, they are inline with higher moral, they will gain high love. Their life after separation will be good. But it is very hard to get rid of selfishness in the decision making for unawakened. When you achieve it, even momentarily, you get superb clarity in your mind. You see all action will lead to good results as long as you keep your mind clean. My personal experience is things go well as long as my heart is clean. As soon as my selfishness steps in, they mess up.
  3. pre-kundalini (interesting story)

    It sounds like you were freshly coming out of your old restrained state to experience new power in a slightly liberated state. It surely feels great when you experience it for the first time. When time moves on, the freshness wears off, like experiencing anything new. It is also a release of unbalanced energy in your body which feel great for sure like ejaculation. But when unbalanced energy is released, the balanced energy will start to do its work. Kundalini syndrome is clearing out blockages in your body. During and after that, you will gain more power in a very balanced way, like spotless said. When you do not have the power, you want to do things to feel you can do it. When you truly have the power, you do not have the motivation to do it any more.
  4. enlightenment

    Love this one. I guess in the end, I will look at everyone and everything with a stupid grin on my face.
  5. Premature Ejaculation and higher levels of consciousness.

    Interesting. :-) The key is don't focus on the problem. And don't masturbate. When you feel horny, go out to run in nature, run until you are exhausted. Any other physical activity will do too. Then try some practice discussed here. You will figure out a way to channel your sexual energy and frustration. The trick is don't care. Don't care about your performance in bed, don't care about girl, don't want to please them, don't care about the pleasure. When you let them go, you get them all. It is very hard to do then say. But this is where you should go. Talking about transcendence, sexual cultivation is only a small branch that very few people take for a very brief period of time. As soon as you get it right, you will not need it soon. The pleasure is not the goal. The frustration you are going through may turn into the driving force for you future achievements. The pleasure you are imagining now is not what people really experienced or meant. The best thing is what people have not got yet. When you get it, it is just so-so. You can try Mantak Chia's Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.
  6. Book study leading to mastery

    When I switch my mental state to read my writing from common people's perspective, I can see clearly that they will believe I am hopelessly delusional. My attempt to prove I am right to them will make them believe I am beyond hopelessness and I am crazy. :-) They will start acting against me. But I am very clear about what I known and can do. The pattern I see and the thing I am capable of are so real and predictable, on my current level of course. :-) Cultivation increases intelligence. The difference in intelligence is an insurmountable barrier for people on different levels. There is no point in explaining rocket science to a person who still believes Earth is flat. All attempts are futile. Let other people believe what they believe. On a higher level, people on different intelligence levels are equal as long as they are happy with themselves.
  7. Book study leading to mastery

    Thanks Spotless and GrandmasterP. When I realized that I should not try to prove anything, I understand why those masters always deny they have special power, even people have seen them happening. It is the mental state that brings everything. In 1990's in China, there were a few teenagers found with supernatural power, but when they were put into lab to prove it, they failed. Same happened to US an Soviet Union's attempt to use supernatural power to steal classified info from each other. The first couple of attempts succeeded when there were not much expectations for them. When expectations rose, they failed. So the projects were cancelled. In Buddhism and Taoism, it is commonsense that supernatural power can not be abused, otherwise it will lead to mental and even physical damage. I read about people who have third eye open and eventually got blind for many years because he played with it with his friends. It is always said supernatural power is a byproduct that should never be focused on. You know you have it, and that is all. Knowing that we should not try to prove it is not because we are told so or there are negative examples out there, it is because we figure it out ourselves in the process of gaining supernatural power. It only comes when we get rid of the mental motivations to get it and prove it. We also see there is no point in proving it to anyone. If we occasionally want to prove it, it is only a sign of regression that we have to overcome. In the end, we will be able to use it as matter-of-factly like helping short people in supermarket to reach stuff on the top shelf. After all, the so called supernatural power are natural powers that ordinary people have not discovered yet. Edit to add link to Sleeping Prophet by Edgar Cayce
  8. Book study leading to mastery

    Thanks Spotless. This is exactly what I feel. In the past, I felt a lot of walls in my head. By reading books, I see glimpse of light over the wall, then I ponder and see the lights become clearer and closer until I am over the wall. The wall is human emotions like grief, fear and laziness. GrandmasterP is right too. I function mainly on left brain. Like Spotless, I have to see the logic to go into action or get any effects. But interestingly, recently I noticed my right brain starts to get stronger, signified by the increasing strength and dexterity in my left limbs and less obsessed with reasoning. I feel there is something deeper inside me rising that I can not explain through reasons. Intuitions are working like miracles. I can "guess" the physical appearance of a stranger after 20 minutes of talk on phone or online with very high accuracy. But I can not prove it here :-) because trying to prove things is a human emotion that negate the power.
  9. Book study leading to mastery

    You have to look past the words and fancy descriptions. they are baits for minds that only get attracted by fancy stuff. In advanced level, Buddha says everything he said and described do not exist at all. The practice helps you to clear and open your mind only. You still need to understand the scripture to make real progress.
  10. Book study leading to mastery

    My personal experience is YES. Ten years ago, I tried meditation persistently, besides getting some good feelings, I got nothing. As soon as I stop daily meditation, everything went back to what they were. One year ago, I started asking why, then I read a lot of books including Dao De Jing and some Buddhist scriptures. I think deeply. But I rarely meditate, if not never. Now waves after waves of realization hit me. I have got my third eye open, confirmed by an advanced Taoist Alchemy Sifu. I have seen demons. I have my Kundalini going stronger and stronger. Maybe reading and thinking is not for everyone, but it works for me. I have a rather strong science and logical mind. P.S., to avoid misleading people, practice did play a role in my progress. Early last year, after a few months of reading and thinking, I got my Micro Cosmic Orbit opened rather quickly following Mantak Chia's Testical Breathing. After that, the flow of chi and wisdom start to flow stronger and stronger, without doing any practice on regular basis.
  11. I think it is okay to go. It seems to be scary at first. But when you go down, it should turn out to be good. I can sit on the bottom of my subconsciousness after clearing up Dukkha and be fully aware. But when I started, it was scary, but eventually I found my way down. I believe when you can consciously go into your unconsciousness, you can control your physical body. This is probably how the physical healing works. For now I can only consciously go into my subconsciousness to control my emotions or psychology. I can lie without triggering a lie detector. LOL So I might be lying here. LOL
  12. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Hi You are right, but we are here to help Under no to go up, but to go down, back to the illusion of duality and Dukkha.
  13. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Motivational lectures and Reverse Psychology use emotions to get results. It will not help to bring back emotions. I believe his emotions have already come back. It needs to build itself to be a bigger Pain Body, borrowing Echard Tolle's term here. He just needs a little confirmation to push him a bit further, to let go his anxiety, so that he can step further into life to get more pain. Have you guys realized how much your happiness is based on the suffering of the past? If you are not hungry, can you appreciate the happiness of eating? Under wants his human emotions to come back. All human emotions are based on pain or suffering. This layer of human emotions are what Buddhism is trying to eliminate by giving it all kinds of names. Taoism just says you have look through them.
  14. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Congratulations Under, your feeling being abused by someone online is actually your emotion. They are coming back. Because most of human emotions are based on negativity, like hatred, sadness and deprivation, the first to come is always negative. When you have enough negative emotions, happiness will start to grow out of them. Welcome to this world of emotions you have missed, where negative emotions rules. Happiness is just a temporary escape from negative emotions. We are fighting our way out of this junk yard, and you are diving in. Enjoy it! Just don't be surprised to find yourself overwhelmed by all the dark horror. You need them to appreciate the lack of them, which is happiness. Pathetic as it looks, but this is the reality of human world.
  15. mystical poetry thread

    Here is mine: Saint and Wisdom Saints are signposts sticking from gigantic boulder underground. Wisdoms are specks of dirt fallen from ascending boots on the stairway to heaven. The saint you see is not what you believe. The wisdom you believe is not what you hear. The ascending casts a shadow you see as saint, He leaves an echo you hear as wisdom, Until he climbs higher and higher, Out from the top of this world.
  16. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    It could be right, but the web site did not provide a solution. I guess the solution is still what me and everyone else have been suggesting. In my understanding, the lost of soul is the disconnection between your present self and your original self where you started two years ago.
  17. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Exactly, I wasn't very clear in my writing. The lust is not a good thing. It tortures you when you can not have sex. The interest in sex remains. In other words, when sex is not available, you don't miss it, but when it is available right there on spot, you have all you need for sex, and you have great sex! Without troublesome emotions, you can even choose to withhold your ejaculation and draw up all your energy up to your brain. This way, sex is no longer an exhausting activity, in stead, it empowers you. This is all the sexual dual cultivation is about.
  18. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    The brain is dynamic. The disconnection is not physical or permanent. Through practice, you can sever or connect connections. People like me have gained emotionless state by consciously disconnect some connections. Binaural Beat tricked your brain to disconnect in a way that you have not learn how to control. Your job now is to find a way through your practice to re-connect them. This is not the end of world. Even if someone drive a nail into your head and physically severed something, your brain can find a way around it. When working with brain, the trick is to just know that you want something back, then move your mental focus away from it. You will get it when time is right. This is an entry level trick in Taoist meditation probably you have never paid attention to. Now you should take time to learn what you have missed in the first place so that you won't fall into the same pit again. Just start live your life now, stop worrying about emotions. It will come when time is right. Ramana Marhashi said, what will come will come, what will not come will not come. Your worry will not help. It only slows down the process.
  19. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    I totally agree. Do not do anything that claims MAY bring you back. They MAY also push you further away. If you lose the will to come online for help, you are totally lost. You are now dancing on a fine line here. You need your life back, you just have go to where there is abundant life, which is people. Get involved, even you feel numb, just do it. Walking and talking to people is safe. At least it will not push you further down. Watch even play with kids will help more. Time will cure everything. You have unfortunately severed some connections in your brain through your ignorance. Don't repeat that error again! Take this time, learn science and logic, build the structure of sound logic in your brain so that you can better chose what is right and wrong yourself. Without logic, you are literally at the mercy at the unknown. Don't miss sex. I have figured out sex for common people is mostly the pleasure of dumping frustration in life in addition to pumping some energy up to brain while losing ton of it through ejaculation. I have minimal frustration from life now, I have lost a large part of sex drive which is basically venting of frustration. I am so happy to reach this stage. Remember, sex is bad for men because you lose your precious Jing.
  20. Scientific survey of enlightened people

    Thanks Otis. I wanted to point out the limitations of the surveyor and some of views of the subjects. Then I realized everyone is correct in their own right. If I say they are wrong, them I become one of them Hesitated, but still, here are my comments. They are just my personal view from my standpoint. This is a disclaimer. LOL First, the survey is from the researcher who has not consciously experienced PNSE. So what he saw are all from his point of view. I, am now at somewhere between Location 2 and 3, see a lot more than he can see, even from his paper. I can see his limitations and biases. It is like seeing through a one-sided mirror/glass. What you see depends on where you are. I guess for people at Location 4, they will say there is no differentiation between see and not see. Therefore my comment is invalid for them. Second, due to comment one, people outside PNSE will believe the research is valid and informative. They may have an impression that being in PNSE is some kind of madness, because our refusal to return and our pleasure we experience are non-existent to them, therefore they mentally refuse to believe. Three, I notices some people got into PNSE through a lots of external help. They go in, have faith in whatever religion, god or master they believe in. But when they drop out of it, if they are not in the right mental state to get external help, or the external help is not available, they can not go back in. Also, those people does not want to stay in PNSE have a fear that they don't know how it comes. The insecurity makes them to bail out. For those who have followed a solid self-reliant path to PNSE, I believe, they will enjoy and stay. Fourth, the paper did not mention the wisdom and world view that PNSE achieves. The reason is that to common people, the wisdoms and world views are either too plain in their eyes, or totally imaginary. Therefore they are of no importance to the research. Also, people followed different paths to achieve PNSE will give totally different wisdom and world views, which add to the difficulty of studying them. For those people who accidentally fell into PNSE, it is even worse, because their wisdom and world view may not have a sound connection to the world we started from. Another reason that wisdom and world view were not covered is because people in PNSE may not care for wisdom and world view. They just enjoy staying there and go with the flow. Only people with deep rooted desire to explore and understand will be willing to provide their wisdom and world view. But due to the frustration caused in trying to communicate with common people, these group of people tend to tell less and less in non-PNSE language. Again, I am at between Location 2 and 3. This is my personal view, expressed in non-PNSE language. If my writing is from my proper heart, everyone should understand them to some degree without revulsion. My 2 cents and thanks you guys.
  21. Yourself Wherever you look, you see yourself, because you are looking for yourself. Whatever you get, you get yourself, because there is only yourself to get. You know nothing, but yourself. Other people is forever a mystery. Because what you see in other people, is only a reflection of what you have. Things they have in extra, You will not be able to see, Because they never existed in you, and you never know they ever exist, therefore you will not look for them. Even they stand in front of your eyes, You don’t recognize them. You see what you want to see, You see what you are. Guilt Guilt is what you feel for yourself. Sympathy and passion are the same. You can call all of them selfishness. But you have no other choice. The mundane selfishness is stupidity, By not giving, they never get and end up with less. So give. Past and Future The past is determined, The future is unknown. We are forever standing on this precipice, Yet unable to fall, Because the future rise to embrace us as we move, With Dao Talk The moment you start talking, You are wrong. Try to remain silent, You are wrong too. Whatever you do is right. Whatever you do is wrong. There is no right and wrong. It is all what you see. Stop seeing, stop thinking, You avoid being right and being wrong, This is the proper way to go. This is Dao. Walk With desire, there is action. Without desire, there will be no achievements. Ride desire to go forward, Abandon desire to reach goal. There is no goal to achieve, There is no path to follow. The moment you see the goal, It is lost. The moment you step on the path,It disappears.
  22. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Hi Under, I joined this forum to share with you my 2 cent. The state you are in is not wrong. You simply got into it in a wrong time and wrong way, driven by your ignorance and greed. In advanced Taoism Alchemy, there is a state called "Walking Dead". This stage lasts a couple years. I know there is a guy who got into this stage after enlightenment with self-directed practice. Eventually, everyone gets out of it when the time comes. For "Walking Deads" who spent 10 or 20 years to reach this state, they know very well where they were from, which is a plus, but the minus for them is that they lose the will to get emotions back too because they have already seen that the "normal" life is a delusion and is full of suffering. You need to find your way back to where you started so that you can experience the delusion and suffering before you can appreciate this state. In other words, you have to make up what you have skipped, like in school education. You have lost some time by this downturn, but time is a delusion too. You have gained experience, learned in a hard way that ignorance and greed are bad. If you see this, with these two big demons out of way, you will find your way to home faster. It might be a good idea to go outside more, be in nature. Run as other people suggested, and walk. Particularly, I suggest you go to the playground in parks and sit down and watch kids play. Their pure life energy will gradually bring up the love in you. Don't worry about the twitching in your muscles. They will go away. Be peaceful, be patient.
  23. Hello everyone, It is nice to find a lot of like minded people here so that I know I am not alone and I am not crazy Everything started with me about a year ago. I believe I have following a path that is self-directed based on my science and logical background. A year ago, when talking with a close friend about people's sufferings, it was mentioned that all truth is relative, and we all live within boundaries and we have to deal with boundaries. All of sudden, something snapped in my mind, I went crazy for 30 minutes, literally. In the following two days, I slept and ate minimum. My mind was racing in ways it never happened before. I wrote pages after pages of reflections and insights on all kinds of subjects. I felt a gate was open for me. I am in a new world. Then I quiet down a bit and got busy with life. Six months later, I came a cross a book on Chinese Traditional Medicine. It talked about Taoism philosophy. It started to dawn on me, that all the questions I have found in the field of science and logic which can not be satisfactorily answered seem to be answered by Taoism. Still doubting, I started my lab experience, picked an interesting and harmless cultivation practice, which is Testicle Breathing. Within 30 minutes, I got the crawling sensations under the skin of my underside. I said WOW. Within three weeks, my Micro Cosmic Orbit was opened. I ate a little, sleep 4 hours a day and felt fantastic. Buddhism call it to prove. I have proven to myself that Taoism cultivation works. Then I plunge into Taoism then Buddhism. It was like discovering a new continent to me. I have read a lot of books of these two religion many years ago, but could never make any head or tail out of it. Now everything start to take shape and fit together in my head. Now I am at plebeian's stage. His writing Enlightenment Is An Exclusive Destination is exactly what I feel, word by word. I have done minimum meditation and Taoism cultivation beside Testicle Breathing. But those limited meditation and cultivation gave me good results. I have been careful enough NOT to read about the effect certain meditation and cultivation gets, so that the result I get is not biased. All effects I got matches the documented effect when I checked afterwards. This makes me a believer in addition to my logical pursuit through readings. Most of my time have been spend on reading and thinking. Now I see I can sit down do a bit more meditation and cultivation. I see everyone has a different path. I am happy to say that I like my path, which grounded, progressive and careful. I am not looking for effects or states. I just follow my exploring mind to figure out the unknown. I don't care where I end up. I enjoy the process. That is all. Thanks.
  24. DON'T DO IT, when your penis says yes

    OP makes sense in asking this question. We know we feel good when we do it right, but when we get horny, we lose our mind. I found out three things in three stages to help me to get rid of horniness. Now I am no longer bothered by it. But still, I get big hardons at midnight and in the morning. Of course with a good woman, my hardon comes for sure. The hardon is peacefully pleasant and does not carry the blades of horniness. In the very beginning, I used Mantak Chia's Lock, the one with one breath and one big and long contraction of muscles. It effectively forced energy and fluids away from my genital area. I becomes instantaneously peaceful afterwards. I can watch porn, when feeling horny, do the Lock, then become peaceful. This is before I opened my Micro Cosmic Orbit. When Micro Cosmic Orbit was opened using Mantak Chia's Testicle Breathing, I needed the Lock less and less, because the energy accumulated down below are continuously channelled away. But I still get horny when I run into emotional issues, like frustrations. Then I realized it is the negative emotional energy needs a place to vent out. Then I worked on looking for the source of my emotional issues like doing psychotherapy to myself and eliminate them one by one from the deep down of my heart. When they are mostly gone, I lost my horniness. Hope it helps.