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Posts posted by Yascra

  1. Your post made me think of something important... being tested. I would trust someone more who was offered and/or tempted towards "the dark side" and who made their own decision to not go blow up villages, than someone who was just following what they are "supposed to do" or never had that challenge/option. Though I guess we are tested throughout life, then even more so once we start on any energetic paths.


    Hm, though it might raise more trust, and yes, some may pass this kind of test .. sure, to some degree that might or will happen.

    But getting into the mess due to not passing is then .. well, a sign of bad karma, isn't it?

    Doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. The point is that you have to recognize it as it is, and realize the fundamentals.


    Ouh, but I just notice I'm confused. Guess I'll better switch to PPF than further confusing others :blush:

    • Like 2

  2. That dragons can be quite kind beings, and they're singing reeeaally beautifully :)



    .. to get more into a flow. I've been used to spending time with extremely rigid and sometimes fundamentalist persons, so I enjoy that things are more relaxed here, and I would state that has a healing effect to me, at the moment.

    So ... to use that opportunity to let go of bad things :)


    More to come, I think, hehe :wub:

    • Like 5

  3. But I cannot criticize anyone for being what they are because I was highly ignorant in my youth and would have said some pretty bad things myself (I didn't even know what compassion meant) !



    Of course you can. If you've been an asshole and found that to be negative, what should be the problem to confront others with that?

    My reason not to do this in many cases is just that most assholes tend to be what they are because they like it, and they tend to react violently when you disturb them in their false views, so the only reasonable thing you can do in such cases is either really engage in fight and knock such a person down on some level, or conclude that obviously they don't deserve good advice as long as they won't listen anyway.


    So ... sorry, but your conclusion is cowardish and self-protective. Not daring to call an asshole an asshole just because you have been like that yourself is just a way to avoid the insight that you are not perfect and YOU have made mistakes. In this regard it's one side of the coin of arrogance.


    Concerning your friend - well, guess what. Suffering by having to see others mistreated or experience mistreatment yourself is one part of the karmic response of having mistreated others in a similar way before.

    Solve the problem on the root-level - and to some degree that means that you have to exercise discipline and avoid such negative-view-circles like this softy-I'm-so-nice-and-innocent-but-everybody-else-is-bad-and-poor-me-can't-do-anything-about-it approach in which you're dwelling in this thread here. It's your karma, so cope with it yourself, and just take the responsibility for it, and stop annoying others just because you "feel bad".


    By the way, it disgusts me that you abuse those poor beings you show in the pictures just to undermine your presentation of the fact that you feel bad.

    And actually, what those children need is food, medicine, and maybe a priest, and not some nice (wisdom-)"words". But of course, concerning rational thinking about something like this that's something one can obviously not expect from you if you "feel bad".


    First keep your shit for yourself, and work on your own behaviour.


    But well, actually one of the best ideas you might have if you want to go on without changing anything yourself might be to better ignore my post ;)

  4. Schools that lead nowhere and do nothing.




    Well, if you call most of the aspects of what Taoists, Confucianists and Buddhists consider signs of immortals, Great or Real Humans etc. "nowhere" and "nothing", that's actually not my problem ^^

    • Like 2

  5. Is that in the same kinda way that the xtians who come knocking at my door worry about me? :D


    Hmmhmm. I'm not a fan of Jehova's witnesses, you know, either of "Jesus Freaks", as both of them hold extreme views, favour artificial rules and lack common sense to a higher or lesser degree.

    But ... in a materialistic world they might at least make some people think about things like after-life and other issues that can't be solved by exactly this materialism.


    So, their path and intentions might not be perfect, but concerning those of them who do their religious practices, at least they have a path, and although it's old-fashioned fundamentalism, large parts of it are still better than some modern-society-ethics, or, better to say, modern-society-lack-of-ethics. Some of those guys might really care more about you than most others would, and if just because it's part of their religious training to care about human beings.

    And be assured, a little bit back to topic, if one of those gets cursed, his or her faith will give them more "power" to cope with it than most of the I-don't-believe-in-magic-help-how-can-science-not-have-told-me-the-whole-story-Westerners who think of themselves as superior.

    So, in the end, "power", in a materialistic view of the world, tends to be relative ;)

    • Like 3

  6. I am for any practice which has been validated with medical doctors and scientists present.


    I am against any practice that hasn't.


    You know, there are schools existing who put emphasis on behaviour and general wordly impression of the person, actually most schools which I accept do. You don't even need medical doctors for that purpose, it's a good measuring stick, and if I would take you as an example for Mo Pai concerning this I'd hardly conclude this path is so great. You even lack the flexibility to detach far enough from your own position to be able to view your own sentences a little bit objectively, even with me repeating questions from different perspectives, at least that's my experience with you. Concerning this very visible part of your practice I'd really ask you what kind of meditation you guys do if these kind of abilities don't seem to increase in your system.

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  7. Yascra,Let's not play coy. If a biophysicist, a medical doctor, and the head of the mind science foundation stripping a guy to a shirt, checking him for metal and watching him power an LED with chi isn't enough to convince you, then nothing short of the academic, scientific, and medical communities changing their opinion on the matter would.

    well, but it is not about the system, right? As you say.

    A request towards you, personally, to demonstrate to proove your qualification and power of your practice, is about YOU.



    if you don't wanna do it, be honest enough to say so, and don't accuse others due to maybe unfriendly reactions you assume to happen, without even having tested that.

  8. Ok, C T, if you think the topic fits here - okay.

    So in how many cultures do you think some Tibetan "Rinpoche" is asked to search for his root guru?

    Actually Tibetan buddhism might not be the system that suits him best, did you ever think about that?

    Maybe his ideal teacher might be some orthodox Russian - well, do those guys really explore those religions and get the possibility to learn something that DOESN'T fit expectations of anyone from his own culture?


    Let's be honest about it - this boy lacks power, AND he is not realizing his own nature. He is serving as a political person due to politic reasons, and he has simply arranged himself with this kind of cage, finally.

    He doesn't teach out of compassion or the intense need to improve other's practice .. But because it is his JOB.

    I'm happy to see that he has become less destroyed and troubled, finally. But honestly .. Lacking faith into a religion of which your first impression was that it's monks sexually abused you as a youngster is not a sign of lack of "true faith", but a sign for common sense. A common sense most people tend to give up when blindly entering a religion they don't know as well as the one they've grown up with.


    And actually large parts of guru-yoga as it's practiced nowadays IS in fact highly problematic.


    A good FRIEND might help you to develop your own power. Someone who regards himself as you boss/master and wants to keep that role never will. And this again.. For good reason.

  9. I do not believe anything I could record even if my abilities exceeded JC's would convince you of anything, nor anyone else here.

    Excuse me, but why shouldn't it?

    That's not to say I'd agree that you should first demonstrate anything before making claims on effectiveness. It's up to everybody themselves whether they want to show anything - the only situation in which demonstration of one's powers and attainments should take place, in my opinion, is when you want to teach someone, who otherwise wouldn't have good reason to invest time, maybe money and effort into this system. Personally I don't think you're accumulating students here, so requesting you to demonstrate is inappropriate, at least that's how I see that.


    But .. Non-believing by every possible reader/watcher is really a bad excuse in this place here, if you would honestly take a look on the whole instead of focussing on some people you might consider opponents.

    If you don't want to demonstrate publicly that might be your decision, or maybe part of you personal ethics - but take the responsibility yourself and don't blame your imagined "99% of the board" for it. It's up to you, not more, not less. Point.

    And to be honest, I doubt that C T is requesting you to instruct him, so in your place I'd prefer to not go into that over here.


    All the best

  10. There is an intended outer or surface meaning in what I wrote, and the words and sentences were chosen so as to try to convey that certain surface meaning, but the surface meaning was written with the intention of pointing towards a 'deeper' meaning in regards to a personal experiential state which I wanted to try to express, but which I think just can't be directly expressed very well at all in words and sentences without causing misunderstanding at least to some degree.


    Boy, what's so important about being understood by anyone..? :D

    Just let go..


    I think if you don't aim to discuss, anyway, maybe this would be a topic for a personal practice journal rather than public forum?


    But as it is a general discussion at the moment:


    Grasping is not dao

    Clinging is not dao

    Controlling is not dao

    Aggrandizement is not dao

    Desiring is not dao

    Selfishness is not dao

    Manipulating is not dao

    Forcing is not dao

    Harming is not dao

    Compressing is not dao

    Expanding is not dao

    Circulating is not dao

    Spiraling is not dao

    Pursuing is not dao

    Following is not dao

    Seeking is not dao

    Assuming is not dao

    Distinguishing is not dao

    Conceptualization is not dao

    Knowing is not dao

    It is not dao


    What EXACTLY makes you so sure about that? ;)


    Best wishes


  11. It is very, very poor that you lie about such things just because you enjoy splitting people.


    But you know .. and I'm just making this clear for other participants writing and reading here .. openly admitting that you've been lying all the time, and then even being proud about that .. well, speaks for itself, right.

    I seriously hope others will be able to draw their conclusions as well. It is bad to consciously decide to do wrong things. And you know about it. If you know ANYTHING more than the quotes from your weak idol, you'll have read some of the stuff telling you about karmic recompense for some of the things you're doing here.

    I personally don't care whether you regret anything or not. Pay for it is something you'll do anyway.


    Not that this was my decision. It's just how things work in the real world.


    I'd advice you to make more careful decisions in the future.

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  12. These are just fictitious stories.




    I wasn't aware that you're really making up topics about things you yourself consider "fictious".

    I for my part am not talking about theory and fantastic stories.

    So what about rainbow body, is that also fiction to you?


    I pity you, dear, but I'm afraid noone's gonna be able to help you unless you really start practicing and experience that some things you might consider fantasy are very, very real.


    But, well, if fiction is your basis for discussing these topics, I think I'm out of here.


    All the best anyway

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