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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. The perfect weapon

    There are a couple of mistakes with the simulations in that article. One is that people who are 'cured' can still test positive for the virus afterwards, and can still infect others. The second one is that a person who has healed can get infected a second and third time, and those seem to be more severe. These point to a possible scenario where the disease just keeps going around and around, over and over, till it hits everyone once, twice, three strikes, we're out.
  2. Maybe because I have a good idea about what's going to happen, because I could have done more to prepare, and it's a little bit stressful. Maybe because it's the year of the metal rat.
  3. Ya, next time I put him or others on ignore I won't announce it.
  4. I didn't know about that source, but we sure see a lot of it on this forum, if you like understatements.
  5. I will, but the 'H' is right next to the 'J', and sometimes accidents happen. Reach for the stars has a nice ring to it. My name comes from the other side, but it can also mean jumping over stars or into the center of stars. From the orbiting Chandra X-Ray observatory - click the image to get the big picture.
  6. The perfect weapon

    Ten thousand new cases in one day today, If I look into my crystal ball and get a calculator out, that means in one week there will be 40,000 new cases in one day. In one month there may be 120,000 new cases in one day.
  7. I didn't put you on ignore yet, maybe I was a little hasty there. For a bit there you were starting to smell like that idiot Ilumaren, but you are different, being able to read, and slightly entertaining.
  8. Give it some time Fartsniffer
  9. The perfect weapon

    Phoenix, Arizona has a lot of 5G towers all over the place. My wife went there for a month to visit her daughter, and when she came back her health had really been hit badly for no evident reason. Now she is back to normal. Here there are no smart meters, no wifi, and no cellular signal in this high mountain valley.
  10. I saw some of the things he had written which were quoted by others, and decided to give him another chance, you fucking idiot. You're one of those morons who assumes the worst and likes to spray their shit across the screen, so now you are going on ignore, and it's a good thing, because people hardly ever quote your drivel.
  11. The perfect weapon

    I agree 100%, that higher education, mainly for women, and unstigmatized access to birth control are the most ethical. It made me realize I did not state the question well. I should have worded it, what is the most ethical, effective, and practical. The methods you mention are ethical, and that angle has been known and worked on for a long time, but as we can see, they are not effective in a lot of the world due to economic structure, religion, and culture. So now the question is changed to what is most ethical given that it also be effective and practical. Of course you know what I'm getting at, i think the answer is viruses. I really am curious to hear about something that could be better ... for population control = ) Maybe not, because it is easy to hide the source, until 25 years later, the 'truth' comes out, after history has been rewritten, when it's too late. Concerning removing the older people, it accomplishes several purposes. As you know, due to birth rates, the population is said to be 'top heavy', with too many older people being a burden on society, which does not have enough workers to support them, and of course, OUR social security money was already stolen long ago.
  12. I just put the eeejit, HeartBrake, on ignore. The ignore function is working pretty well for me these days, and the list is growing. Ralis got himself removed from the list due to good behavior.
  13. The perfect weapon

    Who needs toilet paper when you can use dryer sheets instead. Smell like Lavender, no more butt static cling, and no wrinkles.

    Wow! I remember Mr. MahaLingam, and his unique way of expressing himself. I can't believe I've been on this forum for fifteen years. Secrets to getting more blow jobs revealed! RON JEREMY replied to sean's topic in The Rabbit Hole HEY I LIKE HANDJOBS BETER THAN BLOWJOBS, HOW DO YA GET MORE HANDJOBS THEN??? JUST *WONDERRIN*!!! RJ Orgasm RON JEREMY replied to thelerner's topic in General Discussion SO NOW YA DELETE MINE POSTS. BAKSTABIN BE CUM-TAGIOUS HUH?? APPOLIGISE IMMEDIATELY OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS ALL PLACE STINK LIKE PUSYBLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AARRGGHH!!! HeartBrake should take notes.
  15. As if? He is a good judge. He can spot an eeejit a mile away.
  16. What are you listening to?

    Sometimes a good chi kung music
  17. Lao Tzu sez: "Shit storms do not last all day, and he will go away"
  18. Poor things, can't help themselves. Who wants to miss the chance to practice some witty repartee, not me. Plus it serves the dual purpose of entertaining some, while annoying and insulting some of the other 'stick in the mud' eeejits. It gets old rather quickly though.
  19. Earl Grey, now you have the permission you seek. If he isn't white or Asian, he must be Worm, correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. That woman only teaches verbal bullshit, the path to enlightenment is via silence. Have you ever heard of meditation?
  21. I couldn't possibly finish that course. You don't know who you're talking to, child. Speaking of child, aren't you a little too old to be lusting after the young ladies you posted, or is that due to watching a lot of porn?