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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    It seems they throw the best parties.

    The real thing can take out a seasoned fighter in one second, with one move.
  3. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Once, some fundamentalist Buddhist idiot talked me into chanting Nam Yoho Renge Kyo. That was after I had been doing my chi kung for awhile. I did the chanting for a minute or so and felt like I could hear hundreds of immortals, from one end of hell to the other (heaven) laughing at me. Maybe that's how some people who worked with Jeff feel?
  4. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I only worked with him once, and I have no idea if he's a master or not, and what does it matter anyway. Or does everyone think a master is supposed to be 'safe'? One thing is clear, he is good at scanning people's energy from far away, and that's what he offers. The busty blond thing, and hugging a guy while imaging a hot girl were a little too kinky for me. That is all.
  5. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    No, now it's too hot and sunny But ya, I may get off my ass now, no guarantee ... but wait ... first

    Wow, he's a lord too! ... and wears costumes! Do you think he's actually serious? I'm sure Scholar wasn't serious, it was pretty good humor.
  7. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You're friggin' blind as a bat. I was asking for feedback on pricing a video I'm working on, and I wanted it sooner rather than later. You may continue with your stupid projections about me. You know, your projections show something about your soul. Ya'll can continue with your stupid projections about the situation at hand too, it shows some souls in turmoil.
  8. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    It looks like you come from a land far far away, where all the cultivators and adepts are sweet talking smiley guys who wear tai chi costumes. Here in the real world, Lao Tzu said that true words are not pretty. Real people may not act pretty for your benefit either. In fact you say lots of slithery scummy things, in a more or less passive aggressive manner. Sweet talking smiley guys and passive aggressive behavior. Maybe you would prefer going back to your dreamland, far, far, away? I'm somewhat empathic and can feel your energy, it makes me feel a little ill, if you catch my drift. No doubt real men make you sick too, therefore I assume you're another Dumbocrat.
  9. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Maybe all you losers can take a break from shitting on each other long enough to answer my question in the Black Dragon videos thread - THANK YOU
  10. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Only the sages care to look at both sides of the coin. I notice often here that the criers ignore or do not answer important key points the other side makes, in order to make points for 'their' side, hopefully to influence lurkers, I guess.
  11. What about Left Wing hate?
  12. Xing and Ming cultivation

    My experiences with smelling energy have to do with smelling sick energy. It happened some times during the sitting meditation part of my chi kung classes, in which people will give off sick energy as part of their healing. It smells like a bad fart, but on checking later, nobody farted. My chi kung teacher's wife once commented that she could smell the sick energy from my liver when we were in our sitting meditations at his place, back when I was taking some medicine that was hard on the liver, and it was clear she had a strong dislike of it. Concerning the sound, I have noticed that the tone of the ringing increases in pitch the more I turn my hands facing palm up, meaning more energy is higher up in my body.
  13. Hi There

    Here, try this one. Most of the real woowoo stuff is unfindable, and what is findable requires some years of sucking up to a teacher before they show you some good methods. This is not a 'good' method, but it's fine for a beginner to check things out. I am also a scientist/engineer/designer type and I looked into physics explanations of supernatural abilities and they just aren't there,. In fact since I know enough about physics, I know that some of the things I can do break the laws of physics. The known laws. I've been told that special abilities are 'beyond' the realm of physics laws. Whatever. My main interests now are to see where the cultivation of chi power may lead. Keep in mind that a lot of people who claim to know about chi power as it relates to special abilities are clueless.
  14. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Lower myself, means to respond in kind to attacks from people with ego problems. This does not interfere with any connections to 'upstairs." I suppose you are aware of how some immortals talk to some people with ego problems, so I am following good examples. The question is: Are these mortals worth talking to? Hardly, but it can be good for occasional shits and giggles for a loner hermit on a mountain who has to put up with lots of BS ... and ... who has internet ... and it's raining like hell outside.
  15. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    As much as I tried, I couldn't lower myself to Li'l Pussy's level.
  16. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    That was my Nei kung teacher, the wizard. There was no speaking during practice but sometime we talked for hours before and after class. I had plenty of other teacher who offered spoken instructions. Therefore your memory, comment, and view were, and probably still are, untrue.
  17. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Thank you brother, it is good to see you back. Yes, some very powerful people have gotten pissed off about me being so lucky. The most powerful of them died because he tried screwing with me, but mainly for trying to mess with my guardian.
  18. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I don't care about Jeff nor know what he is really up to, but I got a message from upstairs to stay away after first contact. You made up plenty of stuff about me, indicating either your memory or your ego is warped. After all, I suppose those things go together I looked all over this thread to copy your comment about your having a bigger dick than I, but it appears that you hid it. In any case, I think Jeff was on to something in regards to that. I don't recall running across a woman before who played the 'bigger dick' game, and I won't be starting any time soon. Some of your other posts reveal this trait in you. Have a nice ass day now. Darlin'
  19. Working Meditation

    I agree, abdominal breathing is the 'way' to live, no matter what, I don't see it as anything particularly special about chi kung though, it should be an underlying background activity in all things.
  20. Working Meditation

    I've heard of other people who have been doing it wrong for forty years. Your tai chi stinks. You move like an old fashioned robot with a telephone pole up its ass. Your concepts of what chi kung is really about and what it's higher levels consist of is kindergarten level. You have been taught wrong. The fact that you are teaching your bullshit means you are teaching lies. Those who teach lies are my enemy. Your tai chi 'body' in not so special, I have a nei kung/wizard's body, and I can whoop your ass with one hand behind my back.
  21. Working Meditation

    Don't listen to Return Dragon, it appears he's got everything backwards. For working meditation all you have to do is focus on your work, but it must be some physical activity rather than mental work. What makes it a meditation is the requirement for not thinking about anything, rather just focus on what your body/hands are doing, which is exactly the same definition used in sitting, standing, and moving meditations.
  22. When I was in high school, my dad told me that education is equated with freedom, which should be self evident to mature people. At that time the United States had the highest quality education system in the world, with the most literate population, which made me proud to be an American. Ever since then, much to my dismay, I have witnessed the education quality in the US plummet downwards so that now the level of education (and freedom) is very low. And yet the uneducated young people do not know it because they were born into it and born into a land of misinformation, in which they think they are so smart, that they know it all, and that they live in a great time. They think that superficially, but the suicide rates tell a different story. This is the background of the level of interaction we are seeing on this forum.
  23. I don't see how this will get better any time soon, for several reasons. One of the reasons is due to social engineering, which results in what I call the 'Great Stupidification and Infantilization.' Part of 'the plan' is to increase immaturity in society as much as possible. I know why it is being done, but that doesn't apply here. Some of these things that I have noticed in society, due to my age, are things that others will likely label as conspiracy theory. In fact the term conspiracy theory was created by the FBI as a pre-emptive strike to discredit those who have a good idea about what is going on, in the minds of the 'normals'. There is another aspect, and that is the creation of division, which is part of the divide and conquer plan. Society is being divided in every way possible, religious, gender, race, political, age, financial, and others I won't list right now. In other words, the Immaturity, linked with divisiveness, and political correctness (another form of divisiveness designed to eliminate truth) all work together to create infantile strife in as many ways as possible. Another aspect is that internet relations are all very yang. There is only the written, mental, influence, unaltered by the yinning effect of eye to eye contact and body language. Then, to make things worse, as it applies to this forum, there is no moderation, and a lot of the more mature, well grounded, people here were forced out or left in disgust recently, leaving a majority of immature, divisive, cry baby types. In other words, as it stands now I don't think it will change or that appeals for maturity will have any effect.
  24. Mo Pai is Bullshit

    Mo Pai is Bullshit