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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    No worries, I consider you a brother. I just never was much of a joker arounder, maybe too simple for it. A few book stores have ordered it, maybe one could order one for you. i could send you a PDF copy.
  2. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    (BTW, I edited to add books to the quote) Not really, I have one book on chi kung, Lam Kam Chuen's "Way of Energy", which I left in Seattle ten years ago, and DVDs of my teachers doing chi kung, which I brought with me. You gotta cater to the masses to make a buck, ya know, and the sale of books and videos adds around $100 to my monthly income, which helps quite a lot. Plus, it's a way for a hermit living in the wilderness to 'reach' people. The big question is if it's worth the bother, sometimes I think not. ... plus, my master said I should teach, and he also said to never teach for free.
  3. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    A donkey with a load of holy books is still a donkey. ~ Sufi saying A pig with a load of chi kung books and/or videos is still a pig. ~ Taoist correlate
  4. How/why does qigong work?

    What can be dangerous is powerful methods. Anything powerful will always be potentially dangerous. Concerning 'deserving', in my view, that depends on past life work, pureness of heart, and how much effort a person is willing to make. Buying books and videos is insufficient effort. If I do write a book about some of the basics and how to use them that will be more than enough, I'll leave out the more powerful and 'spiritual' applications of the methods.
  5. How/why does qigong work?

    How about the Lulu and Bookbaby marketing? It seems like Amazon has all the marketing.
  6. How/why does qigong work?

    That pretty much describes me, you fucking idiot.
  7. How/why does qigong work?

    Wow, you are WAY more clueless than I had earlier imagined. Astounding really. You can't read either. Can't read, can't think, can't see, can't drive, etc
  8. How/why does qigong work?

    This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read on the forum. Most of my teachers were geniuses. Maybe I was just lucky, or maybe the term master implies genius.
  9. How/why does qigong work?

    I started using Amazon for printing, but might look for a publisher for publish another one, or publish it as a greatly expanded second edition of the one I already have.
  10. How/why does qigong work?

    Earl Grey likes it because in an Akashic reading he told me he saw several books from me.
  11. How/why does qigong work?

    Well, If you knew this one particular fundamental secret about how chi kung and zhan zhuang really work it would transform your whole way of thinking about it, knowing about it, and doing it. You would also know in what way movements and postures are affecting another person's energy when you watch them. You would know what techniques are useful for which purpose and goal, and which ones are more or less useless for much of anything. I saw a post of yours a long time ago, saying you had read a book which mentioned one of the more important basic secrets of cultivation, or at least hinted at it. I know because you briefly described what it said. Then you said it was wrong - YAHAhahaha. Earlier I mentioned how some of these important basic principles are hidden in plain view, but this shows us another side of that coin, where people reject important information which is given to them because it doesn't match their fairlyland fantasies. Therefore this information is a secret kept from you, Rideforever. You are keeping it a secret from yourself. This is yet another motivation for not sharing important training tips that appear to be unknown. I imagine that some here would know about what I am referring to If I mentioned it, but I have never seen it mentioned on this forum in the ten years I've been here. In fact the question on this thread, about how moving your arms around works, is related to the knowledge that, in your great wisdom, you rejected. Earlier on I was thinking that such things should not be given away to the undeserving, but then when I saw your mention of having seen it in a book, it changed my views a little. The reason is I've been thinking of writing a book about some of these important but lesser known methods of cultivation, but the big question is how much to share and how well to explain it. For example, in the past I've dropped some hints about just the thing that this thread is supposed to be about, but there seems to be no interest in them or insightful questions about it. I'm sure if I explained it in detail a lot of people would experience a big Aha! moment of realization ... and no doubt many others here would piss on it. So the question I'm working on is if I should write a book about some of the more important principles, and if so, how much I should reveal. I know some knowledgeable people, like Jerry Johnson, have supposedly written about some deep, previously unknown, stuff, but I think I saw others say that it doesn't include some key information, or basics, if you wish. I know the Chinese in general have 'lost' it, and those Chinese who know will never tell the public, so it seems to be up to a few of us lucky gringos to tell it like it is, but since I'm a traditionalist I don't know if that is the right thing to do. What do you all think? ... Wait, I know what some of you think, you think there are no secrets and you know it all or else you want someone to give it to you for free while you sit in your living room eating pop corn.
  12. Levitation and possibly flight?

    you can see the clubs tab here, I checked your profile and saw it there too
  13. How/why does qigong work?

    I have had similar experience, and know the feeling. Luckily the guy revealed his true nature and saved me from giving anything away. I can see he prefers new age fairyland bullshit, so that's great, let him continue to roll around in that with his like minded fellows.
  14. How/why does qigong work?

    You misunderstood, Grasshopper, sorry to have confused you, I have no fascination with you or your lineage, although I did fantasize that you were a cute lady due to your screen name. It's just that I won't share information with an unknown with no name, no face, and no story. I was interested in things like what kind of chi kung you do, but more than that, I was curious to know if you teach, and if you do what it is you teach. Also something important is if you do teach, do you just share with a couple of friends in your garage, or you are some kind of globe trotting money grubber. That would influence what kind of hints I would be willing to give. In any case, that door is closed now. We shall see. I'm so naive I actually thought you wanted an answer to your question.
  15. How/why does qigong work?

    Hi Alchemystical. I'm still going to write about this situation to answer your question about how moving the arms around in some ways affects your energy. I see it as a very basic and all important aspect of how chi kung works. Of course there are many other facets to how chi kung works, and it looks like the discussion may be getting a little out of hand. The question i'm concerned about is more specifically about the way certain movements accomplish what they do. In any case, i want to forewarn you that you will probably be disappointed in the answer I'll give in public here. However, if you are willing to write me a PM introducing yourself and what you are working on, then I'll be happy to give you some hints if you agree not to share them on the forum, and let me know ... are you a book writer? = )
  16. How/why does qigong work?

    Every practice does something, so people say it works. But something, or even anything, can make a person think they are on the path when in fact they are on a nice juicy detour. So the question becomes, is that something useful in the long run, or will it lead to a dead end and bad habbits. Notice word - dead. Your statement of chi following intent is like saying chi will go to wherever you focus on, and it does, congatulations. Passing out cigars all around. This is the kind of thing that is done in the MCO and other similar practices, where a person visualizes (or if more adnvanced, uses intent) to make energy flow around their bodies. Using intent with energy can be useful for some fighting applications, but still, I know from expereince that there is no need to focus on that, but rather focus on the intent of the physical movement itself. If a person practices a proper chi kung that is more than enough, and will net them more chi power for the fighting application too. Anyway, fighting applications doesn’t apply to energy cultivation via movement, so doesn’t belong in this thread. Using intent to direct chi is counterproductive to the goals of Zhan Zhuang, one of the main ones being cultivating chi power. Counterproductive. It’s like playing a video game while trying to do something else. As you know Xian Gong is one of the most powerful types of medical chi kung, and it’s grandmaster says that anyone who practices moving energy with visualization or intent must not do his practice, because it defeats the purpose of his powerful chi kung. Likewise, in my chi kung, which is also very powerful and is for cultivating chi power as fast and efficiently as possible, doing such visualizing or intent practices is forbidden and I will not teach anyone who does those things because it turns any powerful chi kung into a waste of time. Counterproductive. There isn’t anything that would piss off Mr. Yueng, who was a most powerful nei kung master, as much as telling him you tried moving energy in your body with your mind. Moving energy in your body with mind along with a breathing practice is worse. Where I come from, doing such things is considered a very fundamentalist approach. There are two ways that you can use intent to move energy that do not contradict the rules of good chi kung, but this thread isn’t about that. It’s about how moving your arms and body works with energy.
  17. How/why does qigong work?

    I was thinking about writing a post about just this kind of thing but there was no thread to discuss it on. Then by some marvelous stroke of synchronicity, you asked just the right question. I'll think about it for awhile and write it offline, then post it.
  18. How/why does qigong work?

    That doesn't really answer the question. The devil's in the details, and this doesn't explain the basic principle behind moving chi kung or Zhan Zhuang. It’s a secret. Well not really. Actually it is hidden in plain view, and it's astounding how everyone misses this basic principle, and how easy it is to hide things in plain view by telling people to look somewhere else.
  19. Levitation and possibly flight?

    On my profile I see a tab called 'Clubs', how do those work?
  20. Levitation and possibly flight?

    It would be nice if it was possible to create a personal section on here and only allow a few people, who are knowledgeable, friendly, and who are on similar paths, to see it and join in.
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Now there's a concept. I had to reflect on both sides of that coin for awhile, because most of the time I feel an unconditional love for people I see in real life. But here. They can be felt as living beings with spirits or as little thorns in the side. Feeling them as living beings, it's kind of sad about their karma. Feeling them as faceless no-name thorns hiding behind the silver screen, It's kind of gladdening to know about their karma. I guess on forums it's too easy to feel them as the later. Thank you for your advice. One thing is for sure, I can't teach them anything.
  22. The Mahāsiddha Field - My first novel

    Hi Dwai, your book was just delivered by my courier this afternoon, I picked it up in Vilcabamba just a little while ago. It's the second book I've gotten which was signed by the author, the first one was signed in person by my Yang tai chi teacher/grandfather, grandmaster Tchoung Ta Tchen, so you're in good company. I'm going to start on it this evening.
  23. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    That's actually the front door to our practice room, and it could be scary if shown when finished and seen by surprise in person. The cats don't like it. It's a Halloween mask I was working on, of a spirit entity that came to see me a long time ago, and there's no doubt it would scare a lot of people out of their skin to see it like I did. I originally had that picture taken to show an artist, a painter of dragons, who was interested in doing a painting of something realistic. What's amazing is the deep level of immaturity shown by those here who use it as an insult.