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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. Obama's birth certificate

    By private army of hired goons I'm also referring to companies like Blackwater and the attrocities that they commit. They hire a lot of poor people from other countries, people that are willing to take risks and follow orders because they are desperate for the money, but they get no benefits like real military retirees get. They aren't as accountable for their atrocities as the 'real' army is. The whole thing is an atrocity though, no matter who does it.
  2. Obama's birth certificate

    Yes, but the public is more likely to complain if their children are drafted into an unjust private war whereas if people are hired they lose that leverage.
  3. Obama's birth certificate

    The draft is a good idea as far as justice and accountability is concerned. When you have things like Bushit's private army of hired goons, used to fight his private war, financed by borrowing from China, then you have less accountability. Using a hired army allows them to commit atrocities that would be difficult to get away with if the army was drafted.
  4. Obama's birth certificate

    Definitely yes on both counts. Bushits the Bankrupter bankrupted every oil company his daddy gave him, he bankrupted the state of Texas while he was Governor, and it was in the green when he started, what did people think he would do to the country? Also they are NOT conservative. Conservative means fiscal and military restraint. Bushits the Bankrupter is the total opposite of fiscal and military restraint, everything he does is designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, and to drive the middle class into the poor section. Conservative has been changed to neo conservative, which really means Christian fundamentalist. They are dividing the country along religious lines, they are dividing the country on purpose, dividing, as in divide and conquer. The original people who came to America came here to get AWAY from the Christian fundamentalists, and they tried to set up a government to keep them from coming into power, with specific instructions to take up arms against them. Alas, the fundamentalist came and took over anyway. THEIR god, HAH! They probably planned this economic crash to hit when the Democrats were elected, so they could blame it on them, but as with everything else, everything Bushits does touches to shit. If there is justice in the world he and his cabinet will be tried for war crimes in a couple of years. They already bought land in Paraguay though, where they are protected from extradition, just in case.
  5. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    I didn't say I agreed with the attack on the biker bar, I was just sharing a graduation story because I had just read one. We can surmise that maybe the biker's karma DID invite what happened to them just as well as if it didn't, for those of us who like to pass judgments. I myself do not fight. What I think is cool is making people fall down without touching them. Barring that, what I think is cool is stealing people's balance and making them fall down. Of course they can be killed or maimed while this is being done but I'm not interested in that. Also, big bad martial artists used to come from around the country to try to punch my teacher, Dave, and the results were frequently hilarious, but his teacher, who was also my teacher, remained 'hidden' because he didn't want to bother with people like that. Dave also used to teach CIA, FBI, and special ops people. In the final analysis; I will repeat what I said earlier: All other things being equal, the most sensitive person will always prevail, and that is an obvious FACT. It's also an obvious fact that the internal arts train for sensitivity. I'll share a story about BJJ since people have been mentioning that. There was a BJJ master visiting my applications class to learn some of the internal techniqus (he said he had been learning tai chi to add to his BJJ) and I told him I had been debating with others about how a good tai chi person will always be able to slip out of a takedown attempt. He said it didn't matter because the tai chi tactics work just as well on the floor as they do standing. It seems to me that a good one inch palm strike against the ribs of a BJJ guy, while you are on the floor, would work to your advantage.
  6. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    Not joking at all. He's a well known name in PaKua, and his student is known too. I can't recall the names but I can get them, but then maybe I shouldn't. I know the student is African/American. At first I wanted to say the teacher was Pang but it wasn't him. The guy who told me used to practice with them. The guy who told me is a good friend who was a student, with me, of my chi kung teacher, but he dropped out of that. If somene ran off a list of well known PaKua people I would probably recognize the names.
  7. Is Chi Something You Can feel?

    Ya, well if I told you then it wouldn't be a secret anymore =) but I give away secrets and so... I call it dual motion sander chi kung, and it's a joke to call it chi kung. Grip a dual motion sander firmly in both hands and run it for about sixty seconds. As soon as you turn it off put it down quickly and open your hands and focus on the feeling. People who are numb to chi will need to focus quickly because the chi feeling in the hands will fade in a couple of seconds. This exercise is NOT good for people so don't do it too much.
  8. Is Chi Something You Can feel?

    Women feel chi more easily than men. Men with soft muscles feel chi more easily than men with hard muscles. If people have gotten rid of most of their sick chi and can feel it in their whole body then that is what produces the feeling of physical bliss. People with sick energy are the 'old grump' types. People with a lot of healthy energy are generally joyful, which is why young children are generally joyful. At least thats the way it was before the food supply was so poisonous. There is a secret exercise guaranteed to get even the most hard muscled jock to feel chi the first time - guaranteed.
  9. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    My teachers insist that a fight should only last one second, and that's how we make it work. There was a PaKua master who was in Seattle for awhile and for graduation day he and his #1 student went to a biker bar known for everyone having guns and thinking they are badasses. The teacher shoved three bikers standing around outside the door and when they went for him he handed them off to his student. The student used them to mop the sidewalk and graduated.
  10. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    All other things being equal, the most sensitive person will always prevail. The most sensitive are those who train in softness in the internal arts. Can you yield to four ounces of pressure no matter how fast it comes at you? Today I rejoined my applications class. One of the world's greatest applications experts, who was the teacher, who was the #1 adopted son of my chi kung teacher, passed away recently while I was gone in the mountains, but the senior student has taken up the teaching. He wanted me to palm strike his shoulder hard tonight but I didn't want to do it that hard so he showed me a palm strike against the door sill to demonstrate. Class is in a nice solid old wood three story school building. To show him I could do it plenty hard I did a one inch palm strike against the door sill and the building resounded with a nice boom =) Hurt my wrist like hell though. It's a small private class and most of the other students are so advanced in so many arts they are like high level masters themselves, and they are great teachers. MMA is full of rules to prevent you from really hurting the other person, which is like doing it wrong. There are sooo many ways to effortlessly kill and maim people that it is mind boggling. If you don't want to really hurt the other person but instead steal their balance and make them fall down that doesn't do any good in MMA because the bozo will just get up and come at you again. In real life the other would probably figure out right away that they better leave while they have a chance.
  11. En*light*enment

    The way I think about it is like this: When you gain more chi power it makes your aura bigger, and as you are able to tolerate more energy in your head (more on that later) the aura around your head becomes bigger and brighter. So to someone who can see auras it might look like this. Having more chi in your head makes you smarter, in a way, in a way. Having more chi in your head also makes you more emotional. Having more chi in your head can also make you crazy. So that begs the question: how much chi can you cultivate in your head and still act normal? ...and another question, who cares about acting normal anyway? I do, sometimes. Being well grounded, which is what the Taoist practices provide well that others don't, can allow you to cultivate more energy in your head without going too crazy. As the energy field of your head extends out further then your awareness or sensing ability also increases. So here you end up with someone who is smart, psychic, highly emotional, and a little bit crazy, which is why it is said that the sage is like a child. Their emotions are right on the surface and they are bright and strong emotions. They react strongly to things, overreact, possibly too. Luckily one of the dominant emotions is joy, but whether the emotion is good or bad, some sages will be able to hide them if they wish, if they are around strangers. In my system we do a lot of exercises that make the energy field around the head very large and bright, and we work on making the 'reach' of the energy beam that goes out the top of the head go far and wide. We also work on extending the reach of the third eye so it goes many feet in front of us. There is another aspect to chi cultivation which isn't shown in the above picture, and that is that in Taoism we also cultivate a lot of chi power in our bodies, it isn't all head focused. You build up a lot of chi power in your body and then that makes more chi available to send to your head. It also gives you a hair trigger explosive potential. More on that later. So is having a big aura around your head mean you have been enlightened? I don't think it is a direct correlation but they do seem to go hand in hand.
  12. What exactly is Enlightment

    So let me assure you that I'm not enlightened.
  13. Energy Healing and Self-Protection

    OK, great, now could you explain what that means and how it applies to energy healing and protection?
  14. What exactly is Enlightment

    My teacher put it to a couple of us student's like this: "What good is enlightenment? It doesn't make you any happier, any more friends, or any more money" I didn't answer. I think the big problem is that people confuse enlightenment experience with 'being' enlightened. The exalted states described of enlightenment do exist during an enlightenment experience but they are temporary. You could say that an enlightenment experience is like being totally yin. All things must be balanced and so it is absolutely impossible to maintain a state of complete yin indefinitely. It starts suddenly so one is aware of a major shift in awareness. It lasts for many hours to a day or longer and then fades away. All you are left with is a memory and a bunch of other things happen after you come out of it, when you try to make sense of what it was that happened. So I say that the experience ignites a major alchemical change in a person which may or may not lead to further progress, it depends on how grounded they are. While you are in that state the idea of making sense of anything is completely gone. There is also no concept of the difference between objective and subjective, words which I still do not understand. Also many people speak of enlightenment as some kind of realization but that, I feel, is an absolutely misleading statement because there is absolutely no realization in terms of realizing some kind of knowledge or ideas, it is a feeling. In other words, you don't realize you are one with all or that your 'self' has disappeared, you FEEL it. Also, the 'self' doesn't feel like it disappeared, it is your awareness of your mental process of identifying yourself that goes away. There is still full awareness of your body and your emotions on a feeling level. It's only the thinking mind that shuts it's yap for awhile. Therefore some say that when they stop thinking that it is enlightenment but that is wrong. The experience includes a feeling of emotional bliss which radiates to and affects others. So to be technical, I describe enlightenment as emotional bliss. There are two other kinds of bliss, physical bliss and mental bliss. So that is an enlightenment experience. It happens with a big boom, wonder of wonders, and then there is the big letdown at the end, just like with any drug. Then later it's only a memory of a memory, with dinosaur poo on it. There are some new agers (and Buddhists) who make big claims about there being a state of being continually enlightened, don't believe it. An enlightenment experience just prepares you to practice Te. Honesty. Self honesty. Is self honesty 'being' enlightened? Could be. The point I'm trying to make here is that you should not confuse the idea of being enlightened (as some kind of graduated state) with the 'experience' of enlightenment. It's all about definitions.
  15. Energy Healing and Self-Protection

    Here's a story about spiritual energy work and demons. I've been thinking about demons lately. Once upon a time, say about fifteen years ago at a Buddhist seminar, a nice American Ninja master met a nice lady who was very effective at ritual magic. He gave her some energy and later that evening she started to have a kundalini experience. I know this type of thing happens because often when I give some one energy they will feel it go to their head. Anyway, this lady felt the energy start to work it's way up her back and it had various nice effects including greatly aiding her posture and she said she got over an inch taller. After the energy had risen to or near her head she said she became aware that she had picked up one of the guy's demons. I can't recall but I think it was something about wolves. She was pissed about that, but then she appeared to be usually pissed about just about anything, so she stopped the process and therefore had a failed kundalini experience. So here's a question for you all, including you kunlun ones, would you have stayed with it or stopped it?
  16. Energy Healing and Self-Protection

    Could someone translate that into English please, thanks. I have pondered this before and it seems to me that it is very high levels of synchronicity and psychic ability that produce this level of protection, and these abilities go hand in hand with having cultivated high levels of Te, which comes from having cultivated high levels of clarity. =) However it seems to me that doesn't apply to energy healing, so how do you relate what is said in that chapter to energy healing. The way I look at it for myself is that I try to be transparent. I let the winds of fate blow right through me (I try =) and have no desire for shielding. I place my faith in the void. It is easy to have faith in a god or some such, but to have faith in 'whatever it is' requires a leap, or falling, into the abyss. As the winds of fate blow me about I yield and drift with them, not desiring that it be different, accepting. If something evil comes at me I just let it go right through and hopefully past me, giving it nothing to cling to. So much for philosophy. That doesn't apply to energy healing either. Some people speak of good or bad but I don't look for good or bad in things, only sick or healthy. It appears that people who do the shamanic healing are safe but perhaps not if they also cultivate chi. In my tradition we use our energy and therefore there is a reverse effectiveness ratio. You can build up high levels of power but it can be depleted. Therefore if you save it and only do healing work occasionally then you can give it a lot of power and it can be completely effective. If you do it too much you will get depleted and then effectiveness will be slight. Sick energy. My teacher taught in terms of sick energy, not good or bad. He could tell if we had any sick energy in our bodies because he could feel it. If he did healing work on someone it took him three days to get rid of the sick energy he picked up, and remember, he is one of the most powerful chi kung masters in the world. If someone this advanced can't protect himself from picking up sick energy then I don't think any chi healer can. I think the difference is that he is so clean and so sensitive that he can feel microscopic amounts of sick chi while those who say they don't get sick chi from others simply aren't sensitive enough or haven't been trained to feel it. Making positive 'belief' statements about not getting sick energy seems to me to be a self fooling technique, which I'm good at too =) (I mean good at fooling myself, not making positive statements ) There is one way my teacher told me about that chi healers have used to protect themselves from sick chi and that is by doing the healing work with the patient and the healer(s) on different sides of a wall. The healer has enough power to project energy through the wall (we train for this) but the sick chi isn't strong enough to get back through the wall.
  17. Starman returns

    Hi everyone, I finally got the house in the mountains ready to survive the winter. This is a picture of snow on the mountainside the morning after I finished putting the shingles on the roof, so I got it ready just in the nick of time, that is, if you call finishing the roof in heavy rain 'in time'. It's just nice to know that the unnerving sound of water pouring inside the house is over. Here's a picture of the house as it is so far, it's the first house I ever built. There will be a roof extension going around the gable ends but it isn't needed in order to survive the winter. Also I want to thank everyone for their advice with this Kunlun situation. I just want you all to know that it was due to me getting into the Halloween spirit and wanting to share it here More on that later, but I've been out in the mountains, alone, living in a tiny little 12 foot trailer for the last five months and had tons of time to think about 'what ifs'. Now I need to catch up on my business. I haven't returned a lot of calls and have missed a bunch of business.
  18. Energy Healing and Self-Protection

    Bumping this one up for later.
  19. Starman returns

    I listened and examined carefully and things were said, for example things in her report on the workshop, that could be subconscious signals that have serious implications. I decided not to point those out.
  20. Starman returns

    Thank you, I wish I was loving and non hateful like you. Not really, I've seen ALL the angles already. I just focused on one angle, warnings. Don't question my sincerity.
  21. Starman returns

    Hey thanks Satori, sorry for being so weak, I know posting a public apology is an act of cowardice. I wish I could be strong like you. When I return, which may be quite a while hence, we'll just forget kunlun ever happened and we can discuss nei kung, wizardry, energy healing, and cool stuff like that. By 'we' I don't mean you, Satori
  22. Starman returns

  23. Starman returns

    No, he is Jenny's student and he knows what he's talking about 1000%. Maybe you all should pay close attention to his opinions. ... and what about this demon cave. The choice of the word demon is interesting, isn't it? It's not part of real kunlun, like the transmissions aren't and many many other things aren't. And no one yet answered the question. How long did Max, who was with his Maoshan teacher for thirty years, study kunlun for? Hmmm? Please direct me to a link for demon cave or explain, thanks.
  24. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    Buddha was from the Warrior class in a ruler's family, and had extensive training in the martial arts, including the spiritual side of those arts, no doubt from high level masters. Martial/spiritual goes the farthest, I think, particularly for those that start at a young age.
  25. Starman returns

    Cameron, like I said earlier, the 'harm' that is done is on a level that some find difficult to grasp and in most cases makes little or no difference in a person's life, they can still practice and have spiritual experiences, they can still make love with their mate, they can still have a job. If you are fine with what may well have happened to your soul then there is NO problem, OK? It is a kind of cult, and cult leaders are like pedophiles in a way because they must isolate their followers from people who will try to protect them from this cult, and since so few know it is a cult there is no pressure from loved ones to leave it and therefore no isolation. It is a strange otherworldly type of cult you see. If I didn't know what was going on there would have been no isolation, but I do and so it feels like a Greek tragedy. My teacher is so psychic that it is like being omniscient. I was going to take him with me to check out Max but was out of town and didn't know when the seminar was. This is one way my teacher describes his psychic attainment. "It is like being tuned into a news radio station 24 hours a day, and 99% of the news is bad." I'm not at that level but having a wide open crown point causes you to know things and to see into the future, all very strange, and it's not all sweetness and light. The battle between good and evil stretches into other realms. I had NO idea what I was signing on for when I eagerly went to see the man who was Bruce Lee's primary teacher, but I just go for it, whatever may come. In fact lately I've been ramping up the energy in my head quite a lot. I answered a bit of that above but think I'll need to explain more.