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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. crack...

    Ahem, let me clarify this for everyone. If you think of religion as being like a Western Christian fundamentalist sect (nothing but childish beliefs) then Taoism isn't a religion. However, the definition of Taoist as a religion includes internal alchemy, and when I found this I was flabbergasted to learn I was doin' a religion. In fact one definition of a Taoist priest is someone who has massive quantities of energy going out the top of their head so I guess I'm a Taoist priest too. KIDDING! I was never ordained. I heard that the "church" aspect of Taoism sprang up as a countermove to the Buddhists churches that were being built and attracting the masses with the pretty red colors, and so the Taoist copied them, for the masses. That's a play on words there.
  2. meditation help

    Sykkelpump, your vision seems a little foggy, maybe you should take a dump or something. The MCO feels like a joke compared to how much energy I have in my hands and in my head when I practice. I hardly bother playing around with jokes, and people who make a big deal about "the joke" are jokes too, that's how I feel about it. My teacher said doin' the joke was stupid, and so it is, but if you like it go ahead. I tried it a little and felt a little but I have more important things to do with my practice time. Whoooopeeee, MCO, a thrill a minute. Doin' the joke is like teaching a dog to STAY and then if you want it to come to your aid it won't because it's staying. NEXT!
  3. Sarah Palin of The Tao

    Tea House
  4. crack...

    Your info appears to be a little outdated =) Edit: I just read the rest of the post, I see we agree.
  5. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    I guess, but putting a cork in it would be easier all around. I can't imagine how to correct such a thing as it's way outside my experience. I'm going to visit my teacher and discuss it with him. I have a different question for Mak Ti Sin, who would probably send me a fu, but the loved one would not accept it. My question for Mak is along the following lines: he said that gods are only good, but Lin said gods could be evil. People say that Lama Blunderturd has no worldly desires, but it looks to me like he is working at becoming a god, which would be an otherworldly desire, and he's using otherworldly powers to achieve it, as I'm aware of the recipe for making a god. I feel that Lin trumps Mak Ti Sin. So hearye hearye, all you folks who want to be touched on the head and have the quick easy path to the 'divine' better step right up and join Kunlun now, while it's still a ground floor opportunity, and procure your favors with the great boddhisatva (barfing emoticon goes here) before he becomes a god. Maybe if you cowtow he'll touch you again, just think, touched by a god. Hurry.
  6. AA

    LOL, here's some more: Starman vs. the vampires - Part 2 That was basically what happened that meeting, except that before I left, and after the two organizers met in a back room, the organizer came out to tell me that he wanted me to give a talk on chi kung. I wasn't looking for students, but I agreed to mainly because I wanted to talk about the differences between Reiki and chi kung healing. For the following three days after the meeting I was dog tired but I assumed it was because I was low on sleep. It's hard to appreciate how dense I really can be sometimes, because at other times when I'm low on sleep I don't get so tired. A time was arranged for about a month later. I left early so as not to be late to my own speech, and decided to take an alternate route to the meeting, which was way far away on the other side of the big city. It turns out there was a lot of traffic there, I assumed something incorrect about taking a different exit off the freeway, and the last segment was blocked to traffic and only police cars and ambulances were getting through, evidently some people had been playing bumper cars up ahead. I called the meeting to tell them the situation and that I would be late. I started to have a feeling that I shouldn't even go, but I backtracked, got back on the freeway, and took a different exit. In retrospect I think maybe some body upstairs was messin' with me again, but I'm superstitious like that. I finally arrived, about 11 or 13 =) minutes late for my own speech and got started. There were about twenty people there and everyone sat in chairs in a big circle around the edges of the room. The vampire, who I didn't yet know was a vampire, didn't sit in a chair. She sat on the floor near me. As part of my talk I went around the room passing my hand over theirs, so they could feel some chi. When I got to the vampire she said that her left hand had felt an attractive pull and her right hand had felt receiving, so I tried making pulling motions above her left hand and her hand rose up! I was using my right hand at the time. This was the first time I had experienced that type of thing, as I've worked a bit on pushing people with energy but not pulling. Later, near the end of my talk I demonstrated energy work I do on my students, which is more 'spiritual' rather than healing. A couple of times the person was amazed at some of the feelings, particularly during the gentle sparkly shower part at the end =) So then it was time to go. The vampire wanted to give me a goodbye hug (puking emoticon goes here) and I happened to have brought my big red insulated plastic mug of green tea along, which I was holding in my left hand, and so I only hugged her with my right side and arm, which seemed significant at the time but I didn't know why. I could have put both arms around her but just didn't want to. Right after that this very nice guy named John, who was working on doing distance healing was currently testing his long distance diagnostic abilities, came up to me to talk about it and so we agreed that he do a long distance diagnostic test on me later that night. John did good, he identified my thyroid nodules and then he said that my whole right side, the side I had hugged the vampire with, was totally depleted of energy. I still did not realize the lady was an energy vampire for a couple of days. I see this, John's diagnostic work, as a bit of helpful synchronicity There's more to this story, and remember, everything has it's good and it's bad side.
  7. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    Unfortunately I can't share the message because it was requested that I don't. It's weird, people send me all this juicy private info that paints an amazing picture, particularly when you add up all the different evidence, but then they ask me to not post it. I wonder why they send me this stuff? Why me? Maybe it's because they know instinctively that I'm a guardian I'll see if I can paraphrase the message that I got in order to shield the identity of the sender. The fact is though that any info will simply scroll down into oblivion and be lost. (I call it being lost to the anus of history rather than the annals of history) But all the enthusiastic suckers and the kunlun website will still be shining brightly and droves of new people will be damaged.
  8. AA

    OK, here is the story about the energy vampire. Starjumper and the Energy Vampire - Part 1 This hermit, me, decided to do some socializing and so I joined a group that has regular meetings. It's mainly a group of Reiki people, a couple of Reiki teachers looking for marks, and other interested and curious parties. They had pictures of the members on their website. The organizer looked nice enough, but I had a strong negative reaction to the assistant organizer that I didn't understand when I saw the picture of the assistant organizer, who calls herself a Reiki master and witch. I went to a group meeting and when I saw this person, I froze for a second as she looked sort of shocking, in a bad way, her hair was almost completely white, it was in a sort of loose perm, but it was extremely thin all over, so much so that you could see her scalp, like a very old lady, and yet the skin on her face looked like that of a twenty year old. My friend, Sushi, told me that this is a sure sign of an energy vampire. I recently told a friend about freezing for a moment when I sa the witch and mentioned that this is a natural reaction of a prey that sees a predator. he said if that had happened he would have turned right around and left. A more aware and wiser thing to do than what I did. When I joined online I mentioned that I was a chi kung adept and the organizer commented that he really liked me already. He had not greeted any other joinees like that. In retrospect I think it was to sucker me into visiting. During that meeting they had a person lie on a massage table and others in the group came up and waved their hands around, supposedly doing healing work. My teacher told me to not play energy games like that and so I stood aside at first but the organizer insisted I join in and I didn't want to be rude so I did for a couple of minutes. When the first person was done then the organizer said to me: "OK, you're next", not asking but commanding. I hated the idea of a bunch of freaking armatures messing with my energy, but once again, I didn't want to be rude and so I submitted. I lay on my back on the table and they came up and started holding their hands over me. I didn't want their energy and so I used intent to radiate energy outwards in order to overpower them. One of the guys there who was quite sensitive and psychic said that he felt he couldn't give me any energy because it felt to him like I was already saturated with energy. Then the witch came up to my head, sat on a chair, and put her hands on each side of it. Next she started sliding and reaching her hands down under my back, palms up, and as she did so she started making these moaning sounds. At first I though she was feeling my pain and was being empathic. It wasn't until later, after I figured out that she was an energy vampire, that I realized she was sort of like orgasming off my good energy as she vacuumed it up, which is about as disgusting to me as it gets, considering how very unattractive she is - and stealing. There's more to this story. Remember, everything has it's good and it's bad side. Edited to correct chronological arrangement of paragraphs
  9. Thankyou Mak Tin Si

    I feel the same way and I hope he remains to answer questions as I finally have a question after all these years.
  10. meditation help

    I'm sure Spring Forest is helpful, most chi kung is helpful in some way. As to the description of additional types of chi kung for generating power, I'm simply recounting parts of the practice I know - and importantly - keep in mind that i do emptiness meditation too so it would be hard to discern what is causing what. However I do know that some of th emovements we do increase chi much more than 'standard' chi kungs, because I did standard chi kung for a few years before being allowed to be a student of my main teacher. As far as believing which of us feels more energy that is impossible to say because we are not in each other's body. It would require someone like my teacher, who can look at our auras and know which one has more. Also, there is this. lets say two people have the same amount of chi but one is very yin and the other is yang. The yin one will feel like much more energy is flowing in them than the yang one but it is only their feeling and it actually isn't more. I myself am more yang, somewhat like a bull in a china closet. People who are sensitive tell me I radiate a LOT of chi when I practice, but it simply doesn't feel like that much to me. That is all I know. To your last question. If I do the MCO with my hands I feel the flow and it feels nice. If I do the same thing but have my hands around head level it does strange things to my perception and produces a kind of vertigo sensation. So who knows, I don't. All I know is that there are plenty of movement techniques which ramp up chi power quite a bit.
  11. AA

    I was a victim of an energy vampire who paraded around as a Reiki healer to get victims. I'll share some of that later, got to work now.
  12. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    My dear, I certainly hope that it can be cleaned up but it would require a very advanced person to help you I think. Possibly it doesn't affect everyone in the same way but I think it's because some people aren't sensitive enough. I just heard from someone who had a demon attach to themselves just from reading the book and practicing it. It prevented them from practicing their good practice, among o ther things.They were sensitive enough to feel the detrimental effect but didn't know where it was coming from until they met an advanced yogi. Keep in mind that this came just from the book and the practice, they hadn't even met Max or received his poisonous transmission. I hope and pray that you can clean it up yourself, but I would suggest finding a really good exorcist. Well this person I just heard from was able to erase it, with some very advanced help, so perhaps there is hope. I just assume that getting the transmission in person would make it more difficult. I'll tell you one thing, if Max tried to touch me he would be leaving the room feet first on a stretcher. ----------- Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic to say stuck with it for life. I'm referring mainly to those that accept it and don't feel damaged. Maybe some people in fact aren't damaged by it, maybe their karma blends perfectly with it. The thing to keep in mind is this that my teachers have told me: everything can be countered, which means there is a counterattack or counter move for any attack. So maybe there is hope. Maybe i should share the emails I got?
  13. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    It isn't just hypnosis, suggestion and expectation, those are tricks to get you to accept something more sinister. If you value your soul don't go. Do not accept energy from such a liar, it carries with it a big big problem and then you are stuck with it for life. I suggest reading this thread before you decide: While in the world I applaud your level headed appreciation of what he does but but beware of what is hidden! Do not go out of curiosity.
  14. Bruce Lee

    I think trapping is most useful mainly in situations which aren't really deadly. In other words if you show the other person that you can trap them easily then they might quit with no one getting hurt. Other than that, if we're talking about the same thing, in a serious deadly fight it can be used for just a split second to immobilize the other person and to set them up for the technique which takes them out. Other than that it's more like a game, like push hands. Also, everything has a counter. Phuerton, do you live in Seattle?
  15. Easy Tai Chi

    I have no experience with that form, and normally I would say don't try to learn it from a DVD because there is no feedback, but in this case it could be a good thing. I looked at the site and listened to part of the spiel, and I agree that for her it can be good to just learn a small number of movements deeply rather than a lot of movements with no depth, which I see too much of. As it says in the talk, each movement contains the essence and can teach the rules of tai chi. I learned the double long Yang form of Grandmaster Tchoung Ta Tchen, which is almost twice as long as the standard Yang long form because it includes the mirror image (has both left and right sides) of the standard form. It is very long, but when I practiced on my own, after going on to different things, I only practiced section one. Later when I showed my teacher he was impressed with my progress, he verified that section one is all you really need to learn tai chi and the rest is just variations. Plus, like sloppy said, some movement can be really good for someone older like her, and if she focuses on it, without thinking about her shopping list instead, it can be a good door into meditation. For someone her age it may well be impossible to get into sitting meditation cold turkey if she never did it before.
  16. meditation help

    Well if the best one you came across only does that then I would like to put forth the proposition that you haven't experienced powerful chi kung, nor have you experienced a lot of chi. There is much more that can be done in chi kung than what you describe for Spring forest. Some of the things that can increase chi more than Spring Forest is Zhan Zuang, shaking (hundreds of types), gathering chi from nature (hundreds of types), and chi packing (hundreds of types). It appears that Spring Forest has none of those and so it is what I call wimpy chi kung. A good nei kung system includes all of those techniques and more, in addition to the types of movement you describe. In addition the power types of chi kung cultivate a lot of hand power and so your hands are much better tools. I can do the microcosmic orbit by using my hands and it is much much stronger than can be done by simply sitting, and there are hundreds of variations of it, and most of them look somewhat like a beautiful exotic dance. However, in the final analysis, even done my way, the MCO does not increase chi power. Done 'properly', which consists partly of doing it much more slowly than most people do chi kung, makes it more like a strenuous moving zhan zuang. Done properly chi kung IS already meditation! It gets much more chi moving than can be done with sitting alone, and THEN we sit to put all that extra chi to work. You mention having it build up a tremendous amount of chi so that it works up the central channel but that doesn't sound like a tremendous amount, as the goal of a good nei kung system is to get chi pulsing very powerfully in your entire body, so much so that it feels like you have ants crawling all over your body, and inside too (ref: Tai Chi classics), and it generates a strong feeling of physical bliss. The chi feels very strong in your head and very large amounts of chi shine out from your entire body, and much more from your head, and even more than that goes out the crown point. That's the way I know, and I only know my way not others so I'm not an expert on cpomparative chi kung, I'm sure there are other ways. For example John Chang has stated (I guess) that he cultivates his power simply by sitting and it appears he has good power. I'm just trying to point out that your ideas are not complete. I guess my teacher was talented then because he got us started like this; "No thinking!" ... and focusing is a type of thinking. ... except for focusing on holding proper posture, which isn't thinking.
  17. Difference between SP or REAL DEMON POSSESION

    Hey Apey, I feel the same way you do. I think the non Taoists here consider him to be too superstitious, and he may be, a little. I have found though that I was wrong about ALL the things which I previously thought were superstitious and therefore I am willing to look at the kinds of things he says with an open mind, for they may well be true on some level. I used to raise hell on the Buddhist AOL forum, back when it was the only forum in town, and there were people there who dominated the forum who had rude reactions to anyone who claimed to be a master or who had an enlightenment experience. They chased some very high level masters away, and we were very lucky that one of those masters, who was a Chan and Taoist immortal, came to the AOL Taoism forum, by invitation, people had to be invited because it was a hidden forum due to AOL loosing the link to it =)
  18. Difference between SP or REAL DEMON POSSESION

    Wrong! You have dreams like that and you claim to be a spiritual teacher? That is a baaad sign. Another thing, due to the way this forum works I can't find it, but someone posted a nice video of some master doing chi kung and you implied that the chi kung shown was only symbolic. If you think it was symbolism then you don't know much about it
  19. Difference between SP or REAL DEMON POSSESION

    That's weird, exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday.
  20. Ascended Masters

    I think I will get that book. If you get that kind of emotional reaction it is because there is something there that is part of your path, it depends on which particular piece of the book causes that emotional reaction. I get a strong emotional reaction when I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull, which is an excellent depiction of a soul traveling on the way of the Way. I just knew that if I talked to him that he would hear me. Also, his path of Sidha Yoga, the hindu path of the sorcerer, has many similarities with my own practice and so I feel a kinship. I thought maybe it was busy because the kunloonies haven't been posting here much lately and were all over there. I was wondering about what you said about receiving a transmission from the book about Sri Yukteswar, a person on the side of light, and how that would blend with receiving a transmission from someone from the dark side, who is an incarnation of a demon. I just wanted to stress here that his practice has no similarity to, connection with, or is even remotely similar to the BS put out by the Church of Ananda, which I think call their practice Sidha Yoga too.
  21. Ascended Masters

    Hair gel, eeiwww. Whoever made that statue is a real master of the Way and he has produced a masterful depiction of a Taoist wizard, and so yes, I look like him, in my dreams, but I have discovered which one of the Taoist practices creates high cheekbones, also, I do like my herbs =) When I become an old fart maybe I'll let my beard grow out and then I'll look even more like him. Wait! I already am an old fart. There's no sign of the horns - yet. I don't know the significance of the headgear. In some paintings he is depicted with fleshy knobs on his head, but I like the way the horns upset Christians (thumbs up emoticon goes here)
  22. Ascended Masters

    It is of the Flaming Emperor. It is of a statue in China which depicts a person who is credited with discovering/inventing herbal medicine and also of farming. Called either the Flaming Emperor, Yim Dai, or the Divine Farmer, Sun Nong. Here is some information about him: The Divine Farmer The Divine Farmer whipped myriads of plants with His reddish-brown whip(*), so that He understood the nature of all those plants, knew whether they are Average, Poisonous, Cold, or Warm (*), and knew their smells, flavors and classifications. According to these knowledge, myriads of crops were planted, therefore He is honored by the world as "The Divine Farmer". (* It is said that "reddish-brown" means "tongue", thus "whipping the plants with His reddish-brown whip" means "tasting the plants with His tongue". The story of "The Divine Farmer tasted myriads of plants" is very famous. ) (* Average, Poisonous, Cold, and Warm: the different natures of medicinal materials, recognized by Chinese Medicinal System ) That particular picture appeals to me because of the physical condition, and what that physical condition says about the emotional condition it represents and it is a model for me. I like to be muscular and slender like him, but more importantly the posture can be said to be a regal posture, and I like to have a similar posture as well. In my cultivation I have come to understand the relationship between posture and attitude, and a regal posture is conducive to a very self confident attitude.
  23. Ascended Masters

    I've read about Sri Yukteswar, thanks for the picture. Oh yes, that makes a lot of sense, thanks for clarifying it for me. It was Babaji that I was demanding something of once, and I mean really demanded! The demand was that I wanted someone who had been injured on purpose by others to be healed. I finished my demand by saying (in my head) "Do it NOW!" and the answer came back instantly: "Do it yourSELF". It turned out that the person in question was evil and deserved what he got. That was the first time I got an answer after thinking something, and it was a real eye opener in many ways. The thing is that I don't know if it was Babaji or my teacher or some other ass ended master/wise guy who couldn't resist making a comment. No sorrows, no problem, everything is fine as it is. It never really got off the ground, only a small number of people discussed things there, and only with either miss Meow or myself, and we gave up. At least I did, I can't speak for her, but I think it's gone the way of the dodo. It has a lot of good info on it, and it's much better organized and nicer looking than this place, but this is where the action is. I guess I'll leave it there because it wouldn't be right to delete all the info.
  24. Sleep Paralysis or Demonic Possession?

    It was on TV long ago, actually I missed the part in the thread title that should have told me you already knew about sleep paralysis =) Anyway, here are some videos about sleep paralysis
  25. Bruce Lee

    I saw this on the internet and so ... I've been to Bruce's grave a few times, there are usually flowers there.