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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. I practice KunLun

    I'll start on these ideas in a different thread.
  2. Kunlun interactions

    and where is that?
  3. I practice KunLun

    The truth fairy says that's not true, by far, by far.
  4. I practice KunLun

    It's Sathya Sai Baba. Your Pal, Starman
  5. I practice KunLun

    I said I would grant his wish and meet him, did you miss that? You are the go between, and you offered the invitation here, in public, so if you want to do your part in his request then go tell him.
  6. I practice KunLun

    I agree with that in general, but there are convolutions of it as far as using power from the spirit realm, and power to me simply means being effective. I know I came down hard on the consorting with demons thing earlier but it was because I misunderstood a post, but really I was referring to the whole spectrum of using power from spirits, and I SAID that too, including things as innocuous as praying. For example with praying it doesn't really matter in this sense if you pray to a good or bad spirit, either way you are trying to take advantage of their power. So the point is I was thinking this applies to a lot of people, including myself. Does anyone pray? for anything? As far as cultivating chi power is concerned it has nothing to do with competition or controlling others, at least for me! I do it because having a lot of good clean energy just plain feels good, blissful, and it makes me healthy, and being healthy makes people happier, more joyful. The other things are just little silly games people play. Except for stuff like being able to heal or make other people feel really nice, radiating healing energy all the time, so that even my wife, for example, looks quite a bit younger than her younger sister.
  7. Why do you exist?

    Like Winnie the Pooh, to find the next pot of honey.
  8. I practice KunLun

    Nope, I'm one of those souls who likes to speak in generalities, with a little exageration here and there. My main point with that was differentiating between chi power cultivation and spirit power cultivation. One is the foundation of martial arts and the other is the foundation of shamanism. It's exactly the same in the warrior path, the cultivation of unconditional love comes about at higher levels but that doesn't mean they neglect their methods or power base, does it/ This idea that a shaman can leave their spirit support behind and connect to divine is interesting because i was wondering if there was some way people could drop their debt to spirits after having used them. So you seem to be implying that they can? My main goal here at TB lately is to figure out this demon stuff, and originally my focus was on kunlun but since I know I'm a mirror I use it to see how it applies to me too, my learning style can be a little traumatic for some observers I've been focusing on opening up my heart lately, say within the last month or so. I work it from the top down. I got lot's of energy in my head so I've been focusing on making the energy field around my body much bigger and it includes heart. Actually I just started working on increasing chi power again this last year, after taking about four years off.
  9. I practice KunLun

    Hey, you said in your previous post that THAT one was your last. Yes I have a connection to Sai Baba, and it's not a worshiping kind of connection. I mentioned it in the Starman Returns thread, remember? Well I'm very sorry. All this stuff is new to me and I'm trying to figure it out, particularly as it applies to me, and I've figured out a lot. You talked about Demon Fighting and how people couldn't resist it and so it looked like you were describing a self defense method for fighting people, you know, calling on demons to whack someone. I mean, come on, that's what it sounds like, and in the same thread you mentioned all kinds of other things of an interpersonal conflict/contest nature. Anyway, it seemed to tie into something that Lin said about demons and so I put them together. I'm sorry if I got that wrong in this case, but I feel what Lin said was correct! All this ties in to my concerns about sharing energy so I'll get to that soon enough.
  10. I practice KunLun

    I see you guys talk openly about your working with demon power so I guess there's no reason for me to have been so bashful about it like I was before. You know, if you associate with spirits or demons when you leave your body behind for the big sleep they own your ass and if one is to believe such things, it is said you become one of them as well. It's what shamanism is all about. Shamans work on cultivating power from spirits while martial artists work on cultivating chi power. The universe of spirits has got to be like anything else, containing swirls and eddies of yin and yang, light and dark, good and bad. What it is about bad, really, if there really is no good and bad? Bad is more like "needy", isn't it, It's clingy. Interestingly that's the way it works with chi too, sick energy is clingier than good energy. Another thing is that all aspects of a person are contained in their energy field and if they share their energy field with someone else then there is also a sharing of information and not just raw chi power. This information is what is given during a transmission, and it isn't like they're summoning demons, but the demons will be part of the 'information' that a person receives. Do these demons then go sashaying through the hallways of your mind, looking to see if anything fits? I saw people here talking about ascension. These people who are indebted to spirits won't be achieving ascension because the spirits own their ass. So, if you get anything from someone who gets their power from spirits, whether it be energy, lessons, transmissions, favors or prayers, then you are in debt to them and you become in debt to the same demons that provide the power. Don't think I'm taking a holier than thou attitude here either, it's too late for me since my soul's already been sold, I guess. But here's my advice to everybody else, if it's not too late for you: RUN!
  11. I practice KunLun

    I'm feeling more like having a meeting at this point so I'll grant his wish. March or whenever is fine with me. Oh, also, I don't do magic in any way that can be tested.
  12. Secret of the Golden Flower

    Well I never had an out of body experience, and I don't know if that was one trying to happen or not. The remarkable thing about the experience is the sense of 'being' as if in your third eye, and yes, it seemed that since I was 'there', that it was like being a tiny person there. So my question is about the feeling of the little person in the head and what that means, not OBE. What do you think about that?
  13. Tibetan Lama Demonstrating Qigong

    You didn't offend me, and it seems you don't know what is meant by intent. Intent means that if the other person doesn't do anything about it then my fist will hit the back of their head, because that's my intention. Bashing on each others forearms, as is done in a lot of play type martial arts, is not intent. I'm not commenting on the energy aspect of all this even though that is the thrust of the arguments here. What I wanted to bring up, which I didn't get around to stressing in the "best martial art" thread. Is that the most advanced martial arts work by disabling the attacker in a very peculiar way, and one that takes a lot of the 'internal' and that is blending with them so well that you steal their balance. These arts work on messing with the unconscious programing of the attacker, and most of you ignore this because you can't conceive of it, but it works on any attacker as long as they have intent. Now, when you get to the more far out aspects of this, you can mess with someone's programming while they are starting the punch even before making contact, cna you can steal their balance even without touching them.
  14. Amazing Chinese Master

    Video of How many of you can do THIS???
  15. Tibetan Lama Demonstrating Qigong

    It's possible to do a lot of that stuff by manipulating the attacker's intent and it works very well with non customers as long as they have intent. It's one of the ways that Systema and Yueng Chuan work They work by messing with the attackers programming and the result is that frequently when you attack, as soon as you punch it feels like the world drops out from under you and you're tumbling through the void, helpless.
  16. Secret of the Golden Flower

    Interesting description. I've felt something like this but I would never think of describing it that way in a thousand years, but it is a good description. It's like you are observing from a point in your forehead but there is a weird shift of some kind that makes you feel like 'you' are a little person located in your forehead. So it's kind of a feeling of separation. So what does it mean if you feel that? I never did anything like the practice you describe either. I'm NOT celibate and don't do the kind of circulation you describe.
  17. Amazing Chinese Master

    See! What did i tell you guys? I was wondering if we should be saying these things about that master and founder of that new system of energy healing, we could be undermining the practice of his students by doing that. Kidding aside, did people feel sick energy from the video or were they victims of suggestion due to the first posts about it? I think the main thing to take from this is to know that a lot of healers are carrying around sick energy, and without even knowing it, because they aren't sensitive to it or won't work on themselves. A lot of people think it's cool to go around sharing energy, but where I come from we care about the quality of our energy, not just the quantity so in order to keep that nice blissful feeling of our energy being as pure as the driven snow, we don't do much healing work.
  18. Amazing Chinese Master

    Well, part of my point is that even if you are sensitive, you already got the sick energy or you wouldn't be feeling it. The other part is that people could still be picking up sick energy from it even if they can't feel it. The first time I saw that video, which was before it was posted here, my own energy in my hands masked anything I might have been getting so I didn't feel it as chi. I did feel though that I just didn't like what he was doing, which should have been enough warning but I didn't tune into that enough.
  19. Amazing Chinese Master

    ...and if they don't get that feeling does it mean they didn't get the energy?
  20. Amazing Chinese Master

    I felt the first movement on my forehead but the rest of the stuff was kind of dismal. I only watched for a few seconds. I was thinking about this video and the fact that I felt something on my forehead. Someone else said it felt bad too. They say there is information encoded in energy, so what is this guy sending out to everyone, and who is this weirdo anyway, what kind of flaming weirdos and demons does he have in his entourage, and why is everyone willing to expose themselves to his sick energy? Take a look at him in the beginning , giving his spiel, it kind of looks like he has a telephone pole up his butt, doesn't he? So I guess I just let this bozo soil himself on my third eye. Great! I guess it's a common reaction people have, they do it out of curiosity, or like in this video where we weren't warned, it was trickery, it doesn't matter later, and maybe a shower isn't enough to get rid of it! Now I wonder how many will want to watch it to see if they get that soiled feeling or not.
  21. I practice KunLun

    Does this test amount to him trying to zap me with energy? in the head? That has to be it right? Just on the chance that the warning I got might be true I won't do that.
  22. I practice KunLun

    Well if being empathic is being weak minded, then yes, I'm really weak minded. I don't even want to get anywhere near that stuff.