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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. Weather Magick

    In your dreams I have built a real nice house in a beautiful setting, in a very pure and peaceful place in some wild nature in a big valley where I own both sides including a mountain top, so almost all I see belongs to me. No neighbors. All the neighbors with their noisy barking dogs and crowing roosters are far down the mountain, unseen and unheard. Not all alone, I have a nice wife with a pure heart who is a fantastic cook. I'm surrounded by a couple of beautiful shepherds, three cats who are real sweethearts, three friendly but sassy ducks, a couple of beautiful horses, lots of singing birdies, and I have a real nice, emotionally mature student who is my friend, who comes here. There's lots of flowers, some nice gardens, fruit trees all over the place. I have some dragons protecting me and the area, and my wife has what she calls angels that help her out when she wants. I haven't taken acid for over forty years, I don't drink, and I don't smoke pot very often. Sales of my book and videos makes a nice little addition to my social security. I have a lot that I am thankful for. So, Sir Palomides, tell us about your kind of loneliness.
  2. Weather Magick

    I'm such a pushover in real life. When I go to town people think I'm such a nice guy, real quiet and shy, you know. But I hardly ever go into town. There's just something about this forum that brings out my true self I won't say what it is about this forum right now cuz people might get trolled. Maybe later.
  3. Weather Magick

    I guess you could say that trolling for idiots is a kind of bullying. I think it's seen as bullying because it works so well. It's kind of fun, it causes people to show their true natures. I LIKE it. So, let's see who's next.
  4. Weather Magick

    A religion is where people go to hear about what some realizer said, a spiritual practice is where people work to become realizers themselves. Let me rephrase that for you. Someone who knows their ass from a hole in the ground will tell you that a religion is where people go to hear what some power or money hungry bozo wants them to think some realizer said, in a spiritual practice people work to become realizers themselves. You are right, of course, religions are superior after all ... for inferior people. Therefore wearing costumes is superior after all, for impressing inferior people. The sage can see both sides of the coin, morons only look at one side. This is due to ego problems. If you knew anything about Taoism you would have noticed the word 'desireless'. Desireless means accepting things as they are, it means not giving a fuck, being happy with the weather whatever it brings. Beliefs are crutches. Believe means do not know. Got the message yet? Religions are all about beliefs, therefore they are inferior ... for real people ... yet superior for babies who need crutches. It looks more like you're just plain blind. That's to be expected though, from a smirking egoist. Do you also imagine yourself to be a Taoist? Why is that, because it's a new age fashion, or because you are a member of a lineage?
  5. The perfect weapon

    I think it shouldn't go to zero, because some humans make nice stuff like this, and it doesn't require much technology
  6. Weather Magick

    Yes, it's the beginning of a Halloween mask, representing someone who came to see me once.
  7. The perfect weapon

    Well, as close to it as possible, if it actually went to zero then whatever started next wouldn't be human. I was thinking that some humans should survive in order to get a new human start. My thought trip was to try to imagine what amount of people would have to go away in order to make technology unsustainable. To drive people back to the Stone Age or Bronze Age possibly. For example, lets consider something technological, like an electric kitchen blender. People have to mine the ores, the metals need to be refined, then they need to be cast and machined, wires need to be drawn. Oil needs to be made into plastic using chemical processes and molded. All this requires a certain number of people working together. Machines also need to be made in order to produce parts, and those machines require all the same ingredients. Then of course there needs to be a power station or power supply. if people are too primitive, to separated, and lose too much technology those things will not be possible. Then, with time, will come the great forgetting, where stories of flying machines and electrical machines that can think will be relegated to ancient myths. All the super rich already stole most of the wealth, so they're OK with it, and they have their bunkers to protect themselves in. Hopefully they will bring the virus with them into the bunkers
  8. Weather Magick

    I read those books too, and liked them a lot.
  9. Weather Magick

    I see you synch well with the jealous little troll. The statement in question by Mr. Smirk was something along the lines that a person had to dress up in some costume to really be on a spiritual path. I said that spiritual paths don't use costumes and that costumes are used in religions. I suppose some here may know the difference between a spiritual practice and a religion. Then Mr. Flat Chest said something about 'faiths'. Well in a real spiritual practice faith is rejected, and beliefs are rejected, one goes on internal experience and what they know from experience. Faith and beliefs are aspects of religions, not spiritual paths. I suppose some few here may know the difference between a spiritual practice and a religion. Then, it's clear some infants get upset when they hear about levels. Most people with an ounce of brains know instinctively that everything has levels. including shamanic paths. It's true some prehistoric shamans used costumes, but those are to impress the constituents during ceremonies, which I mentioned. Anyway, concerning levels of shamanic practices, they are commonly categorized into higher, middle, and lower. The higher ones consist of spiritual practices to cultivate power, which are shared among lineages of immortals. They don't wear costumes The middle ones are represented by adepts who are inner door disciples of powerful masters for some decades. Like I said, they may wear costumes to impress the peons. The lower level consists of smirking flat chested fops and other assorted fat asses who read some books and then go parading around in elaborate costumes and waving their arms around. Guess which one I'm a member of. YAHAhahahaha ... Go fuck yourselves. Another thing that is known about shamanism, is that the low and medium level shamans hate it when a high level shaman comes to town; so ... let the crybaby tantrums continue.
  10. The perfect weapon

    Actually I wrote 99%, but in reality, in order for technology to go away, I think 99.9% would be better. My motivation is to save as many animal species from going extinct as possible. Sorry I'm not following you about lack of ambition, please explain.
  11. Weather Magick

    Halloween costumes are exempted.
  12. The perfect weapon Don't worry it's not a conspiracy for population control or to make more money for the drug companies. YAHAhahahaha ...
  13. Weather Magick

    Beliefs are crutches for babies. Costumes are for amateurs. All real high level spiritual paths have commonality at their heart, but no belief or faith is required. Religions are divisive. You are clueless about what is real. Wanting to change the weather is a desire, those who can see the mystery are desireless. Anyway, Lordy, those who know can see that you are unable to hear or see anything about what real or high level means, so go on, play your silly games. Wizards aren't flat chested either. Since it is clear that you are unwilling of unable to comprehend what I am talking about we are done now. You stick to your silly faiths.
  14. Weather Magick

    You can see a video of one of the more powerful ones in the world in my personal practice section. See what he's wearing.
  15. Weather Magick

    You said costumes are required for dedication to a spiritual path. That is incorrect. Costumes are worn in religions, and religions are, like I said, a joke compared to real spiritual paths. My source is Lao Tzu: "The sage wears his jewel behind rough clothing" My sources also originate from knowing a couple of top level powerful Taoist wizards, they wouldn't be caught dead in some costume.. I can't speak to the disgusting habits of new age fairies and losers. If you think you can learn the real thing from books, go ahead.
  16. Weather Magick

    Any spiritual path that requires costumes is a joke. Those costumes are for mid and low level shamans, for ones who need the help of spirits and for public displays. The high level shamans don't need no steenking ceremonies, and they can often be seen in faded blue jeans and cowboy hats.
  17. The perfect weapon

    You left a couple out: + 5G, which weakens the immune system + the ventilation system.
  18. The perfect weapon

    This is another reason older people are sidelined, because they remember what it was like.
  19. Weather Magick

    On behalf of low slung battleships everywhere, I object. Resoundingly and repeatedly i don't understand, or maybe you misunderstood? My comment was in reference to breasts on Josh in particular, and men in general.
  20. The perfect weapon

    Not yet.
  21. The perfect weapon

    Keep in mind this is from one month ago:
  22. Silly hats of religion

  23. Weather Magick

    Then the answer is a resounding "Eiiwww, gross!"
  24. Weather Magick

    In some ways yes, in some no. it depends. Are we referring to high breasted virgins.1,2 Or low slung battleships? 1. from the book "1001 Arabian Nights" (written before the advent of birth control) 2. any more than a handful is wasted.
  25. The perfect weapon

    Now there's something to think about. Lao Tzu sez the sage does not contend but I imagine that is referring to verbal contention, they simply don't bother to argue with someone. However, I also imagine that they may contend with swords or guns when it comes to attachment to territory, family, or tribe. My comment about sages was in reference to this statement: I think sages would be excluded from this.