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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. The best chi kung healers in the world?

    He's also incorrect about what his problem is.
  2. Qi is NOT Energy

    I think that people try to make things too complicated with some of their definitions, and the different types of chi can actually be explained in a fairly simple and straightforward manner. Also, one can cultivate more chi than just from air and food because some types of movements can generate chi that can be absorbed, in addition to gathering external chi. The chi that you get from air and food is pretty limited, the others aren't. Yes, it is wonderful to become aware of more senses and to discover how they can be used. I've found that when my chi power increases in a balanced way that I become more psychic, telepathic, have more premonitions, and synchronicity, but I don't know anything about divinity.
  3. Qi is NOT Energy

  4. The best chi kung healers in the world?

    Yes dancing, fast dancing, is good advice, and it looks like the guy in the video has some training in martial arts, and one of the movements he uses is from tai chi.
  5. Qi is NOT Energy

    Yes, I said I could feel their intent, and yi is intent. BUT intent leading chi is usually in reference to the way it works in your own body. What I was getting at is that if you can read another person's intent in a psychic manner this requires the transmittance of information through the air, and the only way that information can be transmitted through the air is with some kind of electromagnetic radiation, which in the case of sight is visible light. Sensing with eyes closed means the transmission is using some part of the electromagnetic spectrum other than visible light. I was thinking that if it is an energy that can be sensed in this manner then it is some form of chi, but it is different than projected chi, which you can feel in a tactile manner. The sensing of intent is not tactile but is psychic. So this gets back to the same old question: how does picking up psychic information and telepathy work? It may be another part of the chi spectrum with much information embedded.
  6. Cold water on my chest? Sensation?

    Cold energy is a sign of cancer when you are scanning another person and feel it with your hands.
  7. Qi is NOT Energy

    I've been contemplating the information carrying aspect of chi. When I think about chi, which is hardly ever, I think of it as a sort of form of 'raw' energy. That is, energy without much information other than it's frequency. All electromagnetic (broadcasted) energy must have a frequency (as opposed to stored energy, as in a battery). This frequency is the most basic of oscillations and therefore carries no real information except for it's rate of vibration. But then there are other things like intent and mind reading. For example if someone thrusts or swings a sword at you it is possible to know where it is being aimed at and dodge it while you are blindfolded. This is picking up on the intent of the other person (if they do it without intent it isn't possible, or at least it's much more difficult) This is different than sending chi out the sword, which canthen be felt as chi. Also, there is mind reading and telepathy. Previously I had thought of these psychic things as not being chi, but I suppose that chi could be the carrier of the information and that it is highly modulated so that it can carry complex information. _______________ Also, the idea that chi is air or breath is a carryover of past, more ignorant times, it is incorrect. However, there is chi IN the air, or the air space.
  8. As above, so below

    Hi, are you the same guy as my friend who posts under the name ai at the tea House?
  9. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    I should have known, so now I'm a bliss junkie? That's just frosting on the cake of the experience. You missed the main word - 'cessation', which includes all the other BS you people rant about. I never did give a damn about enlightenment and I don't chase after bliss experiences nor powers. I think I'm done here now.
  10. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    It's true, you asked a question so my comment may have been uncalled for on this thread but there has been evangelism on other threads, hasn't there? Concerning the Taoist description of enlightenment, you will find one in the popular book "Opening the Dragon Gate". There are some other descriptions in some obscure texts, but I don't read much of those kinds of texts, particularly lately, and I do not keep foot notes. I can if I want to, but I do not subscribe to the play acting I described earlier. Yes, but YOU said that Buddhist enlightenment was different than others, and there is an air of superiority being outgassed by Vaj the Buddhist and your post seemed to have some of that too. Ya, Buddha almost died, blah blah blah, Jesus died, blah blah, big deal, give me a break. I do want to point out that at least one Buddhist here, My good buddy Spirit Ape, is not like Vaj the Buddhist at all, I have a lot of respect for him and my criticisms are leveled at the armchair parrot types. Did you notice how Spirit Ape cleaned up his act when he started selling here? I might do that too. I do want to address this idea of Buddhist enlightenment being 'different' if not also superior as claimed by Vajjy There is the enlightenment experience, which is the same for everyone, but now we have to deal with the concept of being enlightened, which is different than the experience. The way people speak of 'being' enlightened doesn't necessarily include the cessation and bliss of the experience and is what I called the acting out of it, but better words to describe it might be unconditional love, super psychic, and emotionally mature, in various shades depending on how it plays out; and these things can evolve over a period of years after one has the experience if they play it right. Also, there can be no doubt that some people get to some of those same places simply by making an effort to control themselves, and they can go far, but is it really enlightenment? It all depends on how the definition has been bastardized over the years by priests. Ref - TTC #1
  11. What does your Qi feel like?

    ... feels like heaven
  12. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    Bullshit! Buddhism does NOT have a patent on enlightenment, what they have a patent on is being so anal about it and focussing on it ad-nauseum and so they think they have the patent. The notion that Buddhist enlightenment is superior is foolishness, and just for them to say 'Buddhist' enlightenment as if it is somehow different means they aren't talking about true enlightenment and don't know what it means. There's so much dogma around it that they are quite confused, but it doesn't stop their soaring egos to keep mentioning how they have it all buttoned up, does it. There are plenty of Taoist sects and practices that lead to enlightenment, and quickly too, they just don't go around shouting others down about it. On the other hand, the Buddhist sects that go around in the streets with loudspeakers proclaiming their advanced practices for achieving enlightenment are the least likely to provide it, and many of their so called enlightened are really just doing a little song and dance performance. Let me try to explain that last sentence, I think few will get it. There is a thing called an enlightenment experience which is the real wowwie zowwie thing and is the same for everyone everywhere, for those few who get it. It ignites an alchemical change in an individual but it's back to reality and duality for you pal, after your experience. From there an individual must do much cultivating to take advantage of and make sense of their experience. What happens is that many Buddhist, after they have their experience, think they are all that and start putting on a big act due to their dogma and preconditioning. so the enlightenment experience is what is real and it can last for a day or two, to say someone is enlightened (not the experience) is really a relative definition of their state and how close they can get to returning to the fullness of the original experience, if they even had that. You can be sure that many of them are putting on the act without even having the experience. So the Taoists (and the Hindus), who are much more grounded in reality, will tell you that the enlightenment experience is a stepping stone along the way, but due to their dogma the Buddhists think they've finally ARRIVED and they're all that. If some of the Buddhists here had the experience they might sing a different song. The way they speak of enlightenment is the same way Christians speak of being 'saved' it's just a bunch of religious evangelism, and you can bet your life that the fundamentalist Buddhists will not be able to accept this. Here's another way to look at it, Taoism and Hinduism are true shamanic, indigenous, prehistoric, and inclusive systems. They are inclusive and have no axe to grind. BUT all religions that come out of others, as Buddhism came out of Hinduism, define themselves by what they are against and how they are better. This is easy to see in the West, where Catholicism came out of Judaism, and Islam and the other Christian protestant religions came out of Catholicism. They are each defined about what they are against in their progenitors and why they are better, even though they are all the same. It's a bunch of backstabbing engendered by a bunch of power hungry priests. Buddhism is the same. Know the evangelists, invading a Taoist forum, for what they are, and have pity; but wouldn't it be nice if they shut their yaps about it?
  13. Shaktipat

    Good, I just wanted to give you some practice with the delete button. See, it's not so hard. On some forums it's only the moderators that get to read all my best stuff.
  14. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    I like the one that's usually on the right! This is a test to add a video:
  15. Shaktipat

    I wouldn't bother splitting the threads, it's a lot of work with so many posts and with some posts being half on and half off and such, along with several side threads. Besides, even though I haven't read it, I suspect the subject of shaktipat was already beaten to death on this thread, and a new KAP thread starts about every ten minutes here so it will be the same thing all over again, and hardly anyone cares whats in these threads a couple days after they die out. If you want to whip these people into line you'll need an army of cut throat moderators that love the delete button. For example if you split this thread what would you do with this post and the previous one?
  16. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    The ratio of enlightenment among martial artists who meditate is MUCH higher than in those who just meditate. Those who meditate and don't practice MA have about the same ratio of enlightenment as the general public. By MA I mean the killing arts, not the sport ones. Also, absolutely no explanations of anything EVER are required.
  17. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    Some paths are WAY superior to others, it's just that they aren't sorted by religion. Within most religions there is a spectrum of sects that runs from fundamentalist to spiritual, with the spiritual ones being the most likely to cause enlightenment; yet among them some are superior to others as well. Which religion it comes from has nothing to do with it. Nor does having views and preferences block the chance of having an enlightenment experience.
  18. Shaktipat

    Now there's one that's short enough to read. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Bunch of verbose escapists, phhht.
  19. Shaktipat

    Oh man, you mean I have to teach fat people? No way! If someone doesn't have at least enough self respect to be healthy with proper weight they have no business coming to me to 'get healthy'. But actually I'm scared of fat people, their energy usually feels icky, and here's one true story as to why: I had this one student who was sort of chubby and we had been exercising together for a couple months when one time the word FAT started popping into my head. Well I felt mortified, you know, and was embarrassed and guilty. Sometimes the word would pop into my head as fat, sometimes as fat, sometimes P H A T, and sometimes like fat, but narry a word did escape my lips. That type of thing hadn't happened before, I couldnā€™t stop it and felt guilty and it was quite upsetting to me. So at the end of class he comes up to me and says: ā€œIā€™m not fatā€. And I go whoa ... OK, whatever you say boss, and I probably had a look on my face that was like ā€œOh really?ā€ and I didnā€™t say anything. So I never heard from him again - no just kidding, he called and said he was too busy at work and was quiting Chi Kung. A little less than a year later he called back and said he had tried some other Chi Kung classes from some of the local Chinese ā€˜mastersā€™ and that he had felt more energy when doing my Chi Kung at home and much more energy when doing it with me and he wanted to come back and be my student again. I said: ā€œNah.ā€ or something like that. I still had that guilt, fear, and dislike left from the psychic name calling I had done earlier, and I didnā€™t want to take a chance on the possibility that we would be practicing and have the word fat start popping up in my head all the time. So thatā€™s why I said that, honest. _______________ Anyway, if you want to make fun of armchair Buddhist wannabees I have a lot of experience, I'm your guy, somebody stop me! Actually i can no longer bear to read their stuff so there's no comment.
  20. What is your favorite Qigong System and Why?

    I can't imagine why anyone would want a bird with a fat ass! It would have a hard time getting off the ground. This is the kindof bird that I like: They're so healthy it makes my brain scream. Guess which one I like. Speaking of birds, today I saw four crows hassling a bald eagle near my house. Thank you to those that offered supportive comments. Yes, prayer and intent work, and watch out what you wish for, especially if you practice the Way. I've been learning that intent is very strange, now that I can use it
  21. Shaktipat

    I glanced at the shaktipat link that Shaktimama posted, which is now lost in the dust, and I see I was incorrect about 'real' shaktipat so I appologize to Shaktimama. There are also various levels of wimpy shaktipat in addition to real shaktipat, and there's also the super duper deathtouch shaktipat, I think the one I got was second from the top, and like whatsisname said, one is enough.
  22. Shaktipat

    I was here near the beginning too and went through the same reactions from the crowd. I remember posting a comment to you about it and you said something like don't dis Max because you were going to give it a try. I think that was you. Did you give it a try? Anyway, I think it's safe to say that the reason Santi won't crap on Max is because this forum is his marketplace, or one of them, and to do so makes one look bad, doesn't it? Also because he is willing to accept all comers, which isn't necessarily a good thing. Since then I've learned more about that situation. It turns out that the name Mao Shan has a certain ring to it, and alluring ring which sounds attractive, and as it originated it was popular. This did not escape the notice of the Tong and they then started using the name to scam suckers and it worked so well and became even more popular, particularly in Hong Kong. The name Kunlun, which really isn't Kunlun as it is presented by the Mao Shan, also has a certain alluring ring to it.
  23. Shaktipat

    He was just telling the truth, just a teeny bit of it, and he's nicer than I am as I wouldn't consider teaching someone who practices that crap. There are different levels of 'real'.