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Everything posted by Starjumper

  1. The Highest Psychic Power

    I just read the details of vision screen and it's more than I first thought it included, so yes, I will agree that it's up near the top, could be top; but you're pretty brave there, brandishing absolutes about like that. Thanks for the instructions.
  2. The Highest Psychic Power

    I see, is it too difficult to write the whole list?
  3. The Highest Psychic Power

    No not that big, forget it.
  4. The Highest Psychic Power

    So Robert Bruce is a Hindu? I'm a Taoist. What exactly are THESE siddhis you refer to that are the greatest in the universe?
  5. The Highest Psychic Power

    PS. what about making big objects materialize and dematerialize?
  6. The Highest Psychic Power

    I was thinking there might be some more powerful psychic abilities that people can cultivate. Like what about making people in the distance loose their balance and fall down using mind control? What about making small objects materialize or dematerialize? What abut the art of invisibility? I think there may be some psychic powers greater than those =)
  7. I've been without internet for a few days, took a hit from nature, or was that nature helping a wish I had just made to come true, more later. Weird stuff, smells like magic. Michael. when I get around to it I'm going to make a correction to something you said which disagreed with something I said on this thread =) unless you can find it first. I was going to bring it up last summer but banning caused an intermission. Thank god for bannings.
  8. Yes, but the devil is in the details. To be happy you must first be healthy. To be happy you MUST first be healthy, physically, emotionally, AND mentally. How you do that fast is the big question. Some high power Nei Kung systems can get you there in a couple of decades, but most people take about 10,000 years to do it their way. Also, note that some of the people claiming to sell nei kung are um ... So that means some people who think they know and are doing nei kung are actually, um, ... making a mistake. Then, to be REALLY happy you MUST cultivate the ability to achieve bliss, physicall blis, emotional bliss, and metal bliss. That also requires a (real) high power nei kung, prerequisite being super health. Yes, the goal of life is to be happy - and most people are going about it in the exact opposite direction from the way they should be going to get there. So just work on the health and don't concern yourself with other goals.
  9. Start with meditation, standing is faster.
  10. No it's not too personal, but being asked that frequently around here get's kind of old. A good Jedi might have checked my profile before asking in public =)
  11. Sorcerer's Rule #1. Look for what is hidden. If you learn to feel the force you could possibly sense the metal in the gun from a distance, or know of it because you can see his thinking.
  12. that all makes sense and I, like you, look forward to more scientific evidence of things that are possible.I don't know why it is, but it seems the world over that the fewest people get to see the most far out stuff, so you had best learn whose word to trust if you aren't going to go to the trouble to find someone to show you in person or learn to do it yourself. Also, there is a dictate in Taoism ... and myself, being a True Blue Taoist of the old school, I recognize great danger in personal display. It's a delicate thing, and best to show only your friends; in this case students and teachers being the friends. We don't wear no steenking uniforms and go around bowing in our family.
  13. HA! In general maybe, ever tried a Taoist wizard? edit: and if that's true it just goes to show ya how sick our society is, don't you think?
  14. You just keep going to your therapist, OK? and good luck Whew!
  15. Some things, many things, are best left unshown; particularly when it comes to combat.
  16. How many ejaculations per week I can have?

    It depends on how old you are, there is a formula. It's very good you are not practicing retention, the poor misguided young people who do that are worse than anal retentive =) Here is one way of looking at it. The Way that follows nature is the Real Way. so in your twenties - once a day in your thirties - once every two day in your fourties - once every three days in your fifties - once every four days and so on and so forth, of course that is from a bygone era, when people were all mostly healthy. Now only about 1% of the people over the age of ten are healthy in my country, how about yours? Then, of course 60s - 5 days 70s - 6 days but a curious thing happens on the Path, when you start to glow in the dark it starts going the other way in spite of increasing age. I need a girl friend.
  17. Yes, I know Michael is a real person and has cultivated well and is a good teacher. If you like his book then I'll look at it some more, your recommendation has value. I guess I'll get the DVD, that way I can see what he does, but It's all so silly, why am I doing this/ I've probably seen it all before, so It's just to check him out, to see how well he moves, and to see his (marketing) methods. All DVDs like this are marketing, I'm thinking of making a DVD. As you probably know the problem is finding someone with more GOOD chi power than me to learn from, and that's a big problem. There are only four of those in the Northwest. Three of them are my friends and teachers, one is my kung fu brother and fearless clan leader, and getting introduced to the fourth is on the back burner. I'm busy making a homebuilt airplane now and my cultivation plate is already overflowing. My brother wants me to make a DVDs of my chi kung, so I'm making one soon of our beginning style, but it's will be just for private distribution within our family ... because DVDs are marketing. So send me a DVD and a bill and I promise I'll watch the whole thing, even do it too. How much is the DVD if I already got the book?
  18. I left out some parts, like the part where I found the marbles again, and this time they look more like pearls.
  19. The Third Eye

    duplicated post
  20. The Third Eye

    If you are referring to the sliver of wood in the head story then that method is a true technique. However, on asking my teacher about it he said the use of surgery to accomplish opening the top is stupid and relatively worthless compared to doing the proper cultivation before and during in order so that it happens naturally from the inside out. The results of doing it right are rathre amazing.
  21. It's an honor to be insulted by someone of your stature. and to think that labeling you would get me banned, again. Have fun Edit: how many times can a person get banned from this place anyway?
  22. Thanks for the book report, surfer dude. I found the book and set it next to another paperback book on the floor and scanned them for energy differences with my hand. Michael's book did have some more energy. The other book, just had reflected energy from my hand. However, maybe Michael's book was like that simply because it was newer and there was more life energy left in it from the recently living trees? Naaahh. I never tried scanning no steenking books before, so that was interesting. I'll try scanning some other newer and older books and ones from high level spiritual masters vs. non spiritual later to see how it plays out. Normally I can't scan stuff like that too much before they become so energized from my hand that they become similar. The energy in Michael's book, however, increased faster than the other instead of equalizing. Anyway, Michael, as far as me not reading your book ... I can't recall finishing a book in years that wasn't a really good science fiction book, and Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I'm just not much of a book reading kind of guy any more, so I hope you didn't take it as too much of a put down, sorry. Also, I don't see anything wrong with putting out a book generally for advertising purposes, that's a time honored tradition used by thousands of healers and spiritual people the world over. I was right that it didn't get into teaching movement practices, which is a good thing, because a good movement based chi kung can't be taught in a book. Not saying it's a good movement based system, because if it was you should look like James Bond. I looked it over pretty carefully and did read about what I was looking for, that it didn't describe cultivation techniques but offered discount to DVD or classes. But, you know, I'm weird, I already read lots of books like that, and they were nice but I'm looking for something different. I'm looking for the keys to the universe, through the door marked 'immortal'. I got some keys but need a couple more, got a couple screws loose, lost my marbles, the usual shit. I don't think your book has any of the kind of keys I'm looking for, which basically has to do with cultivating a certain kind of mind power which Jedi are fond of, if you know what I mean ;-) Let me know if you have any of those keys lying around. And Wisdom is fine too, for some people, but I already had my fill of that stuff, been there, done that. Wisdom, I know some amazing people who have that, I think we would all agree it isn't worth much and is mainly a noisy smelly byproduct of reaching for bliss, What really has true wisdom is only found in the right practices on the right paths. So I hope that helps Michael, if there's some part of the book that is special to you (and may reflect on what I want) and you would like to share it then me let me know.
  23. The Twelve Steps and Tao

    I think it's really well done and opens it up just the way you had in mind. It appears to be aligned well with most true spiritual paths (NOT religions).
  24. Well, I got the book from Amazon four or so months ago and it sat unopened for a week or two. Then the decision, I decided to open it instead of returning it. I looked through it a bit but didn't read much. It was sort of what I expected. It's the kind of thing I've thought of putting out there, telling about some interesting things that have happened, implying things could happen to you too (which is correct) and that you can do (like it shows energy healing techniques) but not too much about how to cultivate the ability to use those techniques. So, it's mainly an advertisement, and a pretty expensive one too. I decided not to go that route (book for advertising). You know, too many dragons in the closet.
  25. whistle blowing on breathing in the genitals

    Good! Some forms of certificate are useful sometimes no doubt, but what of when popular teachers of BS are certified? For medical chi kung or healing chi kung learned at a Chinese hospital then it makes sense that a person should have a certificate. When you get to the other end of the spectrum, the nei kung for power generation and spiritual alchemy, if someone parades around a certificate then you would in most cases be smelling a skunk. Then it begins to be like church religion, where losers graduate from college to be spiritual leaders of blah blah of people, even if they graduate with a D.